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  • - 中国古典教育向基督教古典教育的回归
    av Brent Pinkall

    基督没有抹去我们的文化身份,而是救赎之。在西方,基督教古典教育正在经历一场复兴;越来越多的中国基督徒也热切希望参与其中--但他们面临着一个困境。基督教古典教育的当代资源几乎一致将其定义为一种以西方语言、西方文学和自由七艺为基础的西方传统。那么,中国基督教古典学校也必须采用一套西方课程体系吗?抑或是应当汲取他们自身的东方传统--一套由孔子、司马迁和李白塑造,而非柏拉图、希罗多德和莎士比亚塑造的传统?在《救赎六艺》这本书中,丁家威(Brent Pinkall)表明,在根本上,基督教古典教育不是一套由固定文本和固定学科构成的准则,而是一种基于第五诫--当孝敬父母--的路径。只要祖先不同,学习的语言、文学、技艺也会不同。虽然中国的基督徒和西方的基督徒有着共同的"属灵"祖先,但他们"地上"的祖先却有所不同;因此他们的课程不仅要显示出与西方共同的"基督教"传统,还要显示出独特的"古典"传统。在第一部分,丁家威回顾了中国四千年来的古典教育史,这一传统根植于"六艺":礼、乐、射、御、书、数。在第二部分,他探讨了在这一虽是异教但颇丰厚的传统之中,上帝的普遍恩典。此外,他也思考了中国的基督徒如何能在避免落入随之而来的陷阱的同时,救赎这一传统,荣耀上帝;正如西方的教会也救赎了继承自他们希腊-罗马的异教祖先的"七艺"传统。在对照这两种传统时,读者既会发现荣耀的独特之处,也会发现惊人的相似之处。他们会认识到,上帝不仅通过逻各斯(Logos)启示自己,也通过道(Dao)启示自己。

  • av Christiana Hale
    289 - 425,-

  • av Gordon Wilson

    It's about time Darwinism is seen for what it is. Why are brilliant and logical scientists not reasonable on the question of the ultimate cause of the unity, diversity, and complexity of life on Earth? We wrongly think that an accurate view of life's origins can be deduced by science and logic alone apart from faith and humble submission to God's Word. Without the light of God's Word, unbelievers have built up an edifice, a theory of life's origins known as Darwinian Evolution, which they believe is an impregnable fortress. In our Darwin-dominated society, blind chance, mutation, and natural selection have received most of the glory for the unity, diversity, and complexity of life on Earth. It's about time this philosophy is seen for what it is: a sandcastle on the beach, in the face of the rising tide.

  • av Brent Pinkall

    Christ does not erase our cultural identities. He redeems them.As Classical Christian Education experiences a renewal in the West, more and more Chinese Christians are eager to participate in it-but they face a dilemma. Contemporary resources on classical Christian education almost unanimously define it as a Western tradition rooted in Western languages, Western literature, and the seven liberal arts. Does this mean that Chinese classical Christian schools must also adopt a Western curriculum? Or might they draw from their own Eastern tradition, one characterized not by men such as Plato, Herodotus, and Shakespeare but by Confucius, Sima Qian, and Li Bai?In Redeeming the Six Arts, Brent Pinkall argues that classical Christian education is not fundamentally a canon of fixed texts or subjects but rather an approach rooted in the Fifth Commandment: Honor thy father and thy mother. Insofar as our ancestors differ, the languages, literature, and arts we study will also differ. Although Chinese Christians share the same "spiritual" fathers as their Western counterparts, their "earthly" fathers are different, and therefore their curriculum must reflect not only a shared "Christian" heritage but also a unique "classical" heritage.

  • av Melissa Cain Travis

  • av Vergil

  • av Anselm

  • av Titus Livy

    THE HISTORIANS READER is a selection from the most famous works written by the historians of the ancient Roman Empire. It is designed to complement Romans: The Historians, a unit in the Old Western Culture curriculum, and includes all the assigned readings in one volume.

  • av Aeschylus

    Drama and Lyric is a selection of Greek plays and poetry from early antiquity. It is designed to complement The Greeks: Drama and Lyric, a unit in the Old Western Culture curriculum by Roman Roads Press. Based on the Great Books of western civilization, Old Western Culture guides students through the literature, history, theology, and philosophy of the West, and does so from a Christian perspective. Table of Contents: The Agamemnon by Aeschylus, The Libation Bearers by Aeschylus, The Eumenides by Aeschylus, Oedipus the King by Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus by Sophocles, Antigone by Sophocles, The Trojan Women by Euripides, The Medea by Euripides, The Frogs by-Aristophanes, Sappho's Poems by Sappho, Odes of Pindar by Pindar, Idylls of Theocritus by Theocritus, Works and Days by Hesiod,¿The Fall of Troy by Quintus of Smyrna.

  • av Francis Foucachon

  • av Gwen Burrow

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