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Bøker utgitt av Ransom Press International

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  • av Marylu Tyndall

    Don't miss the exciting conclusion to the Best-Selling series Legacy of the King's Pirates!Pregnant, in prison, and about to be hanged for piracy, Lady Gabrielle Hyde has lost all faith in God, man, and life itself. Unlike her wildly adventurous family, all Gabrielle ever wanted was to settle down with a good man and have a bevy of wee ones. Then how did she end up about to take her last breath at the end of a rope? Captain Cadan Hayes despises women of noble birth. Betrayed by his wife and her lover, he spent five long years as a prisoner-slave on Barbados. Now, as a fierce and successful pirate, he longs to enact revenge on the man who ruined his life.When Cadan discovers that Gabrielle carries the son of his enemy, he captures her to use as bait. What he didn't expect was that the lady would be the one to trap him! Ship battles, sword fights, kidnappings, and a hunt for lost pirate treasure send the couple on a wild adventure that could either grant them their hearts' desire or end up in disaster for them both. Swashbuckling adventure. Swoony romance. Danger and intrigue and a fast paced plot. It's all here, folks. But the best of all is the message of hope and faith that shines like sunlight on the high seas. A satisfying conclusion to this piratey series! -Michelle Griep, Christ Award-winning author of Man of Shadow and Mist

  • - Verborgene Weisheiten aus dem Buch Prediger
    av Russell M Stendal

    Was wäre, wenn wir unser Leben falsch angepackt hätten?Was wäre, wenn wir erkennen müssten, dass Glück nicht darin besteht, einen besser bezahlten Job, eine Frau und drei Kinder zu haben, oder die richtigen Leute zu kennen oder sogar in die Gemeinde zu gehen?Was ist wirklich das Geheimnis eines erfolgreichen Lebens?Nachdem er mehr Gold, Frauen, fantastische Häuser und Weisheit als jeder andere Mann auf der Erde bekommen hatte, entdeckte König Salomo dieses Geheimnis.Das Buch "Prediger" ist nicht von ihm geschrieben, um sich selbst zu bemitleiden, sondern als eine Richtung weisende Botschaft für einen jeden von uns. Nachdem er alles erreicht hatte, möchte König Salomo uns seine Erkenntnisse und Schlussfolgerungen wissen lassen.Lass dir, lieber Leser, von König Salomo zeigen, wie man echte Schätze im Himmel sammelt. Schätze, die sogar die seinigen übertreffen, und Reichtümer, die nur er in solch großer Menge unter dieser Sonne anhäufen konnte.Dieses Buch "Erkenntnisse aus dem Leben König Salomos" offenbart und zeigt uns zwei verschiedene Seiten: einmal die Weisheit Salomos, die der Herr ihm auf seine Bitte hin schenkte. Und zum anderen zeigt es die Torheit unserer menschlichen Wege. Dennoch erhebt sich über Allen Gottes Prophetie und Sein ewiges Wort. Des Herrn Wunsch ist es, dass sich im Leben jedes Einzelnen beides fruchtbringend entfaltet. Einen Wegweiser dazu entdecken wir in den verborgenen Weisheiten im Buch "Prediger".

  • - Wie Sich Gottes Prophetischer Plan Offenbart
    av Russell M Stendal

    Die Posaune symbolisiert die direkte Stimme Gottes und das Evangelium der Erlösung. Sie wurde geblasen, um vor Gefahr zu warnen und anzukündigen, dass es Zuflucht und Schutz bei Gott gibt.So, was verlangt der Herr nun von uns, damit wir an Seinem Erlösungsplan teilhaben können?In diesem Buch entdecken Sie: Schriftstellen aus dem Alten Testament, die die Bedeutung der siebenten Posaune und der sieben Donner aus der Offenbarung aufzeigen.Wie Prüfungen, Trübsal und Widrigkeiten von Gott benutzt werden, um unser geistiges Sehvermögen zu entwickeln.Die fantastische Bildersprache (Symbolik) in Bezug auf Noah, der Arche und Gottes Plan für uns Christen heute.Einzelheiten der Ordnungen Leviathans und unserer aktuellen Regierung und Institutionen.Einzelheiten über den Altar Gottes, das Blut und die Gemeinschaft mit Gott.Gottes Anforderungen an Seine Gemeinde, um dem Tag Seines Zorns zu entkommen.

  • - Betrachtungen Zum Brief Des Apostels Paulus an Die Römer
    av Russell M Stendal

    Die ausgewogene Botschaft des Apostels Paulus in seinem Brief an die Gemeinde in Rom verbindet tiefe und ewige Wahrheiten und Prophezeiungen aus der Bibel. Paulus verwendet dazu einen speziellen, vom Geist Gottes inspirierten Wortschatz (Terminologie), der über die Jahrhunderte hinweg ständigen Angriffen des Feindes ausgesetzt war. Das Ziel des Feindes ist es immer wieder, das Vokabular Gottes neu zu definieren bzw. zu verfälschen, um damit jede nützliche Lehre zu infiltrieren (Spr 18,1). Eines der Ergebnisse dieser permanenten Unterwanderung in der westlichen Welt sehen wir in der Zunahme von jenen Menschen, die die Schöpfung anstelle des Schöpfers verehren. Der damit verbundene zügellose Lebensstil hat sowohl große Teile Israels als auch unsere Gemeinden erreicht. Demgegenüber war es der Wunsch und das Ziel des Apostels Paulus auf seiner damaligen Missionsreise nach Rom, den dortigen Bewohnern persönlich ein geistiges Geschenk zu übergeben. Und das war die Botschaft über das neue Leben in uns, welches wir durch den Glauben an Jesus Christus empfangen. Und genau diese Offenbarung ist es, die auch heute noch jeden Gläubigen ermutigen möchte, der Führung Gottes durch Seinen Geist hundertprozentig zu vertrauen. Dazu braucht es nicht nur ein "Kopfwissen" historischer Tatsachen, sondern eine Umwandlung unserer Herzen in völliger Abhängigkeit von Gott. Dies geschieht durch Seine Gnade, die viel mehr ist als "unverdiente Gunst". Denn sie ist die Kraft Gottes in uns, die, wenn wir es zulassen, fähig ist, unsere Herzen gemäß Seinem Plan zu verwandeln (Mt 5,8). Wenn Christus in uns lebt, werden wir lernen, die Sünde, das Fleisch, die Welt und alle anderen persönlichen Angriffe des Teufels zu überwinden. Der Autor Russell M. Stendal versteht es mit seiner langjährigen Erfahrung als Missionar, Bibelübersetzer und Buschpilot, diese neue und revolutionäre Offenbarung des Apostels Paulus in verständlicher Form in diesem Buch uns nahe zu bringen.

  • av Marylu Tyndall

    The Exciting Sequel to When Angels Cry!There's plenty of action and romance with a swoon worthy hero and feisty heroine. Author MaryLu Tyndall serves up another End Times story that's sure to not only make you wonder but just might have you cracking open your Bible to find out more. --Michelle Griep, Christy Award-winning author of Lost in Darkness 18 Months into the Tribulation... After the sudden disappearance of her parents, Nyla Cruz was left with the care of her younger brother and aged grandmother. After World War 3 began, famine, violence, and disease ravaged the planet, transforming the calm world she once knew into hell on earth. With the arrival of the Neflams, hope returned, bringing a semi-peace under the New World Union. Now, all Nyla wants to do is use her position as leader of a NWU Peace Keeping team to imprison all Deviants-the ones who caused all earth's troubles. When a chance arises to infiltrate a local group, she agrees to go undercover. Their leader, a preacher named Daniel Cain, is on the NWU top-wanted list, and his capture could mean a huge promotion and a chance to change the world for the better. After recovering from the shock of being left behind, ex-Navy Seal Calan Walker is determined to overcome his past mistakes and be a powerful force in the Kingdom of God. So, when he is recruited to be a bodyguard for the greatest Tribulation evangelist, Daniel Cain, he jumps at it. He learns much under Daniel's tutelage, but when a beautiful woman weaves her way into their underground church, he is suspicious, yet intrigued and enamored. He cannot allow his heart to rule over his head. Never again. As the earth endures the first half of the Tribulation, Angels are dispatched to aid and defend the remaining saints. Their job? Do not interfere in free will but battle all evil attacks by Satan's warriors. However, that becomes more and more difficult as countless hordes of evil beings are being unleashed across the globe.

  • av Marylu Tyndall

    If you are a fan of historical romance, then you definitely want to put the name MaryLu Tyndall high atop your to buy list. This author writes with a passionate flare that captures the true essence of romance. Suzie Houseley, Romance Junkies A bitter French mercenary who has written off God A self-righteous prude determined to change him When Grace Westcott is kidnapped by a French mercenary, tossed aboard his ship, and told she will be sold to a Spanish Don, she can't imagine what she did to deserve such a fate. She has spent her entire life serving God and helping the poor, Believing God sent her to preach to the vile captain and his crew, Grace's attempts are rewarded with mockery. When her situation grows worse, she is forced to face her own weaknesses. But she isn't prepared to face her biggest weakness of all-falling in love with the nefarious captain, Rafe Dubois. Captain Rafe Dubois hates nothing more than religious snobbery. Fleeing a home of abuse and betrayal by a self-righteous father, he became a mercenary-willing to do any job, no matter how vile, in order to amass the fortune he needs to build a hospital in his home town of Port-de-Paix. That is, until he meets the saintly Miss Grace Westcott who continually berates his every move. Kidnapping, betrayal, sorceries, dangers on sea and land continually threaten to devour Grace as she searches for God's purpose in the madness. But what if that purpose is not to redeem the wicked Captain Rafe Dubois, but to change her own prideful heart? This author has done it again! She has written a story I have thoroughly enjoyed. Sometimes when you read a series of books, one of them doesn't meet your expectations. Not so with this series. They have all been very enjoyable! Judy Glidden From ThatsANovelIDea

  • av Marylu Tyndall

    This is an enduring novel of great depth. Beautifully written, it explores how far the human spirit will journey for freedom and love. This story was a real pleasure to read. Highly recommended. Historical Novel Reviews She thought she could outrun her past. . . It is 1811, and the prosperous port city of Charleston is bustling with plantation owners, slaves, and immigrants. Immigrants such as the raven-haired Adalia Winston. But Adalia has a secret: her light skin belies that she is part black and a runaway slave from Barbados. Skilled in herbal remedies, Adalia finds employment with a local doctor and settles into a quiet life, thankful for her freedom but still fearful that her owner will find her. Born into one of Charleston's prominent families, Morgan Rutledge is handsome, bored-and enamored of the beautiful Adalia, who spurns his advances. Morgan's persistence, however, finally wins, and Adalia is swept into the glamorous world of Charleston high society. But her new life comes at a high price-that of denying her heritage and her zeal for God. How far is Adalia willing to go to win the heart of the man she loves? And when her secret is revealed, will that love be enough, or will the truth ruin Morgan and send Adalia back into slavery? This book was brilliant. Absolutely beautiful.Imagine A World review by FarrahNote to readers: This book is a reprint of the original Veil of Pearls, published in 2012

  • av Marylu Tyndall

    Not since the Left Behind series has there been a more compelling and eye-opening novel. Taut, tense, and totally unpredictable, When Angels Cry is a powerful love story not only for the heart and soul, but one for the ages-especially the age to come. - Julie Lessman, award-winning author of the Daughters of Boston, Winds of Change, and Isle of Hope series.In the not too distant future...Wars, plagues, and famines ravage the world, immorality and violence are rampant, and the Bible is outlawed.Angelica Smoke, a single mother and cocktail waitress, ascends the steps of a megachurch to deliver a message from God to the one man she hoped to never see again.That message thrusts world-famous pastor Daniel Cain into a whirlwind of confusion, causing him to seek out Angelica and demand an explanation. But the woman broke his heart once and is now involved in a fanatical cult. Even being seen with her could damage his career. Still, he cannot stay away, and the more time he spends with her, the more he begins to doubt everything he believes.Angelica is a seer. God grants her visions of the future, but she has no idea what to do with them. Her top priority is protecting her son-from the world, the culture, the devil, and especially from Daniel. But God keeps throwing them together, causing her fears to rise and reopening old wounds that threaten to tear her soul apart. Angels watch over the couple, protecting and hoping they will make the right choices. But the angels are limited in what they can do as the end of the age comes to a close and the spiritual battles intensify, not only for Angelica and Daniel, but for all humanity.Action-packed and thrilling, When Angels Cry is not only a great read but a thought-provoking tale. In the flavor of Peretti and Left Behind, this story paints a vivid picture of what things might be like in the last days. Michelle Griep, author of The Captive Heart & Brentwood's WardAmazon Categories>Suspense>Contemporary Romance>Inspirational Romance>Christian Romance

  • av Marylu Tyndall

  • av Marylu Tyndall

    A love story that spans the ages...A woman with a past searching for pirate treasureA pious professor seeking worldly recognitionAnd an historic pirate who brings them together.MaryLu Tyndall is a master at romance and pirate adventures...and Timeless Treasure is all that and more! In split-time fashion, you'll get to fall in love with two heroes, one a roguish and often misguided pirate, the other a history professor who is absolutely swoon worthy. Do yourself a favor and escape to the wild seas and haunting city of Charleston. Truly a read you won't want to miss! -Michelle Griep, Amazon bestselling author of The House at the End of the Moor The only thing Lexie's mother left her after her death was a folder full of ancient letters and an old coin. Determined to remove the curse of poverty and crime from her family's past, Lexie sets off to Charleston, S.C. to find the mythical treasure of Stede Bonnet. Professor Barret Johnson represents everything Lexie hates. Born to wealth and privilege, Barret's family are pillars of the community, successful, educated, Christians who never suffered a day in their lives. Yet she has no choice but to allow him to help her decipher the letters.As the couple read each letter, we are transported into the past where we follow the adventures of Stede Bonnet from his start in Barbados, through each success and failure, and his eventual connection with Blackbeard himself. Lexie discovers a kindred spirit in her ancestor, Bonnet, and lessons learned from the past soon drift into the present. But someone is after the letters, and soon Barret and Lexie find themselves in grave danger. They must figure out the puzzle Bonnet left them and retrieve the treasure before whoever is after them gets desperate enough to end their lives.

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