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  • - Approaching its Meaning and Its Ways
    av His Holiness the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje

    Nowadays very popular, meditation is often presented as the key Buddhist method. However, it is actually only one means of this path of liberation. Karmapa Thaye Dorje sketches out the essential points to enter on this path in a way that is both modern and accessible for the Western audience: taking refuge, giving rise to loving-kindness and compassion and measuring the opportunity of this present existence and conditions. He taps into the Buddha's heritage and gives it a contemporary taste.

  • av Shamar Rinpoche

    Texto fundamental del budismo Mahayana, el lodjong, o Entrenamiento de la Mente en Siete Puntos, es una antigua colección de aforismos que permiten transformar toda situación cotidiana, feliz o infeliz, en una oportunidad de apertura y evolución interior. Gracias a los consejos o instrucciones que aquí se dan, la meditación y la vida cotidiana se enriquecen mutuamente, llevando de forma gradual a la mente del practicante a liberarse de las tendencias egocéntricas y a encontrar su dimensión del despertar. En base a sus amplios conocimientos y su gran realización, Shamar Rinpoche, maestro tibetano del linaje kagyupa, ha escrito este comentario, El camino al despertar, para ayudar tanto a principiantes como a practicantes avanzados a beneficiarse del inconmensurable valor del lodjong cuya sencillez es únicamente comparable con su profundidad.

  • av Shamar Rinpoche

    This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha nature in Dhagpo Kagyu Ling, France. In a very inspiring way, the author clearly points out what really counts: the heart of awakening is nothing other than our true nature, and therefore all of us, in fact every sentient being, can awaken to their buddha qualities. Shamar Rinpoche bases his explanations on the text "Revealing Buddha Nature" by the 3rd Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339). A translation by the book''s translator of the underlying text is also included.

  • av Alain Duhayon

    Spiritual practice for a turbulent world

  • av Sandy Hinzelin

    Each of us has the possibility to become awakened, to perceive reality as it is, and to liberate ourselves from what enchains us and leads us to dissatisfaction. No one is excluded, the only condition is to remove the different veils that cover what is already there. This situation can be compared to a person sitting on a treasure, except that the latter is buried underground. It is only by digging that we will take advantage of it, any search at the surface of the ground will not lead anywhere. Consciousness is also a treasure, but it remains inaccessible as long as perception lacks depth. Which path is to be walked to see what we truly are? How is awakened consciousness, Buddhahood, characterized? In the Treatise on Pointing Out Buddha Nature, the 3rd Karmapa Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339), Tibetan master from the Kagyü lineage concisely presents Buddha nature, and he gives some elements to see it directly. Based on this treatise and a commentary from Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thayé (1813¿1899), a phenomenological approach is offered to touch on these questions.

  • av Lama Jampa Thaye

    El budismo tiene la oportunidad de mezclarse la cultura occidental como nunca antes. Pero realmente necesita adaptarse el budismo a la ciencia o la politica occidental?

  • av Lama Jampa Thaye

    This edition presents teachings on "dependent origination," which is the key to understanding the teachings of the Buddha and transforming disruptive emotions into true wisdom and compassion.

  • - Dharma Chronicles
    av Lama Jampa Thaye

    The memories, dreams and reflections of a modern lama born in the West who became heir to the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism.

  • - A Commentary on The Noble King of Prayers of Excellent Conduct
    av Shamar Rinpoche

    From the author's original teaching at the pilgrimage site of Bodh Gaya, India, at an international program held during an auspicious Buddhist gathering. Bilingual presentation of the prayer in Tibetan with English translation.

  • - Essential Teachings by some of the Shamarpas

    View & Meditation consists of six teachings by the 14th, 4th, and 2nd Shamar Rinpoches in which they describe the essential view and meditation of the Kagyü Mah¿mudr¿ tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. These teachings elucidate ¿concept-dharmak¿yä, a term which originated with Gampopa (1079¿1153), one of the founding fathers of this tradition. Similar to the Heart S¿tra, ¿concept-dharmak¿yä emphasizes that all thoughts and emotions, as well as any perception of a seemingly outer world is but a manifestation of awareness and that awareness, in terms of having the quality of knowing, is nothing other but mind¿s true nature.

  • - The Early Kagyu Masters in India and Tibet
    av Lama Jampa Thaye

    'A Garland of Gold' is a history of the early masters of the great Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, such as Saraha, Naropa, Marpa, Milarepa and their spiritual heirs. This history represents the testament of the Kagyu lineage forefathers, showing us how they developed devotion and confidence in their gurus, received the inspiration of the dakini messengers, obtained the precious lineages, attained the vision of mahamudra, and spread the keys to enlightenment. Their songs, also translated here, though incomplete without a master¿s textual transmission, offer a connection with the world of mahamudra. Lama Jampa Thaye's account of the early masters is based on the histories composed by Pawo Tsuklak Trengwa (1504-1566), Go Lotsawa (1392-1481) and Pema Karpo (1527-1592). He received the transmissions and teachings of the Kagyu forefathers from Karma Thinley Rinpoche and his other gurus such as Ato Rinpoche and Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche. The Kagyu tradition is one of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism alongside the Sakya, Nyingma and Gelug. It rose to prominence in the eleventh and twelfth centuries C.E. some one and a half millenia after the passing of Lord Buddha and remains one of the great spiritual transmission available in the world today. This book offers a remarkable look into the origins of this world.

  • av Lama Khenpo Karma Ngedn

    Upon completing the path that led him to fully develop compassion and wisdom, Shakyamuni arrived at enlightenment, the state of Buddhahood that marks the end of suffering.Replying to the requests made of him, he transmitted three cycles of teachings to explain the path he had taken and the methods he used.Traditionally, Buddhism counts 84,000 teachings, and the four seals of the Dharma contain the essence of all these. Like a royal seal that historically proved authenticity and authority, the four seals give a true description of our current situation and that to which we can progress:All phenomena are impermanent by nature.All contaminated phenomena are suffering by nature.All phenomena are empty and devoid of inherent existence.Nirvana is a state of absolute peace.The first two seals allow us to understand the characteristics of our condition and the last two, the qualities of liberation. In this way, the teaching shows the Buddhäs path and the Buddhist perspective.Today, Buddhism is no longer an exotic movement but a methodology that has taken root and is practiced in the West. Nevertheless, do we really know what it means to be Buddhist? Using the introspective process of investigation that is precious to this tradition, Lama Khenpo Ngedön directly involves the reader in this discovery by asking simple, to-the-point questions and then bringing together the elements of an answer connected with these four statements.

  • - Buddhism and Modern Times
    av Lama Jampa Thaye

    Wisdom in Exile provides a new insight into Buddhism's encounter with Western culture and the Western mind in the early 21st century. Jampa Thaye has trained for over 40 years with some of the foremost lamas of Tibetan Buddhism, yet is a Westerner, living in Britain, teaching Buddhism to students throughout Europe and North America. He draws on that knowledge and experience to explain the space that now exists for Buddhism in the West, and identifies critical conflicts and tensions that must be resolved for modern Westerners to grasp the essence of the Buddhist teachings. The book culminates with detailed instructions in the meditation system of 'The Four Immeasurables', allowing the reader to properly orientate themselves within the world of Buddhism and learn how to practice. "Wisdom in Exile proposes a fresh approach to Buddhism, one in which the fundamental tenets of the Buddha's teachings are rediscovered." His Holiness Sakya Trichen, 41st Head of the Sakya School of Tibetan Buddhism

  • - The Bodhi Path Program
    av Shamar Rinpoche

    If I had a friend who said they'd been practicing mainstream mindfulness practice for some time, but now they'd like to learn more specifically about the related Buddhist path, I would give them this book.

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