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  • av Chiron

    This is the first book in the series, Training Manual for Gods, which has been channelled by Sophia Ovidne from the Ascended Master Chiron who speaks to us from an unseen higher dimension. Chiron describes, with his wonderful wit and imagery, the metaphysics of our universe, and what consciousness really is and how it operates across the various vibrational dimensions that house the continuum of who we really are as our human self, spirit, soul, and god self. Consciousness contains a magnificent toolbox we can use to interact with the unseen universe, tools which act like magic wands to create the life we really desire. Chiron introduces these tools of consciousness, and also describes the invisible worlds that lie beyond our physical brain, in the realms of higher consciousness, and how to connect and communicate with these worlds. Chiron explains how we can change our consciousness and our present world, and answers many of our metaphysical questions about gods, angels, souls, the spirit world, the spiritual path, the evolution of humans and souls, godhood, death, the afterlife, past lives, emotional and mental issues, relationships, the ego and power, manifestation techniques, healing energies, identifying our true mission and keeping on track, astral travel, UFOs, ghosts, ascension, the Underworld, the cosmos, and signs. In these current times, the mission of the gods is to make the unknown known; to make their presence known to humans, to help humans prepare to become gods themselves, and prepare for the coming 'Final Shift' of the Earth into a higher dimension. We humans are being trained by the invisible gods to become just like them so that we may all live harmoniously together in a new god society. We are also preparing for the coming imminent end times where we are facing the final years of our existing Earth and the old ways of humankind. Human consciousnesses will split into two separate dimensions, creating a First Earth for those who have chosen to remain as non-god humans, and a Second Earth for those who have done the work to transform themselves from humans into gods.

  • av Chiron

    This is the third book in the series, Training Manual for Gods, which has been channelled by Sophia Ovidne from the ancient Ascended Master Chiron, a god who speaks to us from an unseen higher dimension, offering us his profound metaphysical wisdom about the universe and the future for humankind. Chiron builds upon the foundational knowledge presented in his previous two books in the series, but here he focuses on training those humans who have already become gods on Earth, or those well down the path to becoming one. He describes how new human-gods will need to operate in the fledgling all-god society that will be built on the new world of Second Earth. How will they need to manage the transition from old world to new, and what choices will they have to make when faced with the incidents that will lead to the Final Shift which will separate the dimensions of old Earth and new Earth? Chiron will help the new gods to develop their superpowers and godcraft, learning the ways of gods, and how they will need to act on Earth as they apply their god skills to the issues facing not only themselves but the entire planet, especially in the times immediately before and after the Final Shift. We are asked to consider how we would visualise a new god society on Earth, and then how we would bring it about, using our potent manifestation abilities as gods. This new human-god civilisation will be the work of ingenious minds over many years. Acolytes and ancient Masters will come together to build this new world, not only structurally, but with new kinds of governance, systems, organisations, functions, and technology, all bound within the dimensions of quantum physics, and founded upon the tenets of love, respect, and consideration. Chiron reveals to us many facets of our new future, and the wonderful strangeness of the unknown and unseen universe that will become our new home, but a home of peace and harmony, and a new, thrilling way of being, living, and loving.

  • - The science of singing to your child
    av Anita Collins

    Most parents think of music as a way to help their children sleep or soothe their nerves when upset, but the truth is that every time you sing to your child, something incredibly important is happening. Singing is one of the most natural experiences to share with your children and now we know even more through scientific research about the power of music to assist in your child's cognitive and physical development. Written by Dr Anita Collins, The Lullaby Effect guides you through the research, challenges a few myths and provides you with some creative ideas that will help you use sound and song to help your little one thrive.Dr Anita Collins is an award-winning educator, researcher and writer in the field of brain development and music learning. She is internationally recognized for her unique work in translating the scientific research of neuroscientists and psychologists in a way that makes it understandable to parents, teachers and students. The Lullaby Effect is a great gift for expectant and new parents, or for experienced parents who want to understand how singing affected their child's development. It is also an excellent introduction to the field of neuroscience and psychology research for early childhood educators.

  • av Lindy Zillman

    Sweet Ciana is a special friend of Princess Poo-Poo. Ciana also has a friend called Sally the Snail. Once again, a problem is solved by friends when Sweet Ciana finds a smart way to help Sally to stop feeling sad. This story focuses on the letter "S" with light-hearted humour and fun for young readers. This is the second book in the series of Princess Poo-Poo Books.

  • av Lindy Zillman

    Betty Big-Bum is another one of Princess Poo-Poo's friends. Betty Big-Bum has a second-best friend called Bonnie the Bunny. Once again, a problem is solved when Betty Big-Bum finds a way to help a boy called Billy become brave and stop being a bully. This story focuses on the letter "B" with light-hearted humour and a message for young readers about the importance of being friendly. This is the third book in the series of Princess Poo-Poo Books.

  • av Kurt Forrer

    It is now over twenty years since I have published my first book on dreams entitled "DREAMS, Pregrams of Tomorrow". I coined the word pregram in order to indicate that I see dreams as programs of the future. It was a radical proposal diametrically opposed to the general perception of dreams at the time. There are glimmers of hope though, that others might begin to recognise this astonishing characteristic of our dreams. While the ancients took this idea for granted, the so called 'Age of Enlightenment' and what followed it, has done much to obliterate this ancient wisdom.These glimmers of hope come from serious investigators, who now distinguish between 'ordinary dreams' and 'psychic dreams'. They have dubbed them 'psychic', thus suggesting that some dreams do seem to be anticipating the future. This is, as I see it, the thin end of the wedge that will eventually widen this recognition ever more. The glimmers of hope are strongest among young people. Thanks to the internet we are afforded a more global perspective of dreams. There are many sites online that grapple with the mysteries of dreams, the last frontier of human exploration. Among these we find many postings of young dreamers, which evidence insights that are less prejudiced than those of older generations. On "Yahoo Dreams", for instance, we come across one or more cases of precognitive dreams on a daily basis. And when such a case is posted, there are usually many other young dreamers who will say: "Yes, it's weird, but it also happens to me!" Most of these young dreamers are always nonplussed when they discover that one of their dreams was able to anticipate an incident ahead of time. It is mainly for these young adventurers that I have written this book. I have done so in order to show them the shortest way into the deepest mystery of our dreams.

  • av Jonathan Elsom

    A new collection of thirty-three entertaining stories and poems on domestic unease, comedic comeuppance, murderous intent, romantic yearnings and lost love. Set in Australia, Italy and England, with witty illustrations by the author.

  • av Amy King
    1 111,-

  • av Cheryl Baldwin

    In an aircrew of two Brits, three Canadians and two Aussies, Charlie Baldwin would fly more than the tour of 30 missions in Lancaster bombers, his role being the Bomb aimer.

  • av Kim Curley Frain

  • av Lambeth

  • av Lambeth

    Annie và gia ¿ình s¿ ¿i bi¿n ngh¿ mát.Hai nhân viên c¿u h¿ bãi bi¿n ¿¿n tr¿¿ng Annie và em h¿c cách gi¿ an toàn trên bãi bi¿n.Annie phát hi¿n ra r¿ng ¿¿i d¿¿ng có th¿ thay ¿¿i. Thöt ¿¿u em ng¿i nh¿ng con sóng nh¿ng sau khi g¿p nhân viên c¿u h¿ bãi bi¿n, và nh¿ có gia ¿ình giúp ¿¿, Annie s¿m khám phá ra ni¿m vui khi b¿i l¿i ¿ bãi bi¿n.Annie ngày càng t¿ tin cho ¿¿n khi em g¿p c¿n sóng d¿ kéo em vào ch¿ n¿¿c sâu h¿n.Li¿u em có nh¿ cách th¿c ¿¿ báo cho nhân viên c¿u h¿ bãi bi¿n r¿ng em c¿n h¿ giúp ¿¿ không? 'Annie và Nh¿ng con sóng' là cu¿n sách v¿ cách gi¿ an toàn t¿i bãi bi¿n.Khi ¿¿c cu¿n sách này, b¿n s¿ h¿c:· Nhân viên c¿u h¿ bãi bi¿n m¿c màu ¿¿ và vàng· B¿n nên luôn b¿i gi¿a nh¿ng lá c¿ ¿¿ và vàng· M¿t s¿ bãi bi¿n an toàn h¿n nh¿ng bãi bi¿n khác· Sóng có nhi¿u löi khác nhau, m¿t s¿ löi sóng an toàn h¿n các löi sóng khác· N¿u b¿n b¿ lâm nguy ¿ d¿¿i n¿¿c, hãy bình t¿nh và gi¿ tay ¿¿ báo cho nhân viên c¿u h¿ bãi bi¿n bi¿t r¿ng b¿n c¿n h¿ c¿u giúp· Hãy b¿o v¿ ch¿ng n¿ng ¿ bãi bi¿n. ¿¿i m¿ nón và m¿c áo b¿i (rash vest), và ¿¿ng quên thoa kem ch¿ng n¿ng tr¿¿c khi ra n¿ngVà...· B¿n không bao gi¿ xu¿ng n¿¿c m¿t mình!

  • av Jaynee Am

  • av Rhonda Macken

  • av Kate Venn

  • av Kristin Rollison

  • av Julio De Laffitte

  • av Katrina Ellis

  • av Truth Devour

  • av Katia Macri-Roberts

  • av Simon Russell
    435 - 471,-

  • av Iveta Cleophas Fernandes

    Por primera vez salen a la luz en lengua española los escritosde Iveta 'Cleofas' Fernandes, fruto de su vida de oración ysufrimiento. En línea con las revelaciones de Fátima, estos escritos hastaahora inéditos revelan en qué modo se cumplen en nuestros díaslas profecías del libro del Apocalipsis. Son escritos valiosísimospara interpretar los signos de los tiempos. Se explicita coninsistencia cómo nuestro mundo ha sido confiado por Dios a la Santísima Virgen María, mientras que la gran apostasía es cada vez más inminente. Esta grande apostasía provoca tragedias entre las cuales y en primer lugar se encuentra la pandemia de covid-19 y la creciente persecución contra los cristianos. Se entiende cuánto el 'sí ' sin reservas de la Iglesia al ministerio materno de la Virgen, "Mediadora de toda Gracia, Co- Redentora y Defensora" hará posible que fluya un torrente de gracias tan necesarias para nuestro mundo. Queda, además, reafirmado con fuerza el ministerio del Papa Francisco, elegido por el Señor para llevar la Cruz del ministerio petrino, y el drama hacia el cual se dirigenaquellos que de él se separan. Una luminosa Esperanza surge de estos escritos junto a una invitación insistente a la oración como al ofrecimiento de los propios sufrimientos,unidos a la Pasión de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, a través del Corazón Inmaculado de María, Madre de Dios. Este volumen contiene además una descripción del Purgatorio que permite entender cuánto es esencial orar por las Almas que allí se encuentran. Revelando la batallaespiritual en la que estamos inmersos actualmente, los mensajes contenidos en este libro nos proveen una hoja de ruta espiritual para los tiempos futuros. Diversas profecías y advertencias manifestadas en este libro son inquietantes. Pero algunas de sus consecuencias serán mitigadas si optamos por orar, por ofrecer nuestros sufrimientos y por convertirnos.

  • av Helen Yeates

    War baby Helen Yeates was a latchkey kid from the working-class Brisbane suburb of Annerley, discovering an escape to paradise in a dark cinema. This memoir captures a significant social and cultural history of Brisbane, drawing on her love of film in a highly original, evocative way. She falls in love and marries in the late 1960s, on the cusp of a time of swinging sexual liberation and radical politics. Surviving a devastating car accident, an addiction to prescription drugs and a traumatic marriage, she becomes a passionate feminist and leftie, navigating her way through a confusing world of changing ideas and morals. This memoir reveals a colourful life across the decades, in relation to love, sex, amnesia, brain damage, loss, education, partying and politics, with films illuminating everything. As an Australian pioneer of secondary and tertiary film and media studies, she traces the highlights of a career nurturing young filmmakers and future educators. The book also reveals amusing encounters with international celebrities, a quick trip to Hollywood to hire a famous film director, and mis-steps with singer Bob Dylan and French actress, Isabelle Huppert. ¿

  • av Sue Spence

  • av Marty Rider

  • av Bec Moreton

  • av Iveta Cleophas Fernandes

  • av Maria Tinschert

    Few people escape from a childhood of criminal abuse and slavery and live a normal life to tell their story.

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