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  • av Heather Coombes

    Heather reflects on her personal experiences of bereavement as a springboard to discuss many different aspects of grief involving such aspects as miscarriage, COVID - 19, illness, faith, incarceration and migration, to name a few. Her approach is honest and empathetic as she shares many stories of others. She concludes that the experience of grief is universal, even though it has many faces. The book offers sensitive yet positive guidance towards understanding oneself and our fellow pilgrims. Healing the wounds of grief can be a lifelong journey.

  • av Heather Coombes
    168 - 230,-

  • av John Bates

    The book is designed to provide a road map of necessary activities prior to entering into any business venture. It is based upon personal andSuccessful experiences whilst dealing with and saving many small enterprises. The procedures apply to any type of business venture.It could be applied to any educational , as well as personally by any intending business enthusiast. It addresses every aspect necessary prior to beginning a business but omits the specific expertise being planned for presentation to the future business clients.

  • av Bob Springett

    The mission is complete, and now the Argo starts the journey back to report their activities and findings. What they are taking back is nothing like what was expected at the outset. On the way back, they leave some of their own crew on an abandoned human colony on Mars.As the Argo arrives in the Home System they receive a message from a mysterious vessel, apparently alien, warning them to be careful about how they approach their home planet. The warnings are proved right. The home government, appalled by their findings and fearful of civil unrest at news so radically unexpected, launches a probe to destroy their vessel and blame it on a meteor impact during the return. This probe is to continue back in time to destroy the Mars colony as well. The aliens then take action to inform the population of the Argo's achievements in a way that minimises disruption, and the Argo is eventually welcomed home after a peaceful revolution in quasi-religious attitudes. Eventually they discover the alien spaceship are the descendants of Mars Colony. They go back in time to destroy the probe sent to destroy the Mars colony, and meet the Creators. By this time, Creator technology is well behind what the Martians have achieved.

  • av Bob Springett

    As the Earth collapses under the impact of Climate Change in the 22nd Century, a desperation mission plants a seed population of four pairs of genetically-modified humans on a nearby exoplanet which is given the name 'Erde'. (The ship is from the European Union and German is their working language).Over the centuries these First Parents give rise to increasingly sophisticated societies, each different but all matriarchal. Eventually they meet and work out a modus vivendi. Not always peacefully. One outcome is a semi-religious Zen-like philosophy 'The Way of the Hidden One', in which a True Man is one who has total self-control and dedicates himself to service. Two main schools arise, one emphasising a True Man's duty to his woman (sort of like an inverted 'submit to your husband in all things') and the other placing weight on being of value to the wider community.Time passes and their level of science and technology increases. Then they discover a shocking fact. All the ancient legends about their First Parents being the work of the mysterious Creators are found to have a scientific basis! The translation of the various textbooks found abandoned also provides an advance of a century or more in theoretical physics. Just imagine how much more could the Creators teach us now, after another thousand years of progress? It becomes a planet-wide quest to find these Creators. This spurs technologies to develop radio-telescopes and to travel through deep space and even time, but at a cost that demands a whole-of-planet effort. The three autonomous governments on the planet, one on each main continent corresponding to the successful three First Parents, start to co-operate. The beginnings of a Federation are set in train.The promises to the First Parents that their children will travel among the stars is now on the point of fulfilment!

  • av Jackie Ng

  • av Colin Wells

    12SynopsisWorking Title: ForeverAuthor: Colin WellsThe town of Mill Creek is filled with all kinds of people. This story focuses on three families in the small berg, each facing their own serous dilemmas as the Christmas Holiday rolls up. The Carters, The Dawkins and the Wells. The Carter's have just suffered the loss of their father, the patriarch of the family, Oliver Carter. They are gathering as a family for Christmas aswell as for the memorial service and reading of Oliver's will. Theirs is a story of a family that was once fiercely loyal and devoted to one another, now facing this dilemma in tatters.There are complications to the reading of the will. Charges are leveled that the eldest brother, Michael has been making changes to the will that give his other siblings reason to doubt his intentions. Several local lawyers are worried that there may be foul play going on with Michael, who has also been chosen by his father to be the executor of his will.Gloria is the second oldest and a doctor. She and the other two siblings are suspicious about the tinkering Michael has been doing on their father's will. Michael was hired by his father to be the company attorney and has been selected as the executor of the will. The reading of the will is scheduled for the day after Christmas and the tension builds to that point.The Dawkins family are facing a different type of struggle, as a night of infidelity has lefttheir marriage on precarious grounds. Leonard and Molly have always been known in Mill Creek as the perfect couple. Camelot revisited. On a business trip, Leonard who hasn't drank in several years, has a few rounds with his co-workers and ends up becoming involved with a young co-worker. He confesses his indiscretion to Molly as soon as he arrives home and she becomes extremely upset. She demands that Leonard fire the girl immediately, but he fails to do so. He simply moves her to a different department in their firm and this fuels Molly's suspicions that theaffair is ongoing, when in reality, it was a one-night stand.

  • av John Aarons

  • av Claire Humphrys- Hunt

    When Gerry Humphrys passed over to the other side, the girl he had defined all those years ago, His Loved One, felt free to share her personal recollections of their love.Through these intimate precious drawings and photos from her personal collection, she introduces Jobbies and Furrey; Claire and Gerry's characters transformed into sweet reincarnations of Gerry's dog Janice. Claire dedicates this small book to lovers everywhere.

  • av Janette Perrett

  • av Edith Webster
    183 - 246,-

  • av Richi Sonrize

  • av Teri Fahey

  • av Belinda Price

    When a buffalo calf is born it has a beautiful brown and hairy coat but by the time it is adult the coat has disappeared and only a grey leathery skin is left. The children ask where the coat has gone and this is the story they are told

  • av Dele Babalola
    183 - 230,-

  • av Richard Byrd

  • av Richard Byrd

  • av Nina E Dalin
    168 - 286,-

    Innocence Innocence is on her quest to find her Dad in a mystical world. Innocence Valley is a rich singer songwriter who purchases a magical genie lamp from a new age store. The genie inside grants her six wishes per day which is plenty to fulfil her destiny. One wish leads her to another parallel dimension and ultimately on a quest to find her Father who She lost. Whilst on her quest, she meets two potential soulmates. Who will She choose in the end? This book is a fiction fantasy adventure romance with romance scenes between the female and male main characters.

  • av Aloysius Aseervatham

  • av Maura Weis
    121 - 199,-

  • av James Earl Pierce

  • av Rob Norman
    183 - 230,-

  • av J. E. Starks Brown

  • av Hurdwell Peter

    The life of a small boy living in a London suburb which sustained heavy damage from enemy bombing where over a hundred of its citizens were killed and only ten percent of its buildings survived the war unscathed. He recalls the terror of lying in a cupboard under the stairs as the Luftwaffe bombed his suburb and later devastation caused by V1 flying bombs and long range V2 rockets. His account encompasses a short period of evacuation to the safety of a country village and the relief experienced by a war torn populace when news of Hitler's death heralded the end of the Third Reich and the Second World War. The reminiscences also include details of his family's friendship with German prisoners of war. The main thread which weaves the narrative together lays in the many humorous episodes which punctuated his early years, particularly whilst in the British Army which at the time appeared to have changed only marginally since the carnage of the First World War.

  • av Anthony Baisden

  • av Sister Sandra Makowski

    This book traces the gender inequality in the church since the time of the early church fathers as well as the 1917 Code of Canon law, the Second Vatican Council and the 1983 Code of Canon law. The author explores the consistent pattern of women being unnamed and unnoticed. Yet there are incredible accounts in the Old and New Testament of women as teachers, prophets, judges, healers and deacons. Yet the passages proclaiming them are either excised from the lectionary or left out altogether. This author declares that it is now time to acknowledge and celebrate these forgotten women and to challenge one another and our church to also count them as equally effective leaders in the church. Men and women together are needed in order to live out the true message of equality and inclusivity which has always been the message of the Gospel.

  • av Robert Todd
    168 - 246,-

  • av Richard Byrd

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