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Bøker utgitt av Page Publishing, Inc.

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  • av Sam Pettus
    248 - 277,-

    This is the story of how two people bridged the age gap and found each other. Larry Watts is fifty-two. He is the senior forklift driver at Marr Freight in the flyover country city of Middleton. He has also lived the longest at the upscale Richland Townhomes apartments, in which he resides in apartment four, and which is located in one of Middleton's better suburbs. Larry has been divorced for many years, and has finally become comfortable with his single late middle-aged life. Everything seems set, and he seems to be set in his ways, until someone comes along to change all of that. Brandy Ames is a perky twenty-six. She is the recently hired receptionist at DCH Associates, PA, one of Middleton's most prestigious law firms. Brandy has become frustrated with the selfish ways of her current boyfriend, and has already decided to move out of his house. Anticipating a complete break with both her boyfriend and her recent past of troubles, she applies for and obtains a lease for apartment three at the Richland Townhomes, which is currently empty. She has no idea that her life is about to change as much as that of the new neighbor she is going to have next door. The wind of the autumn spring descends upon both Larry and Brandy when they first meet, and they are soon caught in its wonderful embrace. Both quickly discover that they have a lot in common despite their differences in age, and both quickly develop first a close friendship and then a traditional romance that follows the old-fashioned lines that Larry prefers and Brandy quickly comes to appreciate. As they come together first as friends and then as a couple, both know that their lives are never going to be the same, thanks to the blessing both have been granted by the breath of the autumn spring.

  • av Kendrick Sims

    Walking in circles, friendships will abound.With an eye toward heaven, angels around about.Found upon the sands, tinted glasses which help to see.Yesterday comes quickly. Where will we be?A star held dear, it will ring a silent chime.Stand tall in your faith. As a giant, be humble and oh so very kind.Long after death, a path will be seen.Words are most deadly. Listen, don't speak.Temptation will be offered. Let the curtains be sewn shut.A fortune for the sinner. Joints no longer rust.Roses colored black. Others will be blue.Many strings will be pulled. The scent will be true.Hidden in the shadows, paper will unfold.Eyes will be sleepy. A transformation will be bold.The truth in a tear frozen from the sky.Aligned past the suns, it burns very bright.All exits covered. Prayers, each and every heard.Not one but two of each. His is the Word.

  • av Michael Matre

    When I was a sophomore at Princeton High School in northern Greater Cincinnati in 1964, my English teacher, Ms. Sally Morrison, assigned each student to choose a book to read and present to the class as an oral book report. The only requirement was that the book be a novel. As a class, we had already read several books, none of which appealed to me to the point of great expectation or excitement. The boring high-society tales of Henry James and Jane Austen had nothing for me. I was stimulated, however, by Herman Melville's Moby Dick, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Charlotte Bronte's Wuthering Heights, and H. G. Wells's The Time Machine. I chose for my book report a paperback novel entitled The Invasion of the Body Snatchers, a science fiction tale about alien creatures who come to Earth disguised as giant pods and steal the identities of Earthlings. Ms. Morrison gave me an astonished look when I submitted my choice, but since my selection met the novel requirement, she approved it. I am proud to say that my performance drew my classmates' very focused attention. Even Ms. Morrison liked it, accepting that I was simply a boy whom God had made differently. I have always loved stories of adventure, action, and intrigue salted with a dash of horror. Lighthouse is such a tale with an ending that will shock you. It is definitely a book for late at night, or perhaps the beach. Beware, my dear reader, but realize that it is only a story, a work of fiction. Or is it? Could it really happen? Moo-oo ah! Ah! Ah!

  • av Raul Barraza B.

    Las historias de los ángeles son historias que todos hemos vivido y escuchado durante toda nuestra vida, pero no todos las hemos podido entender. Hoy, en esta obra de nuestro amigo Raul, muy sencilla y fácil de entender, el lector podrá entender, y reconocer, las cosas divinas y bien intencionadas que sus ángeles han hecho por él durante toda su vida y, después de entender y reconocer a sus ángeles, él se transformará en un ángel más de la Tierra, para procurar hacer un mundo mejor lleno de amor y buen entendimiento, ya que el único propósito de los ángeles es el de cuidarte y protegerte de todo lo malo que pueda pasarte en tu vida cotidiana.Empecemos por cómo conocer a todos nuestros ángeles, que en su mayoría fueron personas de nuestro entorno familiar, así como amigos conocidos de nuestra familia que nos tuvieron mucha estimación y ya habiendo pasado a la otra vida, decidieron ser los ángeles de nuestra guarda. Y cuando salimos de nuestros hogares de crianza, por la razón que fuese, es cuando conocemos a los ángeles extraños que no conocíamos, porque nunca los habíamos visto. Es cuando aprendemos las cosas increíbles de que todos los humanos tenemos muy buenos sentimientos.

  • av Nancy Lyman

    I got hired to work with my whales, and I love them, and now I am a trainer for my favorite animal, but there are more animals that I do like to work with, like dolphins.

  • av D. L. Rowley

    This is a book about the American ability to look the other way when we have major issues that should be a bright light to a possible confrontation or a time when someone would do harm to our country. We watched in December 1941 as the Japanese made aggressive moves in the Pacific and in China until, finally, we were attacked at Pearl Harbor.We watched as terrorists completed bombings all over the world, killing Americans and other innocent people, blowing up buildings, and showing no mercy for anyone, including an attack against the World Trade Center in 1993. This was an enemy who did not show a concern for women or children and would use most anyone as a living bomb only to kill or maim the dreaded American.We watched as fanatics found their way into the country and used flight schools to their advantage and, in the end, took four commercial planes hostage, and they flew two into the world-famous Twin Towers. These were buildings that had been built to withstand the impact of many modern aircraft, but not the modern aircraft of the twenty-first century. The size and speed of the aircraft from the year 2001 were too much for these vaunted towers. Four aircraft were hijacked, with hijackers finding ways past the airport screeners and onto the aircraft. Four aircraft were crashed, and thousands were killed.As We Watched is a book about a new and even more devastating attack against our great nation and what will bring our country into a new and even more terrifying confrontation. This is a story about Americans dying, doing what they love most. This is a story about Americans entering a new war and fighting back like only Americans can do.

  • av Alan Pickard

    Learning to read is a wonderful experience for a child, or it is surely hoped to be.This book, rather than being another text book about learning techniques, is instead a description of the learning to read process in all of its aspects.From the earliest reading experience, becoming a fluent and proficient reader is described. The importance and relevance of a good reading standard and its impact on school, further education and employment and career prospects, is highlighted. And the disadvantages of being a poor reader.Reading is not just for children. Benefits can last a whole lifetime and this includes late learners and adults who may have spent much of their adult life not being able to read at all. This of course can be remedied and could be life changing.Perhaps last of all is the value of reading for pleasure and the benefits that brings.

  • av Eric Lucero

    Through My Eyes by Eric Lucero

  • av Evans Oniha

    Every society promulgates culture to represent its shared values, traditions, and customs which define the way of life of her people. In some practices, cultural norms might be used to repress and intimidate certain members of society. Such was the culture of the Okale kingdom, where women's rights were suppressed and infringed on. Women and girls were seen only as marriage materials. Thus, education for girls was barely nonexistent.Ekiose, a brilliant daughter and fearless thinker of Okale, rose from ashes to challenge the cultural practices she claimed were used to rob women of their fundamental human rights and freedom of expression. In one of her outreach forums, she met a human rights advocate lawyer called Prince Ugo, a native of Abbar kingdom. They soon fell in love and planned to spend their lives together. However, their plan was cut short when Prince Idaghe, a native and crown prince of the Okale people, also desired to marry her. This controversy led to meetings between both families to resolve their differences. The purpose was to avert war which was acceptable as a last resort for resolving such conflict whereby the winner marries the woman. But Prince Ugo refused to back down, citing that he was unfairly treated because he was an outsider. When war became inevitable, the king's counselors, through divination, advised the crown prince to hunt down a lion with his bare hand as a necessity for his victory. They fought, and the battle ended in Prince Idaghe's favor. Prince Ugo, who was at the pinnacle of success in his legal profession, was severely maimed and lost it all for the sake of a woman. He allowed pride to rule his life and to dictate his decision-making process. Pride is a disease of the heart that, if not controlled, could lead someone to an early grave or some severe life consequences. Such was Prince Ugo's case, which objected to every meaningful measure to avert the fight that almost killed him.This book approaches the life storm by using the life experiences of Prince Ugo to illustrate how adversity could devastate anyone if pride and lack of contentment are not dealt with. While everyone desires to live a fruitful, stress-free life, crises might hit at any time. It might come about due to poor choices or circumstances simply beyond the person's control. A beacon of hope is always at the end of the tunnel if the victim doesn't allow his condition to hinder his foresight. When Prince Ugo came to his senses, he swallowed his pride and started over again. Through the power of perseverance and innovative ideas, he rose from rags and ashes to uplift his head above the waters that almost swallowed him alive to revolutionize his kingdom for the benefit of his people.

  • av Michael Roberts

    The fourth novel of Sarah's story continues the tale of both herself and the group of friends she calls her family.Continually meeting with new challenges along the way, she struggles to overcome them--often with extremely unorthodox ideas. Her assignments at work increasingly grow more intricate and involved. People count on her, and she is determined never to let them down. Unfortunately, something from her past threatens to rear its ugly head. She knows that just because things are buried does not mean they cease to exist.She also knows that sometimes it is harder to stay legit than you would think. Sarah continues to strive toward her ultimate goal of making the grade in the business world of finance. Unfortunately, she does not know the true cost until it is too late.Her family does everything they can to support her. However, there are some things she can never let them know about. Never, never, never.

  • av Jeremiah Shlomi

    Against of wind, it is a novel based on real events, mixed with fantasy, which addresses one of the most widespread current themes such as reincarnation, as an alternative response to the personal search for spiritual development to the question where we come from, because we are here and where we are going as a human race. His real characters, whose names have been changed, take us to a world in which reality and fiction are mixed, leaving us open the door to mystical individual reflection on science and the mystery of human existence; in which each person puts their own extrasensory experiences into perspective.

  • av Morian Ismael Gutiérrez Díaz

    Viaje tiempo atrás, de regreso a casa, habla de un joven que emigra a los Estados Unidos, con las emociones que se puede tener a su edad: juntar dinero -y en pocos meses-, regresar a casa montado en la camioneta de sus sueños, y ayudar a sus padres.El destino le tenía preparado algo más que lo planeado; pasaron meses, años lejos de casa, enfrentándose a un sinfín de pruebas, que hacen que un día no pueda más, y quiera regresar a casa, con tan solo un poco de dinero en el bolsillo, y sin su camioneta Pick Up del año color roja, pero sobre todo, sin imaginar que a su regreso, le esperaba la lección más grande de su vida.Acompáñalo en este viaje tiempo atrás, de regreso a casa, a vencer los fantasmas del hubiera.

  • av Anthony Page

    He's caught up in love, lies, murder, and espionage.This story is a riveting, complex thriller that takes its readers on a journey like no other.In a neighborhood simply known as the Badlands, two roughnecks, Eric and Kenny, seem destined for life behind bars, if not death. They somehow manage to manipulate Timothy Johnson, a.k.a. Trouble. Timothy, who's typically a good kid with ambitions and dreams of someday getting out of the ghetto, sensing a void and a lack of acceptance from his peers, he partakes in a series of crimes that sends his life spiraling out of control: deceit, drugs, espionage, and murder are just the beginning of his story.With the Italian Mafia now wanting him dead and the Russians desperately wanting what he has, plus the weight of the US government considering him to be the second most wanted man on the planet, Timothy finds himself at a point of no return.

  • av Dorothy Angkahan
    497 - 594,-

  • av Doris Stenschke

    Never can tell.The beautiful Sarah Cummings is an independent certified accountant. She has two sons from a previous marriage. After she was divorced and single again, her dormant wits renewed themselves, and she had built a new life for herself. She is obsessed with the handsome stranger who recently moved in to the house across the street from where she lives.He is Daniel Spenser, the son of the deceased billionaire James Spenser, whose untimely death left Daniel overwhelmed and filled with sorrow. In reality, he is now the billionaire--the owner of the firm. He is loved, respected, and protected by his father's entourage. And in order to fit the self to its sphere, Daniel realizes that rest is the thing he needs. Joe Sellers, his colleague, handed him the keys to the vacant house where he retreated with his dog, Rover, his Harley Davidson bike, and his Camino.Here he met the beautiful Sarah Cummings. A sense of kinship began the first day he saw her.It deepened. He proposed to her on their first date. Who is this handsome, kempt stranger?Sarah's feelings for him run deep. In her heart, she wants to be a part of his world and have him become a part of hers.She had to sheath her inner feeling and let fate

  • av Juliet Hawkins Ma Lmhc

    Toilet training a child with special needs can be difficult. If you are finding the process challenging, you are not alone. Whether your child is a toddler, a teenager, or an adult, this book is meant to address your challenges. The solutions offered are presented in easy-to-understand language. This provides you with a step-by-step guide to make the process manageable. Becoming toilet trained is an important developmental milestone. It can open many doors for you and your child. The vast majority of individuals with special needs can be toilet trained. This is regardless of your child's diagnosis or whether or not he is verbal. No matter where you are on this journey, whether you are just beginning, or whether you have started and are stuck, it is my goal to support you and set you and your child up for success.

  • av Jason Randazzo
    265 - 461,-

  • av Veronica Ingram

    Harmony is in sixth grade and is very intelligent for her age. She's an excellent student and has various hobbies. She can be bossy and talkative. She has something on her mind. What does she have to say?

  • av Matthew Brand

    A true story of the contest between the devil and God for the soul of man and the devil's attempts to keep God from getting any glory or pleasure from His creation. The devil used his subtleness to cause man to sin, condemning man to hell. God's love for man caused Him to use His wisdom to devise a plan of salvation to redeem man from hell.

  • av Nitki's Dad
    210 - 388,-

  • av Linda Sabettini

    While going for his daily walk, Prince Hoshea notices a cloud with what looks like a castle on top.Taking a closer look, he realizes that it is indeed a castle on top of that cloud. He also notices a beautiful princess looking out one of the castle windows.He wants to meet this princess, but there's a problem: how would he get there? How could he reach that cloud castle so high in the sky?Find out how Prince Hoshea's plan to help an old woman leads to his gaining the secret to the mystery of reaching Cloud Castle.

  • av L. A. Ray

    Lawrence Anthony Ray, a.k.a. L. A. Ray, is or was your average kid growing up in the South. His grandfather was a Baptist preacher. His father was a Baptist preacher. He has two brothers who are Baptist preachers and two nephews who are Baptist preachers, and everybody and their mama thought and expected that he would be the next preacher in the Ray family. To everyone's surprise, at the age of eighteen, he joined the United States Army. His intentions were to get away from his strong Christian upbringing and everyone's expectations of what and who they wanted him to be and go find out for himself who and what he wanted to be. He was taught that God has a plan for everyone's life, and he was on a mission to find out what was God's plan for his life as he hoped and prayed daily it was not to be a preacher.

  • av David Kelch

    As a child, we all remember back in school when the sheriffs came to our class and spoke to us about the importance of telling the truth, how their job was to protect the community from criminals of all types; they instilled in us to always report a crime when you witness one. Even the vehicles they drove proclaimed to "protect and serve." We believed in and instilled those values in our children. When I grew up, I experienced quite the opposite of what I was taught, which was if you speak out against law enforcement that is involved in corruption, you will suffer irreparable consequences. This autobiography tells the truth about what happened when we "did the right thing" that we believed was our duty by calling out corruption in local law enforcement and the irreparable repercussions we suffered at the hands of the very people who were supposed to protect us.These past years I have prayed for the strength to forgive those who trespassed against us, but as the years went on, those involved continued with their lives, receiving promotions, pay raises, buying new homes, and obtaining new jobs; they, in a nutshell, went on with their daily lives as if it was just another day. With no thought to the ruins they had left our lives in. For us, there would be no new home, no job, and no raise; there would be nothing but trying desperately to put our lives back together. And the realization that those illegal acts we saw? Maybe we should have never done the right thing and turned a blind eye; then, we might have been left alone. Instead, in the end, doing the right thing costs us everything.

  • av Lady Alice

    In this book, Lady Alice captures how society and the media view its customers. These characters will capture what society will look like in a world that doesn't give a lot of people the advantage that some deserve. Lady Alice works and strives to be an advocate for those who still need a voice. She will continue to improve the world for those who need hope and light. She loves what she does and hopes you will be inspired to use her book as a guide to improve your lives.Lady Alice has learned to use her writing as a tool to express herself to those who haven't listened to her in the past. These are her thoughts on how people could communicate better with others while still respecting each other. It's a good type of way to express what is on people's minds. She would like to say that this is a good form of therapy for her and hopes that you could use this to do the same. In the future, she wants people to know that their voices aren't stupid and everyone who has a story needs to share it for the world to see that they are not alone and that you might be able to save someone if you shared your story.

  • av Ranay Richards

    Shauna Brayson is a naive teenage girl. During a brief summer encounter, she is casually introduced to Jim Crandall, an arrogant, experienced young man seven years her senior. Never having dated before, she finds him charming and exciting. Little does she know that Jim's subtle controlling nature will eventually lead her down a dark path that will alter her life forever.Their union is filled with hardships and abuse, heartbreak and tears. Following a bitter quarrel, Jim tragically dies in an unexpected accident. Reeling from Jim's sudden death, Shauna abruptly finds herself facing financial ruin and life-threatening danger. With nowhere to turn, she reaches out to an affluent stranger, Ryan Randolph.But who is this man...this handsome stranger? Shauna is tortured by suspicions and insecurities. Will he guard her secrets? Can he protect her from harm? What does the future hold for her? Will she always be indebted to him? Does she have a choice, or will she forever be...bound by secrets?

  • av Steve Weatherspoon
    352 - 509

  • av P. Wesley Stubblefield

    This book explains life's purpose and the pathway to enjoy life in the physical and spiritual worlds forever. It also details how we human beings are driven the world in the opposite direction which is preventing many families from experiencing the joy of life. But more importantly, it shows the itinerary to make life's purpose a reality.

  • av David Scott

    After serving two years on a life sentence, David Scott is given a new trial because of new evidence that has come out, and once he is set free, he thinks that his past is in the past. But little does he know, everyone has someone who loves them, and after he's home and trying to live his life trouble-free, there are things going on around him that he doesn't see or feel, until after one night of drinking and celebrating an employee's four-month party, plus thinking he was about to have sex with one of his many lady friends, he wakes up tied to a chair. And there standing in front of him are people he's given a job or just plain trusted since he's been home, but to have these people tell him this is his last day, his heart starts racing, and his head and stomach seem like they're fighting against each other. But his mind gets clear enough to know that because of his past actions, there would be a hit out on him once he was set free from prison. So now thinking about everything, damn, he never pays attention to his surroundings and never thinks anything like this would ever happen. To his knowledge, all has been forgotten once he was sentenced to life, but now for what he did or they thought he did, the time for payback is standing in his face and in the form of people he has been around and trusted.

  • av Manuel Garcia

    La cueva de Adulam fue donde se formaron los valientes de David quienes, por la fe en Dios, sacaron fuerzas de debilidad, se hicieron fuertes en batallas conquistaron reinos, quienes habiendose apropiado de las promesas hicieron proezas en Dios.

  • av Sharon E. Harris

    If we can find a child that enjoys going to the doctor, then we have found a rare and one-of-a-kind child. No child really wants to see that man or that woman in a white coat who pokes and probes and then sticks them with a needle that makes them cry. Going to the doctors is inevitable for a child, but we can make the visit more pleasant than not. Kimora Goes to the Doctor is a book that helps a child see the necessity of why they must go to the doctors' office. It gives them the opportunity to understand why doctors and nurses must administer that dreaded shot, which is so that they may grow up healthy and strong. It may not be fun to visit the doctors, but it can be tolerable if the child is given an understanding of what would happen to the body if it is not immune, and what happens to the body when it is immune and is power packed with antibodies that are strong enough to destroy foreign matters that would invade their bodies to make them prone to sickness. This book faces the reality of a child's visit to the doctors' office (for some children, it is a dilemma) and how a little girl is able to go through the process of getting a shot and finding out that it is not as bad as she thinks. A little pinch and before she could open her mouth to cry, a beautiful Band-Aid is on the injected area, and a lollipop awaits, and the pinch begins to diminish almost instantaneously. This book will make going to the doctors' office a little easier because it relates to their emotions and gives them hope that they will survive such a seemingly dreaded place.

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