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Bøker utgitt av Page Publishing, Inc.

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  • av Julia Castillo Rodríguez de Salinas
    185 - 277,-

  • av Charles Falconer

    For a small cub lost in a big world, being saved by a young boy makes up a close friendship. Then Blackthorn discovers the boy is a human--a people alleged to kill lupine elves on sight. Blackthorn's pack's teachings prove wrong, and the cub's greatest danger turns out to be from some of his peers he thought he left behind.

  • av Robert A. Pence Aka Gpb

    Tranquility Teetering on Tears is an insightful observation of a nontraditional society and written by a nontraditional student formed and scripted in a traditional Lutheran University that is currently presided over by a Roman Catholic.The poems are interesting to be sure and question the Christian communities worldwide.This questioning was not the intention of the poet gpb but means of therapy in a world being turned upside down by children of an unknown God.Upsetting at times, yet true to form, in a world population at war rather than love.Just poems, yes, fulfilling the poet's call to discover and teach the meaning of faith, hope, and love.

  • av James A Titmas
    210 - 340,-

  • av Fulan Al-Fulani

    Seduced by the Dark Side as a book title required little brainstorming as it occurred to me shortly after my decision to write a book detailing my disastrous cyberspace adventure. This title describes my inner experience dramatically and accurately. From the time of its beginning on Saturday morning, October 16, at approximately 11:00 a.m. until Tuesday afternoon, February 8, my life was immersed in a seemingly blissful online relationship that had taken complete control of my thought process. The individual in whom I had confided with reassurances of faithfulness and loyalty turned out to be an unprincipled criminal eager to seize my financial assets greedily and mercilessly, and with no regard for me as a fellow human being.The two principal players were my soul mate, Jane Daley, referred to by her chat handle, Jane Love, and her alleged family attorney, Philip Smith, who supplied me with an array of pseudo-legal documents which provided a means of siphoning my personal funds for transfer into his personal account. Jane Love and Phil Smith gained my confidence and exploited my naivete to perfection. By the time I realized what had happened, it was too late to turn back. The die had been irretrievably cast.Emotion had trumped intelligence and common sense; however, now I acquired a renewed respect for doubting third parties. This life lesson was one that I learned the hard way. In the aftermath, I concluded that the best and most feasible way to confront this undeniable catastrophe and recover from it would be to retell said catastrophe to a wide audience. My aim would be twofold: recover lost assets and alert other prospective victims of cybercrime.

  • av Lonnie Bramlett

    Always remember that some things in life are gonna catch fire. It is up to us to know when we have to avoid the fire, when we need to prevent it from occurring, and when we should ride the flames to success.

  • av Lisa Rogers

    Well, I would like to begin by saying that I am so grateful to Page Publishing. for publishing my second poetry book. It means a lot to me to be published not just once but twice in this lifetime. Also I would like to tell you how I got my inspiration from my first poem. Our English teacher gave us an assignment when I was in the fifth grade to write a poem. I asked her directly, "What is a poem?" She basically said to write about things that are important to you from your own perspective. Well, I was quite confused about how I was going to write the assignment. At that time, my sister Debbie came by to visit me. She brought me a special gift--perfume. I looked at the bottle which has the name of the perfume: "Timeless". I started thinking about it when I surprised myself with my first poem titled "Endless as Time". Time is endless. Such profound words as well as the poem.

  • av James Titmas
    222 - 352,-

  • av Swami Guru Devanand Saraswatijimaharaj

    Born to WinYou cannot buy peace of mind at a pharmacy. Try to always keep a clean conscience so that you can always look into the eyes of others. Make an effort to think positively. Learn to control the quality and quantity of your thoughts. This is very important if you want to be happy. Your mind is not meant to be destroyed with drugs, vices, and negative thoughts. Your mind is meant to be disciplined, developed, and educated. If there is no inner peace, there is no world peace. The Mantra Yoga Meditation technique is an essential discipline you can use to strengthen, purify, and train your mind. Without control of the mind, there is no success.Choose to succeed!

  • av Patrick Landon

    Our favorite rodeo cowboy is back. When Hawkeye Starbuck stopped to water his horse at a mountain stream, a woman screamed. He ran to help her. That began a dance that waltzed them clear across the Basin. Whether it was rescuing old used-up horses that a blackhearted rancher had locked out to starve or chasing after a cry for help, he is more good-hearted than good-timin! Yet it seldom turned out how he had planned.

  • av Tim Reynolds

    Time has made life exciting with the cans of heat being used and perfected out at the city dump. The families have grown closer. Anything is possible with the diner and the rock bank. Come see inside the Hole Thing, book 2 of the saga Cans of Heat. Can you handle the heat in these books?

  • av Geri Hawthorne

    1The twenty-sixth century is dictated by an insane, half-human miscreant.Shari 12101918 is a time traveler sent to the nineteenth century to rescue a boy destined to die. Shari intends to take the boy to the twenty-sixth century, where he will survive and save mankind, but her mission goes awry, and she is seriously wounded.Dr. John White Wolf McIntosh rescues a young woman who is attacked and seriously wounded at Fort Yates in the Dakota Territory. She is in the wrong place at the wrong time. When she awakes, she has no memory.

  • av Terry W. Heaton

    Noah Landers, Justice Prevails is the second installment of the series. It picks up the action where book 1, Noah Landers, Welcome Home, ends.Noah had no idea why he was being called to the capital. With the ranch's calves still missing, he didn't need to be traipsing all over the state. He was still trying to repair the damages done to his ranch and the reputation thereof. The ranch's missing calves still had to be found or accounted for one way or another. He just didn't have time to be questioned by the governor about the problems he had faced regarding regaining possession of his ranch.But after a visit to the governor, he found himself with a new job that he didn't want. Even though he was the right man for the job, he still didn't want it. Now he found that more was demanded of his time. Before all was said and done, he would have to solve one of the biggest mysteries plaguing the area and solve a murder to prevent an unjust hanging.Noah found that love and work were hard things to combine. But when his love was threatened, he found that he was up to the task, with help from his love. The family increased as death depleted it. Then a mysterious message took him on a mission to right another wrong.

  • av Stephen Wieprecht

    My pretty baby She could not stay Fate took her Far far away Across the oceans And across many seas So many many miles Away for me We had good times And we had great fun But now our days Are all but done And so our paths diverge As we drifted apart While learning to appreciate the memories Of once having known a warm heart? ________________________________________________How I met my first real girlfriend?After playing a softball game with a couple of my brothers, everyone went back to somebody's house to party. My younger brother showed up with the woman he eventually married, and his friend showed up with her friend. Her friend was being pretty serious, so I asked her a series of serious questions about herself.She said she graduated second in her class, was the head pom-pom girl in high school, was teaching aerobics, studying aerodynamic engineering, had a curator scholarship, was on the dean's list, and had straight As.After she had gone for a little while, I looked at her with a simple dumb looking face and paid her a compliment.In an overly self-confident simpleton tone, I said, "You know...that ain't half bad for a girl."Then I just counted backward from three and watched the emotion build on her face.She exploded right on cue and said, "Not bad for a girl?"And then she started to vent.After ten seconds or so, my look of puzzlement gave way, and I looked out of the corner of my eyes to the right and then to the left. I looked back at her, and a small smile appeared.She knew something was up and came to an immediate stop. She looked to the left and then to the right. Everybody was looking at her like she had lost her cool.She looked at me and said, "I hate you," and then made her exit in style. I didn't see her after that for a few months, but I knew, with the good guys up by one, it would be interesting when I would see her. Our paths crossed again a few months later, around Christmas, and she was eager to even score.

  • av Betty Owens Cory

    "Escape to Misty Harbor", Book IIBetty Owens Cory Beth set off on the back roads to avoid detection on her way to a new start in Misty Harbor, Maine. Beth having been forced to escape her home due to an explosive, abusive husband she was brave enough to send a portfolio of her work to an owner of an art gallery long respected by her best friend who spent each summer there and knew her well. She not only received the welcome that she hoped for but she felt lighter than air and she could breathe again without fear of a man lost in his alcohol and dejected by his job loss. Beth had been the closest person he could take out his misery upon and removing herself from this destructive cycle took great courage.Lee was a gorgeous lobsterman who worked hard and came from a family of three brothers and a Father who passed down the lobster livelihood to his sons. Lee and Beth became friends, then sweethearts and finally husband and wife. Lee waited a long time to meet someone like Beth and they built a new home and are currently expecting their first child together.Full Author Contact InformationBetty Owens Cory - Author, Email:, Tel: 912 571-1047Biography -A native of Saint Simons Island, GA, Mrs. Sattler served as a supportive spouse during her late husband's seventeen years of naval service before embarking on her own career in 1983 in biotechnology as Director of Business Development, North America. The company she represented specialized in gene synthesis and genetic engineering. Mrs. Sattler married William Wright Cory in 2007 and has lived an international life supporting her husband's aerospace career in Italy where she began writing about her youthful days growing up on St. Simons Island, Georgia. This story resulted in her first book entitled "Crabbing Days of an Islander", which was published in 2010, followed by "Escape to Misty Harbor", published in 2021 and now "Escape to Misty Harbor, Book II"; which has been completed and awaits publication.

  • av Sterling Langston
    277 - 424,-

  • av Leroy Cooper

    As It Was WrittenJanuary 16, 202202:00 HoursAs it was written from the time of my divorce,my life began to change and seemed to take its own course.As Twenty Clicks into the Wind was written, my mother had found and read.She called me and told me she cried. But I didn't stop. I kept writing more instead.Every day that I wrote, my mother kept note.She kept everything that she saved in a file.Till one day, it built up, and I put it in a big pile.Kept on writing, I did. Speaking about the love I had for my son.Till one day, we strayed away. And our bond had come undone.Then one day, I got into a bind, so I came up with a thought.To bring my past back up. The pages that I've written may someday be bought.So as I took a look, I made my diary my book.My life, my diary, my poems. Now it's my time to share.Every line that I've written is now complete and all there.Everything that you read is exactly what you're gettin'.While I tell you what was said, it was written.

  • av Mark Garnett

    A galactic war has gripped the Milky Way. The Human race formed an alliance with the Anubis, Horus, and Jurassic people against their common enemies, the Kalmiera, Mantis and Arachnids. Each side fights for their survival, using nuclear, chemical, and biological warfare, as well as genetically growing of troops in tank wombs to keep fighting the war. The war spills into countless solar systems as each side works to gain foothold on moons and planets in the galaxy. This story takes place in the Cygnus Loop System where the Antman people have been fighting the Kalmiera, Mantis and Arachnids for generations.

  • av Enrique F. Lozada

    Tiempo, tiempo y más tiempo, es lo que más tenemos los vampiros como yo y, ¿qué resulta de esto? Un infinito aburrimiento, por lo que desde hace varios años soy dueño de una de las mejores agencias de detectives de la Ciudad de México, para así mantenerme con alguna distracción, porque ustedes los humanos son fuente infinita de todo tipo de crímenes, desde los más intrascendentes hasta los más espeluznantes. Como es el caso que recibí hoy. Y, ¿qué decir de mis congéneres? Por algo somos lo que somos, seres malditos, con odios y deseos muy particulares. ¿Tengo enemigos entre ellos? Claro está; ¿qué me quieren destruir?, por supuesto y si a eso agregamos un elemento sorpresa, ¿qué resulta? Una historia muy interesante para usted. Léala, no se arrepentirá, querido lector.

  • av Vickie L Gardner
    197 - 328,-

  • av Eric Marcus

    Going, going, gone. That was how many MLB broadcasters would describe home runs, which were my favorite aspect of my favorite sport, baseball. That is where the title of this book originated. Sadly, MLB has been changing over the past several years. My favorite sport has become maddening, difficult to watch, and the adoration I had for MLB players and teams has evaporated. This book describes my opinions on what has happened to MLB, which I believe is destroying its future. The book starts with my childhood experiences and favorite MLB heroes, which I believe many fans of my generation, in particular, can understand and relate to. I am hoping it sparks similar fond memories for my readers.The book moves on to the top reasons why MLB has been diminished, and now it has a very uncertain long-term future.These are all my opinions, and my hope is that it increases the reader's understanding of what is happening to the sport I once loved so much.--Eric L. Marcus

  • av Susan Barnes Robbins

    Life in our world can be difficult enough, without having to constantly impress others or be anxious about whether or not we are showing our best selves to those around us.Realizing there are different levels of society and knowing which level we are considered a part of can be a question that quite a few of us pose; it puts us in a certain category for sure.In Susan Barnes Robbins'book about her feeling of being between classes of society, she shows us why it might be that she feels caught in between this way.It is believed you will find this book both interesting and enlightening in understanding yourself.

  • av Michael Thomas

    MICHAELTHOMAS"Prior to purchase, I recommend that the reader transport their attention to the author's website, so they may determine whether this work is suited for their interests. As, The Last Generation was not prepared for that consumer of a fast food diet. Should the reader then rescind upon their resolution to procure this document, no offence will taken by the author.".. Michael Thomas

  • av Josanne Wilson

    The year was 1882, and it became the year of the most significant events in Giselle's life. She had celebrated her eighteenth birthday and mourned the loss of her mother. She had also been the person in her town who discovered that a well-respected business owner who was held in high esteem by all was actually a thief and an unscrupulous human being. She vowed to herself and her dearly departed mother to return all the recovered items to the families of their rightful owners.During this arduous venture, she meets a man who comes to claim some of his mother's items. He steals her heart while courting her through love letters. Even though she suffers through lies, betrayal, and the loss of her virginity, she ends up finding the love of her life.

  • av Norman Schiff

    As you read this book, I hope it will rekindle your memories of Growing Up Together with your family members and experience the warm feeling of nostalgia as you recall your own "Do you remembers."

  • av Bob Dombrowski

    The year that changed history...1969 was a pivotal year for America and its youth--from drag-racing greasers to pot-smoking hippies and everyone else in between. This book takes you through that crazy time as a young kid from Detroit, Casmir Novak, and his friends navigate through the year's historic events, including the Vietnam War, Woodstock, landing on the moon, the Mets World Series, and so much more. And maybe, more importantly, find out whether a Pontiac GTO can beat a Plymouth GTX in one of the many drag races across the Motor City. Baby boomers and millennials alike will enjoy going back to a time when life went from simple to extreme, rich with details of an era that shaped both a nation and the automotive capital of the world. So jump in, buckle up, and hang on for a great ride through America's last days of innocence. Don't miss these other fine books: 38 Years, A Detroit Firefighter's Story, and Paczki Day.

  • av Richard Bartron

    Richard "Matlock" Parish, a prisoner in one of Florida's major correctional institutions and maybe the best jailhouse lawyer ever, and Harley Jade, a rising star in Florida's Public Defenders Appellate Division and maybe the most beautiful woman in the whole wide world, fight for the freedom of wrongfully imprisoned Florida prison inmates while locked in a life-and-death struggle with a corrupt and dangerous attorney general.

  • av Karon Curtis

    In this riveting sequel to Mama's Deadly Secret, we follow Payton Watson through the aftermath of his accident and his quest to find the truth about what happened to him.Unable to remember the details that led up to the accident, Payton had more questions than answers and leaned on his family for information. His family refused to talk to him about the accident, and he began to feel helpless. Payton turned to Tiffany, the only person that had been there for him through the whole ordeal.Despite the stress from the accident and tension building up at home, Payton found comfort in Tiffany and shared his feelings with her. They spend a lot of time together, and subsequently their relationship begins to flourish. But their relationship is soon put to the test. His ex-girlfriend won't leave him alone, a chance encounter with Detective Casey sheds light on the accident, and a call from an old friend sparks his curiosity.Later, Payton becomes curious about the accident and wants to know the truth. As he begins his search to find the truth, he meets a stranger with ties to the man that nearly killed him, and what the stranger tells him will blow his mother's secret wide open.

  • av Prentis L Caudill

    This book is about the courage to overcome childhood neglect and the fears of child abuse to find a way to overcome pain and make another world so safe and far from the discomfort of childhood abuse. Dive headlong into a made-up world of love and laughter--a world of poetry and endless beauty besides.A book full of beautiful poems to brighten people's lives.

  • av Kathy Spencer Ed. D.

    Educators are naturally viewed as reflective practitioners, with time to think, ponder, vision, and design being key to the art and craft of the role itself. This is especially true of educational leaders--teachers, facilitators, administrators, and superintendents. We know that we lead more effectively when practicing deep reflection, demonstrating the desire to take action in order to serve others while honoring the greatness that exists in so many of our learning environments. With deep reflection and action comes a lot of emotion, a lot of conversations, a lot of missteps, and a lot of accomplishments. It is these experiences that dictate the ultimate need to capture lessons learned. One must understand that the lessons can provide a platform to assist one another in reaching higher, addressing new challenges confidently, persevering through extreme adversity, and exploring opportunities never considered before as we all answer our own calling. We consider the need for reflection by leaders as necessary to honor the past and to build a pathway to future success. We find ourselves in unprecedented times in the world of educational leadership, yet recognize that the principles and foundational pieces that have been a part of our work remain constant. Embracing reflection allows us to honor the past, while best serving in the unknown, tumultuous and exciting future. It creates the opportunity to unload and process our experiences while learning from one another. We must provide a space that inspires others to engage in this during their leadership experiences. This is the basis for our story.

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