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Bøker utgitt av Ozark Mountain Publishing

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  • av Jolene Tierney & Jason (Jason Tierney) Tierney

    "What's the meaning? What's the life force of this flower, of the earth, the life force in me, the life force in the sky, in creation? What dictates which form we're created in? The word consciousness comes to mind. Join Malâemene and Auberone on their journey into consciousness through life itself. Even in a world of telepathic communication and interplanetary travel, all is not well. Can we help them find a solution? Would it be implemented? Could it be of value to us here and now?"--

  • - Past Lives & Crystal Skulls: the Secrets of Time Continuing the Journey of a Soul . . .
    av Pauline (Pauline Delcour-Min) Delcour-Min

    "Holy Ice takes us on a breathtaking journey through time, to the heart of the mystery of the crystal skulls. Revered by shamans, held by indigenous peoples, displayed in the museums of the world, the crystal skulls are ancient artefacts that can inspire us to awaken to our power. Change is coming - climate change, pollution - today's environmental crisis shows that the old ways aren't working. We can't stop change, but we can choose to work with it and bring in a Golden Age. In Holy Ice past life memories researched through regression span from Atlantis to the present day, building a cosmic vision for the future. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. Here are the secrets of time"--

  • - My Spiritual Journal: Coping with My Son's Suicide
    av James Ream (James Ream Adams) Adams

    "All too often survivors of a loved one's suicide are left behind, struggling with a loss that fosters stigma, shame, blame, guilt and abandonment. For the survivor, these struggles last long after the funeral is over and friends and relatives have returned to their daily lives. Healing the loss after the suicide of a love one is about restarting your life with nothing firm to stand on. Little Steps is the guided process James Adams recorded in his journal documenting before, during and after his son committed suicide. It starts with conversations where voices of wisdom are guiding him along a spiritual path of discovery, then, as he was confronted with the trauma of his loss, those conversations shifted focus towards coping with and understanding the grief process as it unfolded. Feeling left behind and somehow responsible, James continued to write his guided conversations as he dealt with the questions of: Why did he do this? I should have... I could have... if only I had known or done... what did I do wrong? These real time journaled conversations capture in a loving, spiritual, and supportive way all the drama, trauma, and recovery as they occurred making Little Steps a powerful documentary of healing from a traumatic loss"--

  • - My Life with Spirit
    av Cat (Cat Baldwin) Baldwin

    "What does it look like to live from your soul and higher true self and not your ego, social agreement, familial and ancestral lineage? Do we all have gifts beyond this realm? Do you have Ascended Masters, Archangels, Spirit Guides and ancestors waiting to assist you? What would it look like if you did and were in communication/relationship with them, could see, hear or sense them and knew they were providing you with Divine guidance in living into your soul's purpose, happiness and joy? When tragedy strikes would you trust that it's for your highest good or would you be angry, feel abandoned and lose faith. How would you respond when facing your perpetrator, from ego or your spirit self? Journey with Cat Baldwin through the lessons, losses and teaching guidance co-created with Spirit and the miracles that follow. What do the Egyptians have to offer us? Do you recall past life experiences? How does your spirit body relate to your organs and your physical wellbeing? Share in the Forgiveness Workshop from Higher Self Spirit and learn true forgiveness. Share personal healing sessions and experiences provided by Spirit for the healing of humanity and the creation of the New Earth Energies"--

  • - A Path to Creating Your Reality
    av Anthony (Anthony DeNino) DeNino

    "Welcome to "The Power of Giving and Gratitude!". This book will expand your mind and lay out plans that will help you to live a more meaningful, more powerful, and more impactful life. In the process of living this enhanced life, you will also help others do the same. This book promises to help you have a closer relationship with your body, your mind, and your soul while bringing into your life a more meaningful relationship with God. You've heard the old proverb, "It takes a village ... " - right? Well, I'm happy to let you know that all it takes to have a lasting impact on the world is one person. You!"--

  • av Annie Stillwater (Annie Stillwater Gray) Gray

    ""Joys of a Guardian Angel" is an uplifting book, which brings much joy to all who read it. The good news is that we human beings have much assistance from the spirit side to guide us through Earth's transformation"--

  • - The Inspirational Story of a Love That Refused to Die, Even After Death
    av Patricia (Patricia Irvine) Irvine

    In Light and In Shade is the inspirational true story of a love that refused to die, even after death. It is the first-hand account of extraordinary events that happened to an ordinary woman.Before her husband died prematurely, Patricia Irvine was skeptical about spiritual matters. However, driven by grief and fear over a feud concerning the family business, she decided to seek the advice of a medium. Shortly afterwards, inexplicable things began to happen to challenge her beliefs. As Patricia awakened spiritually, so her husband was able to reach beyond the grave to help his widow achieve justice for her and their young family in a court battle that made legal history.Based on the journals Patricia kept throughout this time, this memoir describes the author's amazing journey from non-believer to finding her true destiny, healing through words. In a troubled and turbulent world, In Light and In Shade raises important points about religion, God, and the true meaning of spirituality. It is a story anyone seeking answers to the big questions about life and death should read.

  • av Dolores (Dolores Cannon) Cannon

    Prior to contacting Dolores for a regression session, a 22-year-old American woman inexplicably became deeply traumatized and overwhelmed by a sudden rush of memories that had no rational explanation. The memories were triggered in the following settings. On an ordinary day as she walked into her living room, a program was playing on the television where survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima were being interviewed. There were no scenes of the bombing, simply the interviewer discussing the event with the guests. As she viewed the images of the survivors describing their experiences, without explanation, she suddenly began experienced scenes flashing through her mind of the actual bombing as it occurred in real time. As well as experiencing visual images of the event, additional senses were stimulated as she could also hear the screams of people and feel the deep pain of the experience. Intuitively, she knew she had been present when the event occurred. In the days and weeks that followed after watching the program, the horrific scenes of the explosion itself and the resulting aftermath continued to persistently flood her mind. She was able to push them to the back of her mind for a brief period of time so she could function in everyday life, however, this became too exhausting a process which provided no explanation to what was happening to her or why. At this point, she contacted Dolores and she sought her help via a session. This book is the story of how Dolores carefully traced these experiences back to her life as a Japanese man named Nogorigatu living in Hiroshima during WWII. It tells the story of what the Japanese people experienced during the war and is a side of history that has neither been fully explored nor written about. At the time, it was Dolores most challenging case because she was unsure of how the young lady would react to reliving dying in an atomic explosion. It had to be handled with extreme care. The resulting story cries out to our time, "Do not let this horror happen again!"

  • - A System Engineer's Journey into the Afterlife
    av Richard (Richard Rowe) Rowe

    Imagining the Unimaginable is an inventor's journey to answer age-old questions from a modern-day perspective using only first-hand human experiences. When a system engineer and inventor of over one-hundred and twenty US patents analyzes and models the afterlife from only first-hand evidence culled from thousands of Near-death experiences (NDEs) and past-life regression hypnosis sessions, a divine system emerges.After nearly dying from a blood clot in 2004, author and inventor Richard Rowe began a spiritual journey to answer age-old questions: What happens after we die? Is there an afterlife? Why is there so much suffering in the world? Why do bad things happen to good people?To answer these questions and many others, Richard uses over thirty years of inventing and system engineering experience to examine insights from first-hand NDEs. When his questions get deeper, Richard must search beyond NDEs for answers. He expands his reference material to the first-hand reports of people under past-life regression hypnosis, then goes one step further and includes insights from personal experimentation with past-life regression hypnosis.Unlike existing books covering the topics of NDEs and past-life regression, Richard synthesizes a vast amount of first-hand information and develops an overarching model to account for the data using easy-to-understand diagrams and explanations to infer and describe an inventor's perspective of heavenly realms orchestrating the afterlife.

  • - Who are We? Why are We Here? What is it All About?
    av Pauline (Pauline Delcour-Min) Delcour-Min

    Spiritual Gold is a wonderful book about past lives. It shares the treasures of a soul's journey through time and introduces us to angels and inner guides. The past life memories in the book have been retrieved through regression and stretch back over 10,000 years. They include hearing Jesus speak, and reveal his lost teachings of reincarnation; they take us to other worlds and unravel the secret of the Sphinx. But understanding the past brings a warning about our future.The years we are living through now form a pivotal point in time. Our choices could bring us to a Golden Age - or a great catastrophe. Spiritual Gold helps us step into our power. It may be a book about past lives, but its eyes are firmly on the future. We can make a difference to how things turn out. We can forge our destiny.

  • - A Guide to Extraterrestrials
    av Patrick (Patrick De Haan) De Haan

    This book includes information about highly evolved life forms from other worlds in our galaxy that are visiting and observing Earth. There are channeling sessions between the author and his guardian angel guides and extraterrestrials in general and sessions with aliens visiting and observing Earth during the time the book was written--2014 through early 2016.

  • - The Direct Dialogue with the Ultimate Creator
    av Guy Steven Needler

    Have you ever thought about who or what God is or who the co-creators are? Or even, what is beyond God? What if God was indeed finite and that there was a much bigger infinite being, one that created God and the co-creators?In The Origin Speaks the reader is taken beyond the authors Beyond the Source books to a direct dialogue with the ultimate creator, the all there is, the absolute, The Origin.

  • - The Hidden Story of the Women Disciples
    av Stuart (Stuart Wilson) Wilson

    The long-awaited, compelling sequel of the best-selling book The Essenes - Children of the Light. What is the secret of Mary Magdalene s power? Who were the female disciples of jeshua? Did Jeshua and Mary Magdalene have a child? How can we understand the New Children now being born? What changes will the New Consciousness bring into our lives? This is the story of the Essenes and the female disciples of Jeshua who were deliberately marginalised and written out of the record. This book focuses on the partnership of Jeshua and Mary Magdalene, and culminates in the work of the Crystal Children who are just now being born. This fascinating story was revealed through the process of past life regression and through the insight of an angelic being called Alariel. This is the inner history or our planet as it has never been told before. A narrative to inspire the spirit and warm the heart.

  • - Discover the Psychic within!
    av Diane (Diane Lewis) Lewis

  • - A Practical and Humorous Guide to All Things Angelic
    av Andy (Andy Myers) Myers

    This book is a double dose of angels, as Andy Myers explores the phenomenon from two different perspectives. The first section focuses on spirit guides and is overflowing with useful content on how the reader can learn to communicate with his or her spirit guides on a daily basis. In the second section Andy focuses on classic, winged angels and explores them in terms of history, spirituality, and pop culture.

  • - Communications with the Ascended
    av Guy Steven Needler

    The Anne Dialogues provides a behind-theenergetic-scenes look at what happens in the incarnation process. Readers are taken each step of the way from the point of death to the decision to incarnate again and through the myriad teachings in between.A channeled work, this book is an insider's view of the actual process of dying and ascending to the spirit side.

  • - Information from the Master Guidesa Spiritual Guide Book
    av Annie Stillwater (Annie Stillwater Gray) Gray

    Here is a spiritual workbook containing messages from the Master Guides who have taken great care to present the information in a simple, straightforward, easy-to-understand manner. This information may affect future generations for hundreds of years. Opportunities are presented for humans to become what we can become, to fulfill ourselves in the eyes of the universe.The Dawn Book is a gift to humanity, which offers a positive outlook on Mother Earth's changes with simple exercises to raise our personal vibrations to heal ourselves and the planet.

  • - A Little Everyday Philosophy
    av L. R. (L. R. Sumpter) Sumpter

    This is a positive message about your souls power, your lifes purpose, NDEs (Near Death Experiences), dj vu and your spiritual guides. It demonstrates how everyday features of modern life such as democracy, television, airplanes, computer technology and instant communication establish that we live in a new age that has suddenly broken away from the last 10,000 or more years. It proves that we have new spiritual powers that have been suppressed for years. We can find out what sort of beings we really are and how we create the things that are in our world.

  • - Six Paths to Find Fulfilling Relationships
    av Kathryn (Kathryn Andries) Andries

  • - A Lighthearted Journey to Help the Children in Your Life Discover Dreams Have Something to Teach Us
    av Kathryn (Kathryn Andries) Andries

  • - Rejoining Our Cosmic Family a Story of a Lifelong Interaction with Beings from Another World
    av Sherry (Sherry Wilde) Wilde

    This is the story of one womans life-long interaction with beings from another world, and her journey to go beyond the fear to find meaning and purpose. In this book she explores the abduction experience and shares with you the three important things they insisted she learn.

  • - A Mind-Challenging Way to Recognize Who, Why, and What You Truly are
    av Guy Steven Needler

    Karma is only a function of the physical universe, and our true energetic selves, when attracted to the lower frequencies associated with the physical universe, are linked to it. Hence the need to return to it, to break the link, to break the Karmic cycle. Once the link with the physical is broken, the need to incarnate is no longer necessary and the true energetic self can ascend the frequencies, evolving in the process without needing to experience ever again those lower frequencies associated with the physical universe.

  • av Dolores (Dolores Cannon) Cannon

    Through regressive hypnosis a lost legend of the history of mankind has been retrieved from the recesses of time. Did the American Indians descend from the inhabitants of an alien spacecraft that crashed in the Alaska-Canada region thousands of years ago? Starcrash indicates that aliens continued to come to Earth, some intentionally and by accident, throughout our history. In order to adjust to harsh conditions they were forced to interbreed with the local aborigines. This was the only way to insure the survival of their race. Does their blood still flow in the veins of certain American Indian tribes?

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