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  • av Amalle Catarina Ribeiro Pereira

    This is an ethnography based on the study of linguistics and anthropological reflections on the way of life of repentistas. Violeiros, cantadores, repentistas sing and, through improvisation, present their relationships and social life in ritual. Through the repente it is possible to understand the social way of life of the singer. The repente is presented as improvised poetry in which two singers exchange words with their guitars. Improvisation and the surprise it brings to the listener are defining features of the cantoria. But there is a variation of it, the balaio, which is allowed in media festivals and can be a source of conflict. The aim of this work is to correlate anthropological and linguistic theory by understanding the universe of cantoria, its values and meanings from the perspective of the singers, in line with the researcher's experience. Between dramas and less conflictive relationships, the social process in which repentistas and the researcher are inserted is understood in order to formulate an ethnographic record. This work was awarded second place in IPHAN's Sílvio Romero Monograph Competition in 2015.

  • av Carolinne Alves Oliveira Souza

    Aloe vera, popularly known as babsosa, is a plant from the Xanthorreaceae family found in tropical regions and has long been used in various parts of the world for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antibacterial and modulating activity of the ethanolic extract of aloe vera barbadensis miller against Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

  • av Amade Dauto Ibramugy

    Soya is one of the most widely grown plants in the world and is a good source of proteins and amino acids of high biological value. On average, the composition of soya is 40% protein, 20% lipids (oil), 5% minerals and 34% carbohydrates. Among foods of plant origin, soy stands out not only for its quantity, but also for the quality of its nutrients, as well as the presence of isoflavonoids, oligosaccharides and fibers, classifying it as a functional food. The use of soy as a functional food has expanded in recent years, especially in developed countries. Combined with the growing concern for a healthy diet, soy occupies a prominent place on the list of preferences of an increasing number of consumers.This work was carried out as a contribution to the soybean production sector and aimed to evaluate the quality of soybeans and soy milk (soy extract) on a laboratory scale.

  • av Marcos Aurélio Balaban

    This work aims to contribute to analysing the influence of philosophy and theology in the 13th century and how the concept of the Soul was based during this period, especially in Thomas Aquinas, interfacing with Platonic and Aristotelian thought. The concept of the Soul has been grounded in the classics of philosophy, unsettling even the great thinkers in the history of philosophy. Plato, in his dialogue entitled Fédon, poses the problem of the immortality of the soul. Aristotle thought that the soul was present within animate beings, in other words, man, animals and plants, that which possessed the principle of movement, interconnected with the things we live, feel and think about, having a very strong union with the conservation of life. The question is to understand why the Soul is totally linked to the body for Thomist ideas? The soul thus becomes the substantial form of the body, which is substance, having the competence to subsist, not needing the body to be. The body of living beings is a great source of speculation for scholars, who tend to explain behaviours that are often not revealed by science or religion.

  • av Viviane Arêas

    This book was born as a proposal to think about the relationship we establish with time in the contemporary world through a dialogue between knowledge from the fields of mental health and philosophy. In the former, I highlight deinstitutionalisation, one of the most important themes in the field, as the device that triggers transformation in power relations, something that makes it possible to break the process of chronification. However, how do we promote deinstitutionalisation in the face of a chronifying context that paralyses not only those with long years of psychiatric hospitalisation, but also us professionals? How can we de-chronify in a time of chronification? Based on these questions, the figures of Chronos and Aion - based on Gilles Deleuze's reading - emerge as powerful bets for thinking about time and the clinic in deinstitutionalisation, so that we can establish more unique and ethical relationships with them.

  • av Manuella Candéo

    School education must go beyond basic teachings, and schools and universities need to educate citizens who are capable of understanding the social relations of science and technology. For this reason, this paper proposes the use of films to work with secondary and technical school students in the light of the theoretical and philosophical assumptions of the CTS (Science Technology and Society) approach. Under a qualitative methodological approach of an interpretative nature, the object of study is analysed and interpreted: films as a teaching strategy for promoting ACT (Scientific and Technological Literacy).

  • av Nezha El Bakkali

    The Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) G.Manetti ex Carrière) is a species endemic to the mountains of Morocco and Algeria; a noble resinous species par excellence that is of interest in several respects. Indeed, thanks to its high production of high-quality timber, its longevity and resistance to compression, it is a vital source of income for the local population and provides considerable economic activity. Unfortunately, this very important natural resource is threatened by a number of decline factors, including anthropogenic activity and the rapid evolution of the climate towards drought.The aim of this work is to identify adaptive morphological and anatomical traits that can discriminate between geographically distant Moroccan cedar populations.

  • av Fernando Luis Munoz Andrade

    Digital transformation plays an important role in activating the mechanisms of progressive development of agriculture. Modern market conditions show that digital transformation is actively penetrating all sectors. The use of a set of digital systems in the agro-industrial complex is no exception.The purpose of the research is to study the application of digital solutions in the enterprises of agro-industrial complex of the region.The novelty and practical significance lies in the fact that the author has proposed the development of a digital solution project at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the region.

  • av Mohamed Elkhabachy
    1 093,-

    Having qualified as a chartered accountant and run my own firm for some twenty years, I've always had to deal with this problem at every financial year-end. This time, I've decided to face up to the regulations and expose their limitations. The aim is to shake up these regulations. In the meantime, I'm proposing an alternative method that can still be perfected.the proposed method is based on criticism of the methods recommended by the general chart of accounts. this method does not reflect the true image of the farming business. the challenge is to find a method that allocates all expenses incurred according to objective and reasonable criteria. the problem with current regulations is that they allocate all expenses as advances to crops in stock. what about crops sold before the close of the financial year?

  • av Parminasse Djenoudji
    1 093,-

    After the fall of man, evil entered the world and distorted the meaning of all that God created good. Man, created in the image of God, became a commercial object. Medicine, whose primary vocation was to heal and cure people of their suffering, became the human marketplace. Throughout history, medicine has undergone two great revolutions: the biological revolution and the therapeutic revolution. These two revolutions have changed the paradigm of biomedical practice. The biological revolution gave man the three masters: mastery of reproduction, mastery of heredity and mastery of the nervous system. The therapeutic revolution concerns medicine, or more precisely, the ethics of applying recent advances to the treatment and prevention of disease, and the ethics of clinical research. Despite the beneficial effects of these biomedical advances, there have been a number of adverse consequences. Christian bioethics is not opposed to biomedical advances. Rather, it points out the inhumane commercial practices condoned by the medical profession.

  • av Parminasse Djenoudji
    1 093,-

    After the fall of man, evil entered the world and distorted the meaning of all that God created good. Man, created in the image of God, became a commercial object. Medicine, whose primary vocation was to heal and cure people of their suffering, became the human marketplace. Throughout history, medicine has undergone two great revolutions: the biological revolution and the therapeutic revolution. These two revolutions have changed the paradigm of biomedical practice. The biological revolution gave man the three masters: mastery of reproduction, mastery of heredity and mastery of the nervous system. The therapeutic revolution concerns medicine, or more precisely, the ethics of applying recent advances to the treatment and prevention of disease, and the ethics of clinical research. Despite the beneficial effects of these biomedical advances, there are many negative consequences. Christian bioethics is not opposed to biomedical advances. Rather, it points out the inhumane commercial practices condoned by the medical profession.

  • av Fatma Khalsi

    The incidence of domestic accidents is high in both developing and industrialized countries.During the confinement period, schooling, sports activities and children's nursery activities came to a halt. Several studies have reported an increase in the incidence of domestic accidents during this period. Domestic accidents are frequent and sometimes serious. Since the launch of containment measures during the COVID-19 pandemic, a relative increase in the incidence of domestic accidents among children has been observed, without there being an increase in the overall incidence during the COVID-19 period.

  • av Michée Olame Kavuvu

    Motivation can manifest itself in different ways, such as perseverance, commitment and the desire to achieve academic goals. When a student is motivated, he or she may be more likely to invest more time in their studies, adopt effective learning strategies, manage their time more efficiently and be more persistent in the face of difficulties. As several studies have already been carried out on motivation as one of the factors promoting academic success, we were inspired to examine the impact of motivation on academic success with distinction among students at the Université Officielle de Bukavu. It was from this perspective that the present study was conducted to examine the impact of motivation on academic success with honors among university students at the Universitaire Officielle de Bukavu. The question was: what kind of motivation promotes success with honors among university students?

  • av Elsa Maria Santandreu Uriarte

    Malnutrition is defined as deficient or unbalanced nutrition due to a poor or excessive diet; it is one of the factors that contribute most to the global burden of disease, since more than one third of childhood illnesses worldwide are attributed to malnutrition, where poverty is one of the main causes. Among the public health problems with social implications, weight disorders such as overweight and obesity stand out, which have been considered in contemporary times as a cultural condition with consequences only in personal aesthetics; however, with the advance of knowledge, it is considered as an entity with medical and socio-environmental intervening factors.

  • av Marco Zanzi Morandi

    This paper explores the personality dynamics of online role-playing video game players, focusing on the following aspects: self-perception, identification and ideals, introversion-extroversion, motivations and interpersonal relationships, in order to better understand the experiences and influences that this kind of video games have on the lives of gamers. In order to achieve this objective, the following instruments were applied to a sample: MMPI-2, self-concept questionnaire AF5, Karen Machover's human figure test and a Semi-Structured Interview. By evaluating the results it was possible to investigate the interactions that players develop within the community of these games, providing and expanding relevant information regarding the dynamics of personality and noting that people experience a fantastic life through the characters in the game, suggesting that the choice of the same determines and reveals elements of its functionality, generating identifications and projections whose purpose is to compensate and realise their idealised aspirations linked to their characters and roles exercised in the game.

  • av D'Almeida Ismael Wilfried Pierrot

    "Juvenile delinquency is certainly one of the best illustrations of the difficulties encountered by contemporary legislators in adapting criminal law to persons whose discernment is non-existent or incomplete". This assertion reflects the finesse of the issue of implementing the criminal responsibility of minors whose discernment is, depending on the case, non-existent or incomplete. Repressive juvenile justice has its own unique hallmark, the right balance between the need for repression and the imperative of protection: a veritable panache. Most of the protective and guiding principles relating to children's rights are dictated by the CRC.A true institutional mimicry, these protective principles have established a real foundation of juvenile law in our domestic legislation. This is how juvenile courts came into being in Niger, following a singular process. At least one juvenile court judge has been set up in each of Niger's ten regional courts, with a view to safeguarding and guaranteeing the application of the delicate and repressive juvenile justice system.

  • av María Fernández

    "Creative Pedagogy for Innovative Teachers" offers an inspiring and practical perspective for educators in search of innovative pedagogical strategies. The book highlights creative methods that go beyond the traditional, encouraging an interactive and participatory approach in the classroom. Through concrete examples and applicable tools, the book guides teachers toward a dynamic educational environment, where creativity becomes a powerful vehicle for meaningful learning. With a pragmatic approach, this valuable resource stimulates reflection and action, providing educators with the tools necessary to cultivate an enriching educational environment adapted to the changing needs of 21st century learners.

  • av Denise Monteiro

    Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is one of the Lean Production tools that has been widely discussed in the literature for mapping production and service processes with a focus on reducing waste and non-value added time. Despite the growing number of publications on the subject, there is a lack of systematic research presenting the state of the art. Therefore, this book, through a literature review, aims to gather information on the VSM in order to identify its main characteristics, trends and opportunities. The review includes 263 abstracts and 91 selected articles. The study proposes a synthesis, in the form of a framework, which presents how VSM is adopted in certain contexts and motivations, outlining a better understanding of how the tool is implemented and the respective outputs and results that can be generated. This book is aimed at managers, engineers, administrators, consultants and students who work or wish to work in the area of continuous improvement and operational excellence.

  • av Abdelkader Benchehida

    This warning refers to the fact that it is an assembly or collection of several themes resulting from the work of a number of specialists in the teaching of swimming, and is marked by the author's intention to cite references that will enable the reader to be referred to the primary source and author of the text, so that it is not misinterpreted.This training manual is aimed at physical activity and sports professionals. To make it easier to understand, we have written a general section for each chapter. This book has not been produced for commercial purposes, but to help teachers and coaches responsible for promoting swimming. Its aim is far more modest: to make non-specialists aware, in a pedagogical way, of the main teaching and training methods for a group of beginner swimmers. It does not aim to cover and analyze, in an exhaustive way, all the characteristics and particularities of teaching this sport.

  • av Robson Antonio Tavares Costa

    Brazilian education today is questioning itself, seeking essential answers to solve the important role of managers in the face of the difficulties presented by political and social issues and the interests of those who hold the power of financial resources to promote better quality education and professional training. Thus, faced with the financial difficulties experienced by the current Brazilian reality, managers are faced with the challenge of adapting to the high demands of supervisory bodies and society. The research was carried out in the mesoregion of the state of Pará, with a sample of 20 managers from private institutions, meeting the inclusion criteria using an objective questionnaire and quantified using the Linkert scale.

  • av Monique G Sousa de Almeida

    It provides an understanding of the sanitation system used in the Colina neighbourhood in the municipality of Igarapé-Açu. It consists of a technical opinion on the description of the study area, images, research methodologies, graphs of quantitative principles that do justice to the numbers in percentage used in the development according to questionnaires answered by residents, and qualitative understood through interviews with representatives of the municipality's management departments; and the deprecation of results linked to the health of residents, which is reflected in the issues that integrate the quality of the service. Its development is built on these perspectives, positioned between the issues of problematisation about what was diagnosed through on-site observations. It emphasises the elements belonging to environmental perception, highlighting drinking water treatment and distribution, solid waste treatment and disposal, rainwater drainage, domestic sewage treatment and disposal and public health. Thus, after the approach and description of the information in its development, the proposals for improvements included in the research are highlighted.

  • av Vivian Karinne Morais Rodrigues

    This book analyzes the ways in which territory is used and appropriated in the riverside environments of the Uraricoera River, based on the study of territory, territorialities and traditional communities. It seeks to understand the spatial practices of the "ilheiros" (occupants of the islands) and their participation in the process of territorial production. Multiple dimensions of the social universe of the occupants of the islands were analyzed: political, social, economic and symbolic. A bibliographical and documentary survey was carried out on the subject, associating theory with empirics, fieldwork using specific methodologies such as participatory mapping, based on valuing the territorial perception of the local community, using geoprocessing techniques such as the use of GPS (Global Positioning System) and interviews.

  • av Kelen Schelbauer

    The order Lepidoptera is a good tool for conservation biology, as it is sensitive to environmental variations. They also play an important role in many pollination processes and make up important trophic levels in the food chain. They are important in ecosystems due to their interactions with vegetation and fauna. The aim of this study was to determine the families of butterflies (Lepidoptera) in Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs) along the BR-116 motorway, from Mafra to Papanduva, SC. Collections took place from March to September, with a sampling effort of 27 hours. A total of 138 individuals belonging to ten families were recorded. It was observed that APP km 031 + 815 showed the greatest diversity, with seven families (Acracidae, Danaidae, Heliconidae, Morphoidae, Nymphalidae, Pieridae, Satyridae). The APPs km 026 + 780 and km 061 + 925 had the lowest diversity, with only one family recorded (Saturidae). In the APPs surveyed there were butterflies from the families Acracidae, Danaidae, Hesperiidae, Heliconidae, Lycaenidae, Morphoidae, Nymphalidae, Pieridae, Riodinidae and Satyridae.

  • av Osvaldo Hernández

    Environmental Ethics represents a representative starting point for the construction of contemporary environmental characterisations; mainly in Latin America. This refers to a re-evaluation of environmental ethics. In this sense, it is important to analyse this perspective from the alternatives proposed in the face of the problems and challenges that today occupy eco-environmentalist philosophy. Being always implies a becoming together with others; therefore, all actions with others is a reciprocal doing; this refers to an essential ethical principle if we wish to organise humanising ways of life. Environmental ethics refers to a series of epistemological elements, among them: ecocentric principle, subject-object relationship, environmental complexity, rationality, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and environmental interpretation, which represent the backbone of the strategies proposed in the face of contemporary eco-environmental urgencies. The aim is to sustain existence in conditions that reproduce justice and equity as inherent assets of life.

  • av Francisco Wendell Dias Costa

    This study presents Conservation Units as part of the instruments of the National Environmental Policy. In this sense, the aim of the work is to analyse the actions of those involved in the socio-environmental management process of the Cururupu Marine Extractive Reserve, based on the methodological approach of Historical-Dialectical Materialism. In order to carry out the research, methodological procedures were developed. Faced with the problem of the failure to finalise the Management Plan, the Cururupu Extractive Reserve has a Management Agreement that preliminarily indicates the activities and prohibitions on the use of the natural resources available in the area. It also has its own management system, such as: the Cururupu Marine Extractive Reserve Residents' Association; the Green Group with the "Clean Community" project and actions by residents prior to these legal provisions who acted in defence of the preservation of the area's natural resources.

  • av Nathalia Silveira Rezende

    The aim of this paper is to analyse the main trends in migrant remittance flows to developing countries from 1990 to 2009. Specifically, it seeks to analyse the direction and size of these flows, as well as their relationship with migratory flows and economic fluctuations during the period. To do this, a descriptive analysis was carried out based on data from the World Bank, specifically the Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011 and the Balance of Payments of the countries, published annually by the International Monetary Fund.

  • - using AVA Chamilo
    av Dêmis Carlos Fonseca Gomes

    With constant technological advances and the emergence of distance learning in the second half of the 20th century, various areas of our society have undergone changes, especially in education. This new constant need for the democratisation of knowledge and continuing training, combined with the use of information and communication technologies, is making it possible to increase access to education significantly. However, in order for distance learning to be more meaningful, it is necessary to have well-designed materials, as they are the main interaction between the course centre (tutor, teacher) and the student, regardless of the form in which they appear: video, CD, text, internet, etc. With this in mind, this book aims to create the conditions for education professionals to develop materials for distance learning courses using Chamilo, a virtual learning environment that makes it easier for distance learning professionals to manage teaching materials and publish them on the World Wide Web.

  • av Júlio Alves

    The aim of this paper is to present the concepts and definitions of the main types of deep foundations and their implications for civil engineering, with reference to the requirements of current standards. Subsequently, the case study of the Strauss pile construction process, located in the municipality of Barbacena/MG, will be presented. We will then highlight the characteristics that make the use of Strauss piling feasible and its concepts, presenting the executive method that was technically monitored through visual inspections. Based on this, the study analyses the entire Strauss pile construction process, discusses the problems of execution errors based on the prescriptions of technical standards and presents systematic and rational solutions for its construction process. The results analysed point to a significant improvement in the productive and economic aspects of the execution stage, highlighting the importance of good supervision of the execution of Strauss piles, as well as the importance of the design, execution and supervision standards for Strauss-type deep foundations.

  • av Natalia Coelho de Oliveira

    The aim of this paper was to understand the movement built up within the professional category to reject conservative forms of social work with families living in different urban territories considered precarious and popular, such as slums, allotments and peripheral neighbourhoods, housing estates, among others, based on the so-called intention to break away from Social Work, which also began to dispute the orientation of social work in this area. A documentary survey was therefore carried out of the main works and articles in the journal "Serviço Social e Sociedade" from 1940 to 2014. From this locus of analysis, it was possible to understand the articulation between the new and old socio-historical determinations of the urban, labour, the state, social policies, social classes and the mutations in the field of socio-institutional requirements for social work in housing and the PMCMV.

  • av Clarisse Cancela

    The theme of this work is the practice of science communication (CD) in science and technology museums, more specifically in the Museum of Astronomy and Related Sciences - MAST (Brazil / Rio de Janeiro). We sought to analyse how this practice takes place in the exhibitions of the chosen museum by means of a theoretical and empirical analysis of the chosen exhibitions. The reason for this is that I am a museologist, because of the museum's importance in the museal and educational spheres and because we have investigated patterns of DC in the exhibitions. The predominant methodology was the study of literature pertinent to the subject: articles, books and texts were consulted to construct the dissertation, as well as official documents to understand the creation of MAST and the exhibitions chosen. We also visited the museum in order to observe the space in situ and photograph the current exhibitions. The material collected was analysed using content analysis. The conclusion of the research is that the DC actions present in the museum in question differ from exhibition to exhibition and from time to time according to their purpose.

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