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  • av &#1583, &#1585, &#1575, m.fl.

    القِط في العربية الفصحى هِرة ( وكما وردت في الحديث الصحيح عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ) أو قِطة . بِسة ، بسينة ، بيسة ، كديس (السودان) - لربما مُحرفّة من التركية كيدي من زمن الحُكم العثماني ؟ ، مش (في المغرب العربي) ،قـــــ( g )ـــــــطوة (دول شبه الجزيرة) ، البزون (العراق) ...والقِط كائن من ذوات الدم الحار من الثدييات فصيلة السِنوريات Felidae . ويعيش في العالم الآن 41 نوعاً معروفاً من السنوريات، والتي أنحدرت جميعها من سَلف مشترك قبل حوالي 10.8 مليون سنة. وقد نشأ هذا النوع الَسلف في آسيا، وانتشر عبر القارات من خلال عبوره الجسور الأرضية . وتُعتبر القطة الأليفة أو قطة المنزل أكثر السنوريات أُلفة للإنسان .

  • av &#1583, &#1585, &#1575, m.fl.
    1 139,-

    تناولت هذه الدراسة النظام القانوني للأجسام الفضائية ورواد الفضاء, في ضوء معاهدات واتفاقيات الفضاء الخارجي, وقد تطرقت الدراسة إلى مناقشة استخدامات الأجسام الفضائية بشقيها السلمي والعسكري, مع ذكر أهم التطبيقات السلمية والعسكرية للأجسام الفضائية. من ثم تناولت الدراسة حطام الأجسام الفضائية من الجانب الفني والقانوني وجهود الدول الفضائية في التقليل منه. ثم تناولت القواعد الموضوعية للمسؤولية الدولية عن الأضرار التي تحدثها الأجسام الفضائية, ومفهوم الضرر المادي والمعنوي وشروطه في ضوء أحكام اتفاقية المسؤولية الدولية. اختتمت الدراسة بدراسة الوضع القانوني لرواد الفضاء والمحطات الفضائية في ضوء معاهدات واتفاقيات الفضاء الخارجي.

  • av &#1583, &#1585, &#1575, m.fl.
    1 246,-

    تناولت هذه الدراسة النظام القانوني للأجسام الفضائية ورواد الفضاء, في ضوء معاهدات واتفاقيات الفضاء الخارجي, وقد تطرقت الدراسة إلى مناقشة استخدامات الأجسام الفضائية بشقيها السلمي والعسكري, مع ذكر أهم التطبيقات السلمية والعسكرية للأجسام الفضائية. من ثم تناولت الدراسة حطام الأجسام الفضائية من الجانب الفني والقانوني وجهود الدول الفضائية في التقليل منه. ثم تناولت القواعد الموضوعية للمسؤولية الدولية عن الأضرار التي تحدثها الأجسام الفضائية, اختتمت الدراسة بدراسة الوضع القانوني لرواد الفضاء والمحطات الفضائية في ضوء معاهدات واتفاقيات الفضاء الخارجي.

  • av &#1583, &#1578, &#1585, m.fl.

    هذا كتاب مختصر في النحو والصرف، لا يتجاوز عدد صفحاته حدود مائة إلا أنه كتاب شامل لأهم ما يحتاج إليه طالب علم كي يتقن الاعراب. كان الكاتب يركز على جانب تطبيقي باستعمال نصوص القرآن الكريم والأحايث النبوية كما سترى ذلك عند الاطلاع فيه. ومن أجل الفائدة، فقد أتى الكاتب بمبادئ علم أصول الفقه وقواعده، خاصة التعريفات التي تساعد الطالب على فهم المقصود دون الاطالة، بطريقة سهلة. فالكتاب مفتاح للنفائس، وعون لطلبة العلم الشرعي ولغيرهم من القراء.

  • av &#1606, &#1587, &#1610, m.fl.

    يهدف هذا الكتاب إلى توفير مرجع عربي في الكيمياء العضوية لطلاب السنة ثانية هندسة الطرائق و طلاب الجذع المشترك طب و صيدالة.يتضمن الكتاب اثناعشرة موضوع يشمل التماكب, الافعال الالكترونية, التفاعلات الكيميائية,الفحوم الهيدروجنية الاليفاتية, الفحوم الهيدروجنية الاروماتية, المستقات الهالوجنية في السلاسل الليفاتية, المركبات المعدنبة العضوية,الكحولات, الالدهيدات و سيتونات,الاحماض الكربوكسلية و مشتقاتها, الامينات، البلمرة و التكاتف، باضافة الى بعض التمرين التي تساعد على تدريب الطالب.

  • av &#1583, &#1575, &#1606, m.fl.

    يتناول الكتاب موضوع حول الذكايتكون الكتاب من سبعة فصول يحوي الفصل الأول المفاهيم الأساسية لذكاء الأعمال من حيث المفهوم والأهمية والأهداف والأبعاد ويتناول الفصل الثاني الذكاء الإستراتيجي بنفس المنوال وكذلك يتناول الفصل الثالث اليقظة الاستراتيجية من حيث المفاهيم والأهمية والأهداف والأبعاد أيضاً.أما الفصل الرابع فيتناول الميزة التنافسية للمنظمات والدور الذي يلعبه ذكاء الأعمال واليقظة الاستراتيجية في تحقيقها ويتناول الفصل الخامس تحقيق الميزة التنافسية في ظل الكوارث والأزمات أما الفصلين السادس والسابع فتناولا نبذة تعريفية عن جائحة كورونا ودور تقنيات ذكاء الاعمال والذكاء الاستراتيجي واليقظة الاستراتيجية في التصدي لها.ء الاستراتيجي واليقظة الاستراتيجية في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية في ظل الكوارث

  • av &#1583, &#1608, &#1575, m.fl.

    تعالوا نسأل أنفسنا وإياكم أين نحن من تطبيق أركان وتعاليم الإسلام في واقع نفوسنا وحياتنا الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والمهنية..؟ وأين هي الصلاة التي نصليها كل يوم في المساجد جماعة ونتسابق إلى الصفوف الأولى والتي هي في أساسها جُعلت لتنهى عن الفحشاء والمنكر؟ فأين هو المنكر والفحشاء التي نحاربها في حياتنا اليومية على مختلف الأصعدة والميادين؟ وأين هي الزكاة التي يجب أن نخرجها طواعية وحبا لله ولتعاليمه ونعطيها للأصناف الثمانية؟ (إنما الصدقات للفقراء والمساكين والعاملين عليها والمؤلفة قلوبهم وفي الرقاب والغارمين وفي سبيل الله وابن السبيل فريضة من الله والله عليم حكيم) (التوبة 60). ألسنا نتهرب عليها بالاحتيال والخداع لله، فنبني العمارات ونشتري الشقق ونختزن فيها أموالنا حتى لا نزكيها عملا بالفتوى القديمة جدا أن العقار لا زكاة فيه، وهي الفتوى التي صارت مهرب كل محتال ومخادع (يخادعون الله ورسوله وما يخدعون إلاّ أنفسهم وما يشعرون) (البقرة 9). وأين هي الصدقات الواجب إخراجها وإعطائها لأصحابها ومستحقيها؟ (خذ من أموالهم صدقة تطهرهم وتزكيهم بها وصلي عليهم إن صلواتك سكن لهم) (التوبة 103). وأين هي الكفارات والنذور الواجب إخراجها على سبيل الفور والتعجيل؟ وأين هي القربات وأعمال الخير؟ وأين هي حقوق الآخرين عندنا؟

  • av Sayed Abdulrazek

    This book, helps starting your path to becoming an accomplished English-Arabic medical interpreter. It includes:Introduction to interpretation, history, modern-day roles of interpreters, techniques for effective interpretation, and HIPAA regulations.A section detailing the Latin prefixes and suffixes used to construct all medical terminology, including their interpretation to English and Arabic, with examples, a chapter on Anatomy and Physiology, with translations for common symptoms, diseases, a chapter for medical science, including translations of common symptoms, diseases and treatments for each. As this is a very extensive subject, it will be continued in Part 2.A chapter on Vaccines, Laboratory investigations and Radiological examinations, a chapter on real-life scenarios that the reader can practice interpretation skills, can also be used as a group-study role-play.A section with puzzles and games to help reader memorize common medical terminology.Accuracy-wise, the book is reviewed by a world-wide specialized doctors, who are bilingual or multilingual in English and another native language such as Arabic, Danish, French, German, Hindi, Korean, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish,¿

  • av Manel Ben Jemâa

    Nous vivons à l¿ère des technologies de l¿information et de la communication. La médiation numérique entre les établissements d¿enseignement artistique, propose d¿ouvrir des pistes fécondes pour les professionnels, étudiants, chercheurs, qui cherchent à évoluer et à améliorer les dispositifs de partage tel est le cas des plateformes collaboratives. Mots-clés : médiation numérique, système d¿information, écoles d¿art, interactivité, échange d¿expériences, dispositifs.

  • av Bala Kalyan

    Innovation is not limited to technological advancements and encompasses novel approaches to problem-solving, processes, organizational practices, or business model innovations. Entrepreneurship is based on purposeful and systematic innovation. It included not only independent business people but also company directors and managers who actually carry out innovative functions. The book innovation and entrepreneurship development cover the basic concepts of being an entrepreneur and establishing an entrepreneur venture. The objective of the manuscript is to make students understand the nature of entrepreneurship, and change energy for students to take unexplored career paths.

  • av Younes Toubache

    La rupture d'un barrage est une veritable catastrophe. Le presente travail traite les hypotheses de rupture des barrages et les demarche de calcul de l'onde de submersion a l'aval qui resultant une rupture total et instantanee d'barrage. Le but de cette etudes de determiner des caractéristique hydraulique de l'onde de submerssion afin d'evaluer le risque et afin d'établir une carte d'inondation. Le carcterstique hydraulique don't le debit max la vitesse la hauteur d'eau.

  • av A. Arun Kumar

    In today¿s competitive landscape, data is not just information; it¿s the cornerstone of strategy. "Data to Strategy: Navigating Business Analytics for Growth" unveils the transformative power of data analytics in steering organizations toward unparalleled growth. From decoding complex data sets to extracting actionable insights, this book serves as a compass through the labyrinth of analytics, illustrating how businesses can convert raw information into strategic initiatives. With real-world case studies and practical frameworks, it arms leaders, analysts, and decision-makers with the tools needed to harness data's potential, guiding them in making pivotal decisions that drive success and sustainable and scalable growth. Unlock the strategic value hidden within your data and chart a course to sustainable prosperity with "Data to Strategy."

  • av Alim-Un Nisa

    Shilajit or salajeet is natural organic-mineral product of predominantly natural biological origin, formed in the mountains (in mountain crevices and caves). Shilajit is a sticky, tar-like substance found in the rocks of the Himalayas, Altai, Caucasus, and other mountain ranges. Shilajit is not derived from a plant, instead, it is a complex organic-mineral substance that oozes out of the rocks in mountainous regions. The formation of Shilajit is a result of the decomposition of plant and microbial matter over centuries. Shilagit has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries and is believed to have various health benefits. It is often consumed as a dietary supplement and is rich in minerals, and other organic compounds.

  • av Ali Rezaei

    This book contains Introduction to Endocrinology, disscution about Pituitary hormones and their control by the hypothalamus, Thyroid hormones, Cancer and Hormonal cortical hormones, Pancreatic hormones, Regulation of calcium and phosphate metabolism, Physiology of the gonads.

  • av Taha Hosseini Ahangari

    The first part reviews the history of Iran-United States relations, from the 1950s to the present day. Key events are placed in their historical and geopolitical context, in order to better understand the evolution of mistrust between the two countries. The second part examines more specifically the Iranian nuclear issue, from the 1979 Revolution to the denunciation of the 2015 agreement. Beyond the technical aspect, this section seeks to decipher the issues of sovereignty and national security under -jacent. The third part discusses the economic sanctions imposed by the United States and their impacts on Iran. It demonstrates how these punitive measures have gradually deteriorated bilateral relations while weakening the Iranian.

  • av Naceur Aounallah

    This book has been designed to cover the content of the 'Radiocommunications' module officially scheduled for the first year of the Master's degree in telecommunications systems. It is also intended, in general, for all students pursuing studies in the field of telecommunications within universities and engineering schools in Algeria.This work contains five chapters allowing the reader, whether a student or a teacher, to understand various theoretical concepts related to radiocommunications. The objectives focus on deepening the understanding of electromagnetic field concepts, studying the behavior of radio waves at ground level and in the atmosphere (troposphere, stratosphere, and ionosphere), mastering the design and sizing of a radiocommunication system, as well as studying space communications and satellite links. At the end of each chapter, exercises are provided with their solutions to help the student test their acquired knowledge and prepare for tests and exams that may be encountered in their journey through the field of radiocommunications.

  • av Seemal Zahra Rizvi

    The field of bioinformatics has undergone a rapid transformation over the last few decades. The exponential growth of data from various high-throughput technologies has revolutionized the way we study biological systems. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques has enabled us to extract meaningful insights from large and complex datasets, and has opened up new avenues for biomedical research and drug discovery. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the current landscape of AI and machine learning in bioinformatics, highlighting the major trends, challenges, and opportunities in this field.

  • av Mohammed Khalil

    A speaker¿s success is measured by the effect on addressees' conviction and the ability to change their behavior. Changing convictions demands linguistic skills requirement contemplating texts and deducing the included skills as well as putting them in specific linguistic rules that help change convictions. The study aims to identify the role of linguistic skills in changing convictions. The study's objective limitations tackled the true prophetic speech written down in the specialized Sunna books; Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Musnad Ahmad, Sunan Al-Tirmidhi, and Sunan Ibn Majah. The most important findings of the study revealed that the linguistic skills affecting the addressees' convictions change are nine skills.

  • av Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Bashir Hussain Al-Najafy

    This book is a translated version of the latest Arabic questions that have been sent to and answered by His Eminence the Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Basheer Hussein Al-Najafy (may Allah prolong his life). These are regarded as fatwas in the topic of the Islamic acts of worship; believers can benefit from them in their daily life in all matters concerned. These fatwas have been translated into English to distribute to those who speak English or those who face difficulty in reading Arabic as they find the books of His Eminence (may Allah prolong his life) hard to read. Accordingly, the respected reader knows most of the Islamic terms and concepts, though such terms and concepts are translated. Certain terms are peculiar to the religion of Islam, a matter which necessitates transliterating and/or writing them in roman letters, not to mention that some of them are defined or paraphrased in the target language to have a closer meaning to the target reader.

  • av Belkacem Boumedini

    La recherche que nous entreprenons porte sur les langues en présence dans la chanson raï et rap en Algérie. Notre travail s¿inscrit dans le champ de la sociolinguistique urbaine. L¿objectif de notre réflexion est d¿expliquer pourquoi et comment les artistes jeunes mélangent les langues; l¿arabe algérien, le français, l¿anglais, l¿espagnole et parfois même l¿arabe classique, dans les textes de la chanson raï et rap. Nous sommes parti de l¿hypothèse suivante : le mélange linguistique est la conséquence logique du contact des langues qüa connu l¿Algérie suite à la colonisation française, mais aussi le résultat des échanges commerciaux, politiques et culturels, avec les pays situés sur la rive nord de la méditerranée. Pour notre fondement théorique, nous avons jugé bon de définir les concepts en rapport avec notre étude, en plus d¿un aperçu historique sur les deux phénomènes musicaux (rai et rap), ainsi qu'un présentation du paysage linguistique algérien. La partie pratique regroupe deux analyses ; une thématique et une autre sociolinguistique, d'un corpus choisi parmi les textes produits par des rappeurs et des raimens algériens.

  • av Mullaicharam Bhupathyraaj

    Quality Control for Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Preparations is an exam guide for Pharmacy students. It includes Quality control tests for both Pharmaceutical dosage forms and Cosmetic preparations. As it is an advanced course for the pharmacy program, the important key points, test procedures, and international regulatory requirements are covered in this book. This book is also very useful for Industrial pharmacists, Quality controllers, entrepreneurs, and Principle scientists.

  • av Arooj Javed

    Pakistan has rich history on the folk use of plants. There are more than 6,000 species of higher plants. Medicinal plants are widely used in the health-care system all over the world. The potential value of medicinal compounds derived from plants has been proposed as a tangible benefit of biodiversity and therefore a basis for promoting its conservation.The fact that ecosystems based on medicinal plants support high levels of biodiversity is also widely acknowledged. It has also raised awareness of the potential advantages these plants may have in the future among decision-makers, financiers, and development organizations. This has encouraged many forward-thinking and inventive farmers to pursue this form of farming as a business enterprise.

  • av Abu Bakr El-Bediwi

    The known world you know could not exist without electromagnetic energy. The term radiation refers to energy in the electromagnetic spectrum, visible light, ultraviolet light and infrared are non-ionizing radiations. Gamma rays are photons, which are type of elementary particles traveling at the speed of light with zero mass and zero charge, have much shorter wavelengths, are called ionizing radiations because they are capable of producing ions by knocking electrons out of the normal orbits of atoms or molecules. Ultraviolet light plays important part of our daily lives than most people realize, where it is a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelength from 10 nm to 400 nm, shorter than of visible light, but longer than x-rays or it is a form of non-ionizing radiation emitted from the sun and artificial sources and its beneficial effect is production of a vitamin D. Only a few studies are available in literature about the effect of radiation on structure and antioxidants of seeds. For this reason, this book is interesting for scientist and who works in agriculture, pharmacology and bioengineering because it contains new and not available research data.

  • av Rafah Almammouri

    The placenta is formed as a result of the process of implantation, proliferation, and differentiation of the trophoblast; it is a vital organ for the survival, growth, and development of the embryo and fetus. The gestational diabetes mellitus is defined as abnormal or impaired glucose metabolism before pregnancy and it initially appears during pregnancy. A decrease in insulin sensitivity(increase insulin resistance) is normally seen during pregnancy to spare the glucose for the fetus.

  • av May Mokarram Abdul Aziz

    Preface City of Mosul is one of the important Iraqi cities that has been distinguished from other Iraqi cities with civilized features that affected the character of its social life, throughout its long social history, which gave the city a unique cultural depth. It seems that the Islamic conquest of the city of Mosul in 16 AH was a shining station in the history and character of the city, when Islamic religion entered it with Arab tribes who migrated from the Arabian Peninsula. The city acquired a new and bright civilized reputation depending on the new Islamic culture with its values, principles, morals and ideals. Thus, the province of Mosul remained throughout the Umayyad and Abbasid eras ruled by Muslim rulers and princes. Many states were established in Mosul during that period, including the Hamdaniyah, Aqiliyah, Atabegiyah and other emirates and countries. After the fall of the Abbasid Caliphate in 656 AH / 1258 AD by the Tatar Mongol invasion, city of Mosul was governed by the Mongol ruler in 1260 AD. The city, like other Iraqi cities, suffered from oppression, persecution, killing and destruction, which prompted many of its people to leave out of it.

  • av Djamel Ouchenane

    Cet ouvrage reprend sous une forme sensiblement plus élaborée un cours de maîtrise enseigné à l'université Amar Telidji Laghouat, Algérie. Il suppose connus les éléments de bases de topologie générale, d'intégration et de calcul différentiel. La première partie concerne l¿espaces de Sobolev ainsi la classification des E.D.P linéaires d¿ordre deux, rappel sur les distributions, espace de Sobolev, théorème de trace, les théorèmes d¿injection de Sobolev et de compacité de Rellich. La deuxième partie concerne la formulation variationnelle des problèmes aux limites et application à quelques problèmes concret.

  • av Nardjis Sayada

    Cette présente étude a pour but de déterminer la composition chimique d'une huile essentielle extraite de Lavandula angustifolia et d¿évaluer la toxicité et la répulsion de cette huile et ses composés majoritaires ainsi que les extraits hydroalcooliques à l¿égard des adultes d¿un coléoptère ravageur, Rhyzopertha dominica (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). Le criblage phytochimique de la plante révèle la présence des flavonoïdes, des tanins, des leucoanthocyanes, des saponines, des terpénoïdes et des stéroïdes. La composition chimique déterminée par CPG-SM révèle la présence de cinquante-six constituants. Cette huile présente une activité insecticide et répulsive contre cette espèce. Les biomarqueurs enzymatiques et non-enzymatiques déterminés chez les adultes traités ont révélé un effet neurotoxique et une induction du système de détoxication. Par ailleurs, l¿étude biochimique montre que l¿HE induit une diminution des réserves nutritionnelles et des acides nucléiques. Les résultats de l¿activité anti-appétante révèlent une diminution des indices nutritionnels accompagnée d¿une perturbation des enzymes digestives.

  • av Mohammed E. Elbadawy E. Khalil

    A speaker¿s success is measured by the effect on addressees' conviction and the ability to change their behavior. Changing convictions demands linguistic skills requirement contemplating texts and deducing the included skills as well as putting them in specific linguistic rules that help change convictions. The study aims to identify the role of linguistic skills in changing convictions. The study's objective limitations tackled the true prophetic speech written down in the specialized Sunna books; Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Musnad Ahmad, Sunan Al-Tirmidhi, and Sunan Ibn Majah. The most important findings of the study revealed that the linguistic skills affecting the addressees' convictions change are nine skills.

  • av Raad Al-Nawas

    This book represents an attempt to investigate the effect of gender on the use of persuasion in English commercial advertisements. A sample of 100 advertisements has been used in tis respect. The data involves 50 male and 50 female advertisements of various topics. The findings have shown significant differences between the male and the female advertisements as far as the use of persuasion is concerned. Such findings can be implemented in various areas of research and English language use.

  • av Amir Abbas Esmaeilzadeh

    Ophtymon plant (Cuscutapentagona) is one of the most famous parasitic plants from the desert ivy family. This annual plant grows in spring and attacks its host plants. The ophitemon plant with yellow-orange veins has no roots and spreads its leaves and needs to be connected to other plants for its survival and reproduction. Recently, it has been shown that its leaves perceive the aromatic substances of the host plant. Once established on the host, its hair-like trunk wraps twice around the host stem and produces sucker-like root stems and penetrates the host tissue and uses the plant's vascular roots to absorb nutrients and water. A recent molecular study shows that two genes of aquaporin and (TRAMP) and cell wall modifying enzyme (LeXTH1) are expressed in tomato in the unsuccessful attack of ophtymon, but their role in the defense mechanism is not clear. Also, the ophitemon plant is relatively hot and dry in nature, and medicinally it has shown good results for nervous diseases, insanity, melancholy, headache, joint pain and cancer. The methanolic extract of ophitemon has an antioxidant function that protects the human body from oxidative damage attributed to free radical.

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