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  • av V. Emayavaramban

    The present book is an attempt to bring all theories of geography in one book for easy reading of teachers and students. Many divisions in geography has many theories. Readers should take effort to collect the theories from all books. All divisions has certain theories. There are so many theories in physical geography as well as human geography. A simple idea makes it convenient to read the theories in one book. First, we selected the certain theories as follows: Theory of continental drift, The theory of Isostasy, Von Thunens location theory, Crop combination method, The central place theory, Internal structure of city, The rank size rule, The social area analysis method, Losch's theory of economics of location, Walter Isard's theory, Alfred Weber's theory of least cost location, Demographic transition theory, Malthusian Theory of population- Criticism and applicability and Growth pole theory. Like this, there are 14 theories collected and compiled in this book as first volume. The theories collected from both physical geography and human geography. These theories are very important for those who are preparing for UPSC, should go through the theories.

  • av M. K. Jatav
    1 019

    Soil, plant and water tests are the scientific way to ascertaining the soil health water quality for irrigation and balance nutrition to the crop. The vegetables being short duration and high photosynthetic efficient crop needs nutrient supply at very high rate as compared to other field crops. Soil and plant tests for this crop needs special care in deciding critical ranges/stages and balanced fertilizations. Manual on soil, plant and water analysis and nutrient management in vegetables crop including development of methods, calibration and interpretation of results of soil, plant and water tests has been compiled in this book for ready use by vegetables growers/workers.

  • av Ranjay Singh
    1 126,-

    This book draws on world-wide experiences and valuable lessons to highlight community-ecosystem interactions and the role of traditional knowledge in sustaining biocultural resources through community-based adaptations. The book targets different iences including researchers working on human-environment interactions and climate adaptation practices, biodiversity conservators, non-government organizations and policy makers involved in revitalizing traditional foods and community-based conservation and adaptation in diverse ecosystems. This volume is also a source book for educators advocating for and collaborating with indigenous and local peoples to promote location-specific adaptations to overcome the impacts of multiple biotic and abiotic stresses.

  • av K. V. Peter
    788 - 865,-

  • av Anil Singh

    India has achieved self sufficiency in food grain production in recent years with record production of 250 mt during 2011-12. However, the pulses production remained low and considered to be the major concern for researchers and development planners. Considering the much more importance in near future and to avoid pulses crisis situation, the present attempt was made to compile the available scientific information, so as to highlight the issues, technologies and strategies in the title of "Solving Pulses Crisis" in India. The publication is divided into two parts. The first part deals national issues, technologies and strategies while the second part deals with crop based issue and technologies. The first part consists of 13 s. The first three s deals with pulses related national issues, technologies and strategies including NEH region too. The IV deals with crop diversification involving pulses while V focused on pulses production under organic system. The issues related to legumes as a nutrient supplement in VI, tillage and crop establishment in VII water management in pulses in VIII and Integrated nutrient management in IX are discussed in detail. The aspects of weed and pest management are presented in X to XI, respectively. The specific issues related to post harvest, value addition are discussed in XII, while trade related policy issues are focused in XIII. In part second, the crop issues, strategies and technologies are presented. Accordingly, XIV deals with pigeonpea while in XV issues related to greengram and black gram are discussed. The XVI to XIX deals with chickpea, lentil, field pea and lathyrus while in XX the issues technologies and prospects of Guar are discussed. In last XXI the issues and technologies related to arid legumes (mothbean, cowpea and horsegram) with special reference to arid areas are discussed. Hopefully, the publication will prove to be a reference and a way forward for solving pulses crisis in India and achieving the targets matching with food production strategies in years to come.

  • av D. K. Singh

    Plant genetic resources comprising of reservoir of gene and gene complex are basic raw materials for genetic improvement of any crop including vegetables. The book entitled vegetable crops: Genetic Resources and improvement is a compilation of information generated through research work of many scientists in India and abroad from reputed institutes like, IIHR, IARI, GBUAT, TNAU, IIVR, CCSHAU, PAU, MPUAT, CSKKVV, BCKV etc., The book contains introductory on various aspects of collection, characterization, conservation and utilization of germplasm in genetic improvement of different vegetable crops highlighting the importance of genetic resource management and their achievement in India. Application of different biotechnological tools and techniques like, tissue culture, molecular markers and bioinformatics in conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources have been included. The issues related to biosafety regulations and IPR have also been discussed. Genetic improvement of different vegetable crops through utilization of genetic resources have been dealt in s covering all important vegetables including underutilized vegetables, seed spices and edible mushrooms. This book is very helpful to the teachers, scientists, students and personals involved in PGRE management, who wish to uate the knowledge on recent technological advances in genetic resource management and improvement of vegetable crops.

  • av Naveen Kumar
    1 215,-

    This book will be a potential addition to the scientific literature on recent advancements in agriculture, meat science technology, food safety, dairy technology, cereal science, nanotechnology, waste utilization and quality assurance of food and functional foods. Also, the content of book is designed systematically to include significant and scientific research and advancement for new product development and advanced knowledge on nutritional attributes of the dairy and cereal based products. This book will be an important reference material for students, researchers and academicians dealing with different aspects of foods.

  • av Chittaranjan Sarangi

    This book consists of two parts -soil fertility and nutrient management as applied to agriculture and horticulture. The first part consists of the plant nutrients- principles of their role in nutrition of horticultural crops and behavior in soil with reference to their availability. Problems of soil solution-reaction and salt content- are discussed. All the soil properties excluding two products of weathering-soil texture and depth- are subject to manipulation. These can be scientifically managed for profitable crop production avoiding pollution. The second part elucidates their management with the principles developed in the previous part profitably to sustain agricultural and horticultural production without harming the environment. The principles spread over 20 chapters are clearly elucidated in lucid manner with pictures, figures and tables for easy and comprehensive understanding. Further readings are suggested at the end of the book.

  • av M. S. Palaniswami

    Tuber and root crops are the third important group of food crops after cereals and pulses, feeding about one fifth of the world population. With the burgeoning population coupled with limited land, water and other resources, the future beckons tuber and root crops in fulfilling the country's food requirements. These crops have higher biological efficiency and greater adoption with profound production potential per unit area per unit time. Tuber and root crops are well known from time immemorial as nature's energy bank and famine savior. This book is conceived to have an uated version on the tuber and root crops especially in the Indian context, including information on the history, biodiversity, geographical distribution, botany, neutraceutical and pharmaceutical values, new varieties, production technologies, IPM strategies, starches, post harvest technologies and value added products, bio-processing, biotechnology, ITK and future thrusts. Various aspects of cassava, sweet potato, elephant foot yam, taro, yams, coleus, yam bean and arrow root are elucidated in 17 s and appendices. This book will be of immense use to the policy makers, scientists, post graduate and under graduate students and officials concerned with tuber and root crops research, development and extension.

  • av N. K. Lenka

    This book describes latest analytical procedures of key soil health indicators including physical, chemical and biological parameters. Most of the Soil Analysis manuals currently available, primarily deal with basic chemical and physical properties without giving emphasis on soil health assessment. However, literature shows indicator parameters such as soil carbon pools, soil aggregation behaviour, aggregate associated carbon content and biological activity are increasingly being used for monitoring the change in soil quality / soil health over a period of time. Analytical protocols in respect of these parameters are presently available in different research journals. This book compiles the procedures for the soil health indicator parameters including those being used of late for monitoring soil quality/soil health. This book is useful for researchers, post graduate students, academicians and policy makers in the fields of Soil Science, Agronomy, Natural Resource Management and Forestry.

  • av T. Parimelazhagan

    The objectives of the book is to highlight the relevance of traditional medicine and way towards ethnopharmacology, to share research achievements and innovations in herbal science, to evaluate and review opportunities for advancing herbal drug research in the region, to provide a platform to map an agenda for the development of phytomedicine, to address issues concerning conservation of medicinal plants. The book has been compiled with 30 articles based on the original research work by eminent academicians and scientists of the country on different areas of phytomedicine. Recent trends and techniques involved from the search, documentation, processing, sustainable utilization and conservation of medicinal plants are the highlights of this book. It will provide a unique opportunity to boost up the knowledge in various aspects of medicinal plant research.

  • av Dev Raj

    The students, teachers, and researchers often need a direct reference, which is complete on the subject for teaching undergraduate or postgraduate students. The book on quality Control for Value Addition in Food Processing consists of 12 s on Food processing industry, processing plant, processing plant hazards, quality characteristics, quality control and management, food standards and statutes, food safety assurance systems, additives in food processing enzymes in food processing, waste management in food industry, marketing and export management, practical methods for quality control along with glossary and annexures. The text in has been illustrated with tables, figures and plates for better understanding of the contents. The book s have been designed as per the ICAR syllabus for UG and PG students. At present, there is not book available which gives an orientation for quality control in food processing industry. The book will be highly beneficial to both UG and PG students undergoing courses in postharvest technology, food technology, food science and technology as well as for professionals related to quality management systems in food processing industry.

  • av J. B. Patel
    1 707,-

    This book entitled "Seed Technology: Progress and Recent Advances" have been formulated to help the reader in acquiring the knowledge of Seed archaeology, Seed germination, Seed vigour testing, Seed certification and testing of genuineness of varieties through morphological, biochemical and molecular markers, advances in hybrid seed production, advances in plant pathology, advances in entomology, advances in seed enhancement techniques like, seed pelleting, seed coating, seed hardening, synthetic seed, etc. It also includes the area of applied science and covers the area of organic seed production, seed banks, seed legislation and law governing the seed production. The book would be also useful and instructive to students and researchers in the field of Seed Science and Technology in an efficient way.

  • av Satapathy Chakradhar

    According to Dr. Swaminathan evergreen revolution would be triggered by farming system that can help produce more than the available land, water and labour resources without ecological and social harm. The book tries to analyse different dimensions of small farm units, agro-economic scenario, small farm production systems, organic farming, perception of small farm operators, adoption of technology, extension approach and strategy focusing attention on coastal ecosystems. The book contains enough inputs for research and extension workers to look into small farms and their owners in view of changing scenario of our farming system. However, the book would serve as foundation to provide encouragement to the scientists and extension researchers to focus more on small farm units.

  • av Balram Pannigrahi
    1 060,-

    This book for Agriculture and Agricultural and Civil Engineers and will be very much helpful for the beginning students in irrigation. It is designed to guide its readers in: Basic knowledge of soil, water and plant, hydrologic and hydraulics to the state-of-the-art of irrigation system design and management. Presented the principles and concepts of farm irrigation in a simple manner to maximize the students learning, understanding and motivation. The method and order of presentation have been carefully developed and classroom tested to make this book a useful and effective teaching tool. The book is written covering syllabus of irrigation engineering which is taught in different State Agricultural Universities as well as in the department of Civil Engineering of different Engineering colleges. The book contains adequate solved problems, short and long type questions, tables, figures which will be immensely helpful to the students and design engineers. Several field experimental results have also been incorporated in the book at appropriate sections to make the book interesting for the readers.

  • av R. K. Nanwal
    1 189,-

    The book is designed primarily for the students of agriculture as per the syllabus laid out by the 5th Dean's Committee and as accepted by the ICAR. The syllabus is being followed by all agricultural universities in India. The book will cater the need of the students about rainfed agriculture. The chapters of this book have been selected and arranged in such a manner as to lead the students through the entire gamut of rainfed agriculture both theory and practical. It is supported by suitable examples and diagrams. The broad chapters included in the book are: Rainfed agriculture: Introduction, types, characteristics, distribution and importance; History of rainfed agriculture & watershed in India; Problems and prospects of rainfed agriculture in India ; Soil and climatic conditions prevalent in rainfed areas; Drought: types, effect of water deficit on physio- morphological characteristics of the plants, Mechanism of crop adaptation under moisture deficit condition; Water harvesting: importance, its techniques, Efficient utilization of water through soil and crop management practices, Study of mulches and antitranspirants; Management of crops in rainfed areas; Contingent crop planning for aberrant weather conditions; Concept, objective, principles and components of watershed management, factors affecting watershed management; Integrated watershed development. The need for comprehensive information on rainfed farming relevant to undergraduate and postgraduate students of agriculture has been felt for quite some time. The advanced, diverse and need-based topics have been together for a systematic and comprehensive reading by the students and faculty in agriculture. The materials on subject matter is set forth in such a manner and order as to enable them to better understand and follow to a reasonable degree of uniformity and their approach to the problems of rainfed agriculture.

  • av M. T. Bandey

    The book provides the general background about production aspects of rabbit rearing. The information provided in the book has been based on the rearing practices adopted for rabbits in India. Keeping in view the relevance of rabbit production, specific topics have been chosen about the rabbits. The information provided in the book is based on the vast professional experiences, research findings and latest data from unmatched sources. The book has been written in a manner so that it could be used extensively by the students, teachers and academics in the educational and research institutes dealing with Veterinary Sciences, Animal Sciences and Livestock Production. The field functionaries in the Animal Husbandry Department and livestock farms both in public as well as private sector will find book very useful tool for successful rabbit production. The following s have been included in the book.

  • av R. Manivanan

    Increase in the population has led to rapid industrialization, thus leading to pollution at all levels. With industries of various types discharging their all types of effluents in various sources of water, a constant need has been felt for recycling of these effluents, before discharging them in to these sources. The book makes an attempt to equip it's readers with each and every aspect of recycling of industrial effluents. The entire book provides adequate information from the very basics to various types of recycling techniques.

  • av Mahesh Gaur

    Arid and semi-arid areas are now facing a threefold holistic crisis: economic, food, and climate. What has emerged from these crises is the vital importance of inter-linkages among them on the one hand, and the missed opportunities in putting these pieces together on the other. This book has tried to explore these challenges though in-depth discussions of the individual. It is anticipated to inspire a forward looking debate that looks at the lessons from the past and points to actions for the future. Expertise views have been shared scientists and persons of eminence on the national and state level challenges with futuristic remedial approaches.

  • av B. A. Golakiya

    "The book entitled Radio Tracer Techniques for Agriculturists and Biologist narrates the fundamentals and principles behind radio tracer techniques. Its application in agriculture and biological sciences and also the instrumentation and laboratory set up with safety aspects required to be followed while working with radio active substances. This is a comprehensive collection useful to all concerned with radio tracers."

  • av Rakesh C. Mathad

    The book is an important publication featuring exhaustive technical information on practical aspects of seed processing. Some of these aspects are latest developments happening in vegetable seed industry and written by authors who are having immense experience of working in many national and multinational companies. This book help to prepare people associated with seed processing and offer great reference to academic, researchers and students who are studying courses in Seed Processing and Storage. This book serves as practical manual for these courses. ¿ This book covers the following practical aspects and experimental techniques in seed processing with more emphasis on practical activity in each session: ¿ Seed processing terminology and shop floor activities ¿ Seed Extraction Methods and effect of physiological maturity on seed quality ¿ Seed quality up-gradation by liquid density separation ¿ Estimation of physical properties of Seeds by various methods ¿ Method of seed blending and assessing mechanical injury after processing ¿ Basic and advanced seed processing equipments ¿ Standardization of screen sizes for seed processing and effect on seed quality ¿ Importance of moisture in seed processing and Seed quality enhancement by use of spiral graders in soya bean ¿ Seed drying, seed treating methods, equipments and evaluating the quality of treated seeds ¿ Seed Priming and how to design a low cost drum seed priming unit ¿ Study of packaging materials and fumigation ¿ The relationship of seed moisture content and mechanical damage ¿ Validating Harrington's rules for a particular area for seed storage ¿ Quantification of seed processing efficiency (SPE) ¿ Study of PPE and ESH in seed processing ¿ Estimation of post harvest seed losses with management of stacking and the problem of "stackburn" The practical sessions contain data sheets to enter data after each experiment and provide detailed worksheets at the end of the manual

  • av Sankarsana Nanda
    1 331,-

    This book focuses on production challenges of pulse in India and the scope and opportunities of its cultivation in different cropping systems, despite shrinking of natural resources and climate change. It further highlights self sufficiency in pulse production through knowledge based technological interventions for improving nutritional security and sustainable development. It provides a detailed account of challenges and opportunities of pulse production in India in simpler yet compact manner for better understanding by the researchers and policy makers.

  • av Shakunthala Sridhara

    Studies on animal behavior are vital for several reasons most importantly in connection with conservation, livestock and wildlife management, animal welfare, sustainable use of animal and human resources, and ultimately for better understanding of human behavior. In its formative stages, behavioral studies were mostly observational till the classic work of Lorenz, tin Bergen and Frisch catapulted them into Nobel laureates. This had a cascading effect on research on animal behavior resulting in intense studies in several areas of behavior mainly information acquisition (neuroethology) and transfer (communication),ecological aspects (habital related, foraging strategies, migration, predator-prey interactions, population ecology etc.), socio-biology (parent-filial interaction, co-operation & conflict, grouping & dispersion, social organization etc.) reproductive strategies, evolutionary aspects (kin selection, altruism, life history strategies etc.), physiology (behavioral endocrinology, rhythms, neurobiology) and applied behavior (conservation, animal welfare, livestock production, wild life management, man-animal conflict etc.)

  • av D. K. Samuel
    1 124,-

    This book will help to learn people first steps, of R Statistics, this book contains the matter of R Statistics which is not available on the internet/print already. This book is fast paced, it is meant to be read sitting before a PC and to enter the commands.

  • av M. H. Wani

    The book is the compilation of the research work conducted at macro/micro levels by eminent scientists and teachers of the country with diverse specializations. These scientists/teachers have willingly contributed their work in the form of the articles to this volume addressing various dimensions of the food security and livelihood scenario in various states of the country and the country as a whole. The book is most relevant in the present day owing to the fact that the food security and livelihood is the priority issue confronting the country, as also it demonstrates the use of quantitative techniques in estimating demand and supply gaps. The strategies for conservation of the food energies through proper processing and their value addition for enhancing livelihood options has been taken care of. The nutritional demand-supply gaps, malnutrition and other related issues are also addressed comprehensively. The book is expected to serve as a reference material for the researchers, planners and the public representatives for understanding the conceptual frame of livelihood and food security besides devising pragmatic policies in achieving the food security through attainment of livelihood security at macro and micro levels.

  • av K. K. Behera
    1 145,-

    Modern biotechnology excels the molecular techniques that use whole or parts of living organisms to produce or improve commercial products and processes. It is a rapidly evolving branch of natural sciences which started with the creation of the first recombinant gene thirty years ago. These techniques are used in many different ways, changing the way we live by improving the foods we eat, the beverages we drink, the clothes we wear, and the medicines we take. Modern Biotechnology encompass a continuously evolving methods or materials, from molecular techniques for generating energy to non-toxic cleaning products. It is that innovation which reduces waste by changing patterns of production and consumption through DNA engineering. The book Modern Biotechnology and its Applications in carries 32 s and covers most of the tools and technology developed by our distinguished scientists mainly focusing, how to save the planet Earth through production and productivity by applying the knowledge of modern technology. The objective of the book is to highlight the exploration and development of biotechnological tools and techniques for the social welfare.

  • av Y. M. Shukla

    The book entitled "Plant Secondary Metabolites" is divided in 11 chapters with broader headings which include introduction, History, Biosynthesis, Essential Oils/Terpenes/Terpenoids, Alkaloids, Glycosides, Gums & Mucilages Oleoresins, Plant amines, Techniques and Biotechnological approaches. 45 tables, 60 figures, chemical equations and colour photographs have been used to make the information useful for under-graduate and post-graduate students of agriculture, ayurveda, pharmacy, naturopathy and home sciences to enrich their knowledge is not only scare but is also scattered and hence an attempt has been made here to provide the best available information to students, researchers and faculties in resembling disciplines under one roof.

  • av Jitendar Singh

    Climatic variations often tend to have adverse effect on the yield and production of crops. Efforts have, therefore, been on for harnessing this natural resource through artificial means for increasing crop productivity. One such technology is protected cultivation. This technique is well adopted in Europe and USA and now China and Japan are leading in controlled sphere production of horticultural crops. In India, the technology is making breakthrough in Karnataka and Maharashtra in protected cultivation of pepper, tomato, cucumber, muskmelon, baby corn etc. Precision farming is defined as the cultivation by adopting technologies which give maximum precision in production of a superior crop with a desired yield levels and quality at competitive production. These include use of genetically modified crop varieties, micropropagation, integrated nutrient, water and pest managements, protected cultivation, organic farming, hi-tech horticulture, and post harvest technology. Post-harvest sector needs lot of precision. Peels, rags, etc. go waste. Many times, peels being rich in polyphenols, colouring pigment, nutrients etc are richer in antioxidant than what we actually eat. Here, we need precision. Precision in management, precision in product diversification, precision in value addition are much sought after aspect.

  • av J. P. Rai

    Proper identification of a problem is the prerequisite for devising the measures of its management as well as for applying the most suitable management strategy available. Plant diseases have always been an associated problem for successful crop cultivation and obtaining optimum profits from this most important enterprise. With advancements in the field of chemical management of plant diseases, we have witnessed a simultaneous increase in the problems related to pesticide application in agriculture. Part of this problem can be attributed to the improper identification of plant diseases, which leads to the use of improper chemical in injudicious amounts. It has, therefore, become necessary to aware the people involved in education, extension and practice of agriculture of proper characterization of plant diseases with the most appropriate management strategy for the disease. In this context, students, extension workers and farmers stand the major clients who must be armed with information on proper identification method and management of a given plant disease. The present book is designed to cater to the needs of undergraduate and postgraduate students of agriculture and biosciences, extension workers and educated progressive farmers. It is aimed to aid them in proper identification of many of the economically important plant diseases with integrated strategies for their respective management. The book may also serve as a guidebook for the professionals in the field of plant disease management for identification and management of plant diseases with minimal resource requirements

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