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  • - 50 Ways To Thrive In A Fast World
    av Carl Honoré

    A practical, step-by-step guide to eliminate the rushing, distraction and busyness in your life. Become calmer, healthier, happier, more focused, more efficient, more productive, more creative, more present. Slow down to unleash a better you at work, home and beyond. This book is a perfect companion to the global bestseller In Praise of Slow (In Praise of Slowness in the USA). Carl Honoré is the voice of the Slow Movement and the world's leading expert on slowing down in a fast world. While researching In Praise of Slow, he got slapped with a speeding ticket! CARL HONORE is: "The global guru on the Slow Movement." (Globe and Mail)"An in-demand spokesman on slowness." (Wall Street Journal)"The unofficial godfather of a growing cultural shift toward slowing down." (Huffington Post)"The godfather of the Slow Movement." (ABC News)"Inarguably, the world's leading evangelist for what has become known as the Slow Movement." (CBC Radio, The Sunday Edition)"An international spokesman for the concept of leisure." (Newsweek)"A verbal magician, conjuring concepts with no new idea too complex to capture." (Australian Financial Review)

  • - Elvendon Book Two
    av Rosie Lynch

    His QueenElvendon Book Two When Keltor and Kaitlin return from Earth to Elvendon, they are shocked to find Keltor's home and village have been destroyed. Keltor's mother, Sharelle, tells Kaitlin the heart-breaking news that her father, the King of Elvendon, and the sister she had yet to meet, are both dead. Murdered by King Iwein of Aranstream, he and Prince Keion have imprisoned the entire Elvendon army, killed many innocents, and taken over the Castle, and realm of Elvendon. With her father dead, Kaitlin is crowned the Queen of Elvendon, and together the Queen and her Protector must now fight to take back Elvendon, and free her people. Magic, romantic, adventure, fantasy

  • - A Food Journal
    av Sandra Anani

    A knock on the door, always brought much excitement in our household, invariably, it meant either friends, coming to visit or family, coming to spend an afternoon or weekend with us. And it always meant flowers, chocolates, cakes and allsorts of delicacies would be the offerings brought by our guests.It's the knock on the door that heralds the start of every social engagement, when I go to visit friends, the joy of knocking on their door, and the anticipation of seeing their smiling faces when they open the door and checks are kissed and hugs are enjoyed.A journey of friendships, travels, stories and food that starts with a knock on the door.

  • av Sarah Gilbert

    Lucas Lion is big and strong and loud and boisterous. He feels different from the other animals and left out. Through a bit of detective work he discovers that it's good to be different and realises that that makes him very special. The Little Sunflower Series is a sequence of books and toys which address emotional wellbeing and how they can assist in managing good mental health. Using simple techniques like Tapping, a combination of acupressure and psychology and using positive words it shows how we can learn a life skill at a young age on that once adopted can help us whenever we need it.

  • av Cheryl Latham

    The Pixies are fed up being left out of Christmas preparations each year by Santa and the elves, so they craft a cunning plan to make Santa late and wreak havoc on the world's children. They travel the globe, eating everything left out for Santa and putting Pixie dust into stockings so that on Christmas morning, the dust will transform into whatever the child fears most. Can Santa put a stop to Pixie Plans and save Christmas Day?

  • av Cherry Publishing

    "Mit Nicolas fühlt es sich anders an. Intimer. Wärmer. Und ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob mein Herz das verkraftet." Die Dramaturgie-Studentin Ylvie ist selbstbewusst, extrovertiert und hüpft von einem One-Night-Stand zum nächsten. Doch eines ist sie nicht: religiös. Das macht sie zum schwarzen Schaf ihrer streng katholischen Familie.Als ihre Eltern sie vor die Wahl stellen, die von ihnen gewählten Schwiegersohn-Kandidaten kennenzulernen oder den Geldhahn zugedreht zu bekommen, weiß sie: Ein Fake-Freund muss her!Und wer würde sich dazu besser eignen, als der Bruder ihrer besten Freundin? Nicolas ist ein ehrgeiziger Medizinstudent mit herausragenden Noten und somit der Traum von Ylvies Eltern. Doch hinter der scheinbar makellosen Fassade verbirgt er ein gefährliches Geheimnis...

  • av Cherry Publishing

    "Warum sind die Menschen so fasziniert vom Weltall? Fasziniert von einer kalten, dunklen und endlosen Leere, die nichts als Tod bringt? Es ist doch eigentlich eher unheimlich, nicht wahr?" "Ich denke, genau darin liegt die Faszination." Raum, Zeit, Materie - all das begann mit dem Urknall. Und auch diese Geschichte beginnt mit einem Knall. Dem, der von Levon O'Connells Körper verursacht wurde, als dieser gegen die Frontscheibe des alten Golfs schlug, in dem Gwen durch die Nacht fuhr. Dass dieser Unfall schicksalhaft für die beiden sein würde, konnte keiner erahnen - vor allem nicht Levon... Eine Geschichte über das Erwachsenwerden, die menschliche Verbundenheit mit dem Universum und die Dunkelheit, die es beherbergt und die in uns allen steckt.

  • av Cherry Publishing

    Eine schicksalhafte Begegnung. Ein zarter Funken, der Emotionen überkochen lässt ... Zwei Frauen begegnen sich am Rande der Gesellschaft, am Flughafen in Delhi. Als eine Gruppe Männer versucht Marie-Lou zu bedrängen, kann Satya nicht anders als dazwischen zu springen und die Grenze aufzuzeigen, die Marie-Lou durch ihre traumatische Vergangenheit nicht stecken kann. Dieser kleine Moment ist der Anfang einer Verbindung, die das Leben der beiden Frauen für immer verändern sollte. Sie treffen sich, als sie aufgegeben hatten normal sein zu wollen und sich für Selbstliebe entscheiden. Durch Satya kann sich Marie-Lou einer Intimität öffnen, von der sie nicht zu träumen wagte. Doch auch Satya trägt eine Vergangenheit mit sich, die wie ein Schatten über den beiden hängt und sie immer weiter einzuholen droht ... Kann ihre Liebe einen Raum öffnen, der sich diesem Sog widersetzt?

  • av Navi Ghataore

    When Navi's son was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, the news and the challenges that came with the condition shook her family to the core.But her son Réyan was and is the best thing to happen to her, and their story is one of overcoming adversity, facing it head-on, and embracing the condition, life, and parenthood.With a medical background of her own, this book charts the challenges, but also provides an invaluable resource for anyone raising a child with his condition. For every trial that they faced, for every dark day, there is always - soon - a rey of sunshine.

  • av Graham Field

    I Should Have Left the Whiskey is the first book in the Rambling On trilogy - compelling tales from a time when motorcycles were left in the shed and global exploration slowed to the pace of cycling.These diaries divulge two very different journeys in Asia: because progressing into enlightened India required some back-pedalling through darkest Thailand en route to China.After impulsively purchasing a bicycle in Bangkok and taking to the frantic city streets, Graham was hit by the realisation that life in the fast lane could have an impact on his health.Pedalling away from the madding crowd, he hauled his heavy load to mountain settlements lost somewhere in time. Desperate and dehydrated, he was subjected to all that the lonely road bestows upon the soul.It soon became apparent that whiskey was not the best choice of refreshment. However, he rebelliously refused to abandon the bottle or the mission, keeping his glassy eyes fully focused on what was ahead.A year later, having eliminated some of the heavier baggage from that journey, he found himself in southern India. Surely, this coast-hugging, palm-shaded backwater route would be a breeze ... but the easy road is not always the right path.Had reckless decisions taken him beyond his abilities? With flashbacks, foresight and the riotous brutal honesty that is confined to a diary, all will be revealed.

  • av Lev Adi

    Our Attendance Book For Teachers is a simple and practical way to record your classroom's attendance. Also, our paper pages are blank and ready for you to plan, customize, and tailor to your specific needs in the classroom.¿¿¿¿¿Stay organized and on top of your students' attendance and grades with our elegant and streamlined teacher grade book.¿¿¿¿This attendance record book is undated so can be bought at any time of the school year.¿¿Attendance Book For Teachers Features:¿ Detail-oriented, organized, and accurate¿ ¿¿Double-sided¿ ¿¿Undated, enter your date¿ ¿¿Large 8.5"x11" size¿ ¿¿Printed on white paper¿ ¿¿Space for up to 37 names¿ Space to Take Daily NotesThis book makes an excellent gift for every teacher who wants to keep track of attendance. Best gifts for teachers. So scroll up and add to your cart now!Purchase one for yourself or as a thoughtful present for a teacher in your life!

  • av Stephan George

    Our book is detail-oriented, organized, and accurate. It Includes daily blood sugar readings before/after for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime. There's also space for daily notes to stay in control, keep record of and inform your doctor.Features:¿ Detail-oriented, organized, and accurate¿ ¿¿Double-sided¿ Monday to Sunday Tracking Weekly Log¿ Space to Take Daily Notes¿ Matte Finish SoftcoverThis book makes an excellent gift for anyone who wants to track and analyze blood sugar levels. So scroll up and add to your cart now!

  • av Miriam Gania

    Are you looking for a professionally designed diabetes logbook to easily track your blood sugar levels? Our log book is for anyone who wants to track and analyze blood sugar levels.This log book will help to detect and monitor your medical problems, Record your vital signs in a medical setting, at home, or elsewhere and keep track of the main vitals and other important health parameters.¿¿¿This Book is an ideal gift idea for Mother, Father, Grandfather, Grandmother, Family, and Friends. Grab your copies today!

  • av Calvin Davidson

    Every week, Calvin and Leanne Davidson change lives.The founders of Bounty Competitions draw lots and give away prizes ranging from kettles to mini breaks, cash, cars and even houses.In this candid and insightful look inside Bounty Competitions and their lives, Calvin and Leanne tell the inspirational story of how they began their business during the lockdown of 2020."We want to show you that anything is possible and that backgrounds don't matter. With the right skill set and the right attitude, it is possible to achieve success," says the couple.Calvin and Leanne describe their beginnings, their challenges, their family life - and how they blend it all with work."This is our story - no holds barred. We hope you enjoy coming along for the ride."

  • av Davidson

    Every week, Calvin and Leanne Davidson change lives.The founders of Bounty Competitions draw lots and give away prizes ranging from kettles to mini breaks, cash, cars and even houses.In this candid and insightful look inside Bounty Competitions and their lives, Calvin and Leanne tell the inspirational story of how they began their business during the lockdown of 2020."We want to show you that anything is possible and that backgrounds don't matter. With the right skill set and the right attitude, it is possible to achieve success," says the couple.Calvin and Leanne describe their beginnings, their challenges, their family life - and how they blend it all with work."This is our story - no holds barred. We hope you enjoy coming along for the ride."

  • av Hilbre Johnson
    187 - 271,-

  • av Sue Humphres
    202 - 271,-

  • av Lev Daniel

    Stay motivated and disciplined by tracking your progress and recording your workouts with this convenient logbook.Studies show that tracking your progress with a workout logbook makes you two to three times more likely to achieve your desired goals.This book makes an excellent gift for anyone who wants to stay consistent with long-term habits. So, you can visually see your progress over time and track all info about your workouts in one place.¿¿Book features:¿ Detail-oriented, organized, and accurate;¿ ¿¿Double-sided;¿ Perfect for recording your progression;¿ Helps you to stay motivated and disciplined;¿ Excellent for beginners and advanced alike;¿ Matte Finish SoftcoverThis book makes an excellent gift for anyone who wants to stay consistent with long-term habits. Grab a copy today!

  • av Celina Ehler

    Time sheets take the guesswork out of time tracking, improves productivity and prevents errors!¿¿¿¿¿Record and monitor employees working hours or for personal use to keep track of time spent. Perfect for recording work hours for different jobs and projects.Features: ¿ Space to Take Daily Notes¿ Detail-oriented, organized, and accurate¿¿¿ Monday to Sunday Tracking Weekly Log¿ ¿¿Double-sided¿ ¿¿Day of the week, Date, Time In, Time Out, Breaks, Overtime and Total Hours ¿¿¿This book makes an excellent gift for anyone who wants to keep track of time spent at work!

  • av Maik Schiebel

    Keep record of and inform your doctor and easily track your blood sugar levels with our professionally designed blood sugar logbook. ¿¿¿¿It has plenty of space for writing notes and extra space for anything you may need to record.¿¿¿Features:¿ Detail-oriented, organized, and accurate¿ ¿¿Double-sided¿ ¿¿2-year daily blood sugar tracking¿ ¿¿1 week of tracking per page¿ ¿¿Weekly Notes¿ ¿¿6-inch x 9-inch size so you can take it anywhere¿ Monday to Sunday Tracking Weekly LogPurchase one for yourself or as a thoughtful present for your loved ones in your life!

  • av Tate Amro

    This logbook will help to keep track of your vehicle repair and services. It is suitable for all kinds of vehicles such as cars, RVs, jeeps, trucks, and will keep you on point with all your vehicle maintenance service and repair , and also you record Mileage ( Personal and business ) and All Expenses related to your vehicle useIt's designed to track all essential automobile, truck repairs, maintenance tasks and record the number of miles traveled by a vehicle by a certain amount of fuel within a specific period.Features:- Simple and organized;- 6"X 9" Paperback - Perfect for the glove compartment, toolbox or seat pocket.- Record on your terms - Quick and Clear contents pages;- Quick & easy to add entries.- Double-sided;- Great size to carry with you; - Section for comments - keep all details more accurateGrab a copy today for you and your friend!

  • av Siena Schuller

    Our log book it's practice way to get organized with your gardening, keep records and grow your dream garden. ¿¿Individual plant history pages allow you to keep a yearly log of how you're doing with each crop. Set annual goals, keep a record of your work, track your performance, and note what you've learned over each season. Chart garden design and plan next year's layout. Keep a record of plantings, soil chemistry, fertilizing, compost rotation, pest issues, weather, watering needs and more.¿INSIDE YOU'LL FIND:- Monthly Garden Calendar & Tasks;- Garden Layout;- Seasonal Tasks & Checklist;- Seed Purchase & Inventory;- Plant Log;- Fertilizer Inventory;- Gardening Budget;- Seed Starting Log;- Pest & Disease Control;- Seasonal NotesBook features:¿ Detail-oriented, organized, and accurate;¿ ¿¿Double-sided;¿ Perfect for recording your progression;¿ Excellent for beginners and advanced alike;¿ Glossy paperback cover.

  • av Alan Fischer

    This logbook will help to keep track of your vehicle repair and services. It is suitable for all kinds of vehicles such as cars, RVs, jeeps, trucks, and will keep you on point with all your vehicle maintenance service and repair , and also you record Mileage ( Personal and business ) and All Expenses related to your vehicle useFeatures:- Simple and organized;- Record on your terms - Quick and Clear contents pages;- Quick & easy to add entries.- Double-sided;- Great size to carry with you; - Section for comments - keep all details more accurateScroll up and add to your cart now!

  • av Jack Wittig

    Our logbook helps you record your daily exercises and keep track of important data so that you can stay motivated and disciplined, handy log to analyze your progress and gains. It also has pages for goals, from fitness and health goals to sleep, and can easily be tossed into a gym bag.Book features:¿ Detail-oriented, organized, and accurate;¿ ¿¿Double-sided;¿ Perfect for recording your progression;¿ Helps you to stay motivated and disciplined;¿ Excellent for beginners and advanced alike;¿ Matte Finish Softcover¿. Excellent for beginners or avid lifters and fitness enthusiasts! - Grab one now!

  • av Lev Onetiu

  • av Lev Miriam

  • av Bill Comando

  • av Scania Maars

  • av Anika Schimdt

  • av Mara Schimdt

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