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  • av Rachel B. Gross
    287 - 995,-

  • av Elizabeth Fenton
    364 - 435,-

  • av Mael Embser-Herbert

    Heartfelt personal accounts from transgender people fighting for the right to serve in the military "Prior to coming out as transgender I served the first several years of my career under "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," hiding my sexual orientation out of the constant fear of expulsion. I then found myself in the same predicament as when I first joined, wanting nothing more than to serve my country and do my job, but at the cost of sacrificing a major part of who I am. . . . This time, however, I decided that I could no longer sacrifice my own well-being, my own authentic self."-Mak Vaden, Warrant Officer 1, U.S. Army National Guard, 2006-present"I have traveled around the world. . . . I have been on five cutters with eleven years of sea time and commanded the Coast Guard cutter Campbell. I have negotiated treaties and fostered international law enforcement cooperation. I have stopped drug smugglers and seized illegal fishing vessels on the high seas. And, I also have gender dysphoria and identify as a trans woman."-Allison Caputo, Captain, US Coast Guard, 1995-presentOn January 25, 2021, in one of his first acts as President, Joe Biden reversed the Trump Administration's widely condemned ban on transgender people in the military. In With Honor and Integrity, Máel Embser-Herbert and Bree Fram introduce us to the brave individuals who are on the front lines of this issue, assembling a powerful, accessible, and heartfelt collection of first-hand accounts from transgender military personnel in the United States. Featuring twenty-six essays from current service members or veterans, these eye-opening accounts show us what it is like to serve in the military as a transgender person. From a religious affairs specialist in the Army National Guard, to a petty officer first class in the Navy, to a veteran of the Marine Corps who became "the real me" at age forty-nine, these accounts are personal, engaging, and refreshingly honest. Contributors share their experiences from before and during President Trump's ban-what barriers they face at work, why they do or don't choose to serve openly, and how their colleagues have treated them. Fram, a lieutenant colonel who is serving openly as a transgender woman in the US Space Force, and has advocated for open service policies, shares her experience in the aftermath of Trump's announcement of the ban on Twitter. Ultimately, Embser-Herbert and Fram provide an inspiring look at the past, present, and future of transgender military service. At a time when LGBTQ rights are under siege, and the opportunity to serve continues to be challenged, With Honor and Integrity is a timely and necessary read.

  • av Thijs Jeursen

    "In the context of the hyperviolent and racialized policing of cities across the US today, vigilant citizenship frames everyday policing as matters of personal blame and guilt-as problems of citizens"--

  • av Tazeen M Ali

    "The Women's Mosque of America analyzes how American Muslim women cultivate new forms of Islamic authority that contend with gender inequality, anti-Blackness, and global Islamophobia by approaching the Qur'an as a tool for social justice and community building, providing insights on Islamic authority at the intersections of gender, religious space, and national belonging"--

  • av Tina Post
    344 - 1 073,-

  • av Alexander Laban Hinton
    265 - 371,-

  • av Diy&

    "The Book of Travels is òHannåa Diyåab's remarkable first-person account of his travels as a young man from his hometown of Aleppo to the court of Versailles and back again"--

  • av Al-Baghd&

    "A Physician on the Nile begins as a description of everyday life in Egypt at the turn of the seventh/thirteenth century, before becoming a harrowing account of famine and pestilence"--

  • av Don Jordan

    With information gleaned from contemporary letters, journals, and court archives, "White Cargo" is packed with proof that the brutalities usually associated with black slavery were, for centuries, also inflicted on whites.

  • av George C Lodge

    Coming from a Harvard Business School professor, with an Establishment name and an Eisenhower-administration record, Lodge's 1975 The New American Ideology was slightly bold and slightly prescient: a call to abandon Lockean individualism for Japanese (etc.) "communitarianism"; to embrace government planning, the community-interest, new types of labor-management relations. Updated today, with due reference to Abernathy and Hayes, Reich and Rohatyn, such ideas sound - and are - old hat. What is newish, and sharpish, is Lodge's running assessment of the Reagan administration. Apropos of "the American disease" (e.g., the difficult transition from individualism to communitarianism): "There was the inarticulate but wistful hope that Ronald Reagan would take us back to a lost state of grace." On chronic, continuing governmental ambivalence: "Obsessed with individualism. . . the authors of the [1982] Economic Report were blind to the communitarian activities which the government had already undertaken, and to those which it would need to undertake in the near future." One point, irrespective of Reagan, is made repeatedly - but also advisedly: "Where questions of community need - or the national interest - arise, government must (and eventually will) intervene. It will do so whether it has the competence or not, because it, and it alone, has the authority." (The lesser, air-pawing side of Lodge: "if business is to help the underciass regain full membership in American society, it must work with other groups to reestablish the ties between the residents of disintegrated communities and the mainstream society.") In conclusion, there are some suggested remedies - for a much-expanded office of United States Trade Representative (the area of Lodge's governmental expertise), for reform of corporate governance (a business-school specialty). Bland and flaccid but not empty. (Kirkus Reviews)

  • av Stephen Frosh

    Over 100 years since its origins, psychoanalysis continues to be a key source of insights across the humanities and social sciences. Being well-versed in psychoanalytic concepts is a crucial element in cultural literacy today. Key Concepts in Psychoanalysis accessibly introduces the core psychoanalytic concepts. In contrast to existing dictionaries, the volume does not simply offer cursory definitions, and it is not overly entrenched in a particular psychoanalytic tradition. Providing short, reader-friendly descriptions of each concept, Key Concepts in Psychoanalysis shows both its place in the field as well its more general cultural usage. It is not simply a reference book, but can be read cover to cover to provide an overview of the therapeutic and cultural uses of central terms. Concepts are introduced in ways which make them truly available to a non-expert readership and to beginning students. Examples of concepts introduced include: unconscious, repression, projection, Oedipus complex, interpretation, resistance, and transference.

  • av John S Koliopoulos

    Focusing on questions that seek to illuminate vital aspects of the Greek phenomenon, this modern history of Greece is organized around themes such as politics, institutions, society, ideology, foreign policy, geography, and culture.

  • av Jack Hayward

    It is generally agreed that the new-style presidency is the key institution of the French Fifth Republic in that it helps to ensure the stability and effectiveness of the political system-something that France has been seeking since the Revolution of 1789. Yet, paradoxically, no comprehensive study of the French presidential phenomenon exists. The accumulated experience of 1959-1991, extending over the terms of de Gaulle, Pompidou, Giscard d'Estaing, and Mitterrand, begs a comparative study of their institutional and personal roles in the political process. Among the subjects here considered are: the pre-1958 presidency and the ways in which practice has diverged from constitutional provisions; the president's relations with his staff; the prime minister and government; the political parties; parliament; and the role of the mass media. Finally, the president's special role in foreign and defense policy, as well as his personal projects, are examined. Contributing to the volume are: J. E. S. Hayward, Martin Harrison (University of Keele), Anne Stevens (University of Kent), Jolyon Howarth (University of Bath), Vincent Wright (Nuffield College, Oxford), Jean-Luc Parodi, and Howard Machin (London School of Economics).

  • av Peter H Merkl

    The last five years have brought such extraordinary changes to Germany and Europe as to make the previous forty years of Cold War existence seem deceptively placid and well- ordered by comparison. The collapse of communist rule in East Germany in the midst of massive demonstrations against the Honecker regime in late 1989 were only the beginning. The monumental changes that have taken place since have affected all aspects of German identity, both inside and outside of the now-unified nation. This book tackles the question of just where the new Federal Republic of Germany stands after 45 years and where it appears to be headed. The central concern of this volume is the nation's evolving united--or disunited--sense of identity. This identity, in a constant state of flux, takes many forms: the striking differences between East and West German views; German pacifism and national pride; the role of Germany in the world; the reemergence of radical right groups; and opinions towards foreigners and the right of political asylum. Of central interest to scholars of German and European history and politics, this book is a thorough assessment of Germany in the post-wall era.

  • av Glenys Ferguson

    Industrial economics has reach a cross roads in its development; the established approach, based on the neoclassical theory of the firm, it now being challenged by a variety of ideas and concepts. Paramount among these are developments within institutions, economics and the world of the Austrian School. This revised and updated edition of Paul Ferguson's successful textbook integrates these new approaches into a critical exposition of neoclassical theory. While the first edition presented the work of the Austrian School as the main counter to the traditional (neoclassical) paradigm, this new edition widens the theoretical approaches considered. The volume now encompasses all the major variants of what is becoming known as the new institutional economics. Topics discussed include: Subjects which neoclassical analysis has always found difficult to accommodate, such as innovation and advertising, topical problems, such as privatization and deindustrialization. Areas of particular importance for policy formation, such as monopoly.

  • av John Orr

    Post-war Cinema and Modernity explores the relationship between film and modernity in the second half of the twentieth century. It begins with essays analyzing new post-war forms of film narrative and responses to the filmic innovations of the 1960s and the question of modernism. Pasolini's landmark polemic on the cinema of poetry is a vital springboard for the later critiques of time and the image, subjectivities and their narrative transformation, and the topical question of film and postmodernity. A discussion of changes in film technology and cinematic perception extend to the questions of film documentary. Finally, there is a focus on cinematographers and their filmic collaboration. The second section, International Cinema, places filmmaking and filmmakers in a social and a national context. It brings together landmark essays which contextualize feature films historically, yet also highlight their aesthetic power and their wider cultural importance. Filmmakers discussed include Ozu, Welles, Bresson, Hitchcock, Godard, Egoyan, Fassbinder and Zhang Yimou. Contributors include: Nestor Almendros, Jacques Aumont, Andre Bazin, Noel Burch, Scott Bukatman, Michael Chapman, Rey Chow, Terry Comito, Timothy Corrigan, Angela Della Vacche, Gilles Deleuze, Peter Harcourt, Frederic Jameson, Bruce Kawin, Krzystof Kieslowski, Vassiliki Kolocotroni, Teresa de Lauretis, Colin MacCabe, Christian Metz, Tania Modleski, Laura Mulvey, Bill Nicholls, John Orr, David Pascoe, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Duncan Petrie, Donald Richie, Larry Salvato, Dennis Schaefer, Paul Schrader, Susan Sontag, Andrei Tarkovsky, J.P. Telotte, Paul Virilio, Peter Wollen, Ismail Xavier, Denise Youngblood.

  • av Peter Schrijvers

    In the ruined Europe of World War II, American soldiers on the front lines had no eye for breathtaking vistas or romantic settings. The brutality of battle profoundly darkened their perceptions of the Old World. As the only means of international travel for the masses, the military exposed millions of Americans to a Europe in swift, catastrophic decline. Drawing on soldiers' diaries, letters, poems, and songs, Peter Schrijvers offers a compelling account of the experiences of U.S. combat ground forces: their struggles with the European terrain and seasons, their confrontations with soldiers, and their often startling encounters with civilians. Schrijvers relays how the GIs became so desensitized and dehumanized that the sight of dead animals often evoked more compassion than the sight of enemy dead. The Crash of Ruin concludes with a dramatic and moving account of the final Allied offensive into German-held territory and the soldiers' bearing witness to the ultimate symbol of Europe's descent into ruin--the death camps of the Holocaust. The harrowing experiences of the GIs convinced them that Europe's collapse was not only the result of the war, but also the Old World's deep-seated political cynicism, economic stagnation, and cultural decadence. The soldiers came to believe that the plague of war formed an inseparable part of the Old World's decline and fall.

  • av Pamela Norris

    Eve: A Biography is the history of Everywoman. Her brief adventure in the Book of Genesis is where the Western idea of woman began, and three thousand years after Eve offered Adam the forbidden fruit, everyone still knows that losing Paradise was Eve's fault. Pamela Norris traces the evolution of Eve's bad reputation, drawing on a rich and diverse tradition of storytelling that embraces myth, folk tale and popular romance, and puts the spotlight firmly on women and their sexuality. From Dinah and Delilah, Pandora and Psyche, to the snaky Lamias and Liliths who haunted nineteenth-century painting and literature, centuries of disobedient women have been linked with Eve, the original bad girl, providing ample ammunition for male fears and fantasies. But Eve's story has also been retold by women, who have found ingenious and often subversive ways to free her from her disreputable past. Stimulating, intriguing and wittily erudite, Eve: A Biography is the entrancing tale of a folk maiden who metamorphoses into a vamp, a mermaid, a bluestocking, a witch, a virgin trapped inside the walls of a fertile garden and finally, perhaps, into a thoroughly modern woman who chews the apple of knowledge with gusto and wouldn't dream of offering Adam a bite.

  • av Lorraine Elliott

    Human activity is changing the global environment on a scale unlike that of any other era. Environmental deterioration is now a global issue--ecologically, politically, and economically--that requires global solutions. Yet there is considerable disagreement over what kinds of strategies we should adopt in order to halt and reverse damage to the global ecosystem. What kinds of international institutions are best suited to dealing with global environmental problems? Why are women and indigenous peoples still marginalized in global environmental politics? What are the consequences of the global ecological crisis for economic and security policies? The Global Politics of the Environment makes sense of the often seemingly irreconcilable answers to these questions. It focuses throughout on the tensions between mainstream strategies, which seek to build support for reforms through existing institutions, and radical critiques, which argue that environmental degradation is a symptom of a dysfunctional world order that must itself be transformed if we are to meet the challenge of saving the planet.

  • av Roald Amundsen

    Before Sir Ernest Shackleton's exploration of the Antarctic waters in 1914, Captain Roald Amundsen led a courageous team through ice-chocked waters to become the first expedition to reach the South Pole in 1911. Read the fascinating account of his journey in The South Pole. "Roald Amundsen planted the Norwegian flag on the South Pole on December 14, 1911: a full month before Robert Falcon Scott arrived on the same spot. Amundsen's 'The South Pole' is less well-known than his rival's, in part because he is less of a literary stylist, but also, perhaps, because he survived the journey. His book is a riveting first-hand account of a truly professional expedition; Amundsen's heroism is understated, but it is heroism nonetheless."--The Times of London, 23 June 2001 At the beginning of the twentieth century, the South Pole was the most coveted prize in the fiercely nationalistic modern age of exploration. In the spring of 1911 two separate expeditions left their respective camps in Antarctica in a desperate bid to achieve the glory of being first to reach the South Pole: a British party, led by Captain R. F. Scott, and a Norwegian one under Captain Roald Amundsen. The South Pole,- Amundsen's first-hand account of the expedition,- is a fascinating and highly readable history of the tenacity and perseverance of the age. "The last of the Vikings," Roald Engebreth Gravning Amundsen was a powerfully built man of over six feet in height, born into a family of merchant sea captains in 1872. In 1903 he navigated the Northwest Passage in a 70-foot fishing boat. Soon afterwards he learned that Ernest Shackleton was setting out on an attempt to reach the South Pole. Shackleton abandoned his quest a mere 97 miles short of the Pole, but Amundsen began preparing his own expedition. Although this was the age of the amateur explorer, Amundsen was a professional: he left little to chance, apprenticed with Inuits, and obsessed over every detail. On October 18, 1911 Amundsen's party set out from the Bay of Whales, on Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf, for their final drive toward the pole. His British counterpart, Robert Falcon Scott, dependent on Siberian ponies rather than on dogs, began his trip three weeks later. While Scott clung fast to the British rule of "No skis, no dogs," Amundsen understood that both were vital to survival. Aided by exceptionally cooperative weather conditions, Amundsen's men passed the point where Shackleton was forced to turn back on December 7, and at approximately 3pm on December 14, 1911, Roald Amundsen raised the flag of Norway at the South Pole, one month before Scott's party would arrive. A polar masterpiece of history and adventure, The South Pole is the stunning first-hand account of one of the greatest success stories in the annals of exploration. Most skillfully Amundsen constructs the expedition's character through its personalitiesthe cast of veteran explorers, scientists, and crewproviding insight not only into Amundsen's philosophy of exploration, but into the classical age of polar explorers.

  • av Lisa Isherwood

    God has assumed a significant role in the sex lives of believers. It is God who decrees which types of sexual expression are permitted, and which forbidden. Through the Church, a patriarchal sexual landscape has been enacted to control sexual bodies which exerts its influence even in our secular culture. The Good News of the Body is a wide-ranging anthology on feminist sexual theology. Noting that Jesus, while being declared divine, took human form, the volume questions what happens when the flesh, rather than the Word, is placed at the center of theological reflection. What happens when women's bodies form the incarnational starting point for sexual politics and theology? Contributors, including Rosemary Ruether, Mary Hunt, and Melissa Raphael, examine such topics as the possibility of a Roman Catholic approach to sexuality bringing together the three aspects of Christian love of eros, philia, and agape; Jewish sexual and mystical teaching; the de-sexing of the disabled; erotic celibacy; human sexuality and the concept of the goddess; and the sometimes surprisingly similar conclusions about contraception reached by feminists and popes.

  • av Azzam Tamimi

    Western civilization tends to view secularism as a positive achievement. From this perspective, benefits of secularizing trends include the separation of church and state, the rule of law, and freedom fram organized religion.In the Arab Middle East, however, Islamist intellectuals increasingly cite Western-inspired secularism as the source of the region's social dislocation and political instability. While secularism in the West led to the spread of democratic values, in the Muslim world it has been associated with dictatorship, the violation of human rights, and the abrogation of civil liberties.Islam and Secularism in the Middle East examines the origins and growth of the movement to abolish the secularizing reforms of the past century by creating a political order guided by Shariah law. Contributors explain the Islamic rejection of secularism as a failed Western Christian ideal and also discuss how secularization was pioneered by those who thought Muslims could only advance politically by emulating Western practices, including the renunciation of religion.

  • av M E Howard

    This book provides a comprehensive exposition and appraisal of Marx's political economy, beginning with the philosophical and sociological foundations of his work and indicating how his economic theory emerged from a critique of classical political economy. The authors proceed to examine in detail the theory of exploitation, capitalist development and imperialism, and pay special attention to the analysis of Marx by later social and economic theorists, including an assessment of the modern relevance of his work. The authors' position is one of critical sympathy. They share Marx's hostility to capitalism and his view of economics as a historical social science but, at the same time, they see his work as susceptible to error and in need of refinement. Serious flaws as well as important oversights are revealed; nevertheless, it is argued that Marx's overall perspective provides a rational alternative to orthodox economic analysis. No prior knowledge of Marxism or of advanced economic theory is assumed, the book proceeds logically from first principles and mathematical analysis has been kept to a minimum. "The Political Economy of Marx" will be a valuable book for anyone concerned with understanding Marxism as a political force, particularly students, teachers and researchers in political economy, the history of economic thought, political theory and sociology.

  • av Robert Youngson

    A collaboration between a highly experienced doctor and a professional journalist, this book is the definitive account of virtually every medical mishap and scandal of the past two hundred years. Learn the horrifying secrets of the medical profession as this book reveals the scandalous stories of healing gone wrong.

  • av R. Stones

    Despite the fact that most of us think often about society and social life, few of us have had extensive schooling in how to organize or structure such thought. Guided by the belief that the sociological imagination is impoversihed if accessible only to a handful of specialists, Key Sociological Thinkers provides the lay reader with a clear and manageable overview of the major sociological developments from Marx to the present day.Twenty-one concise, thorough chapters introduce the key thinkers in the field; their driving impulses, issues central to their work, substantive examples of the theory in action, their legacy, as well as reading lists meant to stimulate further research. The book's range includes not only canonical figures, such as Marx, Weber, and Durkheim, but feminist, post-structuralist, and post-colonialist thinkers of recent decades, including Nancy Chodorow, Michel Foucault, and Stuart Hall. Other sociologists and social theorists overed include Sigmund Freud, Georg Simmel, Herbert Blumer, Talcott Parsons, Robert Merton, Simone de Beauvoir, Norbert Elias, Erving Goffman, David Lockwood, Harold Garfinkel, Louis Althusser, Jurgen Habermas, Pierre Bourdieu, Arlie Hochschild, and Anthony Giddens.Key Sociological Thinkers is ideal for students new to the field, veterans looking to brush up, and anyone eager to expand their understanding of the world in which we live.

  • av H. Tam

    Although communitarianism has a long history, it has only recently emerged to pose a major challenge to the traditional left-right divide in politics and the competing principles of individualism and collectivism. Communitarianism is the first comprehensive and accessible introduction to communitarianism's ideas and their implications for politics and citizenship. Drawing on a wide range of international examples and engaging with communitarianism's critics, Tam demonstrates clearly its relevance to the United States and the world.

  • av John Schwarzmantel

    After the great revolutions of 1776 in America and 1789 in France, modern nations began to express political struggle as a conflict between Left and Right, a spectrum of ideologies including socialism, liberalism, conservatism, nationalism, and later, communism and fascism, among others. These dominant ideologies reflected the themes of industrial society, powerful nation-states, and the era of class politics. Today, however, a series of rapid social and political transformations have provoked a world-wide crisis of ideologies. New technology threatens the traditional social structure of heavy industry. Increased globalization challenges the sovereignty of the nation-state, and class divisions appear less salient. In light of these changes, do modern ideologies have anything to say to us as citizens of the world today? The Age of Ideology analyzes the contemporary relevance of the main ideologies that have been central to political struggle over the past two centuries. Believing the postmodern critique of ideologies as inadequate for dealing with society's problems, John Schwarzmantel argues convincingly that political ideologies still provide essential organizing frameworks for political debate and action.

  • av Alec McHoul

    In such seminal works as Madness and Civilization, Discipline and Punish, and The History of Sexuality, the late philosopher Michel Foucault explored what our politics, our sexuality, our societal conventions, and our changing notions of truth told us about ourselves. In the process, Foucault garnered a reputation as one of the pre-eminent philosophers of the latter half of the twentieth century and has served as a primary influence on successive generations of philosophers and cultural critics. With A Foucault Primer, Alec McHoul and Wendy Grace bring Foucault's work into focus for the uninitiated. Written in crisp and concise prose, A Foucault Primer explicates three central concepts of Foucauldian theory—discourse, power, and the subject—and suggests that Foucault's work has much yet to contribute to contemporary debate.

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