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Bøker utgitt av New Horizon Media Private Limited

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  • av Shanti Sivaraman

    Twelfth Night or As You Will is a tale of love, trickery and mistaken identities. A young noble woman, Viola is shipwrecked in a violent storm off the coast of Illyria. Separated from her twin brother Sebastian Viola disguises herself as a boy and assumes the name of Cesario. She becomes a page boy in the service of Orsino, the Duke who is madly in love with Lady Olivia. Viola falls in love with the Duke and Lady Olivia falls in love with Viola disguised as Cesario. Complications arise and everyone is drawn into a hilarious confusion...

  • av Sumitha Menon

  • av Manasi Subramaniam

  • av Shanti Sivaraman

    One of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies of love, vanity and relationships told in simple prose.King Lear's vanity blinds him and he banishes his beloved daughter Cordelia from his Kingdom. Goneril and Regan, his other daughters, between whom he has divided his country, have ungratefully turned him out of their houses. Meanwhile Edmund, the illegitimate son of Gloucester tries to usurp his brother Edgar and ends up reaching for the crown.

  • av Shanti Sivaraman

    Antonio, a merchant in the city of Venice, decides to be a guarantor to his friend Bassanio who borrows 3,000 ducats from shylock, a greedy moneylender, to travel and meet his lady love Portia. Shylock seeks revenge for the comments Antonio has made about his greed in the past and lays a gruesome condition. Portia's father's will states she must marry the man who correctly chooses one of three caskets. Bassanio picks the correct one. Meanwhile Antonio loses his ships, and must give Shylock his pound of flesh. Disguised as a young man of law, Portia saves Antonio and the story ends on a happy note for him and the young lovers.

  • av Shashi Ambaru

  • av Ashok Rajagopalan

    The Iliad and the Odyssey are the great epics of ancient Greece written by Homer. While the Iliad, like the Mahabharata, sings of a great war in which almost all the kingdoms of that time took part, the Odyssey, compared by scholars to the Ramayana, relates the story of Odysseus. After the war of Troy told in the Iliad, Odysseus wants to return home to his family and kingdom as quickly as possible. Blessed by Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and cursed by Poseidon, the god of the sea, Odysseus finds himself forced by his destiny to travel to many islands before he is allowed to go home. The Odyssey is the story of his many adventures along the way.

  • av Shanti Sivaraman

    The Tempest is a comedy by William Shakespeare, believed to be the last play written by him.The story begins with Prospero, rightful Duke of Milan, and his daughter, Miranda, being stranded for twelve years on an island. How Prospero uses magic to regain his lost dukedom and his lovely daughter a secure and happy future with the help of the spirit Ariel is the subject of this delightful story of right prevailing over might in the end.

  • av Ambujam Anantharaman

  • av Hema Vijay

    Dinosaurs. Who can forget those amazing animals we saw in the Hollywood movie, Jurassic Park? Where did they come from? For how long did they live? What led to their disappearance? Discover more about this species which ruled the earth millions of years ago.

  • av Abhinav Ramnarayan

    When Prince Hamlet of Denmark discovers that his uncle, Claudius, has murdered his father to gain the throne, he plots a terrible revenge. As events spiral out of control, innocent lives are affected but Hamlet feels he has no moral choice but to see his plan through to the bitter and bloody end.

  • av Gomathi Krishnan

  • av V. Harishankar

    Follow the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler, the German dictator whose belief in the superiority of the Aryan race led to the extermination of six million Jews. Adolf Hitler and his ideology of Nazism (National Socialism) caused the biggest and most destructive War in modern history, the World War II (1939-1945). How did it all begin? What were his ideas that led to the destruction of nearly all of Europe and the killing of millions of people in battlefields and death camps? Why were so many ordinary Germans willing to follow his leadership and bring their country to a savage conflict with the rest of the world? Prodigy brings you the gripping story of the rise and fall of Hitler, Germany's all-powerful dictator.

  • av Susan Philip

  • av Badri Seshadri

  • av Badri Seshadri

  • av &#2965, &#3021, &#2991, m.fl.

  • av &#2965, &#3021, &#2991, m.fl.

  • av G.Ganesan

  • av &#3006, &#2965, &#3021, m.fl.

  • av Aravindan Neelakandan

    On Communism in general and in the context of India.

  • av Susan Philip

    Butterball, the cat of many lives has brought manu and his sister ammu to the threshold of the history of india as an independent nation by sharing with them his memories of the past from the sultans to independence. Its time now to listen to some first hand account of the many trials and tribulations that the infant nation faced and the many successes and trirumphs it achieved in its growing up years. The children's grandparents and parents delve into their memories to tell them about the stirring days just after indenpendence, the challenges of working out a system of nationhood the political fortunes of the world's largest democaracy the hurdles that came in the way of survival, and how they were overcome. As india gains momentum in the twenty-first century manu and ammu dare to dream...

  • av N. Chokkan

  • av Padmavathi Vajjulu

    Emotion happens to be the most important way of expression. It determiners how we react how we act what we decide and hoe we treat ourselves and others. The more we understand them and takes control of them the more are the chances to improve the quality of our life.Controlling our emotions doesn't mean ignoring them. It means you recongnize them and act on them when you deem it appropriate, not randonly and uncontrollably. Emotions are those powerful tools that guide us to: Understand our inner self and empathize with others communicate clearly and effectively bulid strong healthy relationships.This is not all... There is much more we should know about the power of human emotions

  • av Susan Philip

    The years between 1857 and 1947 were perhaps the most eventful in the history of the indian sub-continent. After the failure of the Sepoy Mutiny, a new band of leaders emerged who aimed to unite the various regions, classes and communities and inspire them to stand together and demand freedom from British rule. The man who gave a unique direction to this endeavour was of curse Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Manu and Ammu relive the excitement and heartbreaks of the freedom movement with Butterball, their cat of many lives, who lets them slip into his memories of those dramatic days.

  • av K.S.Subramani

  • av N.R Narayana Murthy

  • av N. Chokkan

  • av Shashi Ambaru

    Mankind has developed through the ages by the fundamental principle of learning. The word learning might lead one to thinks immediately of education and acquisition of knowledge. But have you ever wondered that learning could also mean discovering oneself?Everyday we get a chance to know ourselves through our actions and decisions. But many of us continue to go with the flow without pausing to consider how we are affecting our lives ourselves. self-awareness is the path that each one of us can undertake to make the journey of life easier and happier. besides the ultimate goals of happiness and success self-awareness rewards us with amny benefitd in life.

  • av Mukund Moorthy

    Each and every problem has a solution. In fact any problem has more than one solution. Whenever you are thinking creatively and critically when a decision or a problem that needs to be solved, then you are actively involved in problem solving.An effective problem solving approach includes understanding the dynamicsof the problem, indentifying the root cause of the problem, developing an action plan for the root cause and executing until the problem is solved while making modification as needed throughput the problem solving process. following these basic guidenlines will transform you into a champion problem solver.

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