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Bøker utgitt av New Harbor Press

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  • av Curtis Braun

  • av Bill Grover
    222 - 274,-

    Shouldn''t we believers in Christ understand our Lord''s two natures? Was God the Son in eternity begotten of the essence of God the Father? Is our Lord in His divinity eternally role subordinate to the Father? Does only the divine nature personalize Christ or is there also in Him a human center through which Jesus wills, experiences, and acts? Did Christ give up the use of His divine powers when becoming man? Is the Lutheran dogma biblical that Christ''s divine nature supplies His humanity with the attributes of God? Prepare to learn much about our Savior in this book.

  • av Jerry Sanders
    267,99 - 418,-

  • av Thomas Igler

  • av William Tirre

  • av Davie E. Smith

  • av David Bot

  • av Raymond Thompson
    236 - 391,-

  • av Diane Mcconnell

  • av Felicia Baxley

  • av Anna Luiken

  • av Reina Davison

    Are you wondering if you are involved inan abusive relationship? Are you trapped in an abusive relationship but don't know where or how to begin to get help? Do you know someone who is involved in an abusive relationship but don't know how to best help? Do you want to heal from an abusive relationship? Do you want to stop your abuse and learn how to live an abuse-free life? Overcoming Abuse: Embracing Peace Volume I is an encyclopedic guidebook that answers these poignant questions (and others) while bringing to light the gravity of the problem-abuse. The path is enlightened for the victim. She is enheartened to take possession of her life! Self-told stories of triumphant victims that have overcome their abuse are revealed; as the victim is guided to an abuse-free life. Detailed treatment strategies are provided through Clinical and Faith-based approaches for the victim and those interested in helping the victim. The result: As an overcomer of her abuse-she becomes-the woman God intended her to be!

  • av Reina Davison

    Do you know someone who is involved in an abusive relationship?Is that person trapped in an abusive relationship but doesn't know where or how to begin to get help?Do you want to help but don't know how to best help?Does that person want to heal from an abusive relationship?Do you want to help to stop the abuse and help that person learn how to live an abuse-free life?Overcoming Abuse: Embracing Peace Volume III is an encyclopedic guidebook for helpers of victims of abuse that answers these poignant questions (and others) while bringing to light the gravity and dynamics of the problem-abuse. The veiled abuser, victim, and society's characteristics that contribute to the prevalence of unresolved family violence are exposed. Through Clinical Faith-based skills the helper is able to provide hope and prevention for victims whose safety is threatened and who are experiencing the trauma of abuse. The victim is encouraged to take possession of her life! Treatment modalities are provided with interventions for the victim and those interested in helping the victim in civilian and military jurisdiction. The helper is guided to facilitate healing and offer the choice to end the abuse. The result: As an overcomer of her abuse-she is assisted to permanently remove herself, children, and others from abusive relationships. The victim becomes-an Overcomer of her and her future generations' abuse!

  • av Reina Davison

    Are you still wondering if you are involved in an abusive relationship? Are you still trapped in an abusive relationship but don't know where or how to begin to get help? Do you know someone who continues to be involved in an abusive relationship but don't know how to best help? Do you want to heal from an abusive relationship? Do you want to stop your abuse and learn how to live an abuse-free life? Overcoming Abuse: Embracing Peace Volume II is an encyclopedic guidebook that answers these poignant questions (and others) while bringing inspired hope for the problem-abuse. Through a holistic approach: which includes a renewed attitude, overcomer principles, and techniques for permanently removing their self from an unsafe abusive relationship; the victim gains lifetime Clinical and Faith-based solution skills, to heal from the trauma of abuse. She learns the Overcomer Principles and elects to stop her abuse-thereby choosing a curated lifestyle of peace. As an Overcomer of her abuse-she gains the ability to say no to abuse and encourages others to refuse to participate in unhealthy abusive relationships. The result: she becomes - an Overcomer of her abuse!

  • av Robert Vroon

    IS THERE LIFE AFTER DEATH? IF SO, WHAT IS IT LIKE?Most people believe in an afterlife, but their views may be inspired more by culture than by Scripture. These views may not be accurate or satisfying. What does the Bible say about it?A long-time pastor leads us through key biblical passages on death and the afterlife. He then applies these truths to our life now. A study guide is found at the end of each chapter, for use in small group study. The basis for our hope is not speculation or cultural ideas, but is found in the Word of God. The Bible gives us a hope that speaks to our deepest hurts and longings. When we meditate on what Scripture says, the overall picture we get is hopeful and inspiring. As to the details, leave that to God. I like reading books by people who I know have walked the walk, and that is true of my lifelong friend Robert, who had a fruitful lifetime ministry. This is a book I need to read. I have started the journey and I hope you will join me. You don't have to understand everything or agree with everything to get blessed or helped by a book. Take the step of faith and action and start now. --George Verwer (founder of Operation Mobilisation)

  • av Petre-Anne Williams

    How do you find peace when life changes in an instant; when there is seemingly no explanation for what is happening in your life and you struggle just to keep your head above the waves. We've all been there and if not, your time will come. When it comes, how will you respond? All I knew is that I was a good person and life threw me a major curve ball. Is it possible to find peace amid life's storms? Can beauty be found in the ashes? This is my story.....

  • av Daniel Kazemian

  • av Mary Adekson

  • av William Stephens

  • av Joseph Skillin

  • av Manuel Giorgi

    On 1/10/18 my life completely changed. I died for about a half hour and was revived by, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. From there it was a 4 year journey that was very difficult, but also a blessing. I explain what happened to me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I was blessed with the ability to interpret different bible verses and also, how God feels about certain things. Jesus gave me a message for everyone along with how he feels about some important things. I will also tell you why I wanted to stay. God loves all of us.

  • av Daniel Kazemian

    - There is a mighty power in the Word to transform us. One of the major things in the Word of God is encouraging us to live for the Lord. - The Word of God is eternal, and He breathes on us. His Word is Life to our spirit, soul, and body. The Word is His voice. - Persistent spoken Word of God will never fail us. Continue speaking to our sickness; saying over and over in a loud voice. "I believe, I receive my healing." - Speak the word of 'Life' into our situations to become alive.

  • av Matt DeLockery
    185 - 233,-

  • - The Wrongfully Convicted
    av James Burchfield

    I became weary of people blaming Christianity for many atrocities that have occurred throughout history such as the Crusades and other historical events which there are many events to discuss. After reading this book the reader will know that Christianity is innocent and has been wrongfully convicted by many people. This book will provide insight into the truth about the cause of those atrocities. I am sure you know what truth does "It Sets You Free".

  • av Dava Louise Colcord

    If Olive Trees Could Talk is a glimpse into a fellow traveler's journey with Jesus. Good times and some not so good, but in both the good and not so good, you will see His hand. It is about the companionship of God. The stories will touch your heart and jog your memory to see His hand on your life. Everyone has a story to tell because He lives!

  • av David Reyes

  • av Jamie Denty

    The 60 real life selections in Angel in Tennis Shoes: Devotionals for Christmas, grouped into four facets of Christmas - Nativity, Gifts, Advent and Epiphany - invite the reader to listen closely to these children and the young at heart. They have a message from God to deliver. Hopefully, these selections inspire all of us to listen, really listen, to our own children. The true message, the true spirit, of Christmas, as children discover, is one to practice and share, day in, day out, every day.

  • av Sandra Ludwig

  • av David Sorenson

    Veteran author David Sorenson builds a powerful case that Hitler's meteoric rise to power had supernatural assistance-from the Devil. Sorenson is a historian of World War II, and also a credentialed, professional theologian with advanced degrees.This book presents not only Hitler's background and then rise to power, but also the history of his instigation of World War II. The author presents a fascinating, yet very readable and understandable, overview of the European Theater of Operations of the war. This is a must read for anyone interested in World War II and why Hitler did what he did.

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