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  • - Wilhelm Reich's Life-Energy Discoveries and Healing Tools for the 21st Century, with Construction Plans
    av James Demeo

  • - A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and Official Truth Lies
    av James Demeo

    av James Demeo

  • - Le Origini della Violenza Umana
    av James Demeo

  • - Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science
    av James Demeo

    The Cosmic Ether Changes Everything!The historical ether-drift experiments of Michelson-Morley, Dayton Miller and others yielded positive results for an ether wind and light-speed variations of 5 to 18 kilometers per second. Academic bias and erasure has misrepresented these facts for over 120 years, to the point that few dare question today. Scientist James DeMeo reviews the original documents and archives, exposing the facts which demolish nearly all of the post-ether astrophysical theories, including Einstein's relativity, the "big bang", "black holes" and quantum magic. Cosmic ether exists and moves in a creative gravitational spiral vortex, as the long-sought prime mover and life-energy. A must-read item for the professional scientist, educated layperson and student, in ordinary language with minimal maths. For example:Part I, Cosmic Ether as Theory and Experimentally Confirmed Fact, includes 8 different chapters which firstly introduces the concept of ether, then details the late 18th and 19th Century experimenters who made its detection by increasingly sophisticated instruments. The interferometer experiments of Dayton Miller are introduced, exposing facts by direct quotations from their publications in mainstream science journals, of multiple positive detections of the ether. In most every case, from the early to the more recent ether-drift experiments, the cosmic axis of Earth's motion in space, in right ascension and declination were in close agreement with the Sun's motion through the galaxy, towards the star Vega. These experiments provide evidence violating a major starting assumption for Einstein's theory of relativity, showing that light speed is variable, depending upon direction in the cosmos. Part II, The Empire Strikes Back: Erasure, Mystification and Falsification of History, covers the rise of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, and how he and his supporters managed to obscure and ignore the positive outcomes of the various ether-drift experiments. It also details the unethical "hatchet-job" against Dayton Miller's ether research, years after his death, by Einstein sycophant Robert Shankland, whose paper is still cited today as "definitive proof against Miller's ether-drift findings". That, it most certainly was not! Einstein's originally friendly, but later dismissive treatment of Miller is detailed, including his statements in private letters wherein he expressed deep concern that, if Miller's work was correct, then his theory of relativity would "collapse like a house of cards".Part III, Into New Territory: Additional Evidence for a Material, Motional and Dynamic Ether, I overview findings from different disciplines, for a biologically-active and water-reactive cosmic life-energy. These findings are very agreeable to those of the ether-drift scientists, who postulated a material entrained ether. Direct evidence for the cosmic ether and ether-wind, by other names, are shown to have cosmic motions nearly identical to the older ether-drift findings: the interstellar wind, dark matter wind, cosmic ray wind, neutrino wind, and so forth. The implications for astrophysical theory are then discussed, even while empirical astronomy and space science engineering remains unchallenged. All the post-ether astrophysical theories are shown to be mired in mysticism and unproven assumptions.The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space provides over 100 photos and graphical illustrations, with a full published reference and web-reference section, an index, glossary and two Appendices. It is developed for the educated layperson and student, but most scientific professionals will find it eye-opening and refreshing.A dynamic cosmic energy in space changes everything, indeed!

  • - GENOCIDE QUOTES: The Hidden History of Communism's Founding Tyrants, in their Own Words
    av James Demeo

  • - Reich in Denmark, Atomic Accidents, Bomb Tests & Weather, Cloudbusting in Israel & Namibia, Summerhill School Slandered, & Eyewitness Report on FDA Burning of Reich's Books

  • - On Peaceful Versus Violent Societies, Nuclear Accidents, and Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Energy for Healing Land and Life

  • - On Cosmic Energy, Acupuncture Energy, A-Bombs & Earthquakes, and Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Accumulator

  • - On A-Bombs, Polar Motion, Cloudbusting, Droughts, and FDA/Skeptic Club Slanders of Wilhelm Reich

  • - Opposing the 80-Years' War of Mainstream Defamatory Slander Against One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant Physicians and Natural Scientists
    av James Demeo

  • - Modern Techniques for the Abatement of Desertification
    av Roberto Maglione

  • - Wilhelm Reichs Entdeckung der Lebensenergie. Rustzeug fur das 21. Jahrhundert zur Selbstheilung und allgemeinen Verbesserung der Lebensqualitat. Mit vielen Bauanleitungen.
    av James Demeo

  • - Le scoperte e gli strumenti terapeutici di Wilhelm Reich per il XXI secolo basati sull'energia vitale, con gli schemi di costruzione, Orgone Accumulator Handbook, 3rd Revised Edition (Italian)
    av James Demeo

  • - La Energia Vital de Wilhelm Reich, Descubrimientos y Herramientas de Curacion para el Siglo XXI con Planos para su Construccion. Orgone Accumulator Handbook, 3rd Revised Edition (Spanish)
    av James Demeo

    ¡Prohibido y Quemado por la FDA! "La Energía Orgánica no Existe" declaró un juez de la Corte Federal de Estados Unidos en 1954 basándose en las calumnias de periodistas y de la FDA, ordenando la destrucción de todas las publicaciones que tuvieran la palabra prohibida "orgón". El Dr. Reich fue enviado posteriormente a prisión, donde murió. Esto fue un escándalo peor que el juicio "Scopes Monkey Trial" y aún así los hechos acerca del Dr. Reich continúan siendo ocultados y tergiversados. En este libro, el científico naturalista James DeMeo, que fue profesor universitario, extrae, de sus extensas investigaciones personales y experimentos, los hechos más relevantes acerca de los descubrimientos de Reich, enfocándolos especialmente en el controvertido Acumulador de Energía Orgónica, que es una forma genuina de Medicina Energética usada en todo el mundo. Aquí el lector aprenderá cómo construir y usar de manera segura las mantas orgónicas y los acumuladores, con detalles de las Aguas Vivas cargadas de orgón procedentes de los manantiales de agua termales y de los balnearios de aguas con propiedades curativas, y muchos otros temas relacionados. Aprenderá a concentrar y trabajar con la azul y luminiscente energía (vital) orgónica usando materiales simples y fácilmente asequibles, y que la atmósfera constituye una fuente de suministro inagotable. Este libro incluye muchas fotos y diagramas, un artículo de investigación como apéndice, bibliografía, un índice y referencias web.

  • - By a Central Participant in the European Weimar-Era Sexual Reform Movement
    av Max Hodann

  • - The True Story of How a Communist Spy Team, Government Hoodlums and Sick Psychiatrists Destroyed Sexual Science and Co
    av James Edward Martin

  • - Emotions, Protocells, Ether-Drift and Cosmic Life-Energy, with New Research Supporting Wilhelm Reich

  • av James Demeo

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