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  • av Joshua Ryan Butler

    A practical, illuminating companion guide to Beautiful Union, Joshua Ryan Butler’s positive exploration of how God’s design for sex reveals the good, true, and beautiful in Scripture . . . and all of life.Designed as a companion to that life-changing book, this dynamic study guide is your road map for diving more deeply into the key concepts of Beautiful Union—whether by yourself or with a group.Through seven fast-paced sessions, you’ll encounter thought-provoking questions, be prompted to reflect on powerful concepts, discover what God’s design for sex was always meant to reveal, and consider what it all means for living a joyful, faithful life. These sessions include features such as:• Unpack It: questions to illuminate Beautiful Union with space to record your reflections• Use Your Imagination: exercises to creatively help you see God’s larger invitation for human flourishing• Reflect on It: ways to understand our lives in the expansive story of God that sex points toWith this guide, you’ll experience a bigger, more beautiful vision of God, the gospel, and the Christian vision for sex.

  • av Carrie Turansky

  • av Nick Hall

  • av Juli Slattery

    This ground-breaking resource challenges and equips Christians to think and act biblically and compassionately in matters of sexuality.Sexual abuse, sex addiction, gender confusion, brokenness, and shame plague today's world, and people are seeking clarity and hope. By contesting long-held cultural paradigms, this book equips you to see how sexuality is rooted in the broader context of God's heart and His work for us on earth. It provides a framework from which to understand the big picture of sexual challenges and wholeness, and helps you recognize that every sexual question is ultimately a spiritual one. It shifts the paradigm from combating sexual problems to confidently proclaiming and modeling the road to sacred sexuality. Instead of arguing with the world about what's right and wrong about sexual choices, this practical resource equips you to share the love and grace of Jesus as you encounter the pain of sexual brokenness--your own or someone else's.

  • av Bill Gothard

    "A prescription for explosive and effective prayer" -Pat Boone"The Power of Crying Out will bless and inspire you with a deeper understanding of God's grace and power. Bill Gothard's book has reawakened in me a strong desire to cry out to my Lord with passion and expectancy." -Dr. Gary Smalley, counselor and bestselling authorWhen members of the early church cried out to God in urgent need, the place shook with the power of their supplication. In this compelling vision for modern-day supplication, Bill Gothard recognizes the key truth that only God's almighty power can rescue His children in times of distress. Using illustrations from Scripture and testimonies from everyday people, Gothard demonstrates the power of crying out-and how God can shake the world of those who cry out to Him today. His compelling teaching will revolutionize the way you pray-for all time!

  • av Bruce Wilkinson

  • av Melody Carlson

    If You Thought You Needed Vision, Would You Ask God For It?Exhausted by her role in the dramatic rescue of Kayla Henderson, Samantha McGregor is ready for a vacation from her God-given visions. But when Sam gets her wish and the visions actually go on hiatus, she's beginning to wonder if she's lost her spiritual gift forever. To make matters worse, her police friend Ebony needs her help!Peter Clark has been dead for several years, an open-and-shut case of suicide, but Ebony's not convinced. Why would he do it? And why does Ebony suspect foul play? Sam has been no help in the investigation, and just when she's lost all hope, God gives her a vision of a guy jumping from a railroad bridge. Suddenly the floodgates open and all of Sam's visions involve suicide. Who is this guy? And what does this have to do with Peter's death? It's a race against the clock as Sam worries about every brown-haired guy she meets: her lab partner, Olivia's rocker friend, Peter's little brother-they all fit the description!Whoever the guy in her vision is, his identity is just beyond Sam's reach, and he's definitely losing his grip fast...Trusting God will lead her, Sam's determined to send a message of hope and find him before he gives up.

  • av Kathy Herman

    In Search of Significance Thirty-year-old Brandon Jones arrives at his parents' doorstep burned out, jobless, and now fiancée-less. Ellen and Guy can provide a place for him to stay only until he figures out what to do with his life. When he takes a temporary job at a summer camp for disadvantaged kids, Brandon begins a turbulent relationship with a biracial adolescent named Caedmon. Somewhere in the midst of the chaos-caused by Caedmon's disappearance just before a hurricane is predicted to hit Seaport, and by a group of racists who will not stop at arson or murder-Brandon begins to see that the pieces of his life are not by chance. If he has discovered his life's purpose, can he live it? "Life is pointless. And if there's a God, He's asleep on the job." Brandon Jones didn't know what he expected from the homeless man he met on the way out of town. Certainly not the angry words that haunted him. But then, nothing happened the way he expected. Not his promising career, not his engagement to the "perfect" woman. All his certainty that God had plans for him, that he was meant to do something important-something significant-had amounted to a big fat zero. And now, here he was, thirty years old, no job, no fiancée. Living with his parents. Maybe the homeless guy was right. Then again…maybe not. Maybe Brandon has returned to Seaport for a reason. To face down a brewing disaster, steeped in hate crimes and danger. To survive against all odds. To learn, once and for all, that "many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." Story Behind the Book"I am continually blessed by how many readers express their appreciation for the God-given talent that enables me to write novels, but I'm more amazed that so many of them feel as though they haven't been gifted with anything. My goal in writing Not By Chance was to show that God's purpose for every life is in place before we are born. Based on Proverbs 19:21 , 'Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the L ord's purpose that prevails,' I sought to create unforgettable characters who challenge each reader's understanding of their purpose in life. Ultimately, I want to point them to the Creator with the Master plan." -Kathy Herman

  • av Randy Alcorn

  • av Don Raunikar

    Make a God Choice, Not Just a Good Choice Many Christian singles today are in pain. Wounded from past relationships, overwhelmed at being single longer than they expected, devastated at finding themselves single again. Eighteen- to sixty-year-olds will welcome the timely, biblically based approach Dr. Raunikar offers as he encourages them along the path to Choosing God's Best: healing from the past; learning how to avoid the pain of "counterfeit oneness" physically, emotionally, and spiritually; and much more. This attractive, repackaged edition delves into the real issues Christian singles face today and offers sound, proven advice for creating deeply satisfying godly relationships. Who's Your Matchmaker? Disillusioned by dating? Tired of being let down? It may be time to visit the ultimate Matchmaker. No matter what your age or past, it's never too late to trust God and choose His best for your future. Dr. Don Raunikar delves into the real issues to offer proven, biblical principles for creating godly relationships and a deeply satisfying courtship. Read this book-and be ready for romance God's way. "Dr. Don Raunikar offers hope for the single man or woman who is disillusioned with the modern dating scene. Drawing upon time-tested biblical principles, Dr. Raunikar makes a convincing case for the benefits of a courtship based on God's wisdom, versus a dating relationship based on man's." Bill Bright Founder, Campus Crusade for Christ International "I feel like Choosing God's Best was written specifically for me. Few would argue that the current system of dating isn't in desperate need of reform. Dr. Raunikar goes even further with his radical, biblical solution to the perils and pitfalls of dating. Thanks, Dr. Raunikar, for being a radical." Derek Webb Singer/songwriter "I'm so glad to see a book addressing what I've called the 'dating mess.' Choosing God's Best is straightforward and scriptural. I especially appreciated the explanation of the categories of dating, which are seldom understood." Elisabeth Elliot Author and speaker "I wish this book had been around when I was dating. So much pain, so many missed opportunities, and so many mistakes could have been avoided if I had used these principles." Steve Arterburn Founder and chairman, New Life Ministries Story Behind the BookDr. Don Raunikar was a professional therapist specializing in singles' issues. He wrote Choosing God's Best as a result of discovering the common frustrations and desires of his patients, combined with his own experiences before he was married. Originally published in 1998, the book continues to serve as a timeless message for singles. Still changing lives to this day, this repackaged edition will reach an even broader, untapped market with the hope of God's truth and His promise for healthy relationships.

  • av Chuck Holton

    Two Dangerous Missions Collide with Explosive Results A suicide bomber blows up a hotel in Beirut, killing hundreds of people. A young American woman is kidnapped in Lebanon by terrorists. Connected or coincidence? Despite the government's difficulty in locating her sister, Liz Fairchild, a reporter from the States, is determined to find her…regardless of the risks. Meanwhile, Sergeant John Cooper and his elite Special Ops team hunt down Palestinian extremists in possession of a new undetectable explosive that will change the "face of terror." When Liz and Task Force Valor's paths intersect, more is at risk than their separate missions. While maneuvering through hostile territory, Liz and John realize they need each other to survive. Their antagonism gradually gives way to cooperation-and something more. Task Force Valor Explosive Ordnance Disposal-The Bomb Squad As the global war on terror heats up, the U.S. needs a team of highly trained special operators to deploy overseas to locate and neutralize threats, bringing EOD expertise to the dirty, deadly missions that have no room for error. For the men of Task Force Valor-life is a blast. A lethal new weapon. Master Sergeant John Cooper and his Special Ops team of explosives-hunters have a mission unlike any they've ever experienced before. A new undetectable type of explosive has burst onto the scene, and it will change the "face of terror" in the world. Washington wants the manufacturers shut down before it turns up on American soil. A missing sister. A suicide bomber blows up a hotel in Beirut. Liz Fairchild, an American reporter, searches for her sister, Julie, who is presumed dead in the blast…until Liz uncovers evidence she might be alive. When signs indicate that time is running out for Julie, Liz is determined to find her-regardless of the risks. A stealthy escape. As their separate objectives bring John and Liz together, the path ahead takes twists neither of them counted on. Although God works in all things for the good of those who love Him, God's definition of good might not match theirs. When the mission goes south and politics intrude on their plans, the team must rely on their wits-and guts-to survive. Can they make it…with a wounded team member and a female civilian in tow? Story Behind the Book"I met Chuck Holton a few years ago when he took my fiction classes at the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference. I enjoyed him because my life experience is so different from his. When it was time to develop a new fiction series, I thought it would be fun to combine his military background with my civilian background and write a series right out of today's headlines. He has basically written the male points of view, and I've done the female. Very challenging and great fun!" -Gayle Roper

  • av Robin Jones Gunn

    When Genevieve Ahrens moves into the charming community of Glenbrooke, she revives the downtown area by purchasing the Wallflower Restaurant and making it a town favorite. But Gena's heart needs some renovation of its own when her daughter marries and Gena is back in touch with her estranged husband. All of her advice to a young friend about forgiving and trusting God to heal the hurt haunts her as she and Stephen talk through what went wrong in their marriage. Will the pain-filled couple experience the joy of God's redeeming grace or the agony of divorce?Genevieve has been married for over half her life…so how can she suddenly fall deeply in love for the very first time? Genevieve Ahren's dream is coming true at last! Glenbrooke's Wildflowers Cafe goes up for sale and Genevieve knows she can make it into something special. However, her new venture is far from easy. With her husband gone so often due to his career as an international airline pilot, Genevieve is alone in making all the important decisions. Her heart is empty and hollowed an isolated cottage boarded up for a long winter season. It's in the solitude of this dark season that Genevieve discovers friends she didn't realize she had. When this small circle of tender-hearted women rally around her, Genevieve finds light streaming in through the door of her heart. A door she thought she had locked and bolted long ago. The biggest surprise of all is when Genevieve realizes she is giddily in love-with the last man she expected could make her feel this way!

  • av Dave Hunt

    A centuries-old belief system is put to the test as two prominent authors examine and debate the subject of Calvinism from opposing viewpoints. James White, author of The Potter's Freedom, takes the Calvinist position. Dave Hunt, author of What Love Is This, opposes him. The exchange is lively and at times intense as these two articulate men wrestle over what the Scriptures tell us about God's sovereignty and man's free will. This thought-provoking, challenging book provides potent responses to the most frequently asked questions about Calvinism.Is God free to love anyone He wants?Do you have any choice in your own salvation? It's time to find out. Calvinism has been a topic of intense discussion for centuries. In this lively debate, two passionate thinkers take opposing sides, providing valuable responses to the most frequently asked questions about Calvinism. Only you can decide where you stand on questions that determine how you think about your salvation. Story Behind the BookThe subject of Calvinism has been hotly debated for many years, and now two prominent authors and researchers will debate this controversial topic in a book debate. This project came about when Mr. Hunt wrote What Love is This- Calvinism's Misrepresentation of God. Mr. Hunt was challenged by many on the Calvinist bench and he eventually agreed to do a debate in a book format. The books purpose is to get you to think and come to your own conclusions.

  • av Bruce Wilkinson

  • av Karen Kingsbury

    "I'm afraid there's been a car accident..."As Hannah Ryan waits for her family to return home from a camping trip, she realizes she has everything going for her-a husband other women admire, two charming teenage daughters, and a loving Christian home. As the sunny afternoon turns into twilight, her uneasiness grows along with the shadows. Then a car pulls into Hannah's driveway, bringing two police officers...and devastating news that shatters her life forever.In the days that follow, Hannah struggles with unspeakable feelings of sorrow and rage-feelings that fuse into one chilling purpose for living: revenge against Brian Wesley, the drunk driver who has caused all her pain.In her fury, Hannah shuts the Lord out of her life. She's determined not to forgive Wesley or the God who allowed this tragedy to happen. Can two caring people help Hannah rediscover her faith...before bitterness destroys her?

  • av Bruce Wilkinson

  • av Sheri Rose Shepherd

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