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Bøker utgitt av MUDRA HANDS Publishing

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  • - The Alchemy of Energy Protection
    av Sabrina Mesko

    MUDRAS and CRYSTALS, the Alchemy of Energy protection - Full COLOR Edition, 88 Mudras, over 200 photographs.In this book, the Mudra authority and bestselling author Sabrina Mesko shares with you a rich selection of 88 Mudras, mantras, affirmations, breathing exercises, and 7 Mudra & Chakra & Crystal sets. The powerful and unique method of merging two ancient and immensely effective energy techniques create a healing frequency fusion that can help establish a protective energy shield for your body, mind and spirit.MUDRAS are hand yoga positions that unlock the transformative healing power of your own hands, while CRYSTALS are the unwavering masters of Light. When used together, your body's natural frequency will function at its optimal level.The frequencies we are exposed to in our daily life may cause adverse effects on our individual energy field. Mudras and Crystals will help remedy any unharmonious energy states, uplift your overall vibration and anchor a powerful and protective vibrational shield, so that you can overcome adversities and function at your optimal capacity.In these pages you will learn how to: Practice Mudras with Crystals, Create a Protective Energy Shield for your Physical body, Mental and Emotional Energy body and uplift the frequency of your Astral field. Bestselling author and Mudra expert Sabrina Mesko Ph.D.H. authored the first practical guide for unleashing the healing power of hand Mudras over twenty years ago. Her book HEALING MUDRAS - Yoga for Your Hands, became an international bestseller classic and is translated into more than 14 languages. She has authored over twenty books on this subject and founded the world's only Mudra Mastery(TM) Certification Mentorship with certified Mudra Teachers and Mudra Therapists in more than 27 countries around the world. Visit her website at

  • av Sabrina Mesko

  • av Sabrina Mesko

  • av Sabrina Mesko

  • av Sabrina Mesko

  • av Sabrina Mesko

  • av Sabrina Mesko

  • av Sabrina Mesko

  • av Sabrina Mesko

  • av Sabrina Mesko

  • av Sabrina Mesko

  • av Sabrina Mesko

  • av Sabrina Mesko

  • - Healing Yoga Hand Postures for the Zodiac Volumes I. - XII.
    av Sabrina Mesko

    International bestselling author and Mudra expert Sabrina Mesko Ph.D.H. authored "Healing Mudras - Yoga for Your Hands", the first practical guide for unleashing the healing power of hand Mudras, which became a classic international bestseller and is translated into more than 14 languages. In this Special edition of combined series of 12 smaller individual books into one large volume, you will find specific Mudras for all astrological signs.This easy to use guidebook offers the ancient, powerful, quick and easy to do technique of Hand Yoga -MUDRAS to help TRANSCEND Your Sign's Challenges, Protect Your HEALTH and BEAUTY, Attract LOVE, and Establish SUCCESS.Each Mudra includes photos and instructions for practice with proper breathing exercises, mantras, charkas and colors. MUDRAS are ancient Yoga techniques for your hands. They are extremely easy to do, but very powerful and instantly effective and can bring you health, wealth, balance, success, and happiness.How? By liberating the energy locked within your body - the energy channels called nadis and energy centers called chakras - and directing it to help you meet your goals and deal with the problems of everyday life. By combining the ancient technique of Mudras with the principles of Astrology, you are magnifying their beneficial effects and improving your life on all levels. CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN 3 MINUTES, THE POWER IS IN YOUR HANDS!

  • - El yoga de las manos
    av Sabrina Mesko

  • - Yoga Voor Je Handen
    av Sabrina Mesko

    Mudras zijn yogabewegingen die alleen met de armen en handen worden uitgevoerd. Ze zijn eenvoudig te implementeren, maar hun kracht is zo sterk dat ze een krachtige, positieve draai aan het leven kunnen geven. Door de energie opgesloten in je lichaam los te laten - in energiekanalen (nadis) en energiecentra (chakra's) - leer je omgaan met de problemen van het dagelijks leven. Als het je lukt om deze energie op de juiste manier te kanaliseren, zul je beter in staat zijn om je doelen te bereiken. In 'Healing Mudras' beschrijft de ervaren Mudra-autoriteit Sabrina Mesko hoe je de 52 meest toegankelijke mudras kunt uitvoeren, inclusief de bijbehorende ademhalingsoefeningen, oogbewegingen, mantra's, visualisaties, enzovoort. Het boek bevat veel verhelderende foto's. In dit unieke boek vind je mudra's voor oa: het creëren van innerlijke vrede en kracht; de versnelling van geluk, liefde en welvaart; bescherming van uw lichamelijke en geestelijke gezondheid; je geest kalmeren en je intuïtie verscherpen '; een gebroken hart genezen; en nog veel meer! Je hebt geen yoga-ervaring nodig om mudra's uit te voeren. Zolang je je armen en handen gemakkelijk kunt bewegen en aandacht kunt besteden aan je ademhaling, kun je deze oude mudra's gebruiken om je leven te verrijken in slechts een paar minuten per dag. Bevat meer dan 70 foto's!

  • - Un Yoga Pour Vos Mains
    av Sabrina Mesko

    Les Mudras sont des mouvements de yoga impliquant uniquement les bras et les mains. Ils sont très faciles à effectuer mais si puissants qu'ils peuvent vous apporter santé, abondance, équilibre, succès et bonheur. Comment ? En libérant l'énergie enfermée à l'intérieur de votre corps - dans les réseaux d'énergie appelés NADIS et les centres d'énergie nommés CHAKRAS - et en la dirigeant à dessein pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs et à gérer les problèmes du quotidien. Le livre contient des instructions illustrées pour la pratique des Mudras.Sabrina Mesko, experte en Mudras et auteur de best-sellers, y a inclus des exercices de respiration, des mouvements des yeux, exercices de respiration, des visualisations, des prières, et des affirmations pour renforcer l'action de chaque Mudra.SABRINA MESKO Ph.D.H. après avoir été danseuse classique, danseuse à Broadway puis mannequin, s'est tournée vers le yoga afin de guérir d'une blessure au dos. Ayant reçu des enseignements venus d'Orient tout en vivant en Occident, la technique des Mudras lui a été confiée par Yogi, qui lui a donné pour mission de diffuser cette connaissance autant ancienne que puissante à travers le monde.Sabrina détient une Licence en Approches Sensorielles de Guérison, une Maîtrise en Science Holistique et un Doctorat sur les Approches Anciennes et Modernes de la Guérison qu'elle a obtenu à l'Institut Américain de Théologie Holistique.Sabrina est l'auteur de nombreux livres et DVD au sujet des Mudras et a créé le premier programme d'enseignement et de CERTIFICATION SUR LES MUDRAS dans le monde.Pour plus d'informations concernant ses cours en ligne, sous sa supervision personnelle, pour la FORMATION DE PROFESSEUR DE MUDRAS et la MUDRA THERAPIE visitez son site web:

  • - Hand Yoga for Two
    av Sabrina Mesko

    Sabrina Mesko Ph.D.H. is a recognized Mudra authority and International bestselling author of timeless classic HEALING MUDRAS - Yoga for your Hands translated into 14 languages, as well as numerous other books on Mudras and meditation. In LOVE MUDRAS - Hand Yoga for Two, she reveals for the first time these ancient, extremely powerful and transformative hand gesture Mudras that are very easy to do but when practiced with your partner they produce magnified, immediate and transformative energy healing effects. LOVE MUDRAS are for ALL COUPLES, WHO WISH TO IMPROVE THEIR COMMUNICATION ABILITY, STRENGTHEN, HEAL, NURTURE AND MAINTAIN AN OPTIMAL LOVE RELATIONSHIP. Experience and establish more harmony in three minutes of daily practice with this powerful technique, than in years of disconnected mind-techniques that fail to reconnect your hearts. LOVE MUDRAS contain over 100 photographs of 55 Mudra sets for Two, to help you overcome conflict, strengthen physical, mental and emotional connection, improve communication, align with changes, develop unconditional love, synchronize your higher purpose, and balance Yin/female principle and Yang/male principles and energies that are present within each one of us individually, as well as in all human relationships. Obtain the key to a most intimate and spiritual communication system, that can be practiced anywhere, anytime and will transport both of you into a state of unconditional love, acceptance and relationship bliss. Reignite, heal and elevate your love in only three minutes a day!

  • - Yoga Hand Postures for Women - New Edition
    av Sabrina Mesko

  • - Hand Yoga for Pain Management and Conquering Illness
    av Sabrina Mesko Ph D H

  • - 45 Meditations for Inner Peace, Prosperity and Protection
    av Sabrina Mesko

  • - Yoga for Your Hands - New Edition
    av Sabrina Mesko

    HEALING MUDRAS, Yoga for Your Hands - New edition. Twenty years ago, the Mudra expert Sabrina Mesko Ph.D.H. wrote Healing Mudras - Yoga for Your Hands, the first practical guide for unleashing the healing power of hand Mudras, which became an international bestseller and is translated into more than 14 languages. The book describes ancient healing hand gestures - Mudras - yoga movements involving only the arms and hands. In celebration of this classic work we have created a new edition, revised with additions. Healing Mudras - new edition - is available in two formats; a three volume series with full color photos, or this one-book original version with black and white photos and instructions for performing the Mudras for your Body, Mind and Soul. The Mudra expert Sabrina Mesko includes breathing exercises, eye movements, mantras, meditations, visualizations, prayers, and affirmations to enhance the power of each. Mudras are extremely easy to do, but so powerful they can bring you health, wealth, balance, success, and happiness. How? By liberating the energy locked within your body - the energy channels called nadis and energy centers called chakras - and directing it to help you meet your goals and deal with the problems of everyday life.

  • - Yoga for Your Hands
    av Sabrina Mesko Ph D H

  • - Yoga for Your Hands
    av Sabrina Mesko Ph D H

  • - Yoga for Your Hands
    av Sabrina Mesko Ph D H

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