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  • av Jonathon Mast

    They can't go back to the Ark... Time to explore a new world.The last people in the world have made it out of the Ark. There's a whole world for Cade to explore. Who knows what might be out there?New can sometimes be scary, though. Everything is so huge out here. And Cade freezes up far too easily. Can he overcome his fear as the world proves far more dangerous than they ever expected?

  • av Donna McDonald

    My bad luck with men is a joke in my family.Can you believe my daughter at twenty thinks I'm the naive one about men? And my mother agrees with her! Conn warning me every three seconds about my stagnant libido doesn't help either. What difference does it make to them if I'm dating or not?Turning forty didn't make me extra picky and people need to stop judging me for saying no. Colonel Benson is happily married, and I turned down the sexy elf Conn dangled in front of me on principle. I don't have time to deal with ancient winged creatures, eccentric Fairie Folk, and back stabbing demons playing matchmaker.The last thing I need is another man trying to ruin my life. Jack Derringer did a bang-up job of that already.Speaking of my ex, and I really wish I didn't need to, but it seems Jack is involved in something extremely shady. Plus, he may have sent me to prison to line his wallet. Should I be flattered that my absence was worth so much to someone?No one's paying me to help them these days, but I still need to sort this all out, find a way to permanently lose the guy I divorced, and maybe find the one that flew away from me before he gets captured again.40 Ways to Lose a Guy is an exhilarating new paranormal women's fiction tale from USA Today Bestselling Author Donna McDonald.

  • av Jasmine Larue

    "I Win" is a testament to God's regenerative power. Throughout this book, readers will learn how to apply biblical principles to their daily lives, regardless of their situation. They will also learn to triumph over their circumstances and continue to live in victory. The phrase "Jesus healed every disease and sickness" should serve as a reminder to readers that He truly did heal without exception. There is nothing God cannot heal, whether the reader needs healing on a physical, mental, emotional, or financial level. Begin today by telling yourself, "I Win," every day. Considering that you already have the victory walk in it,

  • av Earl Martin

    Several of Earl Martin's short films have been selected and nominated by festivals across the U.S., England, Canada, and Ukraine. The topic of compassion toward others is his heartbeat, which motivated him to write this short story.

  • av Nathan Muszynski

    This short story offers an enchanting new take on the well-known parable of the prodigal son from the vantage point of the faithful older brother. Jeremy vies for his father's authority and love while slaving away in the family vineyard, striving always to bring fruit and profit through drought and storm. He wrestles with his own identity and worth as a son, convinced that his convictions of righteousness and forgiveness that war within him put him on the high road in life, but a startling awakening in a storm of hatred realigns Jeremy back to his true self in time to reconcile with his family.


    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect careers for themselves, starting today!In today's ever-changing world, it can be challenging for children to discover the perfect career path. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the exciting world of culinary arts.Packed with colourful illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be a Chef' is perfect for children who are interested in food, curious about cooking, or just want to learn more about this exciting field.With this book, children can dive into the world of culinary arts and learn about the different types of chefs, where they work, and what obstacles they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of food in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as a chef.Whether your child dreams of creating beautiful pastries, cooking up savoury dishes, or running their own restaurant, 'I Want to Be a Chef' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and fulfilling indus

  • av Jonathan Reule


    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect careers for themselves, starting today!In today's ever-changing world, it can be challenging for children to discover the perfect career path. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the exciting world of performing arts.Packed with colourful illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be an Actor' is perfect for children who are interested in acting, curious about the performing arts, or just want to learn more about this exciting field.With this book, children can discover the world of acting and learn about the different types of acting, where actors work, and what challenges they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of acting in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as an actor.Whether your child dreams of performing on stage, acting in movies or TV shows, or becoming a voice-over artist, 'I Want to Be an Actor' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and fulfilling industry.


    Enjoy the world of "Artful Animals: A Poetic Colouring Delight. Get ready for a colourful adventure that sparks kids imagination.

  • av Jask Leo

    Join us as we explore the many dimensions of self-love, from nurturing your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, to cultivating deep self-acceptance and embracing your unique qualities. Within its pages, you will find strategies to quiet your inner critic and cultivate self-compassion, techniques to heal past wounds and embrace forgiveness, exercises to discover and embrace your authentic self, and tools to establish healthy boundaries and prioritize your needs. Remember, self-love is not a destination but a lifelong journey. It requires practice, patience, and a commitment to valuing and honouring yourself. When you learn to love yourself unconditionally, you unlock the door to a fulfilled, joyous, and purposeful life.

  • av Manisha Kumari Deep

    "Twisted Tales" is a unique collection of short stories for teens and young readers who like mystery and sci-fi. This collection has something for every popular genre readers. Twisted Tales will surprise it's young readers with Sci-fi, Horror, Adventure and more short stories.

  • av Travis Holmes

    A Champion of Cancer is a book to encourage and honor those who survive cancer and those who lost the battle win the war of life. The memories of those who lost battle, but win the war of life, because their strength and courage has given a new meaning to be a champion. This book also serve as educational tool to educate both young and old on how to be uplifted, encouraged, and never give in to any type of illness.

  • av Geetanjali Patil Pawar

    "Step into a pseudo-fantasy realm of conversing trees, murmuring dandelions, and roaring rain. Embrace the laughter of infamous blooms, the hiss of steaming chai, and the subterranean rustle of shifting boughs. Nature's voice beckons-will you heed its call?" - Anushree Gupta "Explore a saga of women's entrepreneurial journeys, their struggles to shape unique domains, and their aspirations. Witness select pioneers who willingly divulge their transformative and testing odysseys." - Dr Geetanjali Patil Pawar "Reflect on life's exquisite charm, and how denying ourselves the right to amplify it is a transgression, for our sovereignty reigns. We alone craft our joy or sorrow. Our duty: shed the shackles of others' judgments." - Vaishnavi Singh Rajput "In the night's embrace, accompanied by soft melodies and gentle illumination, a treasury of enigmatic tales awaits-a feast for the curious soul. The Hidden History Behind the Mystery is your ticket to this realm. Delay not, unfurl the pages and ride your own thrill-laden roller coaster." - Oindrila Ghatak Immerse yourself in a reservoir of splendid prose spanning diverse genres, poised to astonish and captivate. Dive into this literary expanse that promises wonderment beyond measure.

  • av Vaishali Chandorkar Chitale

    "I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost Life gives us many choices and at every turn we are faced with a dilemma of making that right choice; a choice that works for us. We win some, we lose some. But it is a decision made by us. This book contains a collection of short stories and poems inspired by the above lines. Written by people like you and me, these writers dared to dream- to walk the untrodden and lived to tell a tale. Enjoy their stories and take the plunge into the unknown. Who knows, it may make all the difference!

  • av Eduard Harents

    Odyssey We ate poetry, smoked silencewith a cup of coffee, we got away from deathchewing colors, but still we are gazingat the word... The poem, "Odyssey," captures a sense of introspection and contemplation. It seems to explore the idea of finding solace and meaning in simple moments, like sharing poetry and coffee with someone, and how these moments offer a temporary escape from the inevitability of death. The phrase "chewing colors" suggests a vivid, sensory experience, perhaps referring to the richness of life itself.The closing line, "but still we are gazing at the word...," leaves room for interpretation. It could imply that despite these escapes and moments of connection, there's a fundamental human drive to seek meaning and understanding through words and language.Overall, this poem conveys a sense of the ephemeral nature of life and the human pursuit of meaning and connection, even in the face of mortality. It invites readers to reflect on the significance of these moments and the power of words to capture and convey our experiences.

  • av Dalelynn Gusman

    Dalelynn Gusman, the ninth of ten children, was born in Hawaii in 1984. Before retiring, her father, who was of Filipino origin, spent 34 years working for the Board of Water Supply in Honolulu County, Hawaii. Her mother was a native Hawaiian who performed professionally as part of the well-known "Kaleo O Kalani" group from the 1970s to the 2000s. According to Ms. Kam, her mother has a "natural gift" for singing and playing a variety of instruments. The author acknowledges her mother as a major source of inspiration in general and for this novel in particular. "My mother followed her dreams," said Ms. Kam, "and taught me to follow mine."In 2021, Hope kam relocated to Virginia from Hawaii. The contribution of Hawaiian culture As demonstrated by Ms. Kam's kindness to visitors, who she constantly serves meals to and who she cares about. She also maintains a warm temperature in her apartment to replicate the balmy tropical climate of her home island.Ms. Kam's debut novel is this one. Fighting Demons: Giving Hope to Life is the motivation for a second book she is now writing, which details the circumstances that led to the inspirational advice.

  • av Antología Infantil

    Antología de poemas e ilustraciones infantilesEsta publicación incluye 33 poemas seleccionados del concurso y 32 ilustraciones elaboradas por niños Voces de la Infancia ofrece un emotivo tributo a la imaginación y a la innata habilidad de los niños para plasmar sus pensamientos y emociones a través de las palabras escritas. En cada página de esta obra, se encuentra un testimonio del profundo impacto que la poesía puede tener al conectar corazones y dejar una huella imborrable en el alma, especialmente cuando surge desde la pureza y autenticidad propia de la niñez.>Hispanic Heritage Literature Organization / Milibrohispano se enorgullece de presentar Voces de la Infancia, una colección de poemas premiados de la Convocatoria del Concurso de Poesía Infantil Premio Internacional de Poesía Luis Alberto Ambroggio 2023. Esta obra celebra la creación literaria y resalta la diversidad de manifestaciones que surgen a raíz de cada poema. El libro no solo atestigua el talento emergente, sino que también recuerda la potencia creativa y la perspectiva única del mundo que reside en cada niño. ¡Gracias a todas las personas que nos apoyan para seguir adelante, promoviendo la cultura, la inclusión y la diversidad!Premio Internacional de Poesía Luis Alberto Ambroggio

  • av Mathew Vough

    Penelope is about to start school when she learns that she needs glasses to help her see. Although she can see much more clearly, she's hesitant about what other kids might think. Penelope overcomes her fears with the help of her family and a new friend! Her glasses make her unique, and that's her super-power! What's yours?

  • av &1075, 1043, &1077, m.fl.

    Добре дошли в кулинарната революция на "Изкушения на Вакуума Съвършени Вкусове с Су Вид Готвене" от плумсрение писателка Елена Георгиева. С тази книга ще бъдете въведени в магията на су вид готвенето - иновативен метод, който превръща обикновените ястия в изкушение за сетивата.Су вид готвенето е изкуството на перфектния контрол върху вкуса и текстурата на храната, като се използва вакуумна технология и ниски температури. Елена Георгиева разкрива най-добрите тайни и техники на су вид готвенето, които ще ви позволят да създадете ястия с изискан вкус и неповторима текстура."Изкушения на Вакуума" не е просто книга с рецепти, тя е пътеводител към новия свят на гастрономията. От су вида на морепродукти до съвършените стекове, в тази книга ще откриете вдъхновение за всяко ястие, което поставяте на трапезата си.С "Изкушения на Вакуума" Елена Георгиева ви води на пътешествие към вълшебни вкусове, които са възможни само със су вид готвене. Освен това, книгата е призив да преоткриете кулинарните си възможности и да се насладите на вкусовете на новата генерация готвачи.

  • av &1086, && 1056, &1080 & m.fl.

    С "Италианска Кулинарна Пътека Вкусове от Сърцето на Италия" писателката Мария Роси ви кани на вълшебно кулинарно пътешествие към средиземноморската перла на вкусовете. Тази книга е ненадмината врата към света на италианската гастрономия, където традиция и страст се сливат в изкушаващи ястия.От ароматната паста до сърцето на пица, от освежаващите салати до нежните десерти, "Италианска Кулинарна Пътека" разкрива аутентичната кухня на Италия. Мария Роси ви отвежда на улиците на Рим, Венеция и Неапол, представяйки ви вкусовете, които дефинират италианския облик.С тази книга ще научите не само рецептите на класическите италиански ястия, но и историите зад тях. Ще се потопите в богатството на местните продукти и занаятите, които правят италианската кухня толкова уникална."Италианска Кулинарна Пътека" е повече от сборник рецепти, тя е пътеводител към истинското италианско гурме преживяване. С тази книга ще се насладите на баланса между вкусове, аромати и емоции, които само Италия може да ви предложи.

  • av Sarah Silva

    Love translation, will travel (but marketing is another story)Do you want to explore new business opportunities but feel like there are too many obstacles in your path? If you're a translator or interpreter who has ever avoided marketing, then put on your walking boots and let's go.Your Ticket To Explore is essential preparation before heading off on adventures to destinations such as 'New Clients', 'Dream Projects' and 'More Ease and Fun'. In under 100 pages, this book will take you from anxious traveller to curious explorer, excited about what lies ahead. Enjoy this entertaining and actionable read that offers a new approach to marketing your translation business.

  • av Irlanda Ruiz

    "Talking brushstrokes are words drawn in the soul of a Puerto Rican poet, it is a written canvas in which love, heartbreak, desires, disappointments, reality, fantasy and grief are captured. It is a reflection of blows that teach and kisses that poison, it is simply poetry in the voice of a Puerto Rican poet who today is part of the diaspora who paints verses of an island woman in words"--

  • av Tonya Alexa Falconer

    The story "Two Little Sisters' Golden Autumn" is an adventure story of the two young sisters as they experience the beauty and joy of the autumn season. With vivid descriptions of nature, family gatherings, gratitude for the family unity and the warmth of autumn, the story captures the essence of the season. and care for the loved ones. "Two Little Sisters' Golden Autumn" is the third book of the series "Two Little Sisters".The first book in the series is "Two Little Sisters' Christmas".The second book in the series is "Two Little Sisters Go to School".

  • av Domenico Corna

    Following the Great Division, an ancient world was shattered and the souls of its inhabitants were hurled far away. Many of them, unaware of their origin, live alongside us.The second book of the saga is set in the Wood of Plane, where the souls of the ancient inhabitants of that disappeared world, despite themselves, were imprisoned in the living beings of the small forest.But there is a path to gain knowledge and return to the initial condition. Whoever, after completing it, everybody becomes an inhabitant of Wood of Plane in an environment as secret as invisible, where fantasy reigns supreme and everyone has the opportunity to refine their skills in anticipation of the departure for the new world.The fables in the book describe the inhabitants' moods, conflicts, defeats, victories and adventures in the difficult task of learning to live together.They are stories suitable for any age, especially for those who seek in the imagination their own answers.

  • av Domenico Corna

    In seguito alla Grande Divisione, un antico mondo si è frantumato e gli animi dei suoi abitanti sono stati scagliati via lontano. Molti di loro, ignari della provenienza, vivono al nostro fianco.Il secondo libro della saga è ambientato nel Bosco dei Platani, dove le anime degli antichi abitanti di un mondo scomparso, loro malgrado, sono state imprigionate negli esseri viventi della piccola foresta.Ma c'è un percorso per ottenere la conoscenza e tornare alla condizione iniziale. Chiunque, dopo averlo portato a termine, diventa un abitante del Bosco dei Platani in un ambiente tanto segreto quanto invisibile, dove la fantasia regna incontrastata e ognuno ha la possibilità di affinare le proprie capacità in previsione della partenza per il nuovo mondo.Le favole contenute nel libro descrivono gli stati d'animo degli abitanti, i conflitti, le sconfitte, le vittorie e le avventure nel difficile compito di imparare a convivere.Sono racconti adatti a qualsiasi età, soprattutto a chi cerca nella fantasia le proprie risposte.

  • av Sunnie Antonio Marcar

  • av Maria Onyia

    To every outsider, owning and running a school seems straightforward. One would assume it is as simple as getting a site, building a school, employing staff, and enrolling students, and the school will run smoothly. Still, the reality is far from this perception, mainly because the competition to meet the needs of today's parents and students is stiff. To remain at the top of the game and consistently deliver excellence in student academic performance and acquisition of additional skills, the school owner and all the school's leadership must put in some substantial efforts in establishing the ideal groundwork for student success. They must protect the integrity of their program by ensuring quality service delivery on all fronts. If one is unaware of the importance of this critical assignment, a single imprudent decision, an incorrect hiring choice, an unaddressed action, or a lack of oversight could lead to the gradual or sudden dissipation of years of diligent effort. The potential consequences prove the need for attentiveness, sound judgment, and meticulous management to safeguard the fruits of substantial labour. Some years ago, school owners could afford the luxury of monopolizing excellence because there was less competition than we have today. Now, there are several excellent schools to contend with; therefore, serious school owners must aim for a competitive advantage. One area of critical competitive advantage to consider, and the most important is the TEACHER. Researchers suggest that the most crucial factor in students' success is the efficacy of the teacher. Sector experts have concluded that the students of a school epitomize the effectiveness of the people who teach them, and the school is as good as the quality of the students they graduate. Moreover, with the cutthroat competition in the sector, it is easy to lose your best teachers and staff to competitors, and when that happens, your school is negatively impacted. It is imperative, therefore, that school owners focus on employing and retaining the best hands if they want to experience consistent academic excellence and overall growth. I am writing this handbook to share our strategies for managing the intricacies of acquiring and managing a healthy teaching community. In this handbook, I will share our process for hiring the best teachers, training them, and retaining them. I will also share tips on marketing your school for growth and profit.

  • av Zara Rose

    Are you ready to take charge of your emotions, overcome life's challenges, and create stronger connections? Look no further!

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