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Bøker utgitt av Maple Leaf Publishing Inc

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  • av Rachel G. Carrington

    The Early Years est un mémoire nostalgique, réconfortant, passionné et aimant d'un couple qui s'aimait et dont le principal objectif dans la vie était d'offrir un avenir meilleur à sa famille en s'élevant au-dessus des difficultés de sa propre vie tout en grandissant. Dans ce récit bien écrit de leurs juenes années, nous voyons un couple qui a beaucoup sacrifié pour ses enfants par son travail acharné et sa détermination tout en faisant confiance à Dieu pour les mener à bien.Ce livre n'était pas spécifiquement destiné à cet usage, bien que de nombreuses critiques déclarent le livre de Rachel comme une source d'inspiration pour une vie réussie. D'autres l'appellent une histoire d'amour, d'autres encore font des remarques sur le cadre temporel de l'histoire et comparent la vie d'hier au mode de vie d'aujourd'hui.Née en 1930 dans une petite ville du Kentucky en tant que première de onze enfants, Rachel a fréquenté l'école avec enthousiasme et a rencontré l'approbation passionnée de son père, qui l'a encouragée. Ses objectifs d'élève étaient élevés et ont rapidement suscité l'intérêt de son directeur d'école élémentaire qui lui a ouvert la voie vers des objectifs plus élevés. Elle a maintenant la clé de l'université et ses objectifs à vie de devenir enseignante. À l'improviste, un carrefour apparaît soudainement, l'attirant hors du chemin de sa vie. Elle a appris que la vie ne se passe pas toujours comme prévu. . .

  • av Keh-Ming Lu

    The unfolded three-dimensional deltahedra are polyiamonds. This book offers step-by-step instructions explain how to fold polyiamonds into deltahedra with 12 faces or less.

  • av Keh-Ming Lu

    Taotie model has only a head but no body. This book offers clearly creased diagrams and step-by-step instructions explain how to create 150 different Taotie models.

  • av David Garrahan

    Journey From Brooklyn is a memoir. It recounts the history of his life from age 2 to 82. Born into a dysfunctional family with a mentally unstable mother and an absentee alcoholic father. The author was homeless in Brooklyn at age six, sleeping in churches and stealing food to survive. From 1944 to 1952 he sells newspapers and shines shoes in Brooklyn to provide for food and pay the $17 monthly rent. In 1952, his mother sits the author and his sister at the kitchen table and calmly tells them "I love you, but I am going to kill you now...don't worry, you are good children and you will go straight to Heaven". With butcher knife in hand, she chases the author and his sister 11 long blocks thru Brooklyn right into the 94 Police Precinct where she attacks the officer at the desk. Mrs. Garrahan is taken to Bellevue Hospital. She is confined to Brooklyn State Hospital for the Criminally Insane for 9 years. The author graduates from high school, and studies at seven universities, receiving a Master's degree from Lehigh University and a Doctoral degree from Columbia University. He conducts research on addiction and publishes numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals, as well as four books. Dr. Garrahan has been honored twice in Rose Garden ceremonies at the White House. He is the recipient of several awards and honors. His memoir is the history of a life from 'rags to riches'.

  • av Henri Marcoux

    The book explores the dynamics of correct weight management by any person with weight issues to start owning up to the fact a person is fat because at some level they want to be fat. Until that cycle is broken by owning up to this desire, there is no chance of realistic success that is permanent. Being on a weight loss diet your whole life is not an answer. Once the pattern to "need" to be fat is broken, weight loss and weight management is easy and becomes a non-issue.

  • av Felix Dario Mendoza

  • av Felix Mendoza

  • av Susan Cambigue Tracey

    This is an artfully illustrated book for yoga and non-yoga students to help them grasp the concept of chakras - the energy centers in the body. It features a series of mudras that correspond to each chakra, ideal for a short, powerful daily meditation. This expanded version of the book includes 12 powerful essays on different key topics, such as loving kindness, how to be kind and loving when you don't feel like it, forgiveness, the masks we wear to hide our true selves, claiming our authentic selves, and a special essay on our connection to the natural environment by Paul Tracey. There are 15 new artistic works by artist Sylvia Hamilton Goulden that accompany each essay.

  • av D J Cotten

  • av Hiep Thi Le

  • av Mariano B Morillo

  • av Hiep Thi Le

    Hiep Thi Le was born in 1971 one of seven children in Da Nang, Vietnam. At the tender age of eight, she and her younger sister stowed away on a fishing boat, believing their mother was aboard. It was a perilous journey which landed the sisters in the first of several refugee camps. Hiep's family was eventually reunited years later in Northern California. Once in the US, Hiep taught herself to read and write English. She was educated at Oakland high school and studied pre-med at the University of California, Davis. It was during college that on a whim she agreed to accompany her sister and friends to an open casting call for the Oliver Stone film Heaven and Earth. Hiep was surprised to receive a call back the following week. After an arduous five-month audition including thousands of applicants for the lead role, the part was hers. Following Heaven and Earth, Hiep continued to act in several films and television shows. In 2002 she began a second career in the restaurant business, first as chef at China Beach Bistro in Venice Beach and later as both chef and owner of Le Cellier in Marina Del Rey. Hiep courageously battled stomach cancer and died at the age of 46 in early 2018. She is survived by her husband, their two children and her parents. Above all, Hiep was the proud mother of two.

  • av William Bradbury

  • av Rebecca Lebron

  • av Maya Mitra Das

  • av Rebecca Lebron

  • av Judith Hudson

  • av Michael Charway

  • av Franke Bonny Franke

    Homeless and broken because her memory fussy, she told herself broken, the people she meets during her days of homelessness are unique, she finds that each person has something to offer.

  • av Lee McKenzie

  • av Mariano B Morillo

  • av Thomas Allred

  • - A Spiritual Transformation
    av Rose B
    156 - 260,-

    av Louise Stella Louise

  • - Skill Based Project
    av Naurin Kheraj

  • - La Recherhe De L'Amour
    av Robert Maxxim

    Je dédie ce récit à la véritable inspiration qui se cache derrière son contenu:Mes frères de lumière, doux, aimants et supérieurs, mes amis éternels, dontl''unique mission dans la vie est de nourrir leurs cœurs de l''amour de Dieu; Ilssont l''incarnation de la beauté et le flambeau éternel de la compréhensioninter-dimensionnelle universelle de la vie. Ma recherche d''amour commenceavec eux.Les paroles émanant de leurs lèvres gracieuses et joyeuses guérissent le cœurde la peur et soulagent la détresse de l''âme des frottis nocifs du désir. En leurprésence, que le cœur ne soit pas attristé à la vue de l''amour, car notre avenirréside dans des royaumes supérieurs; tout-ce dont nous avons besoin, c''est del''amour, pas de notions banales à la barre. Leur existence est un modeperpétuel de prédilection pour la Conscience Créative Infinie, de radieuxphares de la paix, de vastes fontaines de connaissance supérieure.Sans sa présence aimante dans ma vie, son encouragement constant et le douxappel à l''honnêteté de mon beau saphir étoilé, mon professeur et mon seulamour, je n''aurais jamais pu concevoir ce livre, ni expérimenter ce que cela faitd''aimer Sa Majesté. Par conséquent, je ne prends aucun crédit pour le contenude ce livre. Je ne suis ni leader ni enseignant, ni canal spirituel ni maître loin delà. Je ne suis qu''un humble étudiant de la vérité.Suivez l''infini de tout votre cœur et de toute votre force, mais surtout pas moi.

  • - A Little Magic For Children
    av Adena Trevor

    A collection of four short children's stories that also have valuable lessons to be learned. These stories feature Sammy the squirrel and his family who have to escape their home when their forest gets flooded, Michael the curious boy and his chimney sweep friend, Daisy and Buttercup who are also squirrels and their friendship with a girl.

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