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  • - Recetas de Jugos Y Comidas Para Ayudarle A Recuperarse Rapido
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    84 Soluciones Orgánicas A La Diarrea Y Problemas Estomacales: Recetas de Jugos Y Comidas Para Ayudarle A Recuperarse RápidoPor Joe Correa CSNLas heces sueltas y acuosas frecuentes causadas por una mayor secreción de líquido en el intestino y una menor absorción de líquido del intestino se conocen como diarrea. Esta condición generalmente dura solo un par de días y desaparece por sí sola. En algunos casos más graves, la diarrea puede durar hasta 3-4 semanas y, a veces incluso convertirse en una enfermedad crónica.La diarrea es una afección médica que puede afectar a la mayoría de la población, independientemente de su edad o sexo. La mayoría de los adultos en los Estados Unidos tienen diarrea al menos una vez al año. Los niños, por otro lado, tienden a sufrir diarrea más a menudo, en promedio dos veces al año.La diarrea puede ser causada por diferentes factores. Los más comunes incluyen:- Comida o agua contaminada- Diferentes virus- Algunos parásitos encontrados en comida o agua- Varios medicamentos- Problemas con la digestión de ciertos alimentos y las intolerancias alimentarias (como la intolerancia a la lactosa)- Enfermedades del tracto digestivo- Síndrome del intestino irritableLa diarrea a menudo es seguida por síntomas comunes y reconocibles, como dolor agudo y calambres en el abdomen, una necesidad urgente e incontrolable de usar el baño y heces líquidas. Naturalmente, esta condición puede causar deshidratación, que puede ser bastante peligrosa, especialmente para los recién nacidos y las personas mayores. En este caso, se necesita atención médica urgente.Cuando se trata de tratamiento, en la mayoría de los casos, la diarrea desaparece por sí sola. Sin embargo, la rehidratación es extremadamente importante para reemplazar los líquidos perdidos en el cuerpo. A las personas que padecen diarrea a menudo se les recomienda beber mucha fruta y jugos de vegetales, refrescos sin cafeína y caldos. En casos más graves, a menudo se recetan soluciones de rehidratación oral.Este libro contiene algunas fantásticas recetas de jugo que fueron cuidadosamente seleccionadas para ayudar a eliminar la diarrea y rehidratar todo el cuerpo. Estos jugos se basan en frutas y verduras frescas que tienen la capacidad de limpiar todo el tracto digestivo y ayudar a su cuerpo a sanar en un par de días. Además, estos jugos tardan solo un par de minutos en prepararse, lo que significa que puede disfrutarlos durante todo el día.Pruebe estos jugos y vea cuáles le gustan más.

  • - Das All-naturliche Heilmittel zur Schnellen Kontrolle Ihrer Arthritis-Erkrankungen
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    46 Saftrezepte zur Vorbeugung und Schmerzlinderung von Arthritis: Das All-natürliche Heilmittel zur Schnellen Kontrolle Ihrer Arthritis-Erkrankungenvon Joe Correa CSNArthritis ist eine Autoimmunerkrankung, bei der die Gelenke symmetrisch von der Entzündung betroffen sind, was zu Schmerzen und Steifigkeit führt. Es gibt etwa 100 verschiedene Arten von Arthritis, aber die häufigsten sind rheumatoide Arthritis und Osteoarthritis. Im Gegensatz zur rheumatoiden Arthritis, die eine Autoimmunerkrankung ist, wird die Osteoarthritis als degenerative Gelenkerkrankung bezeichnet. Die genaue Ursache der Arthritis ist unbekannt, aber es gibt viele verschiedene Faktoren, die die Autoimmunreaktion beeinflussen können, einschließlich der genetischen Anfälligkeit. Frühe Symptome für beide Arten sind schmerzhafte Schwellungen der Gelenke, morgendliche Steifheit und Entzündungen.Eine richtige Ernährung spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Reduzierung des Arthroserisikos. Unsere moderne Ernährung, basierend auf tierische Lebensmittel, raffiniertem Zucker und Lebensmitteln, die die Immunabwehr provozieren, erhöht die Empfindlichkeit für Entzündungen, die zu dieser schmerzhaften Krankheit führen. Mit einer guten Ernährung, Konsequenz und einem guten Lebensstil wird sich Ihre Gesundheit deutlich verbessern und Ihr Körper wird eine Chance bekommen, der Entzündung zu widerstehen. Darüber hinaus verringern gesunde, frische und unverarbeitete Lebensmittel das Risiko von Fettleibigkeit, was nicht nur zum Auftreten und Fortschreiten von Arthritis beiträgt, sondern auch dazu führt, dass Ihre Gelenke mehr Gewicht tragen. Übergewicht schadet direkt Ihre Gelenke und trägt zur Entwicklung und zum Fortschreiten dieser Krankheit bei.Der Hauptgrund, warum ich diese große Ansammlung an Arthritisvermeidenden Saftrezepten erstellt habe, war, Ihnen eine schnelle und einfache Weise zu geben, alle Nährstoffe zu erhalten, die Sie benötigen, um Ihr Immunsystem zu stärken, Ihren Körper zu reinigen und gleichzeitig etwas Gewicht zu verlieren. Entsaften ist eine der besten Möglichkeiten, Ihren Körper in wenigen Minuten mit erstaunlich wertvollen Antioxidantien und anderen wichtigen Substanzen zu versorgen. Diese Sammlung an Säften ist besonders praktisch für Menschen mit einem vollen Terminkalender, die wenig Zeit haben, um alles vorzubereiten. Es ist auch eine perfekte Option für diejenigen unter Ihnen, die nicht gerne den ganzen Tag über bestimmte Früchte oder Gemüse essen, aber trotzdem große Mengen an Vitaminen und Mineralien in ihren Körper bekommen möchten.Ich hoffe, dass diese großartigen Saftrezepte als Anleitung für Ihre Arthritisprobleme dienen. Diese Säfte erleichtern Ihre Verdauung und helfen gefährliche Giftstoffe, die zu Entzündungen und Arthritis führen, zu beseitigen. Dieses Buch ist über das einfache Erhalten der richtigen Nährstoffe, die Sie benötigen und Arthritis ein für allemal verhindern.

  • - Naturliche Heilmittel zur Starkung deines Koerpers im Kampf gegen Krebszellen
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    58 einzigartige Saftrezepte gegen Prostatakrebs: Natürliche Heilmittel zur Stärkung deines Körpers im Kampf gegen Krebszellenvon Joe Correa CSNDie Prostata ist eine lebenswichtige Drüse im männlichen Fortpflanzungssystem, die sich um die männliche Harnröhre wickelt. Seine Hauptfunktion ist die Sekretion einer alkalischen Flüssigkeit, die etwa 30% des Samenvolumens ausmacht. Allerdings sind Prostataprobleme eines der häufigsten Gesundheitsprobleme bei Männern. Die Tatsache, dass bei jedem siebten Mann Prostatakrebs diagnostiziert wird, ist einfach überraschend. Diese äußerst schwere Krankheit ist die dritthäufigste Ursache für den Krebstod in den USA. Diese Statistiken deuten darauf hin, dass die Pflege Ihrer reproduktiven Gesundheit und das Erkennen der Symptome von Prostataproblemen von entscheidender Bedeutung ist, um diese Komplikationen zu vermeiden.Die häufigsten Symptome von Prostataproblemen und Krebs sind Urinanomalien, Schmerzen, schmerzhafte Ejakulation, Becken- oder Bauchschmerzen, Erektionsstörungen, Schwellungen der Extremitäten und Blut im Urin oder Sperma. Obwohl nicht alle diese Symptome auf Prostatakrebs hindeuten, könnten sie ein Zeichen für einige schwere Krankheiten sein, die eine sofortige medizinische Intervention erfordern. Prostatakrebs kann nur durch eine Gewebebiopsie diagnostiziert werden.Die Frage ist, was können Sie tun, um Prostatakrebs zu verhindern? Die Antwort liegt in richtiger Ernährung. Unser Körper ist ein wirklich fantastischer Organismus, der die Fähigkeit hat, sich zu verteidigen und zu heilen. Deshalb ist es wichtig, Ihrem Immunsystem zu helfen, stärker zu werden und Ihre allgemeine Gesundheit zu verbessern.Der Verzehr der richtigen Mengen an Obst und Gemüse reduziert definitiv das Risiko von Prostatakrebs. Die empfohlene Tagesmenge an frischem Obst und Gemüse beträgt ca. 4-5 Portionen. Die meisten Menschen haben einen vollen Terminkalender und deshalb glaube ich definitiv, dass Säfte eine gute Option sind. Obwohl viele Obst- und Gemüsesorten äußerst gesund sind, ist es wichtig zu wissen, welche man kombinieren muss, um den größten Nutzen zu erzielen. Grünes, rotes und orangefarbenes Obst und Gemüse ist mit Carotinoiden beladen, die besonders bei Prostatakrebs von Vorteil sind. Einige der besten Saftzutaten sind: Spinat, Kohl, Löwenzahngrün, Orangen, Grapefruits, Beeren, Karotten und Tomaten. Diese leckeren Früchte und Gemüse sind die Grundlage der Saftrezepte in diesem Buch. Die meisten dieser Zutaten haben einen relativ neutralen Geschmack und können leicht mit verschiedenen Kräutern und Gewürzen kombiniert werden, um einen hervorragenden Geschmack zu erzielen.Diese Säfte sind stark genug, um Ihr Immunsystem innerhalb weniger Tage zu stärken und Prostatakrebs zu verhindern.

  • - Juice Your Way to Higher Fertility Levels through Natures Ingredients
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    56 Fertility Increasing Juice Recipes: Juice Your Way to Higher Fertility Levels through Natures IngredientsBy Joe Correa CSNAbout 15% of couples are affected by some form of fertility issue. Sadly most couples struggle for years with this problem and it affects their relationship, their mental health, and overall life. Unknowingly, they repeat some bad habits which affect their fertility every single day.Luckily, unless you're having some serious medical problems, there are some easy ways and steps to help you improve your overall fertility. All doctors agree that lifestyle and diet affect fertility up to 69%. This huge percentage can easily become reality by adopting some good habits and small changes that will do wonders for your body and your sexual health.There are some natural and healthy ways which are proven to help improve fertility:Start your day with a big breakfast! Not only will eating a proper breakfast help you boost your energy levels, it will also improve the hormonal balance you need in order to improve fertility. Choose foods rich in antioxidants! Antioxidants are known to deactivate free radicals in your body which directly preserves both sperm and egg cells. Reduce carbs, especially refined ones! A low carb diet is often recommended as a part of the treatment for women with polycystic ovaries. Furthermore, this type of diet will help you reduce weight and reduce insulin levels which will in return help menstrual regularity. Eat more fiber in the form of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Some types of fiber help remove excess estrogen from the body which leads to improved sexual health. Get active and take time to relax! These two important life habits are proven to help you resolve not only sexual problems but many other health issues you might be having. So take the time to get active and do the things you enjoy! Once you have adopted these easy and healthy lifestyle habits, you will notice some positive changes in your body which will come as a result of hormonal balance and good sexual health. As I said earlier, consuming the right foods is probably the most important thing you can do to improve your fertility. For this reason, I have created a delicious collection of 56 juice recipes that will help you improve your fertility levels quickly and naturally. These recipes are high in fiber, antioxidants, and other important nutrients your body needs to heal itself. They are perfectly healthy, mind-blowing delicious, and designed especially for you! Give them a try!

  • - Haga su Camino Con Jugos Hacia Niveles de Fertilidad Mas Altos a Traves de Ingredientes de la Naturaleza
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    56 Recetas de Jugos Para Incrementar la Fertilidad: Haga su Camino Con Jugos Hacia Niveles de Fertilidad Más Altos a Través de Ingredientes de la NaturalezaPor Joe Correa CSNAlrededor del 15% de las parejas se ven afectadas por algún tipo de problema de fertilidad. Lamentablemente, la mayoría de las parejas luchan durante años con este problema y afecta su relación, su salud mental y su vida en general. Sin saberlo, repiten algunos malos hábitos que afectan su fertilidad todos los días.Por suerte, a menos que tenga algún problema médico grave, existen algunas formas y pasos fáciles para ayudarlo a mejorar su fertilidad general. Todos los médicos están de acuerdo en que el estilo de vida y la dieta afectan la fertilidad hasta en un 69%. Este gran porcentaje puede convertirse fácilmente en realidad mediante la adopción de algunos buenos hábitos y pequeños cambios que harán maravillas para su cuerpo y su salud sexual.Existen algunas formas naturales y saludables que han demostrado ayudar a mejorar la fertilidad:1. ¡Comience su día con un gran desayuno! Comer un buen desayuno no solo lo ayudará a aumentar sus niveles de energía, sino que también mejorará el equilibrio hormonal que necesita para mejorar la fertilidad.2. ¡Elija alimentos ricos en antioxidantes! Se sabe que los antioxidantes desactivan los radicales libres en su cuerpo que preservan directamente tanto las células del esperma como las de los óvulos.3. ¡Reduzca los carbohidratos, especialmente los refinados! Una dieta baja en carbohidratos a menudo se recomienda como parte del tratamiento para las mujeres con ovarios poliquísticos. Además, este tipo de dieta le ayudará a reducir el peso y los niveles de insulina, lo que a cambio ayudará a la regularidad menstrual.4. Coma más fibra en forma de frutas, verduras y granos enteros. Algunos tipos de fibra ayudan a eliminar el exceso de estrógeno del cuerpo, lo que conduce a una mejor salud sexual.5. ¡Manténgase activo y tome tiempo para relajarse! Se ha comprobado que estos dos importantes hábitos de vida le ayudan a resolver no solo los problemas sexuales, sino también muchos otros problemas de salud que pueda tener. Entonces, tómese el tiempo para estar activo y hacer las cosas que disfruta.Una vez que haya adoptado estos hábitos de vida fáciles y saludables, notará algunos cambios positivos en su cuerpo que se producirán como resultado del equilibrio hormonal y la buena salud sexual. Como dije anteriormente, consumir los alimentos correctos es probablemente lo más importante que puede hacer para mejorar su fertilidad.Por este motivo, he creado una deliciosa colección de 56 recetas de jugos que te ayudarán a mejorar tus niveles de fertilidad de manera rápida y natural. Estas recetas son altas en fibra, antioxidantes y otros nutrientes importantes que su cuerpo necesita para curarse a sí mismo. ¡Son perfectamente sanos, alucinantes deliciosos y diseñados especialmente para usted! ¡Deles una oportunidad!

  • - Reduce Pain and Discomfort Using Natures Ingredients
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    53 Juicing Solutions to Minimizing Menstrual Cramps: Reduce Pain and Discomfort Using Natures IngredientsBy Joe Correa CSNMenstrual cramps, medically known as dysmenorrhea, are defined as cramping pain in the lower abdomen during your period. Some women are lucky and only feel mild discomfort and lightly annoying pain. Others, however, experience a severe pain which can last for days and seriously interrupt their daily schedule, work, and overall general activities.The symptoms of menstrual cramps are quite recognizable and they include: An intense pain in the lower abdomen and back which, in most cases, won't go away without some serious painkillers A headache and mood swings Loss of appetite, increased appetite, sugar spikes, food cravings Muscle ache especially in the lower back and even thighs Irritability, insomnia, and lack of concentration Pain that starts a couple of days before your period and lasts for 1-2 days after the onset of a period Shivering, decreased or lightly increased body temperature Unfortunately, there is no woman in the world who hasn't experienced one of these symptoms at least once in their life. Most women unsuccessfully try to deal with menstrual cramps every single month and end up with some over-the-counter medicine to help them reduce these unpleasant symptoms, or even worse some women simply wait for the symptoms to go away on their own. This book was created to help women prevent menstrual cramps, empower their body, boost up their immune system, and enjoy their life every single day! After years of research, I have created a list of 53 powerful juices to help you heal and prevent menstrual cramps from occurring. These recipes are easy to make, delicious, and have mind-blowing health benefits that will have an amazing impact on your body and your overall health. These 53 recipes will give you plenty of options to choose from and will satisfy everybody's taste. Even better, you can prepare a different recipe every single morning and enjoy different flavours and combinations that will finally help you fight off menstrual cramps in the most natural way. Enjoy them all!

  • - Starke Wirkstoffkombinationen, die Ihrem Koerper helfen, Krebszellen zu zerstoeren
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    52 vitaminreiche Saftrezepte bei Lungenkrebs: Starke Wirkstoffkombinationen, die Ihrem Körper helfen, Krebszellen zu zerstörenvon Joe Correa CSNNahrung hat einen großen Einfluss auf unseren Körper und unsere Gesundheit. Fast alle Krankheiten stehen in direktem Zusammenhang mit den Lebensmitteln, die wir essen, weshalb es wichtig ist, sorgfältig auszuwählen, was wir auf den Tisch bringen. Es hat die Kraft, unseren Körper von innen zu heilen, was besonders wichtig für Menschen mit Lungenkrebs oder jeder Art von Krebs ist. Manchmal konsumieren wir unnatürliche Mengen von Medikamenten, die wirksam sein können oder auch nicht, was letztendlich unser Immunsystem und unseren ganzen Körper schwächen kann.In diesem Buch werde ich Ihnen einige wertvolle Saftrezepte vorstellen, die Ihrem Körper die Nährstoffe liefern, die er braucht, um richtig zu funktionieren und alle Arten von Krankheiten zu bekämpfen. Diese Rezepte in Ihren Alltag einzubinden hat einen starken Einfluss auf Ihre allgemeine Gesundheit. Ich glaube wirklich, dass wir keine andere Wahl haben, als unseren eigenen Weg zum Wohlbefinden durch eine angemessene Auswahl an Lebensmitteln zu gehen. Dies betrifft vor allem frisches Obst und Gemüse, die der Schlüssel zu guter Gesundheit sind. Je mehr wir in der Lage sind, zum Essen zurückzukehren, wie es die Natur beabsichtigt, desto besser sind unsere Chancen, ein krebsfreies Leben zu führen.Wenn wir über Lungenkrebs sprechen, sind bunte Früchte und Gemüse die besten Optionen. Diese Lebensmittel sind voll von Antioxidantien, einschließlich der Vitamine A und C, die nachweislich zur Bekämpfung dieser Art von Krebs beitragen. Früchte wie Beeren und Gemüse wie Tomaten, Winterkürbisse und Paprika sind besonders gut und Ihre Säfte sollten auf ihnen basieren. Diese Lebensmittel können, wenn sie richtig kombiniert werden, sehr lecker sein.Deshalb habe ich eine wunderbare Sammlung von Saftrezepten geschaffen, die Lungenkrebs verhindern und auch lecker und effektiv sind. Viel Spaß beim Ausprobieren!

  • - Feel Better and Stronger with These Powerful Juice Recipes
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    45 Juicing Solutions for Hangovers: Feel Better and Stronger With These Powerful Juice RecipesBy Joe Correa CSNHaving a drink or two with your family or friends sounds like fun, however, drinking too much alcohol can have an unpleasant effect on your body, health, and work. Unfortunately, there is no rule on how much alcohol you can drink in order to avoid hangovers, everybody is completely different. Your tolerance level depends on how frequently you drink, what type of drink you're having, whether you're tired, under stress, and other factors. One thing is certain, the more alcohol you drink, the more likely you are to experience the symptoms of hangovers.The unpleasant signs of hangovers include several recognizable symptoms: Headaches, fatigue, and overall weakness Nausea and/or vomiting Loss of appetite and stomach aches Increased sensitivity to light and sounds Abnormal thirst and dry mouth due to dehydration Increased heartbeat and muscle aches Mood swings, poor sleep, and inability to concentrate The recognizable sense of so-called ''room spinning'' As we all know, most symptoms are completely harmless and usually go away on their own the next day. If some of the symptoms don't go away on their own or you feel them more intensively than usual, it's a good idea to visit your doctor. In other cases, all you have to do is stay in bed and clean your body through healthy food. Preventing a hangover is not difficult, drinking responsibly is the only way of preventing this unpleasant and even painful condition. However, on some occasions this may be easier said than done. This is why you should consider some powerful healing methods that will clean your body from within and help you reduce most hangover symptoms much faster than before. The number one thing you can do for yourself is to hydrate your body with a good juice based on healthy ingredients your body needs. The right combination of detoxifying fruits and vegetables will reduce the damage alcohol has made in your body and help your organism heal. This book is all about that! It's the best collection of 45 carefully chosen and tested juices that will reduce hangover symptoms and help you recover in no time at all. Go through this book and choose one for yourself!

  • - Il rimedio tutto naturale per controllare l'artrite in modo veloce
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    46 succhi per prevenire o alleviare i dolori dell'artrite: Il rimedio tutto naturale per controllare l'artrite in modo velocedi Joe Correa CSNL'artrite è una malattia autoimmune in cui le articolazioni sono simmetricamente influenzate dall'infiammazione e soffrono così di dolore e rigidità. Ci sono circa 100 diversi tipi di artrite, ma quelli più comuni sono l'artrite reumatoide e l'artrosi. A differenza dell'artrite reumatoide che è una malattia autoimmune, l'osteoartrosi è descritta come una malattia degenerativa delle articolazioni. La causa esatta dell'artrite è sconosciuta, ma ci sono molti fattori diversi che possono influenzare la risposta autoimmune, inclusa la suscettibilità genetica. I primi sintomi per entrambi i tipi di problema includono gonfiore doloroso delle articolazioni, rigidità mattutina e infiammazione.Una corretta alimentazione svolge un ruolo importante nel ridurre il rischio di artrite. La nostra dieta moderna, basata su alimenti di origine animale, zucchero raffinato e alimenti che provocano la risposta del sistema immunitario aumenta la sensibilità all'infiammazione che porta a questa dolorosa malattia. Con una buona nutrizione, coerenza e buone scelte di vita, la tua salute migliorerà significativamente e il tuo corpo avrà la possibilità di resistere all'infiammazione. Inoltre, cibi sani, freschi e non trasformati ridurranno il rischio di obesità che non solo contribuisce all'insorgenza e al progredire dell'artrite, ma aumenta anche il peso delle articolazioni. L'eccesso di peso danneggia direttamente le articolazioni e contribuisce allo sviluppo e al progresso di questa malattia.Il motivo principale per cui ho creato questa fantastica raccolta di ricette di succhi per la prevenzione dell'artrite è quello di offrire un modo rapido e semplice per ottenere tutti i nutrienti di cui hai bisogno per potenziare il tuo sistema immunitario, purificare il tuo corpo e contemporaneamente perdere un po' di peso. I succhi rappresentano uno dei modi migliori per nutrire il tuo corpo con antiossidanti incredibilmente preziosi e altre sostanze importanti in pochi minuti. Questa raccolta di succhi è particolarmente pratica per le persone con orari impegnativi che hanno ben poco tempo per preparare i pasti. È anche una proposta perfetta per chi non ama mangiare frutta o verdura durante il giorno, ma che comunque vuole assumere enormi quantità di vitamine e minerali nel proprio corpo.Spero che queste ottime ricette di succhi ti aiutino nei tuoi problemi con l'artrite. Questi succhi faciliteranno la digestione e aiuteranno a eliminare le tossine pericolose che causano infiammazione e artrite. Questo libro ha come scopo quello di farti assumere i nutrienti giusti di cui hai bisogno in un modo conveniente e prevenire l'artrite una volta per tutte.

  • - Improve Your Nutrition Naturally to Prevent and Fight Cancer through Organic Superfoods
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    107 Colon Cancer Salad and Meal Recipes: Improve Your Nutrition Naturally to Prevent and Fight Cancer through Organic SuperfoodsBy Joe Correa CSNWe still don't know what exactly causes colon cancer, but most doctors agree that a modern, Western diet high in fats and low in fibers increases the risk of this disease. These highly processed, unnatural, and unhealthy foods lead to chronic inflammatory diseases of the colon by affecting the microbes that live in it, which leads to cell degeneration. This is a good reason why you should focus more on eating healthy organic foods rather than jumping from one diet to another that often offer empty promises. Foods you have to include on a daily basis are: fresh fruits and vegetables, organic fish and poultry, nuts, seeds, and legumes. In order to clean your gastrointestinal tract and reduce the risk of colon cancer, your diet must be primarily based on beans, lentil, peas, and other foods that are high in folate. Along with valuable fiber, these foods are an enormous source of vitamin B that will protect your colon cells from damage.When left untreated, harmless adenomatous polyps transform into cancer which, just like all other types of cancers, can be a life-threatening condition. It is very important to identify colon cancer symptoms and prevent the disease from progressing.There are also certain risk factors that may contribute to developing colon cancer. These factors include older age, inflammatory intestinal conditions, family history of colon cancer, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, obesity, smoking, and alcohol.Scientists agree that there is a strong connection between low-fiber, high-fat diet and colon cancer. Eating plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, and fiber-rich whole grain will give your body an array of vitamins and minerals and play an important role in cancer prevention. However, making these small changes in your every day life can be a bit difficult due to busy schedules. For this reason, I have collected these powerful yet easy to prepare colon cancer preventing recipes. You will easily find all the ingredients in your local store and easily prepare a wonderful and healthy salad for the entire family in just minutes. These recipes are here to make your life better so get started right away!

  • - The Definitive Recipe Book to Treating and Preventing Cancer
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    102 Lung Cancer Juice and Salad Recipes: The Definitive Recipe Book to Treating and Preventing CancerBy Joe Correa CSNWhen we talk about lung cancer, your best options are colorful fruits and vegetables. These foods are full of antioxidants, including vitamins A and C which are proven to help fight off this type of cancer. Fruits like berries and vegetables like tomatoes, winter squash, and bell peppers are particularly good and your juices should be based on them. These foods, when combined correctly, can be very delicious.Food has a big impact on our body and our health. Almost all diseases are directly related to the foods we eat which is why it's crucial to choose carefully what we put at the table. It has the power to heal our bodies from within, which is especially important for people who have lung cancer or any type of cancer. Sometimes, we consume unnatural quantities of pharmaceuticals that may or may not be effective which can ultimately weaken our immune system and our entire body.In this book, I will share with you some valuable recipes that will give your body the nutrients it needs in order to function properly and fight off all types of diseases. Implementing these recipes into your everyday life will have a powerful effect on your overall health. I honestly believe we have no choice but to forge our own path to wellness through adequate food choices. This primarily refers to fresh fruits and vegetables which are the key to good health. The more we are able to return to eating as nature intended, the better our chances will be of living a cancer-free life.Having this in mind, I have created a wonderful collection of lung cancer preventing recipes that are tasty and effective. Enjoy them all!

  • - Strengthen Your Immune System to Fight Cancer through Organic Superfood Sources
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    91 Salad and Meal Recipes to Prevent and Treat Cancer: Strengthen Your Immune System to Fight Cancer through Organic Superfood SourcesBy Joe Correa CSNHaving in mind that cancer is the second-leading cause of death in the world, it is very important to recognize early symptoms which, when treated on time, can save your life. These symptoms often include fatigue, changes in bowel or bladder habits, weight changes, lumps that can be felt under the skin, trouble breathing, persistent cough, skin changes, unexplained bleeding or bruising, unexplained fevers, etc. If you have any persistent symptoms that concern you, it is crucial to make an appointment with your doctor. There are some obvious lifestyle choices that may reduce the risk of cancer. As with all other diseases, these lifestyle choices include a healthy diet, regular exercise, overall health, and well-being.These cancer preventing recipes are designed to give you exactly that, all the important nutrients in just a couple of minutes. Give them a try and see which ones you enjoy the most. Live a better and healthier life now!

  • - The Comprehensive Recipe Book to Prevent and Fight Cancer
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    90 Colon Cancer Juice and Salad Recipes: The Comprehensive Recipe Book to Prevent and Fight CancerBy Joe Correa CSNThere are certain risk factors that may contribute to developing colon cancer. These factors include older age, inflammatory intestinal conditions, family history of colon cancer, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, obesity, smoking, and alcohol.This serious disease is the third most common cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States which is why recognizing the symptoms and changing some lifestyle habits can be a lifesaver.Another important step you have to take in order to prevent this terrible and extremely dangerous disease is definitely a dietary lifestyle change. This life-saving decision will permanently change the way you eat, and most importantly, a healthy diet will change the way your digestive tract handles food. This means that with just a couple of simple steps, your body will start to change and you will feel much better. You will have to change the way you eat and adopt some long-term diet habits. Only this will permanently clean your digestive tract and reduce the risk of colon cancer.But, I have to point out that in order to be 100% sure you're healthy, the diet, by itself, won't be enough. A healthy diet combined with regular exercise is the only way to successfully fight off this disease.This unique collection of colon cancer preventing recipes will become your guide in leading a healthy life. These juices are full of fibers that will clean your entire digestive tract and wash away all the toxins you've been collecting over the years. But, that's not all, these recipes were carefully chosen to fully satisfy your taste and make you want more! They are amazingly simple to prepare. Within just a couple of minutes you will have a glass full of nutrients your body needs on a daily basis.

  • - The Comprehensive Recipe Book to Combating Cancer No Matter What Your Condition
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    89 Juice and Salad Recipes to Fight Cancer: The Comprehensive Recipe Book to Combating Cancer No Matter What Your Condition By Joe Correa CSNIn the past couple of decades, cancer has escalated to epidemic proportions and affects nearly one out of two men and one out of three women. With 7-8 million lives taken each year due to this disease, I can definitely say that preventing cancer should be your number one priority.One of the major causes for this disease is our modern lifestyles which surround us with different toxins, cancerous substances, and stress. But the main reason is probably poor nutrition for most people. The lack of basic nutrients weakens our immune system which leads to serious and long-term damage to your health and eventually becomes cancer. Most food is full of artificial flavors, colors, additives, stabilizers, and preservatives. Although some of these substances are harmless, many of them are extremely toxic and can deprive our organism of some important nutrients. Although most people know these facts, in theory, they can't seem to find enough time to plan their meals on a daily basis, which is why fast food has become so popular.These cancer preventing recipes are designed to give you exactly that, all the important nutrients in just a couple of minutes. Try them and see what a difference they can make in your life and the life of your loved ones!

  • - These Salads and Meals Will Strengthen Your Immune System through Powerful Superfood Sources
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    89 Organic Lung Cancer Salad and Meal Recipes: These Salads and Meals Will Strengthen Your Immune System through Powerful Superfood SourcesBy Joe Correa CSNLung cancer is the leading cause of ''cancer deaths'' in the world. In order to realize the true seriousness of lung cancer, you have to understand that it takes more lives than colon, prostate, ovarian, and breast cancer combined.The highest known risk factor of lung cancer is definitely smoking. Other factors include secondhand smoke, exposure to radon gas, and exposure to asbestos or other similar carcinogens.Naturally, the best way to reduce the risk of lung cancer is to stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke. Even if you have been smoking for years, this will significantly reduce the risk of lung cancer. Talk to your doctor about different strategies to help you quit.Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables will provide your body with a good amount of vitamins and nutrients which will then help your body improve its own defense mechanisms. Some research suggests that beta carotene, among other nutrients, can help reduce the risk of lung cancer, especially in smokers.This book is a great collection of healthy and delicious recipes that are based on what your body needs the most, nutritionally loaded raw ingredients that will improve your health and keep you full for hours.

  • - Feed Your Body the Proper Foods to Generate Breast Milk Fast
    av Joe Correa

    103 Meal and Juice Recipes to Increase Your Breast Milk Production: Feed Your Body the Proper Foods to Generate Breast Milk FastBy Joe Correa CSNIn order to achieve the best results and provide your child with the essential nutrients for its development, you must put in the necessary effort. Eating the right amounts and types of food can help your child get the most out of breastfeeding.Food amounts depend from one person to another depending on each individual's body. What you have to learn is to listen to your body's needs.The short-term unbalanced diet during breastfeeding will not significantly affect breastmilk production. However, if you have some bad habits throughout a longer period of time, it will definitely have some undesirable effects on the quality and the quantity of your breastmilk and your baby's development in its most important stage.Having this in mind, I have created these amazingly delicious recipes that will provide all the necessary nutrients you and your child need. I truly hope this book will make some positive changes in your life and give you some new and exciting meal ideas for every day of this wonderful journey you're about to take. I wanted to keep these recipes as simple as possible because I know how important every second with your precious one is.These recipes will give your body all the essential nutrients it needs to improve your overall health, boost your immune system, and increase your breastmilk production. Remember, eating right and taking in the proper nutrients is what your child needs most right now. Prepare these recipes every single day and make sure your precious baby starts its life in the best possible health.

  • - Get Back on Track Quickly Using These Effective Ingredients
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    92 Powerful Juice and Meal Recipes to Recover From Hangovers: Get Back on Track Quickly Using These Effective IngredientsBy Joe Correa CSNAs we all know, most symptoms are completely harmless and usually go away on their own the next day. If some of the symptoms don't go away on their own or you feel them more intensively than usual, it's a good idea to visit your doctor. In other cases, all you have to do is stay in bed and clean your body through healthy food.Preventing a hangover is not difficult, drinking responsibly is the only way of preventing this unpleasant and even painful condition. However, on some occasions this may be easier said than done. This is why you should consider some powerful healing methods that will clean your body from within and help you reduce most hangover symptoms much faster than before.The number one thing you can do for yourself is to hydrate your body with a good juice based on healthy ingredients your body needs. The right combination of detoxifying fruits and vegetables will reduce the damage alcohol has made in your body and help your organism heal.This book is all about that! It's the best collection of carefully chosen recipes that will reduce hangover symptoms and help you recover in no time at all. Find the best recipes and enjoy!

  • - Naturally Reduce Chronic and Troublesome Symptoms
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    99 Asthma Meal and Juice Recipes: Naturally Reduce Chronic and Troublesome SymptomsBy Joe Correa CSNAsthma symptoms can be treated with certain foods that will prevent this disease, as well as improve your overall health. A healthy, nutrient-rich diet and regular exercise are some basic, general guidelines for a long and healthy life. In most cases, asthma is associated with obesity. This is why it's extremely important to control your body weight.Most doctors agree that certain foods could also be triggers for asthma. If you notice an allergic reaction to some foods, you should consider avoiding them because these can be high-risk foods for your asthmatic condition.On the other hand, there is one general rule for asthmatics, the less you eat fresh fruits and vegetables, the higher the frequency of asthma. As simple as that! That's why I want to give you a quick and tasty solution to your problem. I've made a collection of delicious recipes that will help treat and prevent asthma. These recipes are full of healthy nutrients, vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids and are delicious. They are full of fruits and vegetables, which have natural antioxidants that will help your body defeat the inflammatory process you're going through and protect your cells from any future problematic conditions.Avoiding these common triggers will significantly reduce the risk of asthma. Furthermore, there are certain types of foods that are proven to help prevent and treat people diagnosed with asthma. Vitamin D rich foods like milk and eggs are often prescribed to patients suffering from asthma. Also, vegetables rich in beta-carotene such as carrots, bell peppers, pumpkin, and leafy greens are proven to be extremely beneficial for reducing the risk of asthma. Furthermore, some studies suggest that people with low magnesium levels have low lung volume. Adding foods rich in magnesium into your diet is an excellent way to prevent and treat asthma attacks.This book contains asthma preventing juice and meal recipes based on these particular foods that will help you reduce the risk of getting asthma in the first place. The juices in this book are very easy to make, healthy, and above all, delicious.

  • - Use the Best Ingredients Available to Increase Your Milk Production
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    99 Juice and Meal Recipes to Enhance Your Breast Milk Production: Use the Best Ingredients Available to Increase Your Milk ProductionBy Joe Correa CSNAlthough most new mothers are a bit skeptical when it comes to changing their nutrition habits, it is extremely important to remember that only a proper and well-balanced diet can provide you and your baby with all the nutrients you need for good health.In order to achieve this, you must make sure you're eating the right amount and the right types of foods to get the most out of your milk. The best way to do this, without having to spend a lot of time planning and preparing the food, is through juices. Healthy juice recipes are often based on fresh fruits and vegetables your body desperately needs in this particular period of time. When combined with key ingredients, juices truly have the ability to protect your body from toxins accumulated over the years, to improve your overall health, to boost up your immune system, and even to increase your breastmilk production through the nutrients they contain. Furthermore, they take less than 5 minutes to prepare which everyone, especially a new mother, knows how to appreciate.Having this in mind, I have created these amazingly delicious recipes that will provide all the necessary nutrients you and your child need. I truly hope this book will make some positive changes in your life and give you some new and exciting meal ideas for every day of this wonderful journey you're about to take. I wanted to keep these recipes as simple as possible because I know how important every second with your precious one is.

  • - Atraviese Tiempos Dificiles y Momentos de Ansiedad Comiendo Alimentos Deliciosos
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    100 Recetas de Comidas y Jugos Para Reducir El Estrés: Atraviese Tiempos Difíciles y Momentos de Ansiedad Comiendo Alimentos DeliciososPor Joe Correa CSNEl estrés es una causa muy común de muchas enfermedades. Algunos estudios van tan lejos incluso para aclamar que el 90% de todas las enfermedades están relacionadas con el estrés. La mayoría de nosotros lo experimenta en nuestras vidas, ya sea como una condición crónica, o causado por algunos de los estresantes de la vida más grandes, como: Muerte de un ser querido Divorcio Pérdida de empleo Problemas emocionales como depresión, ansiedad, etc. Sin embargo, algunas circunstancias y eventos que representan tiempos felices también pueden causar cantidades enormes de estrés. Estos incluyen casarse y mudarse a un nuevo hogar. Algunas personas se sienten estresadas crónicamente, su cuerpo se encuentra constantemente inundado de cortisol, una hormona del estrés. Mientras que esta hormona nos provee energía para lidiar con un momento estresante, el estrés crónico y continuo nos da demasiado de algo bueno. Entonces, es imperativo reducir los niveles de estrés. Muchas técnicas son conocidas y están disponibles mundialmente, y recomiendo que las utilice en nuestro camino hacia la reducción del estrés. No hay mejor tiempo que ahora para cuidarse a sí mismo. Abajo hay algunos de los consejos probados para reducir el estrés: Comer alimentos saludables. Pero no comer de más. Algunos días de dieta de jugos podría ser lo ideal para ayudarlo en su camino hacia la reducción de estrés. Los alimentos líquidos son más sencillos de digerir y los jugos, especialmente, le darán un descanso muy necesitado, causando una recuperación del cuerpo entero. Recomiendo evitar la cafeína, alcohol y nicotina en todo momento, pero especialmente cuando se encuentre en un modo de estrés alto. Intente tomar mucha agua en reemplazo. Reduzca la ingesta de azúcar, incluyendo todos los azúcares ocultos en alimentos procesados. Este es un gran momento para regalarle a su cuerpo un poco de actividad física, incluso si es una breve caminata mientras toma aire fresco. Tenga más consciencia de sus pensamientos. Reconózcalos y déjelos pasar con meditación guiada. Muchas meditaciones guiadas de gran calidad están disponibles gratuitamente en YouTube, o incluso en aplicaciones para el teléfono móvil. Y lo más importante, reconozca que puede hacer algo acerca de sus niveles de estrés. He preparado estas recetas de jugos deliciosas para el estrés, para que pueda hacerlas en casa. He combinado algunas de las frutas y vegetales combatientes del estrés en mezclas poderosas que le asistirán para lidiar con el estrés. Hay algo para todos los gustos, y espero que estas recetas seleccionadas con mucho cuidado le ayuden a llevar una existencia libre de estrés, tal y como se lo merece.

  • - Strengthen Your Immune System Using Natural Foods
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    100 Immune System Boosting Meal and Juice Recipes: Strengthen Your Immune System Using Natural FoodsBy Joe Correa CSNThe main reason doctors say people get sick is because of a weak immune system. Having a weak immune system makes it much harder for your body to fight infections, diseases, and any other harmful substances. Exercise and diet are the fastest way to strengthen your immune system. Fruits that are high in vitamin C like strawberries, blueberries, lemon, passion fruit, tangerines, grapefruit, etc.By including these fruits in your diet on a normal basis you will drastically change your body's capacity to defend itself. The recipes in this book have a variety of ingredients that are vitamin packed and are high in vitamin C which will help you achieve your goal to strengthen your immune system and fight off harmful diseases and infections. Honey and agave syrup are excellent choices when it comes to sweetening your food since they offer a natural source of sugar that your body and quickly absorb. Other potent ingredients we have included are: oats, beetroot, lactose free milk, cereals, peanuts, raisins, pecans, sesame, and linseed, just to name a few.Make the decision to help your body by giving it what it needs to defend itself. When it comes to getting healthy and staying healthy there's only one choice, eating right!

  • - Lindere den Schmerz und das Unwohlsein auf naturlichem Weg
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    100 Essens- und Saftrezepte gegen Arthritis: Lindere den Schmerz und das Unwohlsein auf natürlichem WegVon Joe Correa CSNEs gibt mehr als 100 Millionen Formen von Arthritis, wobei die am meisten verbreitete Form die Osteoarthritis ist - das Ergebnis einer offenen Wunde, Infektion oder hohen Alters. Um Arthritis vorzubeugen oder seine Auswirkungen zu verringern ist eine gesunde Lebensweise erforderlich. Viel Obst, Gemüse, Fisch und Nüsse. Diese Lebensmittel stellen eine ganze Armee im Kampf gegen Entzündungen dar. Außerdem wird dein Gewicht unter Kontrolle bleiben: Für jedes Kilo, das du verlierst, wird sich das Gewicht auf deinem Kniegelenk um vier Kilo reduzieren.Es ist wichtig sich vor Augen zu führen, dass es keinen magischen Trick gibt, um Arthritis loszuwerden, eine gesunde Lebensweise aber sicher helfen wird, Entzündungen und Gelenkschmerzen zu bekämpfen, die Knochen zu stärken und dein Immunsystem zu stärken.Viele dieser Zutaten, die Menschen mit Arthritis empfohlen werden, finden sich in der mediterranen Ernährung, die Olivenöl, Fisch und Gemüse umfasst. Auch sollte Vitamin C in deiner Ernährung enthalten sein. Dies ist deshalb so wichtig, da die Antioxidantien im Vitamin den Fortschritt der Osteoarthritis verlangsamen können. Zu finden ist dieses Vitamin u.a. in Erdbeeren, Ananas, Kiwi, Avocado, Orangen und Äpfeln.

  • - La Solucion Natural A Las Infecciones Del Tracto Urinario
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    97 Recetas Naturales de Comidas y Jugos Para Tratar Las Infecciones Del Tracto Urinario: La Solución Natural A Las Infecciones Del Tracto UrinarioPor Joe Correa CSNUna infección urinaria es un grupo de infecciones bastante comunes de cualquier parte del tracto urinario: riñones, uréteres, vejiga y uretra. Estas infecciones son causadas por diferentes microbios (principalmente bacterias) que superan la capacidad del cuerpo para defenderse. Esta afección conduce a un deseo más frecuente de orinar seguido de una sensación dolorosa y ardiente y / o una orina de olor fuerte. Los estudios muestran que las mujeres son más propensas a sufrir infecciones urinarias (con el riesgo de más del 50%) al menos una vez en la vida con muchos casos de infecciones repetidas.La mayoría de las infecciones urinarias son causadas por bacterias Escherichia coli que se pueden encontrar en el tracto digestivo y Chlamydia que ataca la uretra. En general, todos pueden desarrollar alguna forma de infección urinaria. Sin embargo, existen algunos factores de riesgo que aumentan las posibilidades de desarrollar infecciones urinarias repetidas. Estos factores incluyen:- Higiene corporal inadecuada- Diabetes- El embarazo- Catéter urinario- Flujo de orina bloqueado- Enfermedades renales- Uso repetido de antibióticos que afectan la microflora natural- Sistema inmune debilitadoAfortunadamente, la mayoría de las infecciones urinarias son fácilmente curables con antibióticos o antimicrobianos. En personas sanas (con un tracto urinario normal) que sufren de alguna forma de infección urinaria, el tratamiento toma alrededor de 2-3 días. Las personas cuyos organismos están debilitados por alguna otra enfermedad o condición probablemente tendrán infecciones del tracto urinario más complicadas y su tratamiento puede tomar entre 7 y 14 días. Las mujeres embarazadas, las personas mayores y los pacientes que padecen cáncer, diabetes u otros problemas médicos deben ser hospitalizados hasta que la infección esté completamente curada.Tener que lidiar con infecciones urinarias puede ser bastante desagradable y puede afectar su vida y trabajo cotidianos. Al igual que con cualquier otra condición de salud, es mejor prevenir estas infecciones en primer lugar.Por esta razón, he creado una maravillosa colección de recetas de jugos que te ayudarán a sanar cualquier infección urinaria. Use estas recetas para solucionar su problema de forma natural y aumentar su sistema inmunológico, previniendo infecciones en el futuro.Disfrútelos y pruébelos en diferentes momentos del día. Temprano en la mañana, cuando se despierta, es el momento ideal para uno de estos jugos.

  • - The Natural Solution to Urinary Tract Infections
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    97 All Natural Meal and Juice Recipes to Treat Urinary Tract Infections: The Natural Solution to Urinary Tract InfectionsBy Joe Correa CSNA urinary infection is a group of rather common infections of any part of the urinary tract - kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. These infections are caused by different microbes (mostly bacteria) that overcome the body's ability to defend itself. This condition leads to more frequent urge to urinate followed by a painful and burning sensation and/or strong smelling urine. Studies show that women are more likely to suffer from urinary infections (with the risk of over 50%) at least once in their life with many cases of repeated infections. Most urinary infections are caused by bacteria Escherichia coli which can be found in the digestive tract and Chlamydia that attacks urethra. In general, everybody can develop some form of urinary infection. However, there are some risk factors that increase the chances of developing repeated urinary infections. These factors include: Improper body hygiene Diabetes Pregnancy Urinary catheter Blocked urine flow Kidney diseases Repeated use of antibiotics which affect the natural microflora Weakened immune system Luckily, most urinary infections are easily curable with antibiotics or antimicrobials. In healthy people (with a normal urinary tract) suffering from some form of urinary infection, the treatment takes about 2-3 days. People whose organisms are weakened by some other disease or condition will most likely get more complicated urinary tract infections and their treatment can take between 7-14 days. Pregnant women, older people, and patients suffering from cancer, diabetes, or some other medical problems should be hospitalized until the infection is completely healed. Having to deal with urinary infections can be quite unpleasant and can disrupt your everyday life and work. Just like with every other health condition, it's better to prevent these infections from happening in the first place. For this reason, I have created a wonderful collection of juice recipes that will help you heal any urinary infection. Use these recipes to fix your problem naturally and boost your immune system thus preventing infections in the future. Enjoy them all and try them during different times of the day. Early morning, when you wake up, is the ideal time for one of these juices.

  • - Cure Naturalmente Su Dolor de Garganta Comiendo Alimentos Ricos en Vitaminas
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    95 Recetas de Jugos y Comidas Para Tratar El Dolor de Garganta Rápido: Cure Naturalmente Su Dolor de Garganta Comiendo Alimentos Ricos en VitaminasPor Joe Correa CSNCada año, alrededor de 13 millones de personas solo en los Estados Unidos sufren de una sensación dolorosa y seca en la garganta. Esta condición incómoda, a veces seguida de un dolor algo serio, es causada principalmente por infecciones o algunos factores ambientales como el aire seco o las alergias. Afortunadamente, la condición en sí no es grave y es probable que desaparezca por sí solo en un par de días. Sin embargo, si nota que el dolor no se detiene o empeora, visite a su médico local de inmediato.Hay varios tipos de dolor de garganta dependiendo de la parte de la garganta que se ve afectada.- La faringitis es una infección de la cavidad oral (el área detrás de la boca)- La amigdalitis afecta el tejido blando en la parte posterior de la cavidad oral conocido como amígdalas- La laringitis es el enrojecimiento y / o hinchazón de la laringe (o la caja de la voz)Las causas de esta condición desagradable se pueden dividir en varias categorías:Las infecciones virales causan aproximadamente el 90% de todas las afecciones de garganta. Estas infecciones están relacionadas con resfriados comunes, gripe, y otras enfermedades causadas por virusLas infecciones bacterianas no son tan comunes como las infecciones virales y están relacionadas principalmente con la faringitis estreptocócica, una infección causada por la bacteria Estreptococo.Las alergias y el aire seco también son una causa común de un dolor de garganta. La reacción de un cuerpo a algunos factores desencadenantes de la alergia provoca náuseas, congestión nasal, estornudos y dolor de garganta. El aire seco, por otro lado, absorbe la humedad natural de la boca y la garganta, causando la sensación de rasguño reconocible.Se ha comprobado que el humo y los diferentes productos químicos irritan la garganta y, a veces, causan infecciones y problemas a largo plazo.Como alguien que ha estado lidiando con dolor de garganta durante años, aprendí que la mejor manera de prevenir esta irritante afección es impulsar el sistema inmunitario y dejar que el cuerpo se defienda.Es por ello que he querido compartir con usted mis recetas de jugos favoritas que han demostrado ayudar a combatir esta condición y prevenir que ocurra en el futuro.Asegúrese de probarlas a todas y ver cuál le parece mejor.

  • - Naturally Cure Your Sore Throat by Eating Vitamin-Rich Foods
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    95 Juice and Meal Recipes to Treat Your Sore Throat Fast: Naturally Cure Your Sore Throat by Eating Vitamin-Rich FoodsBy Joe Correa CSNHaving a sore throat is an uncomfortable condition followed by irritation and swallowing difficulties.Building your immune system through a variety of vitamin-rich foods is always the best way to fight off different viruses that cause a sore throat and other illnesses. Most of us know this theoretically, but we don't seem to notice how important what we eat can be towards our recovery. We ignore or even completely avoid some basic nutritional guidelines, and fall into a trap and end up curing the condition instead of preventing it. This condition is not dangerous unless it lasts for an extended period of time and that's when you need to visit a doctor.When dealing with a sore throat, eating can become painful but you need to eat to get better. That's why I wanted to share with you some basic tips on what to eat until you get better.The first rule of nutrition, when it comes to a sore throat, is to eat soft or cooked food. This doesn't come as a surprise. However, I wanted to share with you some amazingly tasty recipes that require very little chewing, and are perfectly healthy at the same time. I believe that is the greatest challenge when you have a sore throat.These delicious recipes will ease your swallowing difficulties and you'll enjoy every single bite.Also, I wanted to go one step forward with these recipes and give you the best possible collection of nutrients you can find to boost your immune system and prevent this condition from happening often.A sore throat can be extremely irritating and can drain all your energy. Let this book serve as your health guide and help you finally forget about this common winter condition.

  • - Detenga Los Calambres Musculares Rapido Comiendo Alimentos Con Vitaminas Especificas
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    94 Recetas de Comidas y Jugos Para Reducir Los Calambres Musculares: Detenga Los Calambres Musculares Rápido Comiendo Alimentos Con Vitaminas EspecíficasPor Joe Correa CSNLa condición involuntaria y más bien dolorosa de un músculo contraído que no se relaja es algo que todos hemos experimentado al menos una vez en nuestra vida. Generalmente, la condición es bastante inofensiva y solo dura un par de minutos durante los cuales la persona no puede usar el músculo afectado.Los calambres musculares a menudo son causados ¿¿por ejercicios difíciles, trabajo físico duro, deshidratación o el uso de ciertos medicamentos. Pueden aparecer en casi todos los músculos del cuerpo, especialmente en los músculos de las piernas y los pies. Como dije antes, la mayoría de las veces los calambres musculares son inofensivos, sin embargo, a veces pueden estar relacionados con una afección médica más grave como:- El suministro de sangre inadecuado debido a arterias estrechas causa calambres musculares durante el ejercicio.- La compresión nerviosa en la columna vertebral está relacionada con calambres musculares al caminar,- La falta de minerales como potasio, calcio o magnesio en el cuerpo también puede provocar calambres musculares.En algunos casos, se recomienda visitar a un médico, especialmente si siente dolor intenso, debilidad muscular, hinchazón de las piernas, erupciones cutáneas o cualquier otro cambio en la piel. Además, si sufre de calambres musculares frecuentes que no mejoran con el tiempo, es necesaria atención médica.Aunque los calambres musculares pueden ocurrirles a todos por diversas razones, existen algunos factores de riesgo que aumentan esta condición dolorosa. Estos factores incluyen la edad, las diferentes condiciones médicas y la deshidratación. Las personas mayores que pierden su masa muscular con frecuencia se ven afectadas por los calambres musculares, incluso durante algunas actividades físicas relativamente fáciles. Las mujeres embarazadas y las personas que sufren de diabetes, trastornos de la tiroides o del hígado también experimentan calambres musculares frecuentes e inofensivos. Finalmente, la deshidratación durante actividades físicas largas (especialmente en climas cálidos) es a menudo la causa de los calambres musculares.Hay un par de pasos simples que ayudarán a prevenir los calambres musculares. Como se mencionó anteriormente, los calambres musculares a menudo están relacionados con la deshidratación, lo que significa que mantener a tu cuerpo completamente hidratado todo el tiempo es crucial para evitar esta condición dolorosa. Beber muchos jugos frescos tendrá un efecto sorprendente en todo el cuerpo, incluidos los calambres musculares.Esta colección de recetas para reducir los calambres musculares mantendrá su cuerpo hidratado todo el tiempo y le proporcionará una gran cantidad de nutrientes diferentes que necesita diariamente.Tómese un par de minutos todos los días para preparar una de estas deliciosas recetas y olvídese de tener calambres musculares de una vez por todas.

  • - Stop Muscle Cramps Fast by Eating Vitamin Specific Foods
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    94 Muscle Cramp Reducing Meal and Juice Recipes: Stop Muscle Cramps Fast by Eating Vitamin Specific FoodsBy Joe Correa CSNThe involuntary and rather painful condition of a contracted muscle that doesn't relax is something we have all experienced at least once in our life. Usually, the condition is quite harmless and it only lasts for a couple of minutes during which the person is unable to use the affected muscle.Muscle cramps are often caused by difficult exercises, hard physical labor, dehydration, or use of certain medications. They can occur in almost every muscle in the body, especially in the leg and feet muscles. As I said earlier, most of the time muscle cramps are harmless, however, sometimes they can be related to some more serious medical condition like: Inadequate blood supply due to narrowed arteries causes muscle cramps during exercise. Nerve compression in the spine is related to muscle cramps while walking, Lack of minerals like potassium, calcium, or magnesium in your body can also lead to muscle cramps. In some cases, it is highly recommended to visit a doctor, especially if you feel severe pain, muscle weakness, leg swelling, rashes or any other skin changes. Also, if you suffer from frequent muscle cramps that don't improve over time, medical attention is necessary. Although muscle cramps can happen to everyone for various reasons, there are some risk factors that increase this painful condition. These factors include age, different medical conditions, and dehydration. Older people who lose their muscle mass are frequently affected by muscle cramps, even during some relatively easy physical activities. Pregnant women and people suffering from diabetes, thyroid or liver disorders also experience frequent and harmless muscle cramps. Finally, dehydration during long physical activities (especially in hot weather) is often the cause of muscle cramps. There are a couple of simple steps that will help prevent muscle cramps. As mentioned above, muscle cramps are often related to dehydration which means that keeping your body fully hydrated all the time is crucial to avoid this painful condition. Drinking plenty of fresh juices will have an amazing effect on your entire body, including muscle cramps. This collection of muscle cramp reducing juice recipes will keep your body hydrated all the time and provide a rich amount of different nutrients you need on a daily basis. Take a couple of minutes every day to prepare one of these delicious recipes and forget about having muscle cramps once and for all.

  • - Protect and Revive Your Skin Using Nutrient-Rich Ingredients
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    91 Natural Skin Cancer Juice and Meal Recipes: Protect and Revive Your Skin Using Nutrient-Rich IngredientsBy Joe Correa CSNThis book includes the best skin cancer preventive juices available to ensure your skin is strong and healthy in the least amount of time. Juicing is fast way to absorb essential cancer-fighting vitamins and minerals your body needs to protect itself from harmful toxins.When it comes to preventing skin cancer, you might focus only on using sunscreen, a hat, long-sleeve shirts, or staying in the shade but you can still do much more. A diet rich in cancer-fighting vitamins and minerals can make a world of a difference when trying to prevent skin cancer.To prevent and treat skin cancer it's crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle (no alcohol, no smoking, doing exercise regularly and if possible outdoors, etc.) and a well-balanced diet. When trying to prevent or treat skin cancer, good eating habits can significantly reduce your chances of getting cancer or may at least help slow melanoma progression.Foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, B, C, and D, and other compounds such as carotenoids, (especially beta-carotene) have proven to have many anti-carcinogenic properties that help to keep skin healthy and beautiful.

  • - Prevenir La Perdida de Vista Alimentando A Su Cuerpo Con Comidas Ricas En Vitaminas
    av Joe & CSN Correa

    88 Recetas de Comidas y Jugos Para Mejorar Su Visión: Prevenir La Pérdida de Vista Alimentando A Su Cuerpo Con Comidas Ricas En VitaminasPor Joe Correa CSNMientras la visión degradada es algo con lo que la mayoría de nosotros tenemos que lidiar al envejecer, las causas de una pérdida de visión más severa varían. Algunos estudios muestran que cuando tiene más de 65 años, tendrá un 25% más de probabilidades de experimentar alguna forma de pérdida de visión.Las causas principales de la pérdida de visión son: Degradación macular en uno o ambos ojos, principalmente por la edad Cataratas, que causan una visión borrosa o visión doble. Esto es más común con el envejecimiento y debería ser removido quirúrgicamente cuando cause problemas Retinopatía diabética, que es una complicación severa asociada a la diabetes Efectos secundarios de un paro cardíaco. Mientras algunas de las causas mencionadas antes pueden ser tratadas con cirugía, hay otros remedios para la discapacidad visual causada por la edad, que pueden ser curados con ejercicios de los ojos y ciertos super alimentos. Algunas comidas han demostrado ser más efectivos que otros para mejorar la visión. He usado estos alimentos para crear recetas de jugos sabrosas que puede hacer usted mismo en casa. Las recetas en este libro ofrecen una variedad magnífica de sabor y bondad natural, que debería ayudar a sus esfuerzos para mejorar la función de los ojos. Este libro es una colección de recetas que incorporan vitaminas y minerales directamente de la Madre Naturaleza. Las naranjas, los vegetales de hoja verde, zanahorias y otras frutas y vegetales en varias combinaciones, lograrán satisfacer cada gusto. ¡Empiece y disfrute!

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