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  • av Thomas Gaunt

    This book carefully explores the claim that young adults (18 to 35) are leaving Catholicism in the United States. According to primary empirical research, many young adults stay and do so living their faith in engaged ways. Most, however, do not do it in the traditional context of the parish. Young adult Catholics are living their faith and spiritual life largely in small faith communities, ecclesial movements, faith-based affinity groups, at home, and through individual practice. The description of research findings is supplemented by commentaries from leaders in evangelization and young adult ministry, from both a theological and a sociological perspective. In a church that is more culturally diverse and increasingly Hispanic, this book offers key insights to better understand the spirituality of young adult Catholics today. Contributors include Mark M. Gray, Michal J. Kramarek, Claudia Avila Cosnahan, Allan Figueroa Deck, SJ, Hosffman Ospino, Darius Villalobos, Patricia Wittberg, SC, and Thomas P. Gaunt, SJ.

  • av George M. Smiga

    Christian belief in the Holy Spirit as the Third Person of the Trinity was not officially defined by the church until the fourth century. But centuries earlier, the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament were already describing the action and presence of God's Spirit. In The Holy Spirit in the Bible, George Smiga unpacks key Scripture passages, exploring the activity of the Spirit at creation, within Israel, in the ministry of Jesus and the early church, and at the end of time. The role of the Holy Spirit in our personal and spiritual lives is also explored. Commentary, study and reflection questions, prayers, and access to online lectures are included. 6 lessons.

  • av Edward Foley

  • - An Existential and Spiritual Biography
    av Pierre-Andre Burton

    2021 Catholic Media Association Award third place award in English translation edition This book places the life of Aelred of Rievaulx, third abbot of the English Cistercian abbey of Rievaulx, within the hundred-year period from the Norman Conquest of England in October 1066 through Aelred''s death in January 1167. While exploring what is known of Aelred''s life from his own works and especially from the principal work of Walter Daniel, author of The Life of Aelred of Rievaulx, Burton considers the influence of both English and church history on Aelred''s personality and purpose as Christian, abbot, and writer. He emphasizes the place of the crucified Christ at the center of Aelred''s life while calling spiritual friendshipΓÇönot only personal but cosmologicalΓÇöthe "hermeneutic key" to his teaching.

  • - The Evolving Practice of Lectio Divina
    av Raymond Studzinski

    The Evolving Practice of Lectio Divina

  • av Leonard J Delorenzo

    God feeds his people in the most personal and intimate way. When we receive the Eucharist, we are being fed by God and changed in mind and heart by this most wondrous gift. Fed by the Lord provides at-home scriptural formation for children preparing for First Communion. This resource, written for the adults who guide them, nourishes relationships between children and parents as well as the Lord who feeds them. Fed by the Lord focuses on twelve stories of God feeding his people. By studying together the actions of God in Scripture adults can prepare children to connect with the Word of God--Jesus Christ--who reveals himself through this biblical journey and comes to us personally in the Eucharist.

  • av Peter Feldmeier

    In Living Christ, Peter Feldmeier explores the Gospels as the premier revelation of the person, ministry, and salvation of Jesus Christ. Uniting biblical scholarship with a deep spiritual engagement with the Gospels, Feldmeier shows how the biblical word can access the prophetic words and saving work of Jesus to make them one's own. Each Gospel provides a unique interpretation of Christ and a distinctive expression of Christian discipleship. Feldmeier takes the reader slowly through each text so that they may richly engage the truths witnessed by the evangelists and become opportunities for interior transformation. Drawing on traditional and modern commentaries, as well as his own reflections, Feldmeier shows how the Gospels are essential in their own ways in coming to an intimate relationship with Christ and an authentic appropriation of biblical discipleship.

  • av Pope Francis

    Eucharist is the center of our Christian life, for it forms us into who and whose we are called to be. Pope Francis on Eucharist is a collection of writings, homilies, and talks from Pope Francis, sharing a Eucharistic vision for the church where all are fed and sustained by the Body of Christ. These words from Pope Francis encourage and challenge all of us--nourished by the Eucharist--to be Christ for others.

  • av Anselm Grün

  • av S. Tamar Kamionkowski & Barbara E. Reid

  • av Linda M. Maloney

    "This commentary on Acts of the Apostles provides a feminist interpretation of Scripture in serious, scholarly engagement with the whole text, not only those texts that explicitly mention women. It addresses not only issues of gender but also those of power, authority, ethnicity, racism, and classism"--

  • av Beth L Hewett

    In Grief on the Road to Emmaus, experienced bereavement author and facilitatorBeth Hewettoffers help for people interested in walking with those who grieve and supporting their mourning. Using the story of the bereaved disciples walking with Jesus to Emmaus and personal grief vignettes, this message is grounded in Benedictine monastic values that emphasize love, mutuality, hospitality, listening, prayer, humility, action, and community. This readable guide introduces a ministry of consolation, complete with facilitator skills, practices, and strategies for healing to assist readers to accompany the bereaved compassionately, leading each other to hope after loss.

  • av Orin E Johnson

    "Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing," Jesus says at the beginning of his public ministry. The work of the divine is made present to those listeners in God's Word Made Flesh. Still today, this sort of encounter with Christ must be paramount in all activities of the church: liturgy, evangelization, catechesis, and conversion. By bringing music into dialogue with preaching and living the Word in our daily lives, we learn how we can better recognize Christ around us and help make his presence, his truth, and his love more tangible to all those who hear our voice and observe our acts of loving kindness.

  • av Jennifer L. Koosed

    "The striking scene of Judith cutting off Holofernes's head with his own sword in his own bed has inspired the imaginations of readers for millennia. But there is more to her story than just this climatic act and more to her character than just beauty and violence. This volume offers a comprehensive examination of gender ideologies in the book of Judith, from the hyper-masculine machinations of war and empire to the dynamics of class in Judith's relationship with her enslaved handmaid. Overall, this commentary investigates the book of Judith through a feminist lens, informed by critical masculinity studies, queer theory, and reception criticism"--

  • av Vic Blake

  • av Gerhard Lohfink

  • av Lisa M. Wolfe & Barbara E. Reid

  • av Song-Mi Suzie Park

    "This commentary on 2 Kings provides feminist interpretation of Scripture in serious, scholarly engagement with the whole text, not only those texts that explicitly mention women. It addresses not only issues of gender but also those of power, authority, ethnicity, racism, and classism"--

  • av Mercedes L García Bachmann

    A woman called blessed for killing a Canaanite general; another called "Mother in Israel" for leading troops into war; several other mothers absent when their children need them; a judge, Deborah, with a proper name and a recognized place for public counseling; a single woman, Delilah, who seduces and conquers Samson. The book of Judges features an outstanding number of women, named and unnamed, in family roles and also active in society, mostly objects of violent dealings between men. This volume looks not only at women in their traditional roles (daughter, wife, mother) but also at how society at large deals with women (and with men) in war, in strife, and sometimes in peace.

  • av Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza

    Ephesians is a "mystery" text that seeks to make known the multifarious Wisdom of G*d. At its heart is the question of power. In this commentary, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza examines the political understandings of ekkl­esia and household in Ephesians as well as the roles that such understandings have played in the formation of early Christian communities and that still shape such communities today. By paying close attention to the function of androcentric biblical language within Ephesians, Schüssler Fiorenza engages in a critical feminist emancipatory approach to biblical interpretation that calls for conscientization and change, that is, for the sake of wo/men's salvation or wellbeing.

  • av Alice L Laffey

    This volume, using multiple methods, seeks to bring together the best scholarship and insight--Jewish and Christian, past and present--that has contributed to our understanding and appreciation of the biblical book of Ruth. As a feminist commentary, it is particularly sensitive to issues of relationship and inclusion, power and agency. In addition to the voices of the primary co-authors, Alice Laffey and Mahri Leonard-Fleckman, the volume incorporates and integrates important contributing voices from diverse contemporary social contexts and geographical locations. In sum, the commentary seeks to allow Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz to speak again for the first time.

  • av Julia M. O'Brien

    This volume brings gender studies to bear on Micah's powerful rhetoric, interpreting the book within its ancient and modern contexts. Julia M. O'Brien traces resonances of Micah's language within the Persian Period community in which the book was composed, evaluating recent study of the period and the dynamics of power reflected in ancient sources. Also sampling the book's reception by diverse readers in various time periods, she considers the real-life implications of Micah's gender constructs. By bringing the ancient and modern contexts of Micah into view, the volume encourages readers to reflect on the significance of Micah's construction of the world. Micah's perspective on sin, salvation, the human condition, and the nature of YHWH affects the way people live--in part by shaping their own thought and in part by shaping the power structures in which they live. O'Brien's engagement with Micah invites readers to discern in community their own hopes and dreams: What is justice? What should the future look like? What should we hope for? From the Wisdom Commentary series Feminist biblical interpretation has reached a level of maturity that now makes possible a commentary series on every book of the Bible. It is our hope that Wisdom Commentary, by making the best of current feminist biblical scholarship available in an accessible format to ministers, preachers, teachers, scholars, and students, will aid all readers in their advancement toward God's vision of dignity, equality, and justice for all. The aim of this commentary is to provide feminist interpretation of Scripture in serious, scholarly engagement with the whole text, not only those texts that explicitly mention women. A central concern is the world in front of the text, that is, how the text is heard and appropriated by women. At the same time, this commentary aims to be faithful to the ancient text, to explicate the world behind the text, where appropriate, and not impose contemporary questions onto the ancient texts. The commentary addresses not only issues of gender (which are primary in this project) but also those of power, authority, ethnicity, racism, and classism, which all intersect. Each volume incorporates diverse voices and differing interpretations from different parts of the world, showing the importance of social location in the process of interpretation and that there is no single definitive feminist interpretation of a text.

  • av William C Graham

    We all have moments of grace in our lives, glimpses of God's presence and God's mystery. The Word made flesh, God-with-us, inspires these moments and sometimes lets us see and feel that transformation in grace. In 100 Days Closer to Christ, Father William C. Graham invites us to consider these moments and experience the transforming presence of God in our lives. These compelling essays invite you to immersion in joyful hope: dreams, disciplines, and promises; fond embraces and quiet satisfaction; plans and prospects; awe and wonder. The chapters consider moments of grace through encounters that resemble lectio divina, inviting reflections flowing from God's word or the church's life of prayer, giving flashes of insight and meaning on a pilgrim's way. The essays in 100 Days Closer to Christ are meant to inspire thoughtful prayer. Whether they are seasonal or attitudinal, each seeks to stand before Mystery in awe, wonder, praise, and thanksgiving.

  • av Marti R Jewell

    A change in pastors can be one of the most difficult times in parish life. Navigating Pastoral Transitions: A Parish Leader's Guide helps make the transition smooth and successful. By helping parish leaders understand their unique role in managing change, this guide enables communities to turn crisis into opportunity.This resource walks parish leaders through a detailed Pastor Transition Timeline that includes vigils, liturgies, and rituals for saying goodbye to the current pastor and welcoming the new one. You will also find solutions for common concerns and a welcoming orientation process.This invaluable guide should be part of every pastor transition. The practical tips and guidelines in this book will help to assure the parish continues to thrive under new leadership.This book is designed to be used with Navigating Pastoral Transitions: A Staff Guide and Navigating Pastoral Transitions: A Priest's Guide.

  • av Feidhlimidh T Magennis

    First and Second Samuel tell the story of the beginnings of monarchy in ancient Israel. These two powerful narratives present many great figures of biblical history--Samuel, Saul, and David--and explore the complex interaction of historical developments and human fidelity under God. In the books of Samuel, characters interact to influence and persuade, to express motivation and desire, and to shape the reader's understanding of the issues that faced the Israelites as they responded to God's invitation to covenant. Through the medium of story, the reader shares in the perennial struggle to discover, in the midst of personal and political conflict, God's ways for humanity.

  • av Mark S Smith

  • av Gertrud the Great of Helfta

    "Gertrud the Great (1256-1302) entered the monastery of Helfta in eastern Germany as a child oblate. At the age of twenty-five she underwent a conversion that led to a series of visionary experiences, some of which she recorded in Latin "with her own hand," in what became Book Two of The Herald of God's Loving-Kindness, the standard version of her revelations. The other four books were written down by a close confidant of the saint, now often known as "Sister N."Recently a different version of Gertrud's revelations has been discovered, in an early fourteenth-century manuscript held at the University of Leipzig, Germany, much older than the known manuscripts of The Herald. The Memorial of the Abundance of the Divine Sweetness is shorter than The Herald, and while the two versions have some text in common (notably most of The Herald's Book Two), the new manuscript also contains some completely new material, which sometimes modifies and sometimes complements what readers already know of the saint. "--

  • av Gabriella Sagheddu

    During her short life as a Cistercian nun in the Italian monastery of Grottaferrata, Blessed Maria Gabriella Sagheddu wrote detailed letters about her life there to her family in Sardinia and to her former parish priest. These letters are collected here, along with notes and letters by and to her abbess, Mother Pia Gullini, OCSO, and M. Pia's notes and recollections about Bl. Gabriella. Also included are letters to M. Pia from Father Benedict Ley, a monk of the English Anglican abbey of Nashdom, regarding the hope for Christian unity.

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