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  • - About a Botanical Garden
    av Gian Marco Chiri

    The book's aim is to build a reference architectural structure in the scope of educations spaces. It retraces the evolution of architectural spaces for education, focusing on the deep connections between the ideas behind the pedagogic approaches and their architectural materialization. Schools, academies and their historical references, have usually been conceived as the space built upon the representation of a specific pedagogic model. With the historical rise of the intangible ways of transmitting knowledge, it is extremely important today to reshape the architectural design of these spaces in order to meet contemporary needs.

  • - Architecture of the 'Micro Smart Grid' as a Resilience Strategy for Landscape
    av Giulia Garbarini

    Renewable energies have an important role in today's changing landscapes. This research analyses the current transition to sustainable energy from the architectural landscape point of view.

  • - Casa Galina by Giovanni Leo Salvotti
    av Alessandro Franceschini

    Designed and built by Leo Salvotti, this small holiday building by the lake - renamed 'Casa Galina' by the local inhabitants for its zoomorphic shape - is the best-known building in Calceranica al Lago and represents a unique architectural experiment in Italy.

  • av Adriano Maccone

    This book by Adriano Maccone and Alessandro Martinelli concerns the image of the city at the terminal stations of various underground mass-transit systems in Europe and the Far East.

  • - Noeroarchitects
    av Samanta Bartocci

    Red Location Cultural Precinct is a project for the renovation and the creation of an heritage in Red Location, a district of New Brighton's township in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

  • av Massimo Faifferi & Francesco Cocco

  • - Urban Infrastructural Thresholds of the European Metropolis
    av Fabrizia Berlingieri

    The book retraces paradigmatic design positions to outline in which ways hidden infrastructures are actually reshaping the contemporary city scape and which are the opportunities in the architectural research.

  • - (Un)searchable Depths and Minglings
    av Luca Zecchin

    This book presents a reflection on the relationship between Henri Matisse's pictorial work and the outline in contemporary architecture of a research characterised by overlaps and incursions, interferences and contaminations.

  • - Industrial production Areas in an Alpine Urban Countryside
    av Luca Zecchin

    Through the knowledge of spaces and the reinterpretation of relationships with the lands' morphology, the study discovers strategies, rules and design practices to reintegrate landscape and ecology as potential resources into mountainous industrial areas.

  • - Re-interpreted
    av ListLab

    Today Venice is facing major problems and it is to be hoped that it does not become a theme park dead city. The results of the UNSW workshops prove that appropriate housing is able to be successfully integrated into the existing Venetian topography.

  • - What Will We Be Made Of and What Will the World Be Made Of?
    av Marinella Ferrara & Giulio Ceppi

  • - Memories and Remembrances Traces and Absences
    av Olivia Longo

    he essays in this book are a multi-identitarian collection on the issue of reconciliation of boundaries and conflict.

  • av Massimo Faiferri & Samanta Bartocci

    Charts the progress of an innovative project for learning environments, which can serve as a reference and model for the new realisation or adaptation of school education.

  • - Urban Architectures
    av Francesco Gulinello

  • - Resilient Osmotic Metabolic Ecological
    av Carlo Gasparrini & Anna Terraciano

    The R.O.M.E. look is presented in this book by a project team at the University of Naples. It is part of a more comprehensive interpretation and design experience carried out in 2015 by twenty-five universities, under the international workshop "ROMA 20-25.

  • av ListLab

    Texts by Pablo Allard, Maria Ignacia Arrasate, Mariana Barrera, Sourav Kumar Biswas, Diane Davis, Agustina Gonzalez Cid, Rania Goshn, El Hadi Jazairy, Rahul Mehrotra, Flavio Sciaraffia, Jeannette Sordi, Ricardo Truffello, Luis Valenzuela, Felipe Vera.


    L¿architettura come pratica è strettamente legata al contesto sociale e naturale in cui opera. Purtroppo, i suoi prodotti non mostrano in modo evidente tale relazione. Questa si manifesta solo quando la pratica si trasforma in attivismo civico, momento in cui si palesano importanti informazioni circa il contesto in cui l¿architettura nasce ed intende operare. Un ciclo di conferenze dedicato alla pratica dell¿architettura come attivismo civico di un determinato paese -i.e. Svizzera- non ha dunque solo lo scopo di dimostrare le tecniche e metodologie dell¿attivismo civico, altrettanto intende mostrare la complessità e le contraddizioni dello stesso paese. Rappresenta dunque la possibilità di una riflessione sull¿identità nazionale, soprattutto quando le conferenze si tengono all¿estero -i.e. in Russia. La pubblicazione ¿The Architect as Civil Agent¿ riporta così in forma critica una serie di conferenze sull¿architettura come attivismo civico in Svizzera, tenutesi al MARCH ¿ Moscow Architecture Institute ed organizzate da i2a ¿ international institute of architecture nel quadro del programma Swiss Made in Russia di Pro Helvetia, la fondazione svizzera per la cultura. Il libro é in lingua inglese e russa.

  • av Marichela Sepe, Pietro Garau & Lucia Lancerin

  • av Jeannette Sordi

  • av Maria Chiara Tosi

  • - Figures
    av Rosa Branciaroli & ILVI Capanna

    Negli ultimi decenni è emersa nel mondo dell¿architettura una ricerca incentrata sul tema della figura elementare della casa. Il libro raccoglie numerose saggi critici ed esperienze progettuali sul tema, anche molto distanti tra loro, come ad esempio il lavoro di MVRDV per l¿isola di Hagen, la Slit house dell¿atelier AZL, la casa Walter di Bearth e Deplazes, la Rudin house di Herzog & de Meuron.

  • - From Academia to Praxis

  • - Dacia Maraini Anthology
    av Dacia Maraini

  • av Carlo & Ilana Di

  • av ListLab

    The first book in a new series, which investigates the decisive relationship between nature, food and living, offering easy, healthy recipes, extraordinary landscapes, simple houses and gardens, and the best products.

  • av Elisa Cattaneo

    Il volume raccoglie gli esiti del laboratorio di ricerca urbanistica congiunta organizzato da UNSW ¿ University of New South Wales e IUAV ¿ Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia. Il laboratorio ha sviluppato un discorso critico sui problemi contemporanei dell¿ambiente costruito, radicato nella cultura di Venezia. In particolare, l¿Area Gas nel quartiere di Santa Marta, attualmente non ristrutturata, è stata affrontata come caso di studio alla luce della sua potenzialità di nuovo gateway per la città.

  • av Guendalina Salimei

    The book is a collection of thoughts, passages, research and projects that regard the emerging question of public space. The square and its evolution, from a place of urban and human relationships to a place of different collective activities in the contemporary city.

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