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  • av Luigi Manca

    In this book, Luigi Manca and Alessandra Manca examine the use of utopian imagery in magazine advertisements from the 1970s through the early 2020s. Positing that these advertisements reflect the public's unbridled desires, rather than reality itself, the authors argue that these idealistic reflections can lead the public to be unable or unwilling to recognize real threats to democracy, social justice, and the environment. They extend this analysis to argue that political moderates have long underestimated the ability of mass media and charismatic, radical politicians to tap into the utopian dreams of millions of disillusioned-and predominantly white-Americans to leverage these dreams in order to further their own political agendas. Ultimately, this cumulative study spanning decades of advertisement history portrays a consumer utopia shaped almost exclusively by unrestrained consumer desire.

    1 200,-

    This edited volume focuses on slow media, an approach that fosters intentional and thoughtful engagement with media of all forms. Contributors explore our individual and community relations with analog and digital media by critiquing current power structures underpinning contemporary media sensibilities, processes, and technologies. Through these critiques, the authors pose crucial questions surrounding how to slow down and be intentional within the landscape of accelerated media technology innovation and ubiquity. Building on existing media studies theory, the essays in this volume explore case studies of the intersections between analog and digital media, share insights from personal slow media projects, and propose useful methods for ethical and thoughtful media practices for both producers and audiences. Ultimately, this volume prompts readers to contemplate and reconsider the role of media technologies in contemporary life.

  • av J L Black
    1 297,-

    Like its predecessor, Eternal Putin?: Confronting Navalny, the Pandemic, Sanctions, and War with Ukraine (Lexington, 2023), Vladimir Putin's Version of 'War and Peace': The Battle for the Russian Home Front, 2022-24 is a chronological and descriptive account of almost all facets of Russian life during a very short period of time; i.e. from the onset of Russia's war on Ukraine in February 2022 to its presidential election in March 2024. Its strength lies in its wealth of detail on Russia's home front. To set the stage, the first chapters cover the course of war primarily focused on the consequences of the war for Russians at home. The ripple effects follow in chapters on Russia's politics, its economy, human and civil rights, and the Kremlin's international relationships. Among the subjects featured in sub-sections are the 'foreign agent' frenzy, pressure against the LGBT community, schools as incubators of young 'patriots', healthcare, the environment, the media, Russia's new diaspora in exile, the Russian Orthodox Church's role, war crimes, and international sport. Putin as vozhd (leader) is the subject of one chapter. Russia's forced and chosen pivot to the East for political and economic allies are also examined. Above all, this book highlights the Russian government's attempts to create a loyal citizenry. Nowhere else is the battle for the home front covered so thoroughly.

  • av Deborah R Geis
    1 114,-

    In this book, Deborah Geis offers a new approach to the evolving genre of culinary films that center on the acts of eating and cooking through close analyses of ten different films. These films range from the classics, like Big Night (1996) and Babette's Feast (1987) to later box-office hits, like Chef (2014) and to films that deserve a second look, like East Side Sushi (2014), Burnt (2015), and Mid-August Lunch (2008). Throughout these analyses, the book focuses on tropes including the "big dinner" as it connects to intercultural and transcultural communities; the self-destructive perfectionism of the obsessive chef; and the craft of cooking in relation to aging and mortality. Geis invites readers and viewers to experience food-driven narrative films with an appetite for appreciating the visual ingredients and the ways in which they construct pleasure through the act of looking as a vicarious approach to consuming the actual food. Drawing on the work of film theorist Christian Metz, Geis ultimately poses a new paradigm for watching and understanding culinary cinema as a significant - and constantly-evolving - genre that comes with its own conventions and contemporary filmmakers who seek to expand and transform those conventions in surprising ways.

  • av Angelyn Spaulding Flowers
    1 065,-

    Arguing that January 6th was just the tip of the iceberg, this book reveals the full impact of white Christian nationalism on the United States. Flowers explores how white Christian nationalism has infused its agenda in social, cultural, legislative, and political aspects of life in an effort to move the United States toward becoming an authoritarian theocratic white ethnostate. Part of the larger far-right enterprise, white Christian nationalism is unique in the way in which it pulls a variety of far-right ideologies together. These ideologies include anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ+, antisemitism, authoritarianism, Christian nationalism, ethnonationalism, male supremacy, racism, sexism, and xenophobia. Understanding the way these ideologies complement each other and are perpetuated is the only route to resist them.

  • av Samwel Moses Ntapanta
    1 065,-

    Discussions of waste and electronic discard management often view micro-scale ingenious activities around unregulated recycling centers in the Global South only as a source of pollution. Gathering Electronic Waste in Tanzania: Labor, Value, and Toxicity goes further and explores the complexities of electronic waste management. Samwel Moses Ntapanta examines the materialities of electronics and e-discards, toxicity, and the sociocultural and economic fabrics of e-waste management in Tanzania. He traces the lifecycle of electronic goods beyond their discard in the Global South: from the importation of used goods to cycles of repair, and from the collection of 'scrap' to repurposing materials for manufacturing. Through the concept of gathering, Ntapanta provides insight into the effects of unregulated mechanisms to address the e-waste problem. He argues that understanding this connection between informal workers and the economy at large paves a path for better waste regime models, reduced violence, and environmental justice for workers and marginalized communities.

    1 065,-

    The Civically Engaged Woman: The Rhetoric and Activism of the Silenced Voice introduces readers to the lives of lesser-known women living in the US during the period of 1820-1920. The contributors address why their rhetoric, communicative participation, and civic actions were noteworthy and impactful, and offers implications for the relevance of their work today. Through examining these women's "communicative engagement" (McKinney, Kaid, and Bystrom 2005), the authors argue for recognition of their civic contributions and celebration of their lives and legacy; therefore, enlarging our understanding of civic engagement and the heroines and narratives that guide us. Scholars of rhetoric, communication, and women's studies will find this book particularly useful.

  • av Tovi Bibring
    1 200,-

    In Pilosity, Prejudice, and Passion in The Tale of Old Bearded Achbor by Yaakov ben El'azar of Toledo, Tovi Bibring argues that behind the restless parody and the sour tone of the tale, lies a fierce discourse of hate toward the Other, incarnated as a black woman, as well as an insistent alarm regarding the threat of assimilation. Following an enticing fully annotated translation of an overwhelming medieval Hebrew composition featuring a pathetic sermon, a hedonist feast, a love liaison, violent shaming, and murder, Bibring artfully explores their significances through a variety of chapters. From highlighting how hair symbolism and color symbolism construe dangerous prejudices, to suggesting that Achbor is a symbolic incarnation of a new Balaam, the author, through close-readings of selected excerpts, draws connections to the broader medieval and classical context. By highlighting possible literary correspondences, she sheds insightful light on this mysterious tale. This book stands as a testament to the richness of medieval European Hebrew culture, making it a must-read for scholars and enthusiasts alike.

  • av Chris Suehr
    1 065,-

    Lost Lutherans: Perspectives on American Religious Decline offers a straightforward look at change in American religion. Chris Suehr presents the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) as an example of religious change in a way that is welcoming to interested readers and fulfilling to social scientists. By amplifying real voices, this book presents the social science, but also explores the stories behind its statistics--the people who have left, their reasons, their beliefs, and their quests. Lost Lutherans is a useful resource on specific areas of American religion--from the history of the Mainline to the voices of modern people who have left it. This book examines the gradual changes in society, culture, and institutions that have led to this religious transformation.

  • av Joel R Campbell
    1 114,-

    Television's Second Golden Age: Politics and International Relations in the Era of HBO and Streaming TV examines the foremost series in the Second Golden Age of Television (1999-present), in terms of the political themes, theories, and issues expressed in major television genres. By using The Sopranos, Boardwalk Empire, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, House of Cards, Battlestar Galactica, and Game of Thrones. Joel R. Campbell explains the nature of the Second Golden Age. He clarifies how the rise of quality television through premium cable television channels and later streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon have made it possible for television properties with deeper drama, long story arcs, and concentration on political and social issues. Each chapter analyzes a specific television series that aired or streamed since 1999, in terms constructivist political theory.

    1 297,-

    Constitutionalism and Liberty: Essays in Honor of David K. Nichols explores the relationship between liberty and constitutionalism in American politics and political theory, and is organized around the question of how human liberty is preserved and advanced while empowering government to have the necessary authority to effectively govern society. The essays themselves are divided into three areas reflecting the breadth and diversity of David K. Nichols's scholarship. The first assesses how we should understand separation of powers and checks and balances in the American constitutional system. The second area treats different aspects of American legal practice and jurisprudence, including the powers and role of the American judiciary philosophically and institutionally as well as questions of administrative power, civil rights, parental rights, and symbolic speech. The final section examines a range of issues in political philosophy and theory, including two chapters on the intersection of political theory with literature and art. The array of subjects covered by these chapters is a testament to the broad influence of Nichols' teaching and scholarship, and to the widening interest in aspects of American politics, constitutional law, and political theory that cross traditional barriers in political science.

  • av Celine Pieters

    The Words of Robotics addresses how the way we "tell" stories about robots cannot be reduced to a strictly logical discourse, but must involve the rhetorical aspects of "ethos" and "pathos." The author focuses on the aspect of motion in order to analyze the relation between humans and robots, and show the opportunities and pitfalls of the popularization of academic discourses in using a rhetorical approach to talk about robots. This approach allows one to go beyond the reductionisms of either overstating the abilities and power of the robots or reducing the discourse to a specialized, mere technical language.

  • av Mark Ward
    1 297,-

    In this book, Mark Ward Sr. draws on a combination of ethnographic, autoethnographic, and sociolinguistic research to identify and analyze white evangelicals' distinctive speech code from a perspective rooted deeply in both communication studies and the evangelical community. Ward posits that the Bible, positioned as the one dominant symbol that unifies all meaning, leads to the widespread adoption of the language of literalism driving evangelical identity, patriarchy, anti-intellectualism, authoritarianism, and Christian nationalism. This, he argues, divides the world into a cosmic war between secular humanism and an all-encompassing "biblical worldview." Ward's positionality as both an ethnographer of religious communication who has observed white evangelical culture for two decades and also as a self-identified evangelical for four decades makes him uniquely qualified to casting an insider's critical yet balanced eye on conservative white Christian culture. This book will complement existing scholarship within anthropology and sociology-where evangelicalism has been studied in conjunction with the rise of the Religious Right-and will contribute unique insights from the religious communication subdiscipline.

    1 297,-

    New Democratic Initiatives in Authoritarian Twenty-First Century Latin America uses a multidisciplinary approach to understand the coincidence of emerging social movements, seeking more meaningful forms of democratic participation, on the one hand, and the rise of new authoritarian politics that in part rely on chaos and disorder as mechanisms of domination, on the other. This edited collection argues that Latin America has entered a new phase of political and economic volatility in which traditional conceptual divisions between democracy and authoritarianism need to be re-thought. How are democratic movements coping with and reacting to the new right-wing politics of Jair Bolsonaro and Javier Milei, which among other things, attempt to incorporate the popular classes? Does the "second pink tide" offer meaningful avenues for popular empowerment? How are counter hegemonic struggles built? What are the challenges and opportunities faced by women, queer and trans people, cultural workers, people with disabilities and indigenous groups in this conjuncture? These are the key questions addressed in this book.

    1 200,-

    Political Process: New Perspectives on the Virginia and Bloomington Schools explores political process as emphasized by the Virginia and Bloomington schools of political economy. Though the Virginia school of public choice and Bloomington school of institutional analysis have risen to prominence through the works of James Buchanan, Gordon Tullock, and Elinor Ostrom; their joint emphasis on political process has been neglected. The chapters in this volume explore the idea of political process through a multi-disciplinary perspective and to better situate both schools in this discussion. Approximately half the chapters make theoretical contributions, proposing new frameworks for understanding how people come together to make collective decisions. The other half examine applied case studies through a process-oriented framework.

    1 017,-

    In Educator Perspectives of Self-Efficacy with Special Populations: From Administrators to Pre-Service Teachers, the authors argue for the importance of self-efficacy in all realms of education, starting with pre-service teachers, whose efficacy levels significantly impact their classroom confidence and effectiveness. Teachers who are confident in their ability to positively impact learning tend to implement evidence-based interventions, offer constructive feedback, and cultivate supportive classroom atmospheres. Administrators who foster inclusive practices, offer professional development, and nurture positive school cultures can enhance student success. In addition, when used effectively, technology empowers educators to tailor instruction, personalize learning, and support special populations, albeit with potential challenges. Likewise, skilled classroom management fueled by high self-efficacy, establishes clear expectations, fosters positive student relationships, and effectively addresses behavioral issues. In essence, self-efficacy serves as a cornerstone in educational dynamics, shaping attitudes, behaviors, and outcomes across stakeholders. By nurturing belief in their abilities and fortifying support structures, educators pave the way for inclusive and equitable learning environments.

  • av Mbongeni Jonny Msimanga
    1 065,-

    Political Humour and Zimbabwean Identity on Social Media Platforms by Mbongeni Jonny Msimanga studies Zimbabwean digital political communication to investigate how political satire constructs, critiques, contests, mediates, and negotiates national identity. Focusing on Bustop and Magamba TV, two YouTube channels that specialise in satiric political skits, this book demonstrates what it means to be a Zimbabwean, and who or what authorises such belonging. Msimanga traces contestations of Zimbabwe's national identity since independence in 1980, refracted by the Gukurahundi genocide, questioning national sovereignty and national security, the fast-track land reform programme, and human rights abuses perpetrated by the incumbent ZANU-PF government. This book provides a conceptual framework that deploys a context-sensitive understanding of satire relevant to the global south and to Zimbabwe. Msimanga concludes that Magamba and Bustop TV are successful in utilising opportunities inherent in the inflection point and crossroads facing Zimbabwe to open and amplify new spaces for contesting, negotiating, and critiquing what it means to belong to the national project.

  • av Vincent Russell
    1 118,-

    Reimagining Democracy: Communication Activism, Social Justice, and Prefiguration in Participatory Budgeting presents findings from a multi-year, community-based, critical ethnography of two participatory budgeting (PB) processes in Denver, Colorado. Drawing on extensive fieldwork and in-depth interviews with PB participants, Vincent Russell argues that the PB processes served as sites of prefigurative communication activism, where participants reimagined how government should operate, and activists transformed social and power relations through their in-group deliberations. Participants from oppressed populations emphasized forging relationships and feelings of solidarity among each other as they struggled for liberation, dignity, and social justice. Reimagining Democracy teaches important lessons about the state of democratic culture in the United States and offers alternative pathways for public decision making that hold the promise of restructuring practices, processes, and outcomes to be more socially just. Written in an engaging style with a focus on narratives about social change, this book is an important contribution for scholars, practitioners, and community members passionate about social justice activism.

    1 297,-

    The Lives of Soviet Secret Agents: Religion and Police Surveillance in the USSR explores the covert world of secret police surveillance within the Soviet Union, delving into lesser-known grassroots religious life and the collusion of religious communities with the Soviet secret police. These case studies come from Ukraine, Latvia, Kazakhstan, and Russia, spanning from the Central Black-Earth region to the Bashkir and Udmurt regions. This book reconstructs the stories of insider agents, focusing on the entanglements and ambiguities of collaboration and secret police surveillance in the Soviet era. These are the stories of the resilience and creative agency of religious believers in times when their faith in God was considered a legal offense. These issues are addressed through an in-depth analysis of previously untapped archival sources from the Soviet secret police archives and eyewitness testimonies.

  • av Daniel Adsett
    1 114,-

    Defending the view that Karl Jaspers' concept of irrationality (Widervernunft) is better able to account for pathological patterns of individual and collective thinking, Karl Jaspers' Theory of Irrationality: From Delusions to Worldviews argues that irrationality is incorrigibility, a blockage of reason as the will to communication. Highlighting the importance of freedom and creativity at the heart of reason (Vernunft), Daniel Adsett analyzes examples of delusional thought through a Jaspersian lens. He shows that irrationality arises when we hold to certain attitudes with an incorrigible conviction and refuse to genuinely consider the possibility that we might need to revise or change our beliefs. In presenting these arguments, Adsett offers a novel contribution to contemporary debates about the character of reason while rehabilitating an often neglected aspect of Jaspers' thought.

  • av David Yuen Tung Chan
    1 151,-

    Shifting Production to Southeast Asia: Electronics Transnational Corporations Moving to Vietnam since the 2000s explores how a labor-intensive industry has been expanded from the 'World Factory' - China to developing Southeast Asia under the changing dynamics in the global and regional production networks, including the recent COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical tension, by using the case study of the production relocations of the consumer electronics manufacturing industry to Vietnam. David Yuen Tung Chan and Chun Yang explore the changing trade and investment patterns as well as the transformations of the electronics production networks and the changing roles and functions of China, Vietnam and other Asian countries, the relocations of firms and the strategic coupling with Vietnam, as well as the impacts of the post-pandemic dynamics. The shifting electronics production from China to Vietnam, which increased since the mid-2000s, is not a simple expansion led by the conventional lead firms from the 'North' solely to cut costs, but it is a rather complicated and multiscale process that has been simultaneously driven by various tiers of firms and levels of governments from different origins out of various dynamics at different spatial scales.

    1 065,-

    Edited by Eric M. Bridges, Sheila Smith McKoy, and LaJuan Simpson-Wilkey, The Wisdom of Ifá: An Ancient Paradigm for the 21st Century and Beyond explores Yoruba spirituality and the complex ways in which the acknowledgement of Ifá as a wisdom source can be used to address the needs of humanity in the twenty-first century and beyond. Through rituals and practices that honor nature's rhythms, the contributors explore how Ifá guides us towards sustainable coexistence with our environment, recognizing that our well-being is intricately linked to the health of the planet. The contributors also show how, in the realm of environmental stewardship, Ifá offers a holistic worldview that recognizes the interconnectedness of all life forms. This book offers discussions on environmentalism, gender, and politics that connect across the bounds of time, through the history, mythology, and lived realities of the tradition. As an ancient wisdom tradition that has enriched West African cultures, Ifá offers a roadmap for modern civilization to charter new paths for humanity and the challenges that we face.

    1 151,-

    In this edited volume, contributors recognize and reflect on communication studies' queer past and examine the current state of queer theorizing within communication studies. Through this reflection, the book fills in gaps in the history of this sub-discipline and demonstrates that even as scholars in the field empowered queer voices in the past, they often failed to recognize the intersectional aspects of queer identity, through which scholars can form new understandings of past scholarship in new queer(er) lights. Ultimately, contributors collectively provide a critique for the lack of broader inclusion of queer theorization in the field and provide new pathways for the continued development of queer communication studies.

  • av Heba Mohamed Abdelaziz
    1 114,-

    African Identity Today in the Writings of John Maxwell Coetzee and Ben Silver Okri is a comparative study of the writings of the South African author John Maxwell Coetzee and the Nigerian author Ben Silver Okri. It charts the thematic and technical presentation of cultural identity in the literary output of both authors, with special reference to their respective trilogies, namely: Coetzee's Scenes from Provincial Life and Okri's The Famished Road. Through examining these texts, the book explores the dilemmas faced by many contemporary authors while discussing issues related to the construction of cultural identity in a postcolonial world. Studying Coetzee's and Okri's texts from a postcolonial perspective reveals how their very different writings share a range of commonalities. Both authors seek to find a middle ground between colonised and colonising cultures as they attempt to deconstruct the stereotypical images of the Other, creating a world purified of racial influences.

    1 065,-

    This collection specifically and solely focuses on Young Adult literature texts where cancer plays a prominent role, including widely-read texts like John Green's The Fault in Our Stars, Nicholas Sparks' A Walk to Remember, and Jesse Andrews' Me and Earl and the Dying Girl. The chapters present a variety of arguments, each developing a novel investigation into how these stories explore the effects cancer has on a person, a family, or on a relationship. As scientific studies continue to devlop new understandings of the biology behind cancer, and new sociological studies continue to uncover how a cancer diagnosis impacts the fabric of our culture(s), these collected essays continue to investigate how authors have woven cancer into the stories we write for young people. A number of distinct avenues are taken here, arguing for new approaches in crafting narrative, deeper appreciation for family support networks (or their absence), and what literary criticism can uncover when applied to cancer narratives.

  • av LeMaster
    1 200,-

    In Pedagogies of the Enfleshed: Critical Communication Pedagogy Otherwise, Lore LeMaster proffers a historic account of the rise of education and, in turn, communication studies as a distinct field of study. In doing so, the author reconsiders communication's disciplinary origins with less of an emphasis on the mythos of the Ancient Greeks and, more accurately, relocates them within the historic context of U.S. settler colonial development and ever-expanding empire. LeMaster argues that the point of critical communication pedagogy otherwise isn't to instill critical sensibilities into our teaching, but to instead draw on lived experiences as grounds for more effective uses of communication to intervene in oppressive relations across (in)formal pedagogical contexts and in service of liberatory change. Where critical communication pedagogy calls for reform, critical communication pedagogy otherwise labors in service of liberation within the long arc of revolutionary change, beginning from y/our vantage as educators-as-learners. This is especially crucial, LeMaster posits, in the face of critical ongoing issues, including economic recessions, growing climate collapse, escalating fascisms, amassing white nationalisms, and U.S.-funded genocides, all amid an active pandemic. Ultimately, this book makes a compelling case for the need of new critical communication pedagogy tools or, at minimum, approaches to communication pedagogy that support critical worldmaking efforts beyond recognition and with resource support at the local level.

  • av Lenart Kodre
    1 065,-

    Was Edward Sapir's perspective on culture and personality groundbreaking, or should we regard it as just one more theory that reached a scientific dead-end? Culture and Subjectivity: Exploring the Interplay of Edward Sapir`s Anthropology and Lacanian Psychoanalysis introduces a fresh perspective to traditional anthropological discourse by exploring Edward Sapir's insights into culture and personality relationship alongside Jacques Lacan's theories on the individual and collective. This book reassesses the dynamics between subjective and social realms, paving the way for potentially a new anthropological model of subjectivity and the definition of Culture. Exploring the historical context of anthropology-psychoanalysis relationships, this book synthesizes diverse conceptions of culture and personality through an interdisciplinary lens. By leveraging Lacan's theoretical framework to interpret Sapir's bold ideas on culture-personality dyad, it assesses integrating Lacanian subjectivity into the culture-individual relationship, bridging commonalities between the two fields and introducing insights into their interdisciplinary interplay. This book summarizes key findings from Lacanian subjectivity theory and examines a new perspective on the process of cultural transmission and socialization by highlighting Sapir`s pioneering view on the relationship between the individual and society. It also addresses ontological, epistemological, and methodological questions in anthropology through Lacanian dynamics of desire.

    1 200,-

    Higher education helps students along a transformative path to citizenship by providing knowledge and experiences that help them become effective and responsible participants in democracy. The pedagogies discussed in this book vary in the student populations they target, the courses to which they are linked, and the nature of the democratic principles to which students are exposed; nevertheless, the authors maintain a unified commitment to preparing students for a life of democratic citizenship. By teaching students citizenship skills, including expressing opinions, working collaboratively, and participating in dialogue and civic reasoning, students prepare to discuss major issues that they face nationally and locally. The authors' discussions of scholarly and practical knowledge about pedagogical strategies, such as dialogic and deliberative pedagogies, civility, civic education, and the social contract, position educators to help students learn about democracy through experiences and teach them strategies for engaging in productive disagreement. These steps are essential for active democratic engagement beyond the classroom. This goal animates Encouraging College Students' Democratic Engagement in an Era of Political Polarization. Each chapter offers insight into how higher education can infuse modern democracy with diverse voices, engaged citizens, and a reframing of political talk.

  • av Yasmine Hasnaoui
    1 017,-

    Yasmine Hasnaoui's, The Western Sahara Deadlock: Understanding Algeria's Role and the Path to Resolution, investigates the extent of continuity and change in Algeria's foreign policy during the Western Sahara Conflict following Algerian independence in 1962. The deterioration of diplomatic relations between Morocco and Algeria is a result of a deep-rooted rivalry over the Western Sahara conflict. Morocco's diplomatic discourse over the last decade asserts that Algeria's direct involvement in the Western Sahara conflict is the main reason for its perpetuation. Algeria, on the other hand, denies such accusations, claiming instead that the Sahara conflict is a UN matter and labelling Morocco as the last colonizing power on the African continent. In order to verify the validity of these contradictory allegations, Hasnaoui examines major factors, including geographical continuity and security interaction, that have influenced the creation and implementation of Algerian foreign policy with respect to the Western Sahara conflict. Hasnaoui sheds light on the current atmosphere of Algerian-Moroccan relations, the role of Algeria in the Western Sahara conflict, and the consequences related to its failure to achieve a full Maghreb Integration.

  • av Ghanem Elhersh
    1 017,-

    In this book, Ghanem Ayed Elhersh and Laeeq Khan critically examine the depiction of Arabs and Muslims in prominent Disney animated films through application of a rigorous, mixed-methods convergent parallel design. Blending framing analysis with quantitative textual analysis, Elhersh and Khan offer a comprehensive view of media portrayals and public perceptions and reveal how these films have frequently employed biased, negative, orientalist frames that associate Arabs and Muslims with violence, terrorism, and misogyny. Furthermore, they assess public reactions through advanced quantitative analysis of user reviews to uncover and analyze prevailing themes and sentiments in viewer feedback. By integrating interdisciplinary perspectives and meticulous methodology, this book provides an insightful exploration of the causative links between such portrayals and public attitudes, offering a vital resource for scholars, media professionals, and readers interested in the intersections of media, culture, and minority representation.

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