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  • av Anjolaoluwa Osibodu

    The book focuses on the exploration and evaluation of oil fields in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, utilizing interactive petrophysics software to assess lithology and identify potential reservoir sands to delineate the lithology and establish the continuity of potential reservoir sands. The book delves into the methodology of utilizing various well logs, including Gamma-ray, spontaneous potential, compensated neutron, density log, sonic log, and resistivity log, to conduct detailed analyses. The findings suggest that the delineated sand units are predominantly hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs, with an emphasis on gas. Through this exploration, the book offers valuable insights into the geology and potential resource extraction in the region, making it a compelling resource for professionals and enthusiasts alike in the field of petroleum geology and exploration.

  • av Castor Leonardo Maduro-Maytin

    As a paradigm, we must methodically doubt (Descartes), if necessary, even from our own teacher (Bacon), in order to devote ourselves to the search for the correct diagnosis that will allow us with the greatest precision (Spinoza), to adequately treat and solve the problem of our human patient, our problem. We must bear in mind the different types of prejudices that are so deeply rooted in our society today that they threaten the development of the sciences.It will be necessary to keep ourselves in the constant search for the truth in order to try to get closer to the diagnosis that afflicts that being who approaches us for help.It is vitally important to continually observe man as a substantiated, unique entity, impossible to separate into two different things, although we may study them separately and divide him into two which will always be one as long as he exists as a man.The analysis of the patient's ordinary language for the physician will be of great use in an attempt to minimize diagnostic error in medical semiology.Conversation humanizes the relationship between two individuals who are fundamentally different, the doctor and the patient.

  • av Hordieiev Anatoly
    1 120,-

    A unified approach is proposed to explain the set of phenomena that accompany the influence of hydrocavitation and magnetic field on water systems. The mechanism of influence of the magnetic field on the kinetics of biochemical reactions was investigated. The magnetic field significantly affects the kinetics of those physicochemical processes in aqueous solutions, in the mechanism of which hydrogen bonds play a dominant role. The simultaneous cavitation-magnetic effect on the liquid medium allows to achieve a significant intensification of physico-chemical transformations in water flows and a change in its properties: an increase in pH, a decrease in the coefficient of surface tension and boiling point. As a result of the conducted research, a number of designs of vibrating machines and equipment have been developed, which can be used to improve the characteristics of drinking water, preliminary preparation for its further treatment, illumination and oxygen saturation, acceleration of the fermentation processes of biological particles in water streams.

  • av G Reddy Babu

    The world has a considerable seacoast area; many cities and towns and villages were established across the sea coast regions. Huge construction activates are taking place across the seacoast areas. Due to use of groundwater in these regions many buildings are affected with corrosion. In order to get potable water for mixing and curing of concrete in these regions, people have to buy potable water and its increase cost for construction. Hence, in this experimental work, an experimental investigation is disbursed on the removal of chlorides in groundwater by utilizing ordinary Portland cement square blocks. Cement square blocks, size of 50 x 50 x 10 mm, with water cement ratio 0.28 were cast with ordinary Portland cement. Results discovered that cement square blocks were cast with ordinary Portland cement has given good expulsion of chlorides in groundwater samples. And considerable impact on ions concentration that are a gift in groundwater. And regression analysis was carried out on experimental results. Results from regression analysis and laboratory experiment are compared. Regression analysis is perfectly fit for experimental results and R square values of all characteristics.

  • av &#1072, &#1086, &#1088, m.fl.

    Монография предназначена для специалистов, занимающихся обеспечением национальной и информационной безопасности государства, а также работникам дипломатических отношений. Рассматриваются основные понятия обеспечения национальной информационной безопасности, модели обеспечения системы безопасности, классификация информационных угроз и характеристика их последствий, построение системы защиты информации, особенности организации информационной безопасности в стратегии меж- государственных отношениях. Книга рекомендуется для исследователей, занимающихся изучением современных международных отношений и мировой поли- тики, специалистов в области международной и национальной ин- формационной безопасности, а также широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся данной проблематикой.

  • av Ioana Stanciu

    The book entitled "Rheological Analysis of Cultured Meat" is structured into three chapters: properties of cultured meat, scale-up economics for cultured meat, and application of texture analysis methods for the characterization of cultured meat. The study encompasses subchapters such as history, first public demonstration, entering the market, technical aspects, cell lines, bioreactors, tissue engineering, porosity, vasculature, biochemical properties, crystallinity, degradation, edibility, cellulose, chitin, collagen, mycelium, nanomaterials, spin, additive manufacturing, fermentation, startups, research challenges, differences with common meat, aspects related to health and the environment, the role of genetic modification, ethical considerations, and the economy.

  • av Ruby Jindal

    This book delves into the complex problem of pollution, exploring its causes, impacts, and solutions. The idea for this book stemmed from a shared concern for the environment and a belief in the power of knowledge to drive change. Throughout these pages, you'll encounter stories of environmental degradation and resilience, scientific discoveries, and community actions. As we confront the dirty truths of pollution, let's embrace hope and optimism. Join us in striving for a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable world.

  • av Lejla Music

    "Femina Cartoonica" explores the emancipation of female characters within the cartoon industry, particularly through the lens of Walt Disney characters. As the Women's Human Rights emancipation movement from the 1970s persists, the perception of Women's Skills and Female heroines evolves from patriarchal views to diverse forms of emancipated, multicultural female characters. In literature, Disney Villains, both male and female, are discussed and developed. The darker aspects of Women's Leadership in the Fashion Industry, exemplified by iconic characters like Cruella de Vil (101 Dalmatians), and sea villains such as Ursula (The Little Mermaid), Evil Queen (Snow White), Maleficent (1 and 2), are scrutinized by authors like Glen Dakin, Victoria Saxon, Serena Valentino, Amy Davis, etc. This work focuses on the emancipation of Disney's female characters and the positive influence of these portrayals on the advancement of feminist perspectives within the university student community, encompassing both genders.

  • av Ashok Y Savvashe

    The treatments of preservative at 0.1 % KMS was significantly superior in respect to highest content of acidity, total sugar and reducing sugar which was increased while moisture, pH, TSS and non-reducing sugar content was remained steady during storage period. In respect to storage condition the banana fig stored in 160C temperature remained higher content of acidity and TSS (per cent) while the moisture (%) was at lower level which showed quality of fig, moreover pH, total sugar, reducing sugar and non reducing sugar was remained static during the storage period. The combination of hot-air drying + 0.1% KMS + room temperature treatment proved superiority in respect to higher content of acidity, total sugar and reducing sugar while the TSS, pH and non-reducing sugar was remained steady with decreasing level during storage period. Sensory evaluation of banana fig in respect to colour, flavour, texture, taste and overall consumers acceptance, the treatment combination of oven drying + 0.2% KMS + 160C temperature condition showed best quality products during the entire storage period. Hence these treatment combination out rightly well adopted while banana fig processing.

  • av D K Awasthi
    1 120,-

    Environmental literacy can be defined as: "the degree to which people have an objective and well-informed understanding of environmental issues." Today, it is extremely important to have a understanding of environmental issues. This is because the human economy is engaged in a wide range of activities that are causing enormous damage to the ecosystems that sustain both our species and Earth's legacy of biodiversity. All around us, this is witnessed by pollution, climate warming, collapsing fisheries, deforestation, the degradation of agricultural soil, extinctions and endangerment of species, and other damages. Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing humanity and other life forms on our planet today. "Environmental pollution is defined as "the contamination of the physical and biological components of the earth/atmosphere system to such an extent that normal environmental processes are adversely affected." Pollutants can be naturally occurring substances or energies, but they are considered contaminants when in excess of natural levels.

  • av Pranav Patil
    1 047,-

    Glass ionomers apparently play a useful part in restorative dentistry. In addition to its excellent properties it provides sufficient scope for modification and improvement. Glass ionomer cements are very aptly referred to as "Man made dentin" as well as "dentin substitute". It is more than fifty years since the introduction of the glass ionomer cement family to the dental profession. After a slow start on the way they can now be regarded as well understood and thoroughly researched materials with very wide applications.

  • av Charu Khurana

    Dental care is extremely costly and beyond most people means in developing countries. Having a great smile, not only instills confidence but also a feeling of self pride and accomplishment. However, the prohibitive cost of dental treatment has become a hindrance that deprives people from readily availing services from qualified clinicians. Paying the full price for dental treatment can be overwhelming and challenging, especially if major dental work needs to be done. This book encompasses the importance of finance in dental care, how increase in cost in dental care creates a hurdle for community and leads to an increase in dental problems. It also includes a number of mechanisms that can be opted to pay a dentist fee.

  • - A Review
    av Busayo Okediji

    Persistent homology has become an important tool in non-linear data reduction. Its sister theory, Persistent cohomology, has attracted less attention in the past eventhough it has many advantages. We surveyed several literatures and present a summary of the status quo in persistent (co)homology covering the theory, computations, representations in terms of cycles (for persistent homology) and cocycles (for persistent cohomology), lens (quotient) space and their equivalence. Moreover, we computed the persistent homology and persistent cohomology for the 2 - sphere both manually and computationally (Using Ripserer). In both cases, same result was obtained, particularly in the computation of their barcodes much more that persistent cohomology is not only faster in computation than persistent homology, but also uses less memory in a little time.

  • av Mostafa Rahmati Kargan

    The Harry Potter book series shows how gender hierarchy is perpetuated in literature. The series has 201 male characters and 115 female characters, and there are significant imbalances concerning the position and power between men and women within the Society of Hogwarts. The alpha and omega of the entire story are two authorities that symbolize good and evil in the series, Albus Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort, respectively. They are perceived as the greatest wizards of their time and set the gender hierarchy in the series. Additionally, the head of the Ministry of Magic that regulates the wizarding world is male, as are the goblins working at the Gringotts Wizarding Bank. When viewed through a feminist lens, it is evident that the series perpetuates a masculine view of women that is entrenched in our culture.

  • av &#1072, &#1080, &#1041, m.fl.

    Импортозамещение - это один из ключевых приоритетов развития Республики Беларусь на ближайшую перспективу. Еще в декабре 2021 года белорусским правительством были определены стратегические направления работы и выработаны конкретные задачи в этом направлении. Это - использование возможностей таких интеграционных образований, как Евразийский экономический союз, повышение локализации в увязке с мерами поддержки, реализация отраслевых программ импортозамещения, развитие кооперации как внутри республики, так и с дружественными странами, использование местного сырья, активное вовлечение научных разработок в реальный сектор экономики. Сегодня импортозамещение стало важнейшей задачей каждого предприятия, имеющего отношение к импорту, чтобы работать на опережение. В этой связи до всех регионов Беларуси были доведены напряженные задания. Мерами, стимулирующими белорусские предприятия к замещению импорта, являются увеличение локализации, развитие технологических цепочек, переработка местных сырьевых ресурсов, привлечение малого и среднего бизнеса. Интересный опыт в этом контексте накоплен в целом ряде белорусских регионов и ведомств. Как эти задачи решаются сегодня? Об этом - в данной работе.

  • - Unraveling the Potential of Fog Computing
    av Asha Sohal

    The book "Foggy Horizons: Unraveling the Potential of Fog Computing" provides a comprehensive exploration of fog computing, a decentralized computing paradigm that extends cloud computing to the edge of the network. The book begins with an introduction to fog computing, defining its key concepts, evolution from cloud computing, and fundamental principles. It then delves into the architecture, components, characteristics, advantages, challenges, and technologies associated with fog computing.The subsequent chapters explore various applications and use cases of fog computing across different industries, including smart cities, healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, and retail. The book highlights how fog computing enables real-time data processing, analysis, and decision-making at the edge of the network, driving innovation and transformation across diverse domains.

  • av &#1072, &#1076, &#1080, m.fl.

    В 8 томе научно-практического пособия (Энциклопедия...) изложена конкретизация проблемы оказания медицинской помощи (стоматологической и др.) в тех конкретных ситуациях, в которых мы реально находимся. Конкретизировано проявление воспалительного процесса в отношении ноцицептивных / антиноцицептивных воздействий при стоматологических заболеваниях и тех процессах, которые им сопутствуют. Особенно это касается гнойно-воспалительных ран. Определена новая концепция "толерантности" реакции ответа всех систем (клеточных и субклеточных) организмов и их практическое значение.

  • av &#1072, &#1073, &#1077, m.fl.

    Ожирение, безусловно, занимает одну из ведущих позиций среди наиболее распространенных заболеваний на глобальном уровне. С увеличением распространенности ожирения в мировой популяции закономерно растет частота данной патологии среди женщин репродуктивного возраста. Так, среди женщин генеративного возраста для тех, у которых отмечена избыточная масса тела, по данным мировой статистики достигает 50%. Частота же ожирения среди беременных по различным оценкам составляет от 18,5 до 38,3%. Наиболее частым ожирениям нарушением обмена веществ во время беременности является гестационный сахарный диабет (ГСД). В связи с этим правильная организация скринингового обследования популяции женщин региона, включая беременных, характеризующегося высокой рождаемостью позволит осуществить наиболее раннюю диагностику ГСД и пре ГСД, совершенствовать способы профилактики и улучшить прогноз патологии.

  • av Talla Ram Prasanna Kumar Reddy
    1 120,-

    The present research aims to develop an effective and applicable structural damage detection method. A damage identification approach using only the changes of measured natural frequencies is presented. The structural damage model is assumed to be associated with a reduction of a contribution to the element stiffness matrix equivalent to a scalar reduction of the material modulus. The computational technique used to identify the damage from the measured data is described. The performance of the proposed technique on numerically simulated real concrete girder bridge is evaluated using imposed damage scenarios. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method by employing experimental measured natural frequencies this technique is applied for the first time to a simply supported reinforced concrete beam statically loaded incrementally to failure.

  • av Shahide Dehghan

    Today, the need for proper planning is clear in order to correctly estimate the time and cost of the project and the amount of resources needed in a project, which have a direct impact on the implementation, administration and proper exploitation of projects such as dam and building construction. In general, the management and planning of activities and resources required in a project requires various analyses, one of which is modeling and correctly predicting the cost and time of the project. Achieving this goal significantly contributes to optimal project management and decision-making in specific situations. Dynamic site placement means identifying the optimal location for temporary equipment, materials, and other temporary tools and offices available on the construction site. The location of the site is classified as a dynamic problem, because the required equipment as well as the needs of the project are constantly changing at different stages and throughout the life of the project.

  • - Water Resources Management
    av Shahide Dehghan

    The science of hydrology is the basis of decision-making in water resources and the assessment of related risks such as floods, droughts and pollution. Despite the vital importance of this science for society, this scientific field is facing a severe lack of data in spatial and temporal domains. In the third world and low-income countries, due to the limitation of data and statistical information and the high cost of the monitoring process, they face a lack of data. Therefore, data collected by local communities and volunteers and monitoring through people is an effective method in this field. The underground water reserves, despite being hidden from human sight, have been regarded as the most important sources of water supply in most parts of the world for many years. These valuable resources, which cannot be imagined in nature, have undergone many quantitative and qualitative changes today. An example of these changes can be the illegal withdrawal of underground water tables, which has caused an exponential drop in the level of underground water and the destruction of the quality of these hidden waters.

  • av Joseph Kijem

    In our daily lives, we deal with some phenomena which, superficially and mistakenly, are considered completely destructive. One of such phenomena is ignorance. On account of various circumstances or situations, it is not only destructive. It is destructive and/or constructive. It constitutes a relieving and/or devastating phenomenon in moral, social, political, economic, religious, psychological and other domains. This situation is depicted in the following sections of this work: ignorance can stabilize some relationships; ignorance can protect the innocent; ignorance can shield moral principles or standards; the protection of churches' stability by ignorance; ignorance can stabilize families in terms of scandals, etc; ignorance can shield sects and related groups; arrogance and a sense of superiority can be bred and encouraged by ignorance; ignorance slows down female or women's dynamism and desire to progress or prosper; knowledge acquisition through written materials in libraries can be obstructed by ignorance; leadership can be damaged by ignorance; ignorance can destroy a country's image and future; ignorance can keep Christians in a blackout; etc.

  • av Fouad Soliman

    Photonics is a branch of optics that involves the application of generation, detection, and manipulation of light in form of photons through emission, transmission, modulation, signal processing, switching, amplification, and sensing. Photonics is closely related to quantum electronics, where quantum electronics deals with the theoretical part of it while photonics deal with its engineering applications. Though covering all light's technical applications over the whole spectrum, most photonic applications are in the range of visible and near-infrared light. The term photonics developed as an outgrowth of the first practical semiconductor light emitters invented in the early 1960s and optical fibers developed in the 1970s.

  • av Talapati Aruna Chenna Vydyanad

    The Research Covered Studies on Phomopsis blight and Fruit rot of Eggplant and their Management in Gwalior Region, Madhya Pradesh. The potential crop is known to be susceptible to several diseases, such as Phomopsis vexans caused damping off, seedling blight, fruit rot, etc. Phomopsis blight was treated In vitro conditions by Using different Biologicals, Chemical Fungicides, and Botanicals. Trichoderma Viride, Cymoxanil, and Lantana camara inhibited the pathogen growth utmost.

  • - Exploring Orthodontic Diagnostic Innovations
    av Kanak Priya

    Further enhancements in orthodontic services will rely on the implementation of new diagnostic and treatment methodologies. Emerging technologies are poised to deliver heightened precision, accuracy, and insight. These advancements equip clinicians with the tools necessary to refine treatment planning through computer modeling, testing, and simulations. Moreover, these innovative approaches also serve as invaluable assets in orthodontic education and facilitate enhanced communication with patients.

  • - Advancing to a Sustainable Tomorrow
    av Mina Kumari

    "Environmental Science: Advancing to a Sustainable Tomorrow" is a concise and comprehensive guide that takes readers on a journey through the complexities of environmental science. The book explores key areas such as ecology, climate change, biodiversity, and sustainable resource management. Emphasizing the urgency of environmental stewardship, it highlights the crucial roles of science, technology, and collective action in steering us towards sustainability. The book encourages reflection on the shared responsibility to protect and preserve our planet, inspiring readers to become agents of positive change for a more sustainable and resilient future.

  • av Aditya Anand

    With the increasing need for sustainable construction materials, this book investigates the potential of bamboo as a viable alternative to steel in future construction practices. Bamboo's rapid growth, renewability, and mechanical properties make it an appealing option for reducing environmental impacts. This book assesses the feasibility of bamboo's integration into construction by examining its structural characteristics, durability, and overall environmental benefits. The book employs experimental analysis, including tensile strength and durability tests, to evaluate bamboo's structural performance in comparison to steel. Environmental assessments are conducted to quantify the ecological advantages of bamboo, such as carbon sequestration and reduced energy consumption. The findings illuminate bamboo's potential to revolutionize the construction industry as a sustainable steel alternative.Harshil Panchal is an undergraduate student of Architecture, and this book is compilation of his dissertation work guided by AR Aditya Anand.

  • - Insights from Diverse Disciplines
    av Parwinder Kaur

    "Converging Pathways: Insights from Diverse Disciplines" explores the intersections of various fields, offering a rich tapestry of perspectives on common themes. This book delves into how diverse disciplines, ranging from science to humanities, converge to shed light on complex phenomena. Readers will embark on a journey of discovery as they uncover the interconnectedness of seemingly disparate subjects, gaining valuable insights that transcend disciplinary boundaries.

  • av Rajni Gautam

    Nanoscience and nanotechnology have become driving forces in shaping the future of technology, medicine, energy, and materials science. This book is designed to be a comprehensive guide, offering a bridge between the curious mind and the intricate world of the nanoscale. Whether you are a student, researcher, or simply an enthusiast eager to grasp the significance of the small, this journey through the nanoworld aims to demystify complex concepts, explore groundbreaking applications, and inspire awe for the tiny wonders that hold immense potential.

  • av Rika Singh

    GTR is a technique for fixing periodontal issues to increase the stability and support of a tooth or group of teeth. Bacteria that get lodged behind the gums can cause periodontal disease, also known as periodontitis, which is a persistent illness. The hard and soft tissues supporting the teeth deteriorate as a result. This can occasionally result in spaces forming between the teeth and the bone. A bone transplant is a separate treatment that is frequently required to address these gaps, also known as bony defects.This Book focuses on the different types of regenerative techniques.

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