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    Have you ever had a day when your big feelings bubbled and fizzed inside until you felt you might explode? We’ve all been there, and today Bilal is having a day like that.  Bilal’s Bad Day is a charmingly coloured, interactive book; Spin the dial and help Bilal choose a calming strategy to change chaos back to calm. It aims to show young Muslim minds how to draw upon the remembrance of Allah (SWT) and take practical steps to help themselves when their big emotions are threatening to take over.


    In this engaging book which surveys key Islamic texts, delve into the stories of 21 diverse American women who candidly share their experiences with these financial rights, offering insight into some of both the most challenging and empowering dimensions of their marriages. Embark on a journey through the various stages of life, from marriage to divorce and widowhood, to witness how women living within the Islamic tradition are endowed with the right to safeguard their financial independence. This comprehensive exploration confronts an ongoing disconnect between Islamic law and Muslim family dynamics to equip men and women alike with the knowledge and tools to uphold these rights. Importantly, the book fosters a deep understanding of how Islamic financial empowerment plays a pivotal role in shaping not just the lives of women and their family members, but society as a whole.


    From the prayer of Hannah to the great trial faced by Maryam (as), we travel through the life of one of the Prophets of God: Prophet Isa (as). He was sent to bring people back to the Straight Path, but his journey is not yet finished; raised up to Heaven, by the Will of Allah, he is destined to return.  Based on authentic sources, this rhythmic book is full of detail and aims to correct misrepresentations and educate young readers on the Islamic narrative of Prophet Isa’s life.

  • av Ali Hammuda

    Married Ever After is a guide through the marriage process based on 20 timeless Qur'anic principles, insightful Prophetic examples and contemporary research on maintaining successful relationships. We know all relationships involve struggle, and challenges are an inevitable part of a believer's life. Married Ever After teaches us how to pick the struggles that are worthy, rewarding and lead to the greatest pleasure.  Whether you are preparing for marriage, already in a marriage or contemplating ending one, Married Ever After is your companion, reminder and compass back to Divine pleasure at every stage.  Rooted in Islamic principles, we learn how our spiritual health impacts the wellbeing of our human relationships. The goal of Married Ever After is more important than ever. Learn how to revive the contentment at home, because successful thriving families are at the heart of a successful thriving Ummah.

  • av Abeer Arain

    Our existence in this world is like that of a tree. The trunk is the main body that symbolizes our connection with our Creator, and the scattered branches are the life issues that revolve around us. If the trunk suffers from an imbalance, the entire tree feels the effect. The same goes for our connection with Allah. If not careful, one may easily fall into the trap of ghaflah (heedlessness) and lose the important attribute of taqwā, the consciousness of Allah. The best way to improve our connection is by adopting the supplications of the Prophet (PBUH) in our daily tasks. Stay Connected: A Pocket Guide of Prayers for Muslims is a short guidebook for working Muslims on how to reroute the compass of their heart towards Allah on a busy day. May it motivate the reader to take a step towards improving their connection with Allah and gain His pleasure.

  • av Haifaa Younis

    Historically, women have been an integral part of spreading our Deen. They have contributed as mothers, wives, supporters, and defenders of our religion. This book allows the reader to take a glimpse into the lives of thirty-seven amazing women. Starting with the women from the Prophet Muhammad's (SAW) household to female companions and pioneers of Islamic History. Women in Islamic History have had a huge impact on building nations. Many that have been through education, raising children, raising scholars or being scholars themselves. These exceptional women have helped shape the world. These women have a lot of favours upon us, the least we can do is learn about them and share their amazing lives with others so that they can also be inspired.

  • av Shahrul Hussain

    This book is a selection of forty beautiful Hadith from Sunan al-Nasa’i. The Hadith areaccompanied with an easy to follow explanation accessible to readership of alllevels and all age ranges. The aimof this book is to give the reader a flavour of Hadith literature within Sunanal-Nasa’i.  The themes of the Hadithwill reflect the unique Hadith collection in Sunan al-Nasa’i. The ideais to present a selection of Hadith showing various aspects of the Islamic teachings.The Hadith will mainly reflect themes regarding manners and etiquettes, character of a Muslim,exhortations and admonitions, remembrance of Allah, knowledge and action andbeliefs. The goal is to select Hadith with the view to build character, promotespirituality, morals, manners and ethics. Within this volume is a simplediscussion of the theoretical parameters of praiseworthy characters everyMuslim should aspire to achieve, supererogatory virtuous acts of worship, andthe moral philosophy (in particular normative ethics) of these Hadiths. It ishoped that this will open the doors for readers to enquire more about Hadith.

  • av Shahrul Hussain

    This book is a selection of forty beautiful Hadith from Sunan Ibn Majah. The Hadith areaccompanied with an easy to follow explanation accessible to readership of alllevels and all age ranges. The aimof this book is to give the reader a flavour of Hadith literature within SunanIbn Majah.  The themes of the Hadithwill reflect the unique Hadith collection in Sunan Ibn Majah. The ideais to present a selection of Hadith showing various aspects of the Islamicteachings. The Hadith will mainly reflect themes regarding manners and etiquettes, characterof a Muslim, exhortations and admonitions, remembrance of Allah, knowledge andaction and beliefs. The goal was to select Hadith with the view to build character,promote spirituality, morals, manners and ethics. Within this volume is asimple discussion of the theoretical parameters of praiseworthy charactersevery Muslim should aspire to achieve, supererogatory virtuous acts of worship,and the moral philosophy (in particular normative ethics) of these Hadiths. Itis hoped that this will open the doors for readers to enquire more aboutHadith.

  • av Shahrul Hussain

    This book is a selection of forty beautiful Hadith from Jami‘ al-Tirmidhi. The Hadith are accompanied by an easy-to-follow explanation accessible to readership of all levels and all age ranges. This book aims to give the reader a flavour of Hadith literature within Jami‘ al-Tirmidhi.  The themes of the Hadith will reflect the unique Hadith collection in Jami‘ al-Tirmidhi. The idea is to present a selection of Hadith showing various aspects of the Islamic teachings. The Hadith will mainly reflect themes regarding manners and etiquettes, the character of a Muslim, exhortations and admonitions, remembrance of Allah, knowledge and action, and beliefs. The goal is to select Hadith with the view to build character, and promote spirituality, morals, manners, and ethics. Within this volume is a simple discussion of the theoretical parameters of praiseworthy characters every Muslim should aspire to achieve, supererogatory virtuous acts of worship, and the moral philosophy (in particular normative ethics) of these Hadiths. It is hoped that this will open the doors for readers to enquire more about Hadith.

  • av Shahrul Hussain

    This book is a selection of forty beautiful Hadith from Sahih Muslim. The Hadith areaccompanied with an easy to follow explanation accessible to readership of alllevels and all age ranges. The aimof this book is to give the reader a flavour of Hadith literature within SahihMuslim.  The themes of the Hadithwill reflect the unique Hadith collection in Sahih Muslim. The idea isto present a selection of Hadith showing various aspects of the Islamicteachings. The Hadith will mainly reflect themes regarding manners and etiquettes, characterof a Muslim, exhortations and admonitions, remembrance of Allah, knowledge andaction and beliefs.The goal is to select Hadith with the view to build character,promote spirituality, morals, manners and ethics. Within this volume is asimple discussion of the theoretical parameters of praiseworthy charactersevery Muslim should aspire to achieve, supererogatory virtuous acts of worship,and the moral philosophy (in particular normative ethics) of these Hadiths. Itis hoped that this will open the doors for readers to enquire more aboutHadith.

  • av Shahrul Hussain

    Thisbook is a selection of forty beautiful Hadith from Sunan Abu Dawud. The Hadith are accompanied with aneasy to follow explanation accessible to readership of all levels and all ageranges. The aimof this book is to give the reader a flavour of Hadith literature within SunanAbu Dawud.  The themes of the Hadithwill reflect the unique Hadith collection in Sunan Abu Dawud. The ideais to present a selection of Hadith showing various aspects of the Islamicteachings. The Hadith will mainly reflect themes regarding manners and etiquettes, characterof a Muslim, exhortations and admonitions, remembrance of Allah, knowledge andaction and beliefs. The goal is to select Hadith with the view to build character, promotespirituality, morals, manners and ethics. Within this volume is a simplediscussion of the theoretical parameters of praiseworthy characters everyMuslim should aspire to achieve, supererogatory virtuous acts of worship, andthe moral philosophy (in particular normative ethics) of these Hadiths. It ishoped that this will open the doors for readers to enquire more about Hadith.

  • av Aliya Vaughan

    Wrestling Against Anger is the fourth book in the series about the adventures of a young Muslim boy. Sulaiman has a neighbour but he is not very nice. He sits on a wall and shouts at people in the street. One snowy, winter evening, as Sulaiman is walking back from the supermarket with his mum and siblings, their neighbour tries to attack them. Something terrible happens that changes their lives for the better. Sulaiman learns the true essence of what it means to be strong and, by overcoming his anger, he is able to forge a friendship with his neighbour. This story aims to teach children from a young age how important it is to control one’s temper when angry and to use other ways to diffuse or resolve an argument.

  • av Omar Suleiman

    The Prophet ﷺ said that there is no deed better in the sight of Allah SWT, or more greatly rewarded than a good deed that is done in the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah. This sacred month brings great opportunities and rewards yet sometimes we fail to realise and appreciate the importance of these special days. This short, yet informative book will take you on a journey to understand the hidden gems that one can avail from during the blessed month of Dhul-Hijjah

  • av Najwa Awad

  • av Zaynab Dawood

    Tigers, giant waves and other fears haunt little Abdullah. A fascinating and imaginative story of how a family help their little boy to overcome frightening dreams and nightmares through the power of prayer.

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    av Ali Hammuda

    Tradesmen look at buildings differently, depending on their trade: The carpenter casts an eye on the woodwork, the bricklayer on the brickwork and the painter on the walls and ceilings. Similarly, the greater a person's perception of All¿h's names, the greater their alertness and understanding of life. Nothing passes them by, without thought and contemplation.When they see a display of mercy, they automatically and very naturally reflect on the names of Allah; Al-Rah¿m" (The Most Merciful), Al-Ra'¿f (The Pitying), Al-Wad¿d (The Affectionate). When they sense might and awe, they are overcome with the names "Al-Jabb¿r" (The Compeller), "Al-Muntaqim" (The Avenger) and "Al-Qahh¿r" (The Subduer). Eventually, they reach a station where every scene that unfolds, any sin which presents itself or any opportunity that drifts by, becomes a trigger for perusal and the remembrance of All¿h, the achievement of which is precisely the objective of this book.

  • av Haifaa Younis

    This thought provoking and reflective book will take you on a journey from unanswered questions, doubts, uncertainties, to the light of knowledge, understanding, and new perspectives on Allah yourself, and the life you are living.

  • av Nadia Ali

    Raisah and the Boat Trip takes readers onan adventure at sea, learning that it is a gift to mankind.

  • av Yasmin Nordien

    A selection of poems written over a few years by a mother to her son, in response to the many questions and conversations they had about Allah's Existence, Presence, Knowledge and so much more. A beautiful gift for any child starting their journey of discovering God (Allah).

  • av Mohammad Elshinawy

    FOURTEEN CENTURIES AGO, the final revelation descended upon Muhammad (PBUH). This message, Islam, spread rapidly across Arabia to nearby lands, and across the world. Today, over a billion people believe in and follow his message. But who was Muhammad (PBUH) and how can we develop certainty that he was the true messenger of God?In this book, Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy shares the multitude of proof surrounding Muhammad¿s ¿ prophethood. There are abundant comprehensive rational pathways that lead to this one certain conclusion: Muhammad (PBUH) was indeed the final messenger of God to this world.

  • av Abd al-Halim Abu Shuqqah

    Part of an 8-volume series, this author's abridged versionof his longer work of the same title illustrates the status of the Muslim womanin Islam which differs from what is assumed in society today.

  • av Suma Din

    30 heartfelt letters.

  • av Omar Suleiman

    One day, you will die.It won’t be the end, of course.A blissful breeze under the shade of the Most Merciful may gently welcome you for a charitable hand you extended. Or anxiety and fear may grip your soul for a deed you did not repent from.Every action you take in this life echoes a reaction in the next. Were you generous or withholding, kind or cruel, faithful or faithless? The Most Merciful multiplies reward, but is ever the Most Just, and every soul will receive what it has sent forth.Dr Omar Suleiman gives a glimpse into the eternity you are building. Learn what worldly actions will ease your reckoning and light your way on the path to Paradise.

  • av Aliya Vaughan

    Sulaiman faces a devastating loss whilst on holiday with his family.

  • av Imam Abul-Hussain Muslim

    The fourth volume in a new translation of of Sahih Muslim, the second most authentic collection of Prophetic traditions, with Imam Nawawi's commentary.

  • av Madiha M. Saeed

    What are the hidden Qur'anic gems that lead to optimal faith, success, taqwa and overall health?Allah has given us the answers. He has taught us how we eat, drink, sleep, behave and live--all to maintain perfect balance and harmony. And yet, when we disrupt Allah's balance, we contribute to the global epidemic of lifestyle-based chronic diseases affecting our mind, body, spirit and even the planet.The latest evidence-based research shows that when we live according to Qur'an and Sunnah, we can optimize our brain and body function, unlocking the secrets to optimal physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health.

  • av Omar Suleiman

    This beautifully presented book provides essential guidance for a Muslim who has lost a loved one.

  • av Abdur Raheem Kidwai

    This beautiful presentation of the Prophet Muhammad’s teachings engages the reader in a moment of daily reflection.

  • av Edoardo Albert

    Ibn Sina was a philosopher, astronomer, mathematician, politician, poet, vizier, and "Prince of Physicians". His story brought vividly to life.

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