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Bøker utgitt av Jules William Press

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  • - Learn Old Norse, Runes, and Icelandic Sagas
    av Jesse L Byock

    Viking Language 1: Learn Old Norse, Runes, and Icelandic Sagas. Everything necessary to learn and teach Old Norse. Graded lessons, saga readings, runic inscriptions, grammar exercises, and pronunciation. With study guides and vocabulary. 15 lessons open the door to Scandinavian myth, legend, and Viking history. Download free answer key at NOW AVAILABLE: "Viking Language 2: The Old Norse Reader," with complete sagas and Eddic poems of gods, heroes, and runes with readings and vocabulary to pair with the lessons in Viking Language 1. AUDIO PRONUNCIATION ALBUMS NOW AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD on Amazon (in digital music) and iTunes: Viking Language 1: Audio Lessons 1-8 and Viking Language 1: Audio Lessons 9-15 (Pronounce Old Norse, Runes, and Icelandic Sagas). LEARN MORE AT and about the Viking Language Old Norse Icelandic Series, same lessons and audio, and instructional resources.

  • av Jesse Byock

    Norreno - Antico islandese: manuale di base è un'introduzione allo studio della lingua norrena, parlata dai popoli scandinavi nel periodo medievale, e per la lettura in originale delle saghe islandesi. Non viene data per acquisita alcuna conoscenza grammaticale pregressa, ed è concepito sia per lo studio autonomo sia sotto la supervisione di un insegnante. Il metodo utilizzato è il cosiddetto metodo "naturale", poco seguito in Italia per lo studio delle lingue antiche, ma molto comune nel Nord-Europa: anziché proporre dense tabelle grammaticali da memorizzare fuori contesto, seguite da una massiccia dose di esercizi composti dagli autori, con il presente metodo, si inizierà immediatamente con la lettura di brani originali dalle saghe islandesi, assieme ad episodi dei miti scandinavi e da altre fonti medievali. Soluzioni su lingua e la mentalità del mondo nordico medievale prendono appunto vita in questi testi. Per le soluzioni agli esercizi, si visiti il sito: Questo manuale è accompagnato da un eserciziario per il consolidamento delle competenze acquisite: Norreno - Antico islandese: Eserciziario. e

  • av Jan Fridegård

    First published in Sweden, the Viking Slave Trilogy is steeped in myth and magic. An epic of chieftains, slaves, Viking warriors, and their women, this fast paced saga takes the reader into the heart of old Kingdom of the Swedes where where believers in the old gods Odin, Thor, and Frey have no liking for the missionaries from the land of the Franks. Through this magnificent new translation, Robert E. Bjork captures the turmoil, sensuality, and violence of Viking life - where pagan gods demand human sacrifices and ritual orgies.

  • av Jan Fridegård

    People of the Dawn is the second book in the Viking Slave Trilogy. Steeped in myth and pagan ritual, the Trilogy is Sweden's great saga of the Viking Age. The three volumes in the series ¿ Land of Wooden Gods, People of the Dawn, and Sacrificial Smoke - recount the sensual but often cruel demands of the gods Odin, Thor, and Frey. An epic of warrior chieftains and their slaves, the trilogy tests belief in the Norse Gods while digging deep into the combative world and sacrificial rituals of Old Scandinavia. People of the Dawn follows the struggles of Holme and his lover Ausi. The two hunted fugitives reach the trading town of Birka, thinking they will be safe, but things turn out differently. Jan Fridegard is one of Sweden's foremost authors and Robert Bjork has given us a magnificent new translation. For more information visit

  • av Jan Fridegård

    Land of Wooden Gods is the first book in the Viking Slave Trilogy. An epic of warrior chieftains, their slaves, and their women, the trilogy tests belief in the Norse Gods Odin, Thor, and Frey and the sacrificial and sexual rituals of Old Scandinavia. Land of Wooden Gods begins a saga journey deep into the heart of the Viking Kingdom of the Swedes. Jan Fridegard is one of Sweden's foremost authors and his Viking Slave Trilogy is Sweden's great tale of the Viking Age. A magnificent new translation by Robert Bjork. For more information visit:

  • av Jesse Byock

    The Saga of the People of Weapon's Fjord (Vápnfirðinga Saga) is a masterpiece of saga telling. It recounts blood feud in Iceland during the Viking Age and takes the reader deep into struggles for power and honor in Iceland's East Fjords. Two young chieftains begin as inseparable friends. As they mature, they slide into bitter competition for regional dominance. The contest continues into the next generation and spreads across Iceland's northern and eastern regions. As one learns, honor and friendship have many interpretations but revenge is mostly expected.This new bilingual edition offers all the tools necessary to read a major Icelandic saga in both English and the original Old Norse. Each Old Norse saga chapter has its own specific vocabulary, so that the reader is freed from dependence on separate dictionaries. Notes and discussions explain language, geography, law, and society. An extensive series of maps, freshly drawn for this edition, provide an accurate picture of the landscape. After completing the Saga of the People of Weapon's Fjord, you will be equipped to read any of Iceland's longer sagas. For more about sagas, Old Norse language, runes, and the Viking Age visit our website:

  • av Jesse Byock

    A new saga translation of The Tale of Thorstein Staff-Struck in a dual-language English and Old Norse format with annotations, vocabulary, maps, and notes. All the tools necessary to read a complete short saga in both English and the original Old Norse. Each chapter contains a specific vocabulary of Old Norse words and phrases. The rear of the book offers a full vocabulary removing the need to consult outside dictionaries. The combination of English translation, Old Norse text, and targeted Old Norse word lists is supplemented with maps, notes, and cultural sections about Iceland's feuding society. This edition is an example of textual archaeology, unearthing a crucial saga text from Iceland's East Fjords recounting the lives of people in Weapon's Fjord a thousand years ago. For more information visit

  • - The Old Norse Reader
    av Jesse L Byock

    Viking Language 2: The Old Norse Reader (Book 2 in The Viking Language Old Norse Icelandic Series) is a language workbook built around a treasure trove of old Scandinavian lore. Designed for beginners to those more advanced, this dynamic book includes translation exercises that immerses the learner in Old Norse sources and runes. Read complete sagas, myths, creation stories, and runic inscriptions with passages and poems about Scandinavian gods, monster-slayers, dwarves, giants, warrior kings, and queens. This book takes the reader deep into the world of the Vikings. The book also offers a large vocabulary, special chapters on Eddic and Skaldic poetry, and a full reference grammar. NOW AVAILABLE: Old Norse - Old Icelandic: Concise Introduction to the Language of the Sagas and Supplementary Exercises for Old Norse - Old Icelandic. LEARN MORE AT and about related books, answer keys, sample audio, and instructional resources.

  • - Die Sprache der Wikinger, Runen und islandischen Sagas
    av Jesse L Byock

    Altnordisch 1. Die Sprache der Wikinger, Runen und isländischen Sagas. Fünfzehn inhaltlich aufeinander aufbauenden Lektionen, in denen sich neben altnordischen Textpassagen, Grammatikbaukästen und abwechslungsreich gestalteten Übungen eine umfangreiche Zusammenstellung an Karten, Bildern, Runen, und Begleittexten finden lassen. Außerdem verfügt das Buch über ein vollständiges Wörterverzeichnis, eine ausführliche Kurzgrammatik sowie Hinweise zur (rekonstruierten) Aussprache der altnordischen Sprache. Da sich die Grammatik des Isländischen im Laufe der Jahrhunderte nur geringfügig verändert hat, erleichtern Altnordisch-kenntnisse auch den Zugang zum Neuisländischen. Um den kostenlosen Lösungsschlüssel für die in Altnordisch 1 ( behandelten Aufgaben zu herunterzuladen besuch uns im Internet. Die einzelnen Lektionen sind der altnordischen bzw. altisländischen Sprache, den Runen, der Geschichte Islands und Skandinaviens, der nordischen Mythologie und der altnordischen Literatur gewidmet. Jede Lektion beschäftigt sich mit ganz bestimmten Aspekten der Sprache, des Lebens und der Kultur der während der Wikingerzeit und im Mittelalter lebenden Menschen. Während sich die ersten beiden Lektionen auf die Besiedlung Islands und Grönlands konzentrieren, wenden sich die daran anschließenden Kapitel anderen Schauplätzen der Wikingerwelt zu; darunter Dänemark, Schweden, Norwegen, den Britischen Inseln, Europa, dem Ostseeraum, Russland, Byzanz und dem Orient. Die Fahrten der Wikinger werden durch eine große Auswahl an Karten veranschaulicht. Alle Lektionen beinhalten Grammatikbaukästen und Übungen. Viking Language 2: The Old Norse Reader (das zweite Buch der Altnordisch-Reihe) taucht noch ein Stück weiter in die Welt der altnordischen/-isländischen Literatur ein. Es beinhaltet Texte über die altnordische Mythologie, komplette Sagas und skandinavische Götter- und Heldenlieder und runische Inschri en sowie ein umfangreiches Wörterverzeichnis und eine vollständige Kurzgrammatik.

  • - Concise Introduction to the Language of the Sagas
    av Jesse Byock

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