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  • av Anelda L ballard

    This book was written in hopes that it would keep Michael Jackson''s memory alive. I wanted to give his fans the opportunity to take a moment to look back at Michael''s life and reminisce about the positive times only. You will not read about any negative things in this book. You can turn on the TV, read the newspaper, a magazine or go on the internet for that. We will go back to his childhood and go up until his untimely death on June 25, 2009. He passed way at the young age of 50 and it broke our hearts. I pray that something read or something seen will enlighten or touch your heart. We will look back at his music and more. So let''s start taking a look back and celebrate Michael Joseph Jackson''s life that touched so many! The best entertainer, the true "King of Pop" and the most generous humanitarian that ever lived.

  • av Robert Lee Young & A'Nyo Jynnings

  • av Sr Joseph Allen Ashe

    God has blessed me with the talent to write and recite poetry. This book contains my personal prayers, thoughts, and beliefs. Every poem that I have written has a powerful message. My goal is to pass that message on to those who believe and read my book. Each poem paints its own picture. God's strength is perfect. Prayer changes everything. Trust in the Lord and talk to Him. This book is just one example of how God can use someone as His vessel to bring forth His personal messages. I was broke, homeless, and strung out on drugs. God delivered me and through these poems He healed me. Today, I am free of any type of substances. I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke cigarettes, and I am no longer homeless. My whole life has changed.Open up your heart and your mind as you read my poetry. Then let God work miracles in your life. May God bless each and every reader. If God can change me, He can change anyone. May you read, enjoy, and prosper.


  • - Destiny or Destruction
    av Erlease Freeman

  • av Alfancena Millicent Barrett

    This book is my testimony of how God used me through life's struggles to bring Glory to His name. It tells of how He prepared me with the help of my family, from the time of my birth to the present, using an imperfect body and person to carry out His will. A testimony of how my walk with God has helped me to understand how insignificant the physical body is and the power of the Spirit of God from within. When the Spirit lives within, it shines outwardly for others to see. Friends and relatives submitted contributions of how I have inspired them on this journey. I was taken aback when so many people with whom I have been in contact told me I have been an inspiration to them. My prayer since then has been that God would keep me humble so that His will would be done because it was not about me, it is all about Him. My story tells of the powerful message that God is true to His promises, and how He uses people to carry out those promises. I have come to witness that God, through Jesus Christ, is the head of the healing process, followed by doctors, medication and the people with whom He surrounded me. It is indicated in I Peter 1:7 (KJV) " That the trials of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ."

  • av Louis Trammell II

    In the book of Joel, the Bible says that I will restore to you the years that the locust have eaten, the cankerworm, the caterpillar, and the palmerworm (Joel 2:25 KJV)God has a way of restoring your life. Even when you feel like you have wasted your entire life. For years, I have always wondered what my life would have been like, had I not made the bad choices that I have made. Because of the call on my life, I should''ve been preaching the Gospel at the age of fifteen. But at the age of fifteen, I was a wild teenager doing everything that I was big and bad enough to do.It''s amazing how God doesn''t change His mind concerning us. I had to find this out for myself. Several years ago, I was told through prophecy, that I would write a book about my life and that it will be a blessing to many. I never thought that I would write a book, especially one about my testimony. Whenever God reveals something to you that He wants to you to accomplish and it seems as though it is impossible, that''s how you know it is God. My story may be a little difficult for some to read about, be it must be told. Someone out there needs to read about it. God allowed me to go through the things that you will read about in this book so that He, and He alone will receive the glory. For years I have struggled with the "why me" syndrome. I blamed God for all of the things that He so graciously allowed me to go through and experience. God showed me that I had placed the blame on the wrong person and showed me my "real enemy". The Bible says that we overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the words of our testimony (Rev. 12:11 KJV). A real testimony wields the power to break the powers of darkness off of another person''s mind. Only God can deliver us out of the clutches of Satan and form us into vessels of honor. It is my prayer that my testimony blesses the lives of every reader for the glory of God.Author Louis Trammell II

  • av Michael Guinn

    Michael Guinn was born in the small east Texas town of Jacksonville where he lived with his 4 brothers, Charles Jr., Maurice, Mark, and Derek. His mother and father were Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Evelene Guinn. His mother had 8 brothers; his father was the only child. Mom was raised in Cherokee county and did not finish high school. Father finished high school and played semi pro basketball and worked in construction. As long as I can remember my father has been a hustler. My mother, to this day, is still employed and always has worked at some job, whether it be construction, maid, housekeeper, care taker. Dad gave up on corporate America and engaged in a series of odd jobs. Chickens, Fire Wood, Scrap Metal etc..., all were a front for his real money maker-MARIJUANA. My family was as dysfunctional as they come. My parents sent me packing at 13 to live with my grandmother, who had already suffered two strokes as a result of us bad ass kids. We had no structure and an abusive father who seemed to get off on how he "disciplined" us. Wire hangers, switches, extension cords were the norm. At age nine, I suffered third degree burns to my arms, and since we had no insurance, I have scars, internally and externally. I graduated from high school and enrolled in a small junior college in Ranger, Texas. There were more skunks than people and lots of racism. I left there the next semester and enrolled in Wharton Country Jr. College in Wharton, Texas. I ran track, pole vaulted, did well in high school, and excelled in college. After graduating from Wharton County, I received a scholarship to Lamar University in Beaumont. There I lived with a girl named Felicia Albin Callous. She had rescued me from myself and was my first kiss, first uhhmm, well you know. I left Lamar my senior year and enrolled in the U.S. Army and was stationed at Fort Jackson in Columbia SC. I met a girl named Susan Elece Sanders, who was another good woman I let, slip away. I came home and went to work for Rusk State Mental Hospital in east Texas. I met Patty Johnson, the mother of my oldest son, Gerald, who is stationed in San Diego in the U.S. Navy. Then I went back to school at Stephen F. Austin, met my son's mother there and graduated and went to work for CPS. I left east Texas and moved to Dallas where I began writing poetry. I started the Fort Worth Poetry Slams. And then after 6 years of CPS I left that job and Texas and moved to Sacramento. There I excelled in acting and spoken-word poetry slams. After being shot twice in an attempted carjacking, I moved back to Arlington and the rest of my story is woven in the poems you'll read in this book. Enjoy my life's work and my life as a man struggling to be a MAN in a world of colorful distractions. Welcome to Crying In Colors...The Poemography of A Man! "I simply love the beautiful torment of a springtime tornado. It's desperate struggle to survive. The way it brutally spins itself in circles for acceptance not knowing that it's destroying lives trying to sustain its own. And I've never felt closer to Mother Nature than right now..." : Mike Guinn

  • av Lillie C. Gattis

  • av DeVita M. Ledgister

  • av Gwen Gibbs

  • av Nike Binger Marshall

  • av Alisha L Broughton

    This is a book of poetic verses to encourage you and uplift your spirits. During the most revolutionary time in our lives, all we can do is trust God. We must hold onto a positive vision. What has God instilled in you? What is your purpose in life to the world and in the ministry? The enemy does not foster our future or our eternity. It's our own fears that blind us to the truth and fear that holds us in bondage. Fear keeps us in a place of what we do not want instead of what we can have. We, as people of God, should have a harmonious, healthful way of living. With God's faith we never stand alone. When the doctor's told me in 2005 that I would lose my vision within a year, I had begun to praise God for my healing. Yes, there were days where I felt like giving up. The Enemy spoke to my mind. Then there was one thing after another diabetics, thyroids, high cholesterol, memory lose, irritable bowel syndrome, cyst on my left breast, Fibromyalgia and the latest possible diagnosis that I am being tested for lupus. While taking over 11 pills a day... I read scriptures of healing and examined myself. God let me know that I went though all of that to be a testimony to someone else. It's not all about me but about God using me to do His will. When I said, "No." God said, "YES." There are many ways that the Holy Spirit speaks to us to tell us to make a change. How many of us take heed? Look in the mirror today and examine-YOURSELF! At times our face nearly hits the ground before we will listen to His call. Faith gives me the inner security to strive to leave a legacy of hope. When I leave this world, I want to make a difference in someone else's life. We must keep our vision and expectations high! We focus on whatever we believe in. When we direct our minds we direct our lives. I want to leave you with this scripture. Hebrews 10:35-38 35) So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. 36) You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. 37) For in just a very little while, "He who is coming will come and will not delay. 38) But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him." 39) But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved. Jeremiah 29:11-11) For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Proverbs 23:18-18) There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. Proverbs 24:14-14) Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. Blessings, Alisha Broughton, Author

  • av Kenneth J Butler

  • av Keith Exum

  • av Anelda Lukesia Ballard & Jean Anelda Scott

  • av Anelda Lukesia Ballard & Jean Anelda Scott

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