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  • av Tonika Yvonne Wheeler

  • av Torrey Flowers & Ravenion Nalls

  • av Simmeon Anderson

    NEW YORK CITY is under war with the ongoing gangs, Kingpins, and drug Cartels. Going throughout the five boroughs, F.B.I. Agent Frank Anderson is trying to take his streets back from the Bloods and Crips that are killing each other. The Cartel that are messing up the families behind the drug trade is one hell of a job for Agent Frank, and the rest of the F.B.I. and D.E.A. agents, as well as N.Y.P.D. and their S.W.A.T Team. All of them are working together to stop the madness from all three parties. James, Mike, and Ty, are the three main leaders for the Crips. They grew up in Brooklyn, New York; and together they were inseparable. Wherever you saw James, you saw Mike and Ty. James was the moneymaker; Ty and Mike were the muscles of the organization. They were all about making money and defending their hood. As for the Bloods, they were the total opposite. They were about sticking high profile drug dealers up and big Cartel drug bosses. It was three of them as well in their circle of bosses; Doggy, 007, and Jimmy. They all came from Jamaica together with nothing, and grew an army of killers and robbers to try and take over the five boroughs in N.Y.C. The only ones that were in their way, were the Crips and the Feds. This is what started the war between the Bloods and the Crips, the power of the five boroughs. Will they all make it to the top? Or will they all die? Or will the Feds take them both down? Or will the Cartels be left to run the streets of New York? Or is time running out on them all? The Cartel Kings and Gangsters: Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang!!!

  • av Zaire Hodges

    The novel The Blue House on the Left, is about a young man who is Brazilian and Puerto Rican who has to move from Brazil. He moves to New York City in 1975 when he is five years old while dealing with both his temperamental and ruff father, and a caring but serious mother. A few years later in 1985, he is 15 years old dealing with serious personal issues. How will his life pan out? Find out in The Blue House on the Left - A Novel by Zaire Hodges.

  • av Brian Robinson Sr.

    Brian Robinson Sr., shares with us his erotic writings titled Warm Rainy Sensations...Urban Fiction love tales at its best!!! Inside you will find three short stories, and they will keep you wanting more. Brian introduces to you Where She Wants to Be, SHY, and The Sadie Hawkins Surprise and you won't be disappointed. Especially the ladies.

  • av Reginald Walton

  • av Bo Hall

  • - The Diary of My Soul
    av Ardreana Thompson

    The Pen God Gave Me: The Diary of My Soul is a story of redemption. This collection of poetry expresses life through the eyes of a young Black woman in today's society. This book gives an in-depth look into the problems and downfalls of modern society. Ardreana captures vivid images of life's trials and delivers them in such a way to reach even the most mundane audience. The poetry contained in this book is very raw and confessional, allowing the reader to see the nakedness of life itself. This is a book designed to show individuals that no matter what they may be going through, they are not alone and most of all, they can overcome.

  • av Zaire Hodges

    In the book Felicia and her friends take a life journey together to eliminate the question of what is normal? As they enter life with loves and ponders the tedious amazing question of: What is a family? Is there a common goal to find out what many have tried to say does not exist or could never find out that there is no such thing as a perfect person or perfect creation of a loving family.

  • av Reginald Walton

    In his second composition of fantastic and well versed poetry he goes into the psychotic mind of a mad man hell bent on seeking his own justice because of the burden that was put on his shoulders by this malice society in the United States. This is like God slapping you in the face with Truth: the truth being the reality of a man who society look down upon and thought was less of a man because he decided to follow his own light. Experience the life and times of Dunbar as he takes you through these dark chambers of enlightenment. I would consider them dark chambers of enlightenment because in this collection of writings, the subjects of interest are usually very secretive and not something that you would want to discuss over Thanksgiving dinner.So without farther a due, ladies and gentlemen I present to you...the one, the only, the hilarious...Mr. Reginald "Dunbar" Walton.

  • - Innocent Until Proven Guilty
    av Stacey Barlow

    Dear Reader:What you are about to witness is a most profound journey to the other side of relationships when one person in a relationship wants things one way when in reality, the other individual involved does not reciprocate the same type of feelings. This can become the most dangerous yet provoking kind of relationship ever known to man. Rejuvenation: Innocent Until Proven Guilty is a fact of life to most people and a fantasy for some. Women can love hard and it is said that men are incapable of loving. This type of love can possibly lead to death if not taken precautions the correct way. Through words of poetry, you will find, joy, pain, happiness and strength and lead you away from the dangers of obsession. Men can love just as hard. Rejuvenation: Innocent Until Proven Guilty is an in-depth look at a deeper side of love that has a true beauty as well. It''s all right to''s not all right to love someone to death. Stop the madness.tacey

  • av Torrey Flowers & Ravenion Nalls

    Main Characters are: Juan Ellis, Natasha Middle, Sonya, Smokey, Leo Nikko, and IkeJuan Ellis, a local street dealer finds himself in a robbery, in which he kills one of the robbers. After being captured by the police the next day, he finds his faith in the hands of 18-year-old Natasha Middles. Natasha holds a possessive love for him and goes to her grandfather Honorable Judge Harold Middle for help in hope that Ellis would finally notice her and give her the relationship she dreamed of. After getting out of the murder charge with the help of Natasha's grandfather, Juan turns her way. Finally her dream comes true and they engage in a relationship; she dreams of becoming a lawyer and Juan an Atlanta kingpin. The two were destined. Natasha's father tore the two away by putting her on the college campus. His dreams of taking over the City of Atlanta were born by departing from their relationship. Juan and long-time friend Ike sold everything and started their drug business. Becoming well known, until Ike got busted by an undercover cop, he had to carry the business himself. By pulling a hit for a Detroit kingpin, he became more powerful with their help. Finally the Fulton County police convicted him on a murder charge that he didn't. Finding peace in the arms of a white officer, he learned more about himself, and his relationship with Natasha grew. Natasha's hiding her pregnancy caused him to believe she and Ike had become lovers after Ike's release. Natasha's father and grandfather got Juan out and he saw the two together. Blaming God for all his hardship and failure, Juan promised God that the world will feel his pain. Contacting Tony, his Detroit employer, Juan finds out that Tony is his uncle. Tasha calls Tony and tells him about the baby and reunites with Juan. Tony dies because he didn't want to do a hit for the mob boss. Tasha and Ike get hit by a tractor trailer and get put in a coma. His son is born premature. Sworn to avenge Tony's death, Juan hooks up with Sonya and the BFM, and promises to relocate the gang. So, they take out the mob leader and get over 4 million in drugs and money. Sonya turns out to be a Federal agent with an assignment to bust the gang, but falls in love with Ellis. She lists him as her snitch and turns the gang against him. After robbing some Cubans for a large amount of cocaine, Juan Ellis flees to Africa to get his name and prints changed over. He attended to his family avoiding the gang. Sonya makes attempts on Tasha's life and tells the gang that Juan is snitching. With the Feds and gang after him, Juan flees to Cuba and finds favor in Nikko, the Dun of the underworld. Nikko sends him back with a 65-man army and watched his dream come true and his life end. The Middle whole family dies from a revenge of an inmate and his son gets kidnapped.

  • av Dion C Williams

    The definition of Cruddy Buddy is it an informal noun which means a good friend that you can do dirt with, a partner in crime... "What's this all about?" asked a frightened Omar. "I listen!" snapped Cash, "where is the Money and the Shit?" "I don't know what you mean?" said Omar. "FO, show Omar what we mean please." FO raised the barrel of his all black AR-15 and shot the first guard in his face, blowing bits of his skull and brain matter all over the floor and walls. Next he shot guard number two center mass, rupturing his diaphragm causing him to bleed internally and suffocate. The female crack fiend was next. He emptied the rest of the clip into her face and chest as he began to smile as Omar flinched. "Now, where is the Money and the Shit!" asked Cash. "In the basement!" yelled Omar, "please don't kill me please!"

  • av Lillian Blake-Smith

    Proverbs: 30:5 Every word of God is pure He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him. These poems are special thoughts that have been locked away for many years. And now it is time for me to unleash them and to be share with others. With love, hope, and faith there will be healing, all across the world. And that you may feel with your heart and spirit as well as reading with your eyes. The inspiration of my poetry came from situations in my life and how I overcame optical with the revelation from God and to give me the faith, hope, strength, and true love that I needed to press on in my daily life, also for my family. I realize that God is my best friend and He kept me sane when I had no one to hold me up. I was on the edge of a nerves break down but God is the one and only that healed my mind and gave me the revelation to put my thoughts into words to take away my angry and pain and self pity. God said in His word KJV. Isaiah 53:5 but He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed. I knew then I had my source He truly loves me. By me writing to God all my hurts also loses made my mental and physical pain bearable. I will never forget the night I lost the most important person in my life I felt lost empty and what shall I do? But God gave me the strength to push on each hour that was made its way into days it slowly healed my emotional pain and anguish but I will never forget. My poetry is a gift from God; He speaks to me and through me with His loving words. Now this is my season of unleashing it had to be ripened on the branch, but I had to get my nourishment from the vine. The vine is my source of encouragement the voice of reasoning. The vine is patience and guides me through that it might not would have happen and an end to which what was to come, and the vine protected me. Because the vine loves me so much it shared and willing without any hesitation and sacrifice all that it had. Now God tells me it's my season to unleash and share what He has given unto me to glorify His name and share it with the entire world. Ephesians 3:17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love. John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. Jesus loves us all.

  • av Daniel Ray Meisinger

    This book is Religious Science Fiction, the combination of Creation & Evolution.We are as God wants us to be. But what if we became too powerful, too intelligent, to simply accept extinction? God has a plan for all of us.Leviathan, the Kingdom''s Heart, a Prophet of the word. Panther, a Man of Shadow & Death, who will learn the way, and someday teach it. Chaos, a Man of Blood & Soul, an anti-hero who will bring forth the Will of God.The Superhumans are amongst us. And when this Earth becomes theirs to inherit, when God calls us all home, we will know the rapture of... The Gods of Chaos!Daniel Ray Meisinger"The book is outstanding, it really makes you think about creation and evolution. I enjoyed it!!! It is a must have if you love Science Fiction!!! Sharon Davidson

  • av Nathaniel E Mason Sr

    This book will attempt to open the eyes, hearts, and minds of its readers to God by presenting well-known and some not so well known facts found in humans, nature, and the Holy Bible. It will implore the reader to give some serious thought to what is being said. It will also attempt to present its knowledge in a simple and commonsense way to be understood by nearly anyone from adolescent to adult. The book's intention is to provide a lesson that is both logical and thought provoking. I want you to really think about what is being said, not only for the purpose of questioning it, but also to question what you may or may not have been taught about this subject over the course of your lifetime. It is not intended to offend, but will present truths and questions that may be hard for some to accept. GOD ISREAL...And We Are Living Proof is a book that will help you recognize - or perceive - God's handiwork in everyday things that are common to all of us. In fact, it uses a common sense approach, not only to make a case for the existence of God, but to present Him in a way that you might accept Him - by accepting His gift to you - Jesus.

  • av Nathaniel Stone Jones

    "The Mandate of Stone Jones - Never Give Up," is a compelling 2-part story chronicling his life. The content in Part I is secular in nature, and it focuses on his past from childhood in Philadelphia to the many years he lived in Europe. Stone also believes there is a connection between his tenacity to succeed and the countless obstacles that were placed in his path to derail his goals. It was during that search for spiritual truth that he found the peace, the strength, and the ability to overcome all odds by placing his trust in God. Once he allowed God to become the driving force in his life, everything else started to come together after that.

  • av T. T. Monee'

  • av Michele Elmira Sweeney

    This book is about the early life of Michele E. Sweeney, and the years she lived as a young girl trying to make it in a dark world of a lot of pain and heartache. In the mist of it all, she was still trying to be the good girl that she desired to be. From her birth to the age of 17 years of age, she had already experienced a lot of disappointments and hurts, which she had no control of. All she did was come here. Because Michele did not ask to be born here she'd sometimes ask the questions, "Why was I even born to be treated like this? Why do I have to be involved with a family like this? And how do I become the woman that I need to be when it looks like all of my family sees me as is the black sheep?"There are no real answers to these questions, all she knows is that she was born for such a time as this, and she is going to try and make it the best way she can because she is strong, and very courageous. In addition, she is beautiful; at least that is what she keeps hearing everyone say to her. Michele knows that she is a fighter and knows how to open up her mouth to get whatever it is she wants to say across to people. She can make it and she is determined to do so. She has her older brother who she takes care of very well. So what if he doesn't talk that well, she understands him and no one will ever mess with him as long as she is his sister. The two of them together are all that they have and Michele will be the one to make everything all right. So what if their parents don't want them, they got each other and that is all that matters!

  • av Alisha Broughton

    This workbook is to understand the general principles of business. Overall business principles are used in both for-profit and nonprofit institutions. This workbook provides an overview of these key principles. As you progress through your business education, personal, non-profit, church, and civic organization you will discover that this book is devoted to some of the topics that we take you to the next level in business. This product will enable the student to learn about personnel management, leadership, and motivational techniques. This workbook is a survey of the functions of business, a comparison of the forms or organizations and methods of administration, and the interdependence of production, distribution and finance in modern business. For some of you, this workbook may be one of the first that you have taken at the college level. Your future academic success may be influenced by how well you perform. Nothing worth having is easy to acquire. The same is true with your business. Read, take notes, and participate. If you do all of these things, you will discover that business can be successful and it is not difficult, just rigorous.Course Relevance: The principles learned in this workbook will allow the student to understand the various forms of business domestically and globally. The principles are relevant for everyone, from those entering the workforce for the first time to aspiring entrepreneurs. The workbook also has tips for daily living and your personal finances.COURSE OBJECTIVESUpon completion of the workbook the student should be able to:¿Explain the different types of business structures and the benefits of each type ¿Define at least three theories of motivation and explain their application ¿Understand the basic concepts of interviewing, hiring, training, and employee discipline ¿Understand the basics of business entities¿Discuss why businesses exist, how they are structured, and how they are relevant to Federal laws regulations. ¿Read & understand a basic income statement or cash flow projections¿Apply the principles of marketing to any business situation ¿Know the relevant United States laws concerning hiring, discrimination and disabilities ¿Be able to find resources to assist in the enhancement of your personal life or business

  • av Reginald Walton

    This book is hilarious. This book is sad. This book is genius. This book is everything that you would ever want to see in a book, on the television screen or on the radio because what you are about to read is real life manifested through written words of wisdom for your clear comprehension. This author has truly been there and expresses himself thoroughly in his writings. You will experience the love, pain, joy and disappointment of a Blackman, who was stripped of his childhood as a youth. "This Ain't A Joke" is an inside look at what's really going on from someone who is "in the know". Mature enough for someone that is 75 to contemplate his or her thoughts on; real enough to move someone who is 20; and yet simple enough to enhance and enlighten the youth. This book is nature in all of its essence. If you're alive, you will enjoy it.

  • av Sheila Andrien

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