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  • av Craig S Keener

    Matthew was the most popular gospel in the early church, widely read for its clear emphasis on Jesus' teaching. Craig Keener expounds the text as a discipleship manual for believers today. Now in paper.

  • av J I Packer

    Do you ever find it hard to hope? Though we may feel weighed down by guilt, failure, or feelings of inferiority, the Bible offers encouragement from stories of those who have gone before. Through the goodness of the God who loves and restores misfits, outsiders, and failures, you can discover the blessing of hope as a way of life.

  • av Cindy Bunch

    A Collection of Lenten Devotions from IVP Authors Injustice is rampant around us. It is also present within us. To better confront oppression in the world, we must own that reality and look to Christ our liberator. Lent is the opportune time for this as we contemplate his suffering together.With selections from a diverse range of IVP books, A Just Passion has been curated to hold in tension the immense weight and hope of the Lenten season. This collection of short readings, breath prayers, and Scripture passages from the First Nations Version guides readers through a six-week journey of repentance, lament, worship, and healing.

  • av Donald MacLeod

  • av Keith Yandell

    In this clear introduction to Buddhism, Keith Yandell and Harold Netland lay out the central metaphysical claims of this significant world religion and then offer a concluding chapter which offers an honest comparison with Christianity.

  • av Gerald L Bray

    This volume offers partristic commentary edited by Gerald L. Bray on the first article of the Nicene Creed. Readers will gain insight into the history and substance of what the early church believed about God the Father.

  • av Andrew Root

    Relational youth ministry, also known as incarnational ministry, can feel like a vicious cycle of guilt: "I should be spending time with kids, but I just don't want to." The burden becomes heavy to bear because it is never over; adolescents always seem to need more relational bonds, and once one group graduates there is a new group of adolescents who need relational contact. It may be that the reason these relationships have become burdensome is that they have become something youth workers do, rather than something that youth workers enter into. In Revisiting Relational Youth Ministry, Andrew Root explores the origins of a dominant ministry model for evangelicals, showing how American culture has influenced our understanding of the incarnation. Drawing from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, whose work with German youth in troubled times shaped his own understanding of how Jesus intersects our relationships, Root recasts relational ministry as an opportunity not to influence the influencers but to stand with and for those in need. True relational youth ministry shaped by the incarnation is a commitment to enter into the suffering of all, to offer all those in high school or junior high the solidarity of the church.

  • av Kenneth E Bailey

    Ken Bailey presents a collection of essays on the Gospels. You will gain new insights as you view the Gospel stories through the lens of Middle Eastern peasant culture.

  • av Anthony J Tomasino

    Table of Contents1. Putting Together the Past2. Returning and Rebuilding3. The Persian Impact on Judaism4. The Greeks in the East5. The Fight for Freedom6. Jewish Diversity in the Hasmonean Era7. The Second Jewish Commonwealth8. The Hellenistic Inheritance9. The Romans and the Jews10. Oppression, Resistance & Messianic Hope Epilogue: Anno DominiGlossary

  • av Jack Kuhatschek

    You can be the match that ignites a great Bible discussion! You only need a few basic skills. This handbook by Jack Kuhatschek and Cindy Bunch will show you how to lead discussion, how to start a group, how to decide what to study and much more.

  • av Kevin J Vanhoozer

    "This is a book on theological hermeneutics. It is a plea for being hermeneutical about theology and for being theological about hermeneutics. It is an argument for treating the questions of God, Scripture and hermeneutics as one problem. This one problem defines what I call 'first theology.' " (from the Preface) In thirteen chapters, Kevin Vanhoozer explores various dimensions of doing first theology and illuminates not only how we can talk about God but how we can begin with the Word of God and act on the basis of that Word. Blazing a pathway for recovering the unity of biblical studies and theological reflection, he addresses the challenges presented by the contemporary so-called postmodern situation, especially deconstructionism. Not only does a way of doing God-centered biblical interpretation come to light through Vanhoozer's explorations, but the triune identity of a God who is communicative, loving and sovereign also comes into focus. This is a book for students, pastors and teachers who have an interest in the character of God, the nature of Scripture, Christian theology, our approach to hermeneutics and how they are all necessarily interrelated to the glory of God.

  • av Douglas Connelly

    A permissive society, a power-hungry people, a nation without God. Daniel's situation in Babylon sounds quite a bit like our own. In the midst of such forces, how can we remain loyal to biblical values? How can we have a positive impact on those around us? Daniel gives us practical and personal help with these questions.

  • av Philip D Kenneson

    Many books--many fine books--have been published on the fruits of the Spirit. But none are quite like Life on the Vine. Philip Kenneson combines in this book rich, theologically grounded reflection on Christian life and practice with stunning analysis of contemporary culture. After a probing introductory chapter on the necessity and complexity of cultural analysis, Kenneson takes up each of the fruits of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-23. He explores what each fruit means in its biblical context, then investigates how key traits of late modern Western culture inhibit the development and ripening of each fruit. Life on the Vine is that rare book that will reward the reader on many levels. It may be read as a biblical and theological study, as an inspirational work on spirituality, as incisive cultural criticism and as a practical guide to Christian discipleship.

  • av J. Budziszewski

    Voted one of Christianity Today's Books of the YearWith uninterrupted clarity, frequent eloquence and occasional humor, J. Budziszewski presents and defends the natural law tradition in what is at once a primer for students and a vigorous argument for scholars.Written on the Heart expounds the work of the leading architects of theory on natural law, including Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas and John Locke. It also takes up contemporary philosophy, theology and political science, colorfully running against the intimidating tide of advanced pluralism that finds natural law so difficult to tolerate.Throughout the volume, Budziszewski sure-footedly achieves his self-confessed aim of displaying the "subtlety, richness and intellectual surprise" of the natural law tradition.

  • av Tim Hein

    What does the path to healing look like for survivors of sexual abuse? And how can ministry leaders, pastors, and counselors best help them as they walk this difficult road? Drawing on both his own experience and his wife's experience as survivors of childhood sexual abuse, Tim Hein presents clinical data and resources as well as practical guidance and empathy--for both ministry leaders and survivors themselves.

  • av Charles E Hummel

    The church disagreed with Galileo. That set off a controversy that rages on today. The passion remains but the issues have changed and the arguments have become more complex. Do miracles conflict with scientific laws? How did the universe begin? Does the creation story in Genesis conflict with evolution?Hummel sets these controversies in historical perspective by telling the fascinating stories of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo and Newton. Through their eyes we see how science flourished and floundered under the influence of the church, setting the scene for modern conflicts.Then Hummel turns to the Bible, discussing its relationship to science, the place of miracles and the biblical account of the origin of the universe.

  • - The Prophetic Witness of Weakness
    av Jean Vanier & Stanley Hauerwas

  • - Finding Freedom in the Rhythms of Rest
    av Lynne M Baab

    With collected insights from Sabbath keepers of all ages and backgrounds, Baab offers a practical and hopeful guidebook to help readers slow down and enjoy their relationship with the God of the universe.

  • - Time to Inhabit the Story of God: An Introduction and Devotional Guide
    av Bobby Gross

    Gross presents chapters on each season of the liturgical year, accompanied by weekly devotions based on the Sunday readings of the lectionary cycle. His book offers a flexible weekly format, so that the devotions can be read in any order.

  • - Why Most Youth Ministry Doesn't Last and What Your Church Can Do about It
    av Mark DeVries

    One of the biggest problems in youth ministry is the constant turnover of youth ministers. DeVries addresses the problem with a systematic answer: churches need to take corporate responsibility for establishing a vision and structure for effective ministry, rather than leaving it all up to the youth minister.

  • - Bible Studies and Practices to Transform Your Soul
    av Dr Jan Johnson

    Jan Johnson introduces sixteen core spiritual disciplines using biblical text, interactive questions and spiritual practices. You can use this book effectively on your own or with a group.

  • - The Emerging Movement Serving the World's Poor
    av Scott A Bessenecker

    Bessenecker profiles young Christians who have voluntarily removed themselves from the status quo in order to seek justice and mercy with the poorest of the world's poor.

  • - A Year of Readings
    av Valerie E Hess

    Have you been longing to learn more about spiritual disciplines but haven't known where to start? Focusing on a different core spiritual discipline each month, this year-long devotional includes brief daily readings to help you develop holy habits. Once-a-week family activities are included to interactively teach children.

  • - A Year of Weekly Readings

    In this inspiring devotional, commentary from ancient church fathers accompanies weekly Scripture readings following cycle A of the Revised Common Lectionary. Cindy Crosby and Thomas C. Oden also provide brief biographies of the church fathers.

  • - An Interdisciplinary Approach to Practical Youth Ministry
    av James Emery White

    A 2005 Evangelical Christian Publishing Association Gold Medallion finalist.How can we make our lives matter?John Adams and Thomas Jefferson lived in serious times. And, because they chose to live serious lives, they turned the course of history.As the modern era transitions into postmodern turbulence, we, too, find ourselves in serious times. How can we make a difference in the world around us? How can we be an influence for Christ? Most important, how can we make our lives matter?There is a a great movement of God set loose in the world. In this book, James Emery White explores what it means to be at the front lines of what God is doing. When serious times are met with serious lives, the kingdom of God is advanced.Come and discover a life of significance.

  • - Defending Absolute Truth in a Relativistic World
    av Virginia Todd Holeman

    What does it take to really make right a severely damaged relationship?When going back to how things were is not nearly good enough, is there hope for true transformation and healing?Counselor and teacher Virginia Todd Holeman weaves together biblical insight and rich theological reflection while drawing from the best of current psychological studies on forgiveness, repentance and reconciling. Out of her own research you will hear the poignant stories of married couples who tell in their own words what it's like to seek reconciliation in seemingly hopeless situations. Complete with honest and practical help, this book will be an encouragement to married couples who dare to hope for the healing and transforming of broken relationships and for counselors and pastors who want to work more effectively with them.

  • av Dr Dan B Allender

    Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III have together written this brief, simple and engaging introduction to help couples build healthy and happy marriages. Following the "leave, weave and cleave" imagery of the Bible, they help couples learn how to leave their parents, weave a life together and cleave to each other.


    Written by and for Asian Americans, this study guide helps you discover and embrace Asian identity and learn to bridge the conflicting values of parents, culture and faith. Through accounts of humorous, frustrating and heartbreaking personal experiences, the authors offer support, encouragement and ideas for living out the Christian faith between two cultures.

  • - Stages of Spiritual Development
    av Bruce Demarest

    Spiritual formation professor and New Testament scholar Bruce Demarest helps us grasp the whole picture of the journey we're on with Christ that we might live our days with intention and keep moving toward maturity in faith. Using Scripture, writings from our rich spiritual tradition and stories of present-day believers walking the same path of faith, the Demarest leads us through the three main stages of the journey to become more like Christ.

  • - Elevating the Conversation with the Gay Community
    av Andrew Marin

    When three of Andrew Marin's friends came out to him in the span of three months, he was confronted head-on with the question of how to reconcile his friends with his faith. "Love Is an Orientation" is the result of years of wrestling with this issue. In the book, Marin speaks out with compassion and conviction, elevating the conversation between Christianity and the GLBT community so that the focus is moved from genetics to gospel, where it really belongs.

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