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    1 703,-

    Faced with global economic, social and environmental challenges requiring us to go beyond individual actions, the development of collective dynamics is the ideal response. From this perspective, territories, which have long been neglected, are now asserting themselves as breeding grounds for innovative and relevant forms of organized action in response to shared experiences. Bringing together more than twenty researchers in strategic management, human resources management and marketing, Collective Dynamics and Territories offers, through nine territorial issues (innovating and regenerating territories, building environmental action, attracting and retaining talent, etc.), insights into the conditions and modalities for developing collective dynamics within territories. The success of local collective dynamics depends on support for the actors involved, from situation analysis to problem definition, including idea generation, selection, implementation and evaluation. This book offers a comprehensive, systemic and operational vision for analyzing and acting on collective territorial dynamics.

  • av Mathieu (CNRS & University of Pau Mory
    1 689,-

    This book studies the principles of mechanical energy conversion used in renewable energy sources derived from air and water: wind power, tidal power, hydroelectric power, osmotic energy, ocean thermal energy and wave energy. Mechanical Energy Conversion presents twelve application exercises and their answers. They enable the reader to first understand the physical principles of mechanical energy converters and then learn the method for sizing them. The book also reinforces the concepts of fluid mechanics and hydraulic turbo machinery, which are required to solve the exercises. This book aims to instruct readers on how to design an energy system. For each renewable energy source covered - and based on the quantity of energy or power supplied - it describes the production process, explains how it works and calculates the characteristics and dimensions of its components.

    1 708,-

    With increased competition from new wine-producing countries and substitute products, declining wine consumption, climate change, health crises and geopolitical contexts, the wine industry has been facing serious difficulties in recent years. Paradoxically, however, this recent period also offers new opportunities. Through the presentation of original research results, reading grids, illustrations and case studies, Wine Management and Marketing 2 analyzes the main challenges facing the wine industry and considers new opportunities: a renewed dynamism of technical, organizational and commercial innovations; the adaptability of actors; a greater introduction of new technologies; etc. The multi-faceted approach adopted by the authors and experts offers an enriched reflection, which provides a better understanding of the current state of the wine industry, and presents various levers for adapting to new commercial, societal and environmental expectations.

  • av Henri (SATIE Laboratory (CNAM/ENS Paris-Saclay) Bourles
    1 780,-

    The theory of dynamic systems is addressed in this book in accordance with the "modern" approach, heir to algebraic analysis, which has been implemented since the last decade of the 20th century. After a reminder of the evolution of the representation of systems based on transfer functions or matrices, the duality of controllability and observability is revisited, and new results are produced concerning time-varying discrete-time systems. To complete and improve the existing analyses, the poles and zeros of linear systems and their interconnections are presented in a new way, as well as the problem of systems governed by functional differential equations (of retarded or neutral type) and their stabilization. This book also proposes known and original mathematical complements.

  • av Daniel (Paris Descartes University Alban
    1 780 - 1 900,-

  • av Dyanne (Clermont Auvergne University Escorcia
    1 780,-

    Students' difficulties in producing texts that meet the requirements of academic writing are a recurring concern for teaching staff and those responsible for university courses. Various initiatives are currently being taken, mainly at undergraduate level, to help students improve the quality of their writing. Research into metacognitive processes and the self-regulation of learning can be used to support the design of these writing support systems, particularly by providing a better understanding of the students' difficulties. This book reviews the concepts of metacognition and self-regulation in relation to writing processes. It analyses the metacognitive components involved in text production, their links with successful writing and their individual and contextual determinants. It completes this analysis by drawing on the teaching and assessment of writing in higher education. All of these elements are articulated around a multifactorial modeling of the learning and teaching of academic writing.

  • av Jean-Michel (University of Burgundy Reveillac
    1 780,-

    Subtractive sound synthesis is one of the most widely used techniques in electronic music and in many analog synthesizers since the early 1960s. It is based on a simple principle, but its operation is complex, involving many parameters. It can be enhanced by a variety of effects that give the sound its authenticity, and does not simply imitate musical instruments, but can also transcribe noises present in natural soundscapes or generate entirely synthetic sounds. Synthesizers and Subtractive Sound Synthesis 2 presents practical exercises, ranging from the fundamentals to advanced functionalities. Most of the sound effects applicable to subtractive synthesis are covered: vibrato, phaser, reverb, etc. The final chapters deal with polyphony and arpeggiator-sequences.

  • av Alain (School of Mines of Nancy Vignes
    1 780,-

    Silicon is the material of the digital revolution, of solar energy and of digital photography, which has revolutionized both astronomy and medical imaging. It is also the material of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), indispensable components of smart objects. The discovery of the electronic and optoelectronic properties of germanium and silicon during the Second World War, followed by the invention of the transistor, ushered in the digital age. Although the first transistors were made from germanium, silicon eventually became the preferred material for these technologies. Silicon, From Sand to Chips 2 traces the history of the discoveries, inventions and developments in basic components and chips that these two materials enabled one after the other. The book is divided into two volumes and this second volume is devoted to microelectronic and optoelectronic chips, solar cells and MEMS.

  • av Alain (School of Mines of Nancy Vignes
    1 780,-

    Silicon is the material of the digital revolution, of solar energy and of digital photography, which has revolutionized both astronomy and medical imaging. It is also the material of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), indispensable components of smart objects. The discovery of the electronic and optoelectronic properties of germanium and silicon during the Second World War, followed by the invention of the transistor, ushered in the digital age. Although the first transistors were made from germanium, silicon eventually became the preferred material for these technologies. Silicon, From Sand to Chips 1 traces the history of the discoveries, inventions and developments in basic components and chips that these two materials enabled one after the other. The book is divided into two volumes and this first volume is devoted to basic microelectronic components.

  • av Anh (University of Nantes Le van
    1 780,-

    Contact in Structural Mechanics treats the problem of contact in the context of large deformations and the Coulomb friction law. The proposed formulation is based on a weak form that generalizes the classical principle of virtual powers in the sense that the weak form also encompasses all the contact laws. This formulation is thus a weighted residue method and has the advantage of being amenable to a standard finite element discretization. This book provides the reader with a detailed description of contact kinematics and the variation calculus of kinematic quantities, two essential subjects for any contact study. The numerical resolution is carried out in statics and dynamics. In both cases, the derivation of the contact tangent matrix - an essential ingredient for iterative calculation - is explained in detail. Several numerical examples are presented to illustrate the efficiency of the method.

    1 780,-

    Awareness of complexity in science and technology dates back to the 1970s. However, all social systems tend to develop structures that become more complex over time, be it within families, tribes, cities, states, or societal and economic organizations. Complexities 2 covers a broad array of fields, from justice and linguistics to education and organizational management. The aim of this book is to show, without aiming to provide a comprehensive overview, the diversity of approaches and behaviors towards the obstacle of complexity in understanding and achieving human actions. When we see complexity as the incompleteness of knowledge and the uncertainty of the future, we realize that simplifying is not an adequate approach to complexity, even in the humanities and social sciences. This book explores the relationship between order and disorder in this field of knowledge.

    1 780,-

    Artificial and Cognitive Computing for Sustainable Healthcare Systems in Smart Cities delves into the transformative potential of artificial and cognitive computing in the realm of healthcare systems, maintaining a specific emphasis on sustainability. By exploring the integration of advanced technologies in smart cities, the authors examine and discuss how AI and cognitive computing can be harnessed to enhance healthcare delivery. The book provides focused navigation through innovative solutions and strategies that contribute to the creation of sustainable healthcare ecosystems within the dynamic environment of smart cities. From optimizing resource utilization to improving patient outcomes, this comprehensive exploration provides insight for readers with an interest in the future of healthcare within the era of intelligent urban development.

    1 780,-

    The use of digital technology in our societies is growing to meet the ever-increasing challenges of data collection, raising awareness, education and understanding nature. Artificial intelligence, for example, appears to be the answer to collecting massive amounts of data on biodiversity at a global scale and facilitating citizen participation in such data collection. Linking with Nature in the Digital Age explores the reconfiguration of our relationship with nature within this digital framework. This book examines this mediated linking from three angles. Firstly, it shows how digital technology can foster the development of links to nature. Then, it describes in greater detail the materiality of these links and how they have evolved with the developments in information technology. Finally, it questions the belief in the digital as a facilitator and opens up new perspectives on our relationship with nature and the living world

    1 798,-

    Behind the neologism "ribozymes" lies a family of fascinating molecules, ribo-enzymes, which have been relatively little studied. These catalytically active RNAs are found in all strata of life, from viruses to the human genome. At the end of the 1970s, the discovery of a catalytic RNA nestled in an intron, followed by another involved in the maturation of transfer RNAs, led to the discovery of new ribozymes and the transition from a strictly "proteocentric" vision, inherited from the dogma of molecular biology, to a more "nucleocentric" one. Since then, a variety of ribozymes have been identified in genomes, where their functions often remain mysterious. Looking at Ribozymes traces the discovery of these molecules and presents a picture of their functional diversity, catalytic mechanisms and distribution within the tree of life.

    1 799,-

    This book is devoted to the construction and study of approximate methods for solving mathematical physics problems in canonical domains. It focuses on obtaining weighted a priori estimates of the accuracy of these methods while also considering the influence of boundary and initial conditions. This influence is quantified by means of suitable weight functions that characterize the distance of an inner point to the boundary of the domain. New results are presented on boundary and initial effects for the finite difference method for elliptic and parabolic equations, mesh schemes for equations with fractional derivatives, and the Cayley transform method for abstract differential equations in Hilbert and Banach spaces. Due to their universality and convenient implementation, the algorithms discussed throughout can be used to solve a wide range of actual problems in science and technology. The book is intended for scientists, university teachers, and graduate and postgraduate students who specialize in the field of numerical analysis.

    1 799,-

    This book presents a biography of the Danish botanist Eugen Warming. As the author of a treatise on ecology that brought him international recognition, he was able to inspire the first generation of 20th-century European and American ecologists. His innovative approach to nature and his Arctic and tropical missions heralded the birth of a new science and an ecological awareness. As a professor at several Scandinavian universities during a period of intense debate and controversy over evolutionary theories, Eugen Warming vigorously asserted his convictions. Birth of Scientific Ecology presents the image of a man of knowledge and power, recognized by his contemporaries as a founder of ecology and a player in the ecological project of the Kingdom of Denmark at a time when the empires were clashing.

    1 799,-

    Subtractive sound synthesis has been one of the most widely used techniques in electronic music and for many analog synthesizers since the early 1960s. It is based on a simple principle, but its operation remains complex, involving many parameters. It can be enriched by a variety of effects that give the sound its authenticity. It does not just imitate musical instruments, but can also transcribe noises present in natural soundscapes, or generate entirely synthetic sounds. Synthesizers and Subtractive Synthesis 1 presents the theoretical basis of a sound phenomenon, the different types of synthesis, the components that are required and present in synthesizers, the working environment specific to the study of subtractive synthesis, and the hardware and software available. After reading the various chapters of this book, readers will have a clear vision of the tools and actions required to grasp the world of subtractive sound.

    1 799,-

    At the end of the Second World War, a new technological trend was born: integrated electronics. This trend relied on the enormous rise of integrable electronic devices. Analog Devices and Circuits is composed of two volumes: the first deals with analog components, and the second with associated analog circuits. The goal here is not to create an overly comprehensive analysis, but rather to break it down into smaller sections, thus highlighting the complexity and breadth of the field. This first volume, after a brief history, describes the two main devices, namely bipolar transistors and MOS, with particular importance given to the modeling aspect. In doing so, we deal with new devices dedicated to radio frequency, which touches on nanoelectronics. We will also address some of the notions related to quantum mechanics. Finally, Monte Carlo methods, by essence statistics, will be introduced, which have become more and more important since the middle of the twentieth century. The second volume deals with the circuits that "use" the analog components that were introduced in Volume 1. Here, a particular emphasis is placed on the main circuit: the operational amplifier.

    1 848,-

    Since 1971, UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme has embraced a number of principles that link the political, scientific and academic spheres. Biosphere Reserves and Sustainable Development Goals 2 is a reminder of the fundamental issues involved in governance. The diversity and multiplicity of stakeholders, and the complexity of the interplay between them, as well as their organization, are decisive factors in the proper management of resources and territories. The book also presents a number of case studies demonstrating that, between the strong development aspirations of their populations, the impact of human activities and the need to conserve their biological heritage, the biosphere reserves of the southern Mediterranean are facing major issues: agricultural pollution, forest fires, water use in a context of climate change, etc.

    1 799,-

    Inventing isn't easy! In this book, twelve "valleys of death" are identified which, following a linear approach, correspond to the various obstacles that limit the various passages from an original idea to invention, and then to industrial innovation. These various limiting factors have a variety of origins: disciplined scientific training, weak general and scientific culture, New Public Management, hierarchical support, funding, evaluation, proof of concepts, complexity management, and heuristic and interdisciplinary approaches on the one hand, and attractiveness for the new on the other. After an idea is formulated, these contexts bring small elements of science into play, but above all human aspects ranging from motivation and the quality of exchanges to responsibility. In short, it is a possible dynamic way of living together to promote innovations stemming from science. This is not easy, but if the invention is profitable for society, the downstream sector can greatly facilitate the various stages of commercialization.

    1 799,-

    Numerical modeling now plays a central role in the design and study of electromagnetic systems. In the field of devices operating in low frequency, it is the finite element method that has come to the fore in recent decades. Today, it is widely used by engineers and researchers in industry, as well as in research centers. This book describes in detail all the steps required to discretize Maxwell's equations using the finite element method. This involves progressing from the basic equations in the continuous domain to equations in the discrete domain that are solved by a computer. This approach is carried out with a constant focus on maintaining a link between physics, i.e. the properties of electromagnetic fields, and numerical analysis. Numerous academic examples, which are used throughout the various stages of model construction, help to clarify the developments.

    1 798,-

    Successive IPCC reports consistently stress the devastating impact of human activity on the climate. An ecological transition seems essential to modify our economic and social system, while meeting the needs of current and future generations. As the main culprits of environmental destruction, companies must modify their production methods to reduce their negative impact on the environment. Eco Design and Ecological Transition presents an innovative approach to eco design, a method that aims to offer products or services with a reduced environmental impact compared to conventional production methods, from the extraction of resources to the end of the product's life. The book also analyzes the potential of the circular economy and frugal innovation. It shows that innovation, to be sustainable, must be both environmentally and socially sustainable. From a systemic point of view, it examines the ability of players, particularly companies, to change their strategies in order to combine human well-being and respect for the environment in the context of ecological transition.

    1 799,-

    Since 1971, UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme has embraced a number of principles that link the political, scientific and academic spheres. Biosphere Reserves and Sustainable Development Goals 1 presents these areas as privileged spaces for experimenting with operating methods specific to cross-cutting objectives and issues. These areas encourage the development of interdisciplinary research, supported by a worldwide network to disseminate experience, approaches and knowhow. The various global and local political scales are linked here, with different consequences for the reconfiguration of local political arenas, for specific modes of development linked to a renewed relationship with knowledge, powers and institutions, and for renewed relationships between the worlds of science, education and territorial governance.

    1 440,-

    Cultural heritage is increasingly recognized for its contributions to the transition to climate action, and heritage education can play an important role in developing climate adaptation competencies. These can foster positive dialogs surrounding climate change, shift attitudes and inspire actions. However, achieving these goals requires bridging the gap between policy, practice and local capacity building, as well as integrating a multi- and transdisciplinary approach into traditional higher education curricula and models. Bringing together knowledge, practice and experiences from different disciplinary silos, this book provides a wide set of innovative teaching and learning methods, tools and pedagogical models that can be adapted to heritage education in order to address climate issues. Organized into four parts, Heritage Education for Climate Action covers a wide array of international experiences, real-life cases and practices, focusing on heritage and resilience building, vulnerability and risk assessment, climate change adaptation, mitigation and policymaking. This book is therefore a source of suggestions and ideas for scholars, educators and professionals who want to develop future climate leadership and contribute to the transition of heritage education toward sustainable development and climate action.

    1 440,-

    Today's information technology, along with Artificial Intelligence (AI), is moving towards total communication between all computerized systems. AI is a representation of human intelligence based on the creation and application of algorithms in specific computer environments. Its aim is to enable computers to act like human beings. For it to work, this type of technology requires computer systems, data with management systems and advanced algorithms, used by AI. In mechanical engineering, AI can offer many possibilities: in mechanical construction, predictive maintenance, plant monitoring, robotics, additive manufacturing, materials, vibration control and agro composites, among many others. This book is dedicated to Artificial Intelligence uncertainties in mechanical problems. Each chapter clearly sets out used and developed illustrative examples. Aimed at students, Uncertainty and Artificial Intelligence is also a valuable resource for practicing engineers and research lecturers.

  • av Christian (INL/INSA Lyon Institute Gontrand
    1 440,-

    At the end of the Second World War, a new technological trend was born: integrated electronics. This trend relied on the enormous rise of integrable electronic devices. Analog Devices and Circuits is composed of two volumes: the first deals with analog components, and the second with associated analog circuits. The goal here is not to create an overly comprehensive analysis, but rather to break it down into smaller sections, thus highlighting the complexity and breadth of the field. This first volume, after a brief history, describes the two main devices, namely bipolar transistors and MOS, with particular importance given to the modeling aspect. In doing so, we deal with new devices dedicated to radio frequency, which touches on nanoelectronics. We will also address some of the notions related to quantum mechanics. Finally, Monte Carlo methods, by essence statistics, will be introduced, which have become more and more important since the middle of the twentieth century. The second volume deals with the circuits that "use" the analog components that were introduced in Volume 1. Here, a particular emphasis is placed on the main circuit: the operational amplifier.

    1 440,-

    For two centuries, the school system has been a central point around which other players have gravitated: local authorities, voluntary organizations and the world of work. Over the course of the 20th century, this school centric configuration underwent a transformation, with local authorities tending to become integrated into the vertical culture of the school system. This was only the beginning of a process that brought schools and socio cultural players into constant contact. Cultural, Training and Educational Spaces first examines the relationships with knowledge generated by the links between the school system and other cultural, training and educational spaces, taking a historical, pedagogical and philosophical perspective. Easy access to learning materials creates different relationships with knowledge than those observed in schools. The book then looks at the pedagogical practices in these different cultural educational spaces, such as libraries and media libraries, museums and historical sites, places of heritage, history and entertainment, social networks and other multimedia formats.

    1 440,-

    Complexity is not a new issue. In fact, in their day, William of Ockham and René Descartes proposed what can best be described as reductionist methods for dealing with it. Over the course of the twentieth century, a science of complexity has emerged in an ever-increasing number of fields (computer science, artificial intelligence, engineering, among others), and has now become an integral part of everyday life. As a result, everyone is confronted with increasingly complex situations that need to be understood and analyzed from a global perspective, to ensure the sustainability of our common future. Complexities 1 analyzes how complexity is understood and dealt with in the fields of cybersecurity, medicine, mathematics and information. This broad spectrum of disciplines shows that all fields of knowledge are challenged by complexity. The following volume, Complexities 2, examines the social sciences and humanities in relation to complexity.

  • av Sophie (University of Strasbourg Bollinger
    1 440,-

    Innovation is an essential growth lever for organizations. Like any strategic element, it must be managed to ensure the right decision is made at the right time. When we talk about management, we naturally also consider management control. However, using management tools can be a danger to developing creativity - an essential element of innovation. This book examines the interdependencies between management control and creativity. By comparing two organizational contexts, we highlight the vital role of organizations as generators of creativity. We also underline the acceptance of an imbalance between the elements in tension, which can lead to the questioning and fostering of innovation; and the role of senior management as mediators between organizations and local actors.

    1 440,-

    Inequalities and other "social fractures" mark our contemporary economies and societies. While global approaches may have long been sufficient in the past, the focus today is on how local dynamics can make inclusion possible. This two-volume collective work reports on these local dynamics, shedding light on how the creation of inclusive territories can be envisaged and developed. To this end, the involvement of public, private and associative organizations has been identified as one of the conditions for success. In fact, they act both as partners in a territory and as inclusive spaces. Inclusive Territories 1 examines the approaches implemented by several organizations that have made inclusion their wider objective.

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