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  • - State of the Art and Challenges of the Digital Construction Revolution
    av A Perrot
    1 900,-

    The introduction of digital manufacturing techniques, such as 3D printing applied to concrete material, opens up new perspectives on the way in which buildings are designed. Research on this theme is thriving and there is a high rate of innovation related to concrete. At the same time, the first life-size constructions made from printed concrete are emerging from the ground. This book presents state-of-the-art knowledge on the different printing processes as well as on the concrete material that must adapt to these new manufacturing techniques, such as new hardware and new printers for concrete. The possibilities in terms of architectural design are discussed as well as the pathways that remain to be uncovered. The book also explores the challenges that researchers and companies expect to overcome as they get closer to democratizing this potential revolution that is the digital manufacturing of concrete.

  • av Saima Akbar
    1 794,-

  • av Soraya (University of Khemis Miliana Sedkaoui
    1 767,-

  • av Jean-Pierre (Paris Dauphine University Favennec
    1 767,-

  • av Daniel (Ecole Centrale de Lyon Juve
    1 767,-

  • av Yves (LETMA-CNRS Jannot
    1 767,-

    1 794,-

    Traditionally, health experts are called upon mainly by public authorities and academic circles. In recent years, however, thanks to the proliferation of media, 24-hour news channels and digital offerings, there is a growing demand for expert opinions on various health issues. Expert knowledge can, of course, come from doctors and scientists, however it is not limited to them. Patient associations, caregiver circles, patient influencers, YouTubers and specialist journalists are speaking out, which raises questions concerning the place of the "expert" and the nature of their expertise. Health Experts in the Media examines health experts' place in the media in order to define the complexity of their role, question their legitimacy and better understand the controversies they generate. This book analyzes how expert discourse in the media can raise major scientific, democratic and political issues.

  • av Jean-Pierre Favennec
    1 794,-

    The energy sector is undergoing unprecedented change. Twenty years ago, the main concern was having enough oil and gas, whereas today, political leaders are faced with the need to reduce the CO2 emissions produced by still-dominant fossil fuels, without being able to totally rely on renewable energies, which are intermittent and whose share in energy production remains low. Geopolitics and Energy Transition 1 presents the technical aspects of energy and its main characteristics, and outlines the challenges of the energy transition, the conditions for the development of renewable energies and the geopolitical stakes of this transition. It also describes the various energy markets and the consequences of liberalization policies, not forgetting to analyze the structures of the different sectors, while pointing out the fundamental problems of supply security and ways of strengthening it.

    1 794,-

    Our knowledge of living organisms is still very limited, with less than 20% of the world's species known to date. It is therefore essential to increase our efforts to inventory biodiversity. This is the goal of scientific research, but it is also a vital responsibility in the face of the sixth extinction. With so many species set to disappear before they can be analyzed, the compilation of this inventory now represents a major challenge. Thanks to the collaborative work of numerous researchers from the Institut de systématique, évolution, biodiversité (ISYEB) and other institutions, Inventory of Biodiversity Today presents the latest methods of field data collection and analysis. Strategies have diversified and are providing new and ever-more-precise data on a growing number of specimens. All of these data are integrated to delimit and describe living species, and are accessible to as many people as possible, so we can all take action on a daily basis to better understand and preserve our planet.

  • av Thierry (Universite Bretagne Sud Morineau
    1 794,-

    Providing healthcare professionals with cognitive aids, whether a simple checklist or an information system, improves patient care and reduces information-processing constraints for caregivers. However, to achieve these objectives, these aids must be adaptable and ergonomic. Cognitive Aids to Support Healthcare Professionals offers an unprecedented presentation of the different forms of cognitive aids, as well as an analysis of these aids as gateways for channelling resources to support mental activity and a general framework to simply model cognitive aids as Turing machines. Throughout this book, healthcare professionals, executives, hospital managers, healthcare engineers, ergonomists and trainers will find ergonomic advice on the choice or design of cognitive aids, and also, more generally, on the roles that cognitive aids play in activities.

  • av Jerome (Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne Molimard
    1 794,-

    Monitoring the human body is a key element of digital health science. Low-cost sensors derived from smartphones or smartwatches may give the impression that sensors are readily available; however, to date, very few of them are actually medical devices. Designing medical devices requires us to undertake a specific approach demanding special skills, as it concerns the integrity of the human body. The process is tightly framed by state regulations in order to ensure compliance with quality assessment, risk management and medical ethics requirements. This book aims to give biomedical students an overview on medical devices design. It firstly gives a historical and economical approach, then develops key elements in medical device design with reference to EU and US regulations, and finally describes sensors for the human body. The clinical approach is presented as the central element in medical device qualification and this offers a perspective on the use of numerical simulation, particularly since its continued growth in the USA; despite the fact that the approach is strictly limited by regulations.

    1 794,-

    This book discusses the optimization of supply chains in the agri-food and animal industries, and focuses on the integration of technology and sustainability practices. It explores the use of emerging technologies like IoT, Blockchain and AI in supply chain management, and also addresses the need for resilient supply chains and strategies for risk management. Optimization in the Agri-Food Supply Chain provides an overview of various studies conducted in the field, including topics such as the impact of climate change, sustainable initiatives, inventory management activities and the dynamics of specific supply chain systems. It also discusses the use of underutilized crops, optimization techniques, forecasting methods, circular production and the role of open innovation in the food supply chain. Overall, the book aims to contribute to the knowledge on supply chain optimization and also provide insights and recommendations for enhancing efficiency and sustainability in the agri-food and animal industries.

  • av Benoit (Junia Graduate School of Engineering & Lille Catholic University) Robyns
    1 794,-

    This book presents interdisciplinary approaches to help buildings, electrical energy networks and their users contribute to the energy and societal transition. Smart Grids and Buildings for Energy and Societal Transition examines the technologies, uses and imaginaries involved in implementing smart buildings and smart grids. Production and consumption forecasts, modeling of stakeholder involvement and self-consumption within a renewable energy community exploiting blockchain technology are examples developed with a view to fostering the emergence of smart grids. The potential of smart buildings, taking into account user comfort while increasing energy efficiency, is identified. Full-scale demonstrators are used to test the proposed solutions, and to ensure that users take full advantage of the potential for electrical flexibility.

  • av Pierre Camille (Societe chimique de France & Paris Cite University Lacaze
    1 794,-

    The key social issues of health, medicine, the environment, food and safety cannot be addressed without the support of chemical sensors and biosensors, whose performance is constantly improving in terms of reliability and cost, particularly in the production of autonomous devices connected to the Internet. Obtaining high-intensity transduction signals arising from the interaction of an analyte and a sensor, enabling the identification and dosage of a given compound, requires the selection of suitable physical measurement methods and the creation of structures that react specifically to different types of analyte. Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials Applied to Chemical Sensors and Biosensors details recent advances in the field of sensor design using carbon-based nanomaterials (graphene, carbon nanotubes, carbon quantum dots, etc.) and inorganic nanomaterials (metallic nanoparticles, nanocrystals, transition metal dichalcogenides, etc.), as well as a variety of physical sensing methods (electrochemical, piezoelectric, electromagnetic, optic, optoelectronic, etc.).

  • av Ibrahima (Iba Der Thiam University Sakho
    1 780,-

  • av Smail (University of Lyon Ait-El-Hadj
    1 754,-

  • av Jean-Paul (Computer Scientist) Walch
    1 794,-

    Symmetry and the causes of shifts in different types of symmetries in flowers follow specific patterns that are ruled by developmental and genetic factors. Using a unified system of phyllotaxic equations, we have modeled the molecular mechanisms and pressure forces that act in inflorescence and floral meristems, giving flowers their organ arrangement. In this book, we state general physical principles, whereby the symmetry of the perianth is derived from the symmetry of certain TCP gene expression. Thus, we define the interplay between the expression of CYC2-like genes and the phyllotactic mechanisms. This new evo-devo approach is applied to major groups of angiosperms with predominantly actinomorphic flowers (in which rare zygomorphy is positional) and groups with mainly bilaterally symmetrical flowers (in which zygomorphy is constitutional). It has thus allowed us to revisit the contributions of the great floral morphologists of the 20th and early 21st centuries.

    1 794,-

    Connected Innovation and Technology X.0 1 studies the development of industry and logistics through digital technologies, presenting novel approaches to efficiency and innovation. It highlights the core of Industry X.0, showing how the digital transformation of business models, the focus on human-centric experiences and the application of advanced technologies all drive growth across various fields. Emphasizing smart supply chain management, performance optimization and sustainable solutions, the book provides insights into using Industry X.0 technologies to enhance supply chain sustainability, network security, and innovation in the manufacturing, healthcare and energy sectors. By integrating lean methodologies, advanced planning and the latest tech solutions, it serves as an efficient resource, not only for professionals, but also for students who seek to map digital transformation complexities and seize the opportunities given to develop future-oriented business models and achieve operational excellence.

  • av Julia (Sorbonne Paris Nord University Guilhem
    1 794,-

    In a fully digitized world and hyper-connected society, artificial intelligence (AI) is developing more and more each day. In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, it seems appropriate to examine the real or imagined progress of AI in terms of human health. Like artificial intelligence, health is a field that involves a wide range of research disciplines. In order to better define and understand these social and technical developments, Al, Healthcare and Law brings together the thoughts and analyses of doctors, lawyers, economists and computer scientists. Through a wide range of original overviews of the issues involved, the book addresses questions such as the development of telemedicine, the use of medical data, the increased human perspective or medical ethics, and takes a multi-disciplinary and accessible approach to questioning the relationship between humans and computers, between the intimate and the machine.

  • av Maxime (Universite de Bretagne Occidentale Dejean
    1 794,-

    China's international tourism industry is gradually rising from the ashes after three years of travel restrictions imposed in response to China's "zero Covid" policy. This gradual recovery has prompted three geographers, specialized in understanding these trends, to pool their research and present an overview of the current state of Chinese international outbound tourism. Drawing on their extensive field experience in Wuhan, Phuket, Paris and Nice, these three researchers have combined their complementary and original approaches to explore the underlying mechanisms of the flow of Chinese tourists, from their origins to the most popular destinations. Chinese Outbound Tourism highlights the particularities of the Chinese tourism system, as well as the complex dynamics at work behind the 170 million international trips made before the pandemic by nationals of this "socialist country with Chinese characteristics".

  • av Pierre (IAE de Lille Louart
    1 794,-

    Tourist destinations are subject to the strategies and interactions of the people who reside in them, with complementary and sometimes conflicting interests. To ensure that these destinations remain competitive, Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) are tasked with stimulating cooperation between all partners (independents, organizations, networks). Tourist Destinations According to Stakeholder Strategies is based on a series of case studies that are analyzed and discussed from a dual geographical and managerial perspective. This enables us to extract operational typologies and propose recommendations for actors in the tourism sector. The authors have opted for an original and innovative name for the object of study, "Localized Tourism Systems" (LTS), thus emphasizing the triple aim of territorialization, tourism activities and actors that interact together in collective projects.

    1 689,-

    Digital transformation has shaped a new landscape for companies and their customers, offering companies a wealth of data with which to develop customer knowledge. However, this evolution is just one of many transformations in customer marketing within an increasingly complex reality, thrown into turmoil by environmental and social changes. New frontiers in customer relations strategies are thus being drawn, some in new territories grounded in efforts to preserve scarce resources, while others are built on expectations of social responsibility. These profound societal changes also reveal darker frontiers, where companies have insufficient ethical considerations for vulnerable customers, or merely react to changes in legislation. New Frontiers of Customer Strategy offers practitioners, lecturers and students an up-to-date reflection on the role of customer relations now and in the future, to keep pace with environmental, digital, inclusive and ethical issues, as well as organizational governance.

    1 703,-

    Using the experience of patients, users, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders to innovate and rethink healthcare organizations and systems is gaining ground. Deploying these innovative methods and practices, however, requires an understanding and mastery of theoretical principles, as well as experimenting with them in the field. Experience in Healthcare Innovation alternates between theoretical presentations and case studies/examples in order to present the key notions of innovation in healthcare and the experiences of the people at the heart of healthcare ecosystems. It brings together diverse and complementary perspectives, shedding new light on the issue of healthcare experience through the prism of innovation. It includes a wealth of resources, ideas and results for all of those in healthcare wishing to implement innovative approaches that place the human experience at the heart of healthcare ecosystems.

  • av Ibrahima (Iba Der Thiam University Sakho
    1 689,-

    Nuclear Physics 2 explores the applications of various radioisotopes for dating and nuclear medicine imaging. It introduces the theoretical and experimental facts from the observation of the red shift in the spectrum of galaxies (1913), and the discovery of the cosmic microwave background (1965) that led to the validation of the Big Bang model, through which all known chemical elements are created via nucleosynthesis processes. This introduction is followed by a description of the nuclear reactions involved in primordial, stellar, and explosive. The principles of carbon-14, potassium-argon, uranium-thorium and uranium-protactinium dating, along with the principles of lead-210, caesium-137 and beryllium-7 radiochronometers applied to dating, are also described. An overview of the birth of nuclear medicine is given, from the first use of radioisotopes as tracers in plant biology in 1913, to the development of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) in 1975. The method of synthesis of radiopharmaceuticals, quality control of radiopharmaceuticals and the experimental methods of the determination of radiochemical purity are presented. The description of the principles of PET and Single-Photon Emission Tomography (SPECT), the presentation of the different radioisotopes used in TEMPS and PET, as well as the presentation of the main scintigraphies and their uses in nuclear medicine conclude the topics studied.

  • av Helene (University of Toulon Ledouble
    1 689,-

    Media coverage of scientific issues is a highly complex process. It involves making a specialized field accessible to the general public, without necessarily disseminating the associated scientific terms or knowledge. The terminological interactions between press discourses and scientific knowledge are presented within the field of agroecology. The analysis of textual data focuses on articles in the general press in French and English, devoted to plant protection practices using natural mechanisms (biological control). This book provides a terminological and cognitive overview of the issues involved in popularizing science in a rapidly expanding field, and of the challenges to be met in the constantly evolving environmental communication sector.

  • av Bernard (IEEE Standards Association & TESSCO sas) Homes
    1 689,-

    Software testing has greatly evolved since the first edition of this book in 2011. Testers are now required to work in "agile" teams and focus on automating test cases. It has thus been necessary to update this work, in order to provide fundamental knowledge that testers should have to be effective and efficient in today's world. This book describes the fundamental aspects of testing in the different lifecycles, and how to implement and benefit from reviews and static analysis. Multiple other techniques are approached, such as equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, use case testing, decision tables and state transitions. This second edition also covers test management, test progress monitoring and incident management, in order to ensure that the testing information is correctly provided to the stakeholders. This book provides detailed course-study material for the 2023 version of the ISTQB Foundation level syllabus, including sample questions to help prepare for exams.

  • av Jean Davallon
    1 689,-

    The world is full of traces of the past, ranging from things as different as monuments and factories to farms, eco-museums, landscapes, mountaineering and even woven-grass bridges. These traces must be protected and passed on to future generations. Communicational analysis shows that these traces have acquired the status of heritage by becoming communicative beings imbued with a new social life. Up until the 1970s and 1980s, granting this status was the prerogative of the state. New modes then emerged, increasingly involving social actors and the publicization of knowledge. Today, the heritage recognition of these traces also depends on interpretative schemes that circulate in society, notably through the media. Heritage Traces in the Making is aimed at anyone - researchers, professionals and students - who is interested in how heritage is created and how it evolves.

  • av Serge (CNRS Kirkiacharian
    1 689,-

    Enzyme dysfunction, an essential catalyst for the smooth running of biochemical reactions and the maintenance of vital processes, is at the root of many pathologies that have paved the way for the development of numerous drugs. Aimed at pharmacists, biologists, biochemists, doctors, veterinarians, medicinal chemists and students from a wide range of disciplines, Enzymes and Drugs brings together, for the first time, extensive documentation highlighting the relationships between a large number of drugs and enzymes. The book also highlights new prospects for therapeutic discoveries offered by enzyme targeting. Numerous applications have been developed thanks to strategies for studying enzyme inhibition or activation, as well as the development of allosteric effectors, presented with their advantages and disadvantages. Various rare diseases, known as "orphan" diseases, have resulted from enzyme deficiency or absence. For their treatment, the introduction of substitute enzymes has led to major therapeutic advances.

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