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  • av Ilo

    Does work in multinational enterprises give women in developing countries an opportunity to free themselves from the restrictions of existing social structures? Information from 30 developing countries is analysed to provide examples of the situation of women workers in multinational enterprises in the Third World today with respect to wages, hours and conditions of work, fringe benefis, labour relations and quality of life. This report has been prepared jointly by the United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations and the Bureau of Multinational Enterprises of the International Labour Office.

  • av Ilo

    The Conditions of Work Digest on preventing stress at work is essential reading for policy-makers in government agencies, employers' and workers' organizations, health professionals, trainers, consultants, managers and workers' representatives concerned with this complex and challenging problem.

  • av Ilo

    Sexual harassment is overwhelmingly a problem of women workers. It has nothing to do with normal interaction between the sexes: it denotes scorn of another person, and is used to establish or prove power over others. Sexual harassment produces feelings of revulsion, violation, disgust, anger and powerlessness. Good managers know that it is in the long-term interest of the enterprise to ensure that their employees are treated with respect. While effective legal remedies are necessary, it is also important to ensure that the problem ceases, or better still, never starts. Thus, preventive measures are especially important. This issue of the Conditions of Work Digest is essential reading for employers, personnel managers, trade unionists and all those in governmental and non-governmental circles who are committed to justice and dignity at work.


    Topics covered include: freedom of association; dispute settlement; enterprise-level labour relations; labour relations in the public service; tripartism; employment security; remuneration; and collective bargaining.

  • av Ilo

    International comparisons of statutory provisions and standards on limitations of weights at the workplace are difficult to obtain. Information on these subjects may be of great interest to government departments and to employers' and workers' organizations. The purpose of this book is to present a summary of legislation and practice adopted in various ILO member States concerning the limitations of weight in manual lifting and carrying loads. It provides details of general provisions and specific maximum weight provisions in tabular form, as well as a chapter comparing working practices in different countries.

  • - New Approach to Instruction and Learning in Working Life
    av Yrjö Engeström

    Neither traditional book learning nor the acquisition of fixed routines by practice and imitation are adequate for coping with rapidly changing work activities. Work-related training of adults faces the challenge of raising the quality of learning. This book offers a framework for eliciting and supporting poductive learning through instruction. Training for change presents a cognitive and activity-theoretical view of learning and teaching. The book gives concrete guidelines and practical examples for the formulation of cognitive objectives of instruction, for the organization of learning contents, for the selection of instructional methods, and for the planning of curricula. It is useful for everyone interested in turning workplaces into learning organizations. Yrjv Engestrvm is Professor of Communication and Director of the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition at the Universty of California, San Diego.

  • - Reflexions Et Perspectives Nouvelles
    av Philippe Garnier & Marc van Imschoot

  • - Failing Health Systems in Eastern Europe
    av Carl Warren Afford

    All across Eastern Europe, health services plunged into crisis in the 1990s. Steep cuts in budgets, training and investment and, in some cases, official disinterest, created a pervasive system failure that has had terrible consequences, for patients and their families, for communities, and for those who have been required to work in the many parts of health services. Based on research conducted by the ILO Socio-Economic Security Programme and Public Services International, the book paints a vivid picture of the dedication and professionalism of health-care staff in worsening conditions, in which they have continued to work and have tried to maintain standards despite personal hardships.


    This is one of two volumes devoted to pension reform that are appearing as part of a series of studies of social security issues prepared by the ILO. The two pension volumes examine approaches to reform taken by four advanced EU-applicant countries, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia.

  • av David Macdonald, Robert Heron & Caroline Vandenabeele

  • - A Manual for Trainers
    av ILO-Saat

  • - Child domestic work in the Phillippines
    av Ma Cecilia Flores-Oebanda, Roland Romeo R Pacis & Virgilio Montano

  • - Going for Growth
    av International Labour Office

  • - Going for Growth
    av International Labour Office

  • - Going for Growth
    av International Labour Office

  • av Barbara Murray & Robert Heron

    This guide provides an overview of the approaches and strategies to improve job opportunities for disabled jobseekers. It is intended for vocational guidance and placement personnel in mainstream and specialist employment services in governmental and non-governmental organizations. It is a useful resource for personnel experienced in providing such services to disabled people and for those new to the task as well as policy-makers in labour administration.

  • - Minimizing Negative Social Effects Through Restructuring

    The South Asian countries have been engaged in privatization and restructuring of various public enterprises. [...] This ILO publication examines the approaches of privatization and their social consequences in five countries of South Asia: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

  • - An Introductory Guide
    av Robert Heron & Caroline Vandenabeele

  • - Policy and Planning. A Practical Guide
    av Robert Heron, Henrik Vistisen & Kazuo Yamazaki

  • av Robert Heron, Henrik Vistisen & Kazuo Yamazaki

  • av Ilo

    An ILO Symposium on Collective Bargaining in Industrialized Market Economy Countries (Geneva, 2-6 November 1987) Industrial relations in industrialized market economies are currently evolving in a particularly difficult context. Economic constraints, technological progress and changes, not only in the composition of the labour force but also in the attitudes of workers, have caused workers' and employers' organizations to take a fresh look at their role in the process of collective bargaining. A symposium convened by the ILO in November 1987 provided a forum in which participants from government, employer, worker and academic circles, together with observers from a number of international bodies, could exchange views on recent trends and problems in collective bargaining. Papers by the ILO highlighting significant issues and a selection of the documents submitted by the participants in English are contained in this volume.

  • - Code of Practice
    av Ilo

    Among the many factors that contribute to the deterioration of the working environment, noise and vibration have an important place. This code of practice, adopted at a meeting of experts convened by the ILO, sets out the principles that should be followed for the control of workplace noise and vibration, and contains the information required for the establishment of control programmes for individual plants. The latest impression of the code incorporates modifications resulting from the adoption of IEC and ISO standards and relevant extracts from recently published ILO codes of practice.

  • av OIT

    Proteger la salud de los trabajadores contra los riesgos debidos a la contaminacisn del aire en el lugar de trabajo y prevenir la contaminacisn del medio ambiente de trabajo son finalidades que deberman perseguir cuantos se interesan por la concepcisn, la organizacisn y la ejecucisn del trabajo y quienes se ocupan de proteger la salud de los trabajadores. Los principios establecidos en este Repertorio de recomendaciones practicas, que fue adoptado en una Reunisn de Expertos organizada por la OIT con la participacisn de la OMS, tienen por objeto estimular y orientar a gobiernos, empleadores y trabajadores. Deben considerarse como objetivos que pueden alcanzarse en etapas sucesivas en los distintos pamses y empresas, segzn las circunstancias y posibilidades locales. El Repertorio esta redactado con suficiente flexibilidad para que pueda adaptarse a la evolucisn tecnslogica. La definicisn de los tirminos utilizados en el texto figura en un detallado glosario.

  • - Le Cas De L'Afrique D'expression Francaise
    av Jean-Bernard Celestin

    Fondee sur les experiences menees dans divers pays africains d'expression francaise, souvent en cooperation avec le BIT, ainsi que sur des projets finances par l'Office danois pour l'aide au developpement (DANIDA), cette etude fait le point des nouvelles orientations des politiques de l'emploi et de la formation, des difficultes rencontrees dans l'effort fait pour rapprocher les systemes de formation et le monde du travail, des resultats obtenus et des perspectives d'amelioration.

  • av Nabeel A. Goheer

    This report is the outcome of a research study initiated and financed by the ILO with the aim of better understanding Pakistani women entrepreneurs and their problems. It offers a portrayal of the specific business environment for women in this country and shows how a complex interplay of different factors has resulted in the disadvantaged status of women in society thus restricting their mobility, economic participation and business activity. The book includes the results of a survey undertaken in the region of 150 women entrepreneurs and follows with a set of recommendations. Narrative stories of 20 selected women entrepreneurs from various economic backgrounds, diverse family set-ups, and different professions are also included.

  • - Experiences from Africa and Asia
    av Malcolm Harper & Willi Momm

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