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  • - Un Grimorio de Hierbas
    av Nicolette Miele

    - Examina las conexiones entre hierbas y plantas de cada una de las 24 runas del futhark antiguo, así como las correspondencias con deidades, astrología, tarot y cristales - Proporciona ejemplos y consejos sobre cómo se pueden combinar runas y plantas en hechizos y rituales para manifestar, proteger, curar, desterrar y más - Explica cómo se puede trabajar con runas y plantas para el proceso conmovedor de reconstruir y conectarse con la madre naturaleza Tanto las runas como las plantas contienen las energías dinámicas y crudas de la madre tierra y pueden usarse para sanar, manifestar, proteger y elevar la magia. Ambas apoyan y profundizan la conexión entre la naturaleza y el ser humano que es vital para la mente, el cuerpo y el espíritu. Y si bien ambas pueden brindarnos muchos beneficios por sí solas, cuando se fusionan en una unión mágica, sus poderes combinados se multiplican exponencialmente. En este grimorio mágico, la bruja herbolaria Nicolette Miele sumerge a los lectores en la sabiduría y el folclore de las 24 runas del futhark antiguo, así como en sus correspondencias con deidades, astrología, tarot, cristales y plantas. Cada capítulo abre discutiendo la etimología, significados, mitología, adivinación, correspondencias y magia de una runa en particular y cierra con perfiles de varias hierbas y plantas que poseen energías mágicas similares. El perfil de cada planta profundiza en sus aplicaciones mágicas, metafísicas, tradicionales y medicinales, además en la manera de trabajar con estas increíbles plantas aliadas. Estos perfiles también brindan ejemplos y consejos sobre cómo combinar las runas y plantas en hechizos y rituales para manifestar, proteger, curar, desterrar y más. Por ejemplo, la autora conecta fehu, la runa de la riqueza y valor, con la práctica de construir altares, hacer ofrendas, y con la alfalfa, el cedro, el diente de león y otras plantas utilizadas tradicionalmente en la magia de la abundancia y prosperidad. En el capítulo sobre kenaz, la runa del calor y la iluminación, la conexión con la naturaleza se nutre a través del elemento fuego y un ritual con velas bindrune. Las plantas relacionadas con kenaz son aquellas que encarnan las características del fuego, como la pasión, la ferocidad y la sexualidad, e incluyen el clavo, la damiana y la kava kava. Al guiar a la bruja verde a través de los beneficios y fortalezas de la magia sinérgica, este libro ayuda a los practicantes de magia ecléctica a avanzar en su oficio a través de la magia y la medicina popular, rituales, meditaciones, hechizos y el proceso conmovedor de reconstruir y conectarse con la madre naturaleza.

  • - Radiant Body, Radiant Mind
    av Will Johnson

    - Shares practices to show how sitting meditation can be reconnected to lived, bodily experience and help you rediscover your natural somatic radiance - Explores how the modern thought-focused frame of mind introduces patterns of holding and tension into our bodies - Draws on techniques from the Buddhist, Sufi, and somatic wisdom traditions as well as insights from the author's own teachers and collaborators, including Ida Rolf and Judith Aston The modern practice of seated meditation is in serious need of reformation. What began as a living, vibrant, and felt practice--the primary practice of the Buddhist path to spiritual realization--has painted itself into a corner of frozen stillness, divorced from lived, bodily experience. Presenting an accessible and deeply felt guide to sitting meditation as an active exploration, Will Johnson offers a revitalized understanding of this essential spiritual practice and helps meditation practitioners find their own inner radiance through deeper connection with the body. Johnson argues that the thought-focused mode of consciousness of modern rigid seated meditation introduces patterns of holding and tension into our bodies and virtually guarantees that awakening will not occur. He explains how our focus on thought, rather than embodied experience, results in a numbing of our connection to our physical self and the dimming of the body's natural somatic radiance, which in turn leads to the nagging presence of chronic pain and a general sense of malaise and the inability to get comfortable in our own bodies. However, this "consciousness of separation" can be overcome. Johnson presents a wide range of practices, including 14 audio meditations, to support the awakening of breath and presence in the body, drawing on techniques from Buddhist, Sufi, and somatic wisdom traditions, as well as methods from his studies with Ida Rolf and Judith Aston. Through the radical path of conscious sitting, Johnson shows how to transform your sitting meditation practice from one of tension and struggle into a fully natural mudra of greater grace from which radiance will naturally flow. As the egoic perspective is dissolved, and chronic pain and discomfort are lessened, practitioners begin to feel a new, enlightened, bodily radiance--what Johnson calls "The Great Wide Open."

  • - The Secret Teachings of Marco Daffi on Initiation
    av David Pantano

    - Presents Daffi's writings on unique and unusual experiences from five decades of alchemical and hermetic practice, available for the first time in English - Offers a view of Daffi's "Inner Laboratory" and his pioneering investigations into consciousness, past-life regression, Hermetic healing, and divination - Offers a psychological portrait of Daffi through writings by initiates, artists, and scholars who knew or had firsthand knowledge of the Baron Following the path set by renowned alchemist Giuliano Kremmerz, Marco Daffi was one of the most interesting and controversial protagonists of magical Hermeticism in the 20th century, a master initiate who illuminated the more esoteric aspects of Hermetic practice in terms of initiation, gnosis, eros, divination, and consciousness. In this comprehensive look at the man born Baron Ricciardo Ricciardelli yet better known by his spiritual name Marco Daffi, historian and researcher David Pantano presents Daffi's writings on some of the most unique and unusual topics within alchemical Hermeticism, available for the first time in English. Through his visionary writings, Daffi elucidates firsthand accounts of "initiatory experience" and the inner visions of Hermetic practices, supported by relevant experiential praxis. Readers are able to enter Daffi's "Inner Laboratory" and experience his pioneering investigations into the numinal or interdimensional aspects of consciousness. Daffi details the descensus ad inferno he took into the dark cavernous recesses of past-life regression for purposes of Hermetic healing. His writings also reveal his practical applications of oracular-modes of consciousness, especially by exercising his considerable mediumistic capabilities. Exploring the more human side of Daffi as well, Pantano shares biographical information on Ricciardelli and writings from initiates, artists, and scholars who knew or had firsthand knowledge of the Baron. These never-before-translated writings provide context and additional depth for the insights that permeate Daffi's alchemical and magical work and philosophy. Pantano also includes Daffi's own account of the infamous "Trial of the Magus," which pitted him against the grandson of Giuliano Kremmerz at the height of Italy's fascist era. Providing an inside view of the magus at work, a glimpse into the far-reaching spiritual horizon of a man who explored the depths of the astral realm and the most occult aspects of alchemy and Hermeticism, this book allows the reader to see with an initiate's eyes the kaleidoscopic prism of Daffi's expansive vision of reality.

  • - Nature Spirits, Shapeshifters, and the Undead in the Never-Ending Middle Ages
    av Claude Lecouteux

    - Examines the esoteric side of texts and tales from the Middle Ages, including the enduring presence of haunted areas and power places and the roles of witches, house spirits, rune priests, shapeshifters, and the undead - Discusses the dividing line between magic and deviltry, as well as the significance of grimoires, bells, blacksmiths, storm callers, and more - Serves as a guide to a still-present magical and imaginal realm, pointing readers to the borderlands and liminal thresholds that enable access to the other world In this new collection of his writings, scholar and Sorbonne instructor Claude Lecouteux reveals that the magical world of the distant past is real and still very present--if you know where to look. Explaining how he makes the texts he studies reveal their hidden teachings, Lecouteux directly explores the esoteric side of medieval myths and tales, peeling back the Christian veneer to show the enduring presence of haunted areas and power places, of witches, house spirits, rune priests, vampires, shapeshifters, and the undead. In tales originating from Greenland and Iceland to Saxony, Romania, and beyond, the author discusses the dividing line between magic and deviltry as well as the significance of grimoires, bells, blacksmiths, and other magical objects and characters. He explores magic in the elements of nature and as illustrated by the art of witches and magicians specializing in weather magic--storm callers and storm dispellers. He examines the medieval mythology surrounding clouds and the mythic significance of mountains in the haunted world of our ancestors, which is still as close to us today as it was to them in the past. Looking at borderlands and liminal thresholds that can serve as gateways to other worlds, the author also discusses land spirits and the shapeshifting needed to engage with them, including how their ownership of the land can never fully be usurped. Through these writings Lecouteux acts as a ferryman, transporting readers into the realms of the wondrous and magical. He enables us to see how the haunted magic of the Middle Ages never ended and how the imaginal realm, standing just beyond the borders of our own, is as vividly real as the material world.

  • - The Realization of the Mystical Life
    av Douglas M Gillette

    - Explains how to embrace the paradox of the spiritual path--that we are already reflections of the Divine--and manifest our soul's transcendent nature in everyday life - Provides contemplative and philosophical tools to support the journey to experience the Sacred - Explores mythic stories of soul development and intuition found in Maya and Pythagorean traditions, ancient Egyptian thought, and Zoroastrianism In the mind of the Divine, every person has Infinite, Eternal, and Absolute Worth. But how do we manifest our transcendent nature in everyday life? How can we construct our lives in the material world so they reflect the Divine nature of our souls? Through his own story of spiritual self-realization, Douglas M. Gillette explores the paradox that lies at the heart of the quest for union with the Divine. As the author explains, those of us on the mystical path are each working on our souls to better reflect their Divine nature, yet we are already reflections of the Divine. To help you embrace this paradox on your spiritual journey the author provides mythic stories of soul development and intuition from Maya and Pythagorean traditions, ancient Egyptian thought, and Zoroastrianism. He shows how embracing the power of emotions like wonder, dread, and awe provide a mirror allowing us to see ourselves as infinite and immortal persons on finite and mortal adventures of becoming attuned to our deepest divine self. In addition to myth, the author's personal synthesis of theistic Neoplatonism and Panentheism provides readers with the contemplative tools necessary to fulfill their mystical journey. Bringing together a wide range of contrasting worldviews and sometimes-controversial ideas assumed to be in opposition, the author shows how unifying views that are often considered polar opposites is a primary vehicle for actualizing our core purpose as souls in the physical world. He deeply investigates the emergence of personhood as we build our material lives and explores how images of God and the Divine are rememberings of the Infinite and Immortal Person within which we all are contained. Seeking to convey the thrill of actually entering into the Sacred, Gillette details the philosophical and mystical path of soul making, the paradoxical journey of becoming in the physical world what we already are in the infinity and eternity of the Divine Psyche.

  • - Awakening to the Dreamlike Nature of Reality
    av Paul Levy

    - Shows how the revelations emerging from quantum physics can wake us up from the disempowering spell of the scientific materialist worldview and help dispel the collective madness that has befallen our species - Explains for readers with no physics background why quantum physics is, in the words of Albert Einstein, so "uncommonly important" that "it should be everyone's concern" - Shows how quantum physics can help us awaken to the malleable, dreamlike nature of reality, a realization that unlocks the creative spirit within us Quantum physics is not just some esoteric abstract theory for scientists. As Paul Levy makes clear, quantum physics offers radical and mind-blowing revelations that not only have day-to-day relevance for all of us, but also offers us a way forward in healing the myriad world crises we are facing today. Explaining the world-transforming effects of quantum physics, widely considered the greatest discovery in the history of science, Levy shows how it can wake us up from the disempowering spell of the reductionist, materialist worldview, thereby helping to dispel the collective madness that has befallen our species. He explains how quantum physics helps us to consciously realize our vast evolutionary potential and awaken us to the malleable, dreamlike nature of reality, a realization that unlocks the creative spirit hidden within our own minds. In a radical synthesis of quantum physics with spirituality, psychology, lucid dreaming, and alchemy, Levy contemplates the deeper philosophical and metaphysical underpinnings of quantum mechanics, exploring what it means that quantum physics has empirically proven that there is no such thing as "objective reality" and how we are active participants in creating our experience of reality, whether we realize it or not. Revealing the quantum nature of our world and ourselves, The Quantum Revelation shows how quantum physics has become a modern-day spiritual path for awakening and expanding consciousness with particular relevance for the challenging times we are living through.

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