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  • av Selina Maitreya

    A hands-on guide to cultivating a more conscious and spiritually present life

  • av Thom Hartmann

    Una guía para reformular nuestra visión del TDAH y aprovechar sus beneficios

  • av Rick Strassman

    Un psiquiatra clínico explora los efectos de la DMT, una de las drogas psicodélicas más potentes que se conocen.

  • av Jeffrey J Bütz

    RELIGION / CHRISTIAN STUDIES James, the younger brother of Jesus, has been the subject of controversy since the founding of Christianity. This book reveals his true role as Jesus' chosen successor and demonstrates that the core message in the teachings of Jesus is an expansion, not a repudiation, of the Jewish religion. James recently made international headlines due to the discovery of an ancient Jewish ossuary that bore the inscription: "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus." Evidence that Jesus had siblings contradicts Roman Catholic dogma on the virgin birth, and James is also a symbol of suppressed Christian teachings. While Peter is traditionally thought of as the leader of the apostles and the "rock" on which Jesus built his church, Jeffrey Butz shows that it was James who led the disciples after the crucifixion. It was James, not Peter, who guided them through the Church's first major theological crisis--Paul's interpretation of the teachings of Jesus. Using the canonical Gospels, writings of the Church Fathers, and apocryphal texts, Butz argues that James is the most overlooked figure in the history of the Church. He shows how the core teachings of Jesus are firmly rooted in Hebrew tradition and reveals the bitter battles between James and Paul for ideological supremacy in the early Church, explaining that Paul's interpretations, which became the foundation of the Church, are in many ways a betrayal of Jesus' teachings. Butz reveals a picture of Christianity and the true meaning of Christ's message that are sometimes quite at odds with established Christian doctrine and concludes that James can serve as a desperately needed link between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam that could heal the wounds of centuries of enmity. JEFFREY J. BuTZ is an ordained Lutheran minister and an adjunct professor of world religions at Penn State University's Berks-Lehigh Valley campus. He lives in Catasauqua, Pennsylvania.

  • av Matthew Fox

    NEW AGE ⁄ SPIRITUALITY "Forceful and compelling. . . . A work of marvelous construction." --Spirituality Today In A Spirituality Named Compassion, Matthew Fox, the popular and controversial author, establishes a spirituality for the future that promises personal, social, and global healing. Using his own experiences with the pain and lifestyle changes that resulted from an accident, Fox has written an uplifting book on the issues of ecological justice, the suffering of Earth, and the rights of her nonhuman citizens. Fox defines compassion as creativity put to the service of justice and argues that we can achieve compassion for both humanity and the environment as we recognize the interconnectedness of all things. Working toward the creation of a gentler, ecological, and feminist Christianity, Fox marries mysticism and social justice, emphasizing that as we enter a new millennium society needs to realize that spirituality's purpose is to guide us on a path that leads to a genuine love of all our relations and a love for our shared interdependence. MATTHEW FOX is a theologian, educator, former Dominican priest, and the author of such popular books as Original Blessing and The Coming of the Cosmic Christ. The author of twenty-one books and the winner of numerous awards, he is also the founder and president of the University of Creation Spirituality and codirector of The Naropa Institute's master's program in Creation Spirituality, both in Oakland, California.

  • av Peter Damian

    Aromaterapia El olor y la psique Durante miles de anos se han utilizado los aceites aromaticos no solo por su fragancia sino tambien con propositos culinarios, terapeuticos y espirituales. Peter y Kate Samian revelan la forma de mejorar cas todos los aspectos de la vida mediante masajes aromaticos de lavanda y banos de aceite de te de arbol para el tratamiento de la presion alta o de ylang ylang contra la depresion. Al ser el unico sentido que se extiende hasta el cerebro, el olfato es un componente primordial del estado de animo, la memoria y el apetito, y la clave para comprender la compatibilidad sexual y el instinto de proteccion maternal de un recien nacido. Pero, que armas en particular son eficaces en el tratamiento terapeutico o en los rituales? Que relacion existe entre las esencias de las plantas y el aura humana? Junto a una amplia exposicion de la historia de la aromaterapia de la antigua China, la India, Persia y Egipto, y a los conocimientos cientificos actuales de la psicologia del aroma, Aromaterapia: El olor y la psique es la guia perfecta para dominar el uso de los aceites esenciales. Se incluyen esquemas explicativos acerca de los cuarenta y cuarto aceites esenciales, ademas de instrucciones especificas para crear mezclas de los mismos. Peter y Kate Damian son miembros de la American Society for Phytotherapy and Aromatherapy, International. Peter Damian es autor de The Twelve Healers of the Zodiac: The Astrology Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies. Kate Damian viaja por todo el mundo como practicante profesional del masaje y la aromaterapia.

  • av Al-Sulami & Ibn Al-Husayn Al-Sulami

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