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  • av Hing Chao

    The proceedings of the third International Martial Studies Conference offer a uniqueopportunity for broadening our historic perspective, drawing focus in particular tothe role of martial activities in intercultural exchange. First of all, it analyzes a field ofstudy that receives scant attention from both the general public and historians. It alsooffers the possibility of comparing scientific, historical, and cultural data belonging totwo geographical areas that have played a fundamental role in developing universalcivilization. Finally, it presents such knowledge and notions not as relegated to adistant past but still present and alive in contemporary Masters of martial arts.The promoter and curator of the conference and its associated exhibition Way ofthe Sword: Warrior Traditions in China and Italy, Hing Chao, is a highly successfulentrepreneur, a profound scholar of Chinese culture (and especially of traditionalmartial arts), and a cultural operator with a marked propensity for interculturaldialogue: he is, in fact, not only the author of numerous books on martial arts but alsothe founder of the International Guoshu Association-an organization dedicated tosafeguarding the heritage of Chinese martial arts-and of the Hong Kong CultureFestival.The level of specialization reached by many scientific disciplines and researchsectors makes it difficult for a single scholar to make comparisons and parallels withother fields of study and with scholars who, in different latitudes, carry out similarresearch. Such comparisons, however, are often helpful not only to recognize theimprint of common humanity but also crucial to better understand notions that havealready been acquired and to renew the perspective in which we analyze them: asKlukhohn (2018, 18), the American anthropologist, said: "The longest way round isoften the shortest way home."The papers presented at this conference are significant because they offer updatedinformation about weaponry and martial art research in Europe and China. Theyalso provide international scholars with knowledge that sometimes has a limitedcirculation outside the country of origin (in this case, Italy and China).

  • av Zhihong Qian

    Internet Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms are expected to enablewide spread use of real-time services. New standards and new communicationarchitectures allowing guaranteed QoS services are now developed. We will coverthe issues of QoS provisioning in heterogeneous networks, Internet access over 5Gnetworks, and discusses most emerging technologies in the area of networks andtelecommunications such as IoT, SDN, edge computing, and MEC networking. Wewill also present routing, security, and baseline architectures of the Internet workingprotocols and end-to-end traffic management issues.

  • av James Gun

    I am on a peak-hour, return leg flight from Sydney to Melbourne following a fullday of meetings with clients where I shared the findings from our latest workplacedesign research. The conversations were fruitful, with a particular focus on innovation- a popular topic among organisations. We discussed the ways a workplacecould help unearth ideas that organisations intuitively know exist in the ranks oftheir employees but can be awfully hard to uncover.All around me, passengers mirrored my fatigue, they were talked out, idea-emptyand looking forward to getting home; the hallmarks of a homeward-bound workcommute. Settling into the hour-long journey ahead, I pulled out my iPad andresumed reading Richard Dawkins' book, The Magic of Reality [2]. Struggling toconcentrate, I caught myself re-reading the same paragraph over and over until Ieventually became immersed in chapter three: "Why are there so many differentkinds of animals?"Dawkins explains Darwin's proposition about how the iguanas of the GalapagosIslands came to be. In a nutshell, the geographical barriers between the islandsresulted in the evolution of three distinct species of iguanas who were cut off by thesea. In perfect isolation on their own islands these populations never met, so theirgenes had the opportunity to drift apart as they evolved in different ways to adapt totheir environments.

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