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  • - Breaking Through
    av Ralf W Seifert & Richard Markoff

    The challenges facing supply chain professionals are changing rapidly. Today, far from focusing on capital expenditures and logistics such as warehousing and distribution, supply chain executives are expected to understand all aspects of the business, appreciate the constraints and expectations of upstream and downstream partners, and possess sufficient technological savvy to navigate the bewildering array of options presented by Industry 4.0 and supply chain digitalization (SCD). This book is for them.The Digital Supply Chain Challenge: Breaking Through is a distillation of the authors'' 50+ years of combined supply chain experience, both at the coal face and in the classroom. Their insights and observations - captured in short articles and best-practice case studies - are brought together in one place for supply chain executives to consult at different times during their SCD voyage, to find benchmarks, relevant insights or even just to help formulate the right questions along the way. It is a sort of handbook to the essentials of digital supply chain transformation.

  • - What Every Leader Should Know about Balancing Life
    av Kees Van Der Graaf

    "Defining Moments is a deeply honest, personal and at times moving account of one man's voyage of self-discovery. Through a series of "defining moments", Kees shows how personal crises and professional challenges can not only be overcome but can also be used to help give greater purpose and meaning to life - to help make the individual stronger, the family more cohesive and the organization more united." Paul Polman, Chief Executive Officer, Unilever

  • av Catherine Agamis

    If you are currently working on a strategic initiative and don't quite know what to do at this stage, this trusted companion provides you with a step by step guide for leading strategic initiatives by intertwining theoretical frameworks with practical tools. It provides you with guidance on which tools to use when. Embedded throughout the book are execution and change management suggestions that will help you think through both growth and operational efficiency initiatives. In addition, we have included real world examples will bring the frameworks to life.

  • av Richard Markoff

    The challenges facing supply chain professionals are changing rapidly. Today, far from focusing on capital expenditures and logistics such as warehousing and distribution, supply chain executives are expected to understand all aspects of the business, appreciate the constraints and expectations of upstream and downstream partners, and possess sufficient technological savvy to navigate the bewildering array of options presented by Industry 4.0 and supply chain digitalization (SCD). This book is for them.The Digital Supply Chain Challenge: Breaking Through 2nd Edtion is a distillation of the authors' 50+ years of combined supply chain experience, both at the coal face and in the classroom. Their insights and observations - captured in short articles and best-practice case studies - are brought together in one place for supply chain executives to consult at different times during their SCD voyage, to find benchmarks, relevant insights or even just to help formulate the right questions along the way. It is a sort of handbook to the essentials of digital supply chain transformation.This new edition contains additional chapters on AI, an evaluation of Industry 4.0, why the promised fourth industrial revolution hasn't happened yet and new cases studies on Tesla, Heineken, L'Oreal and Zalando.

  • av Mario Marconi

    In today's complex world, family offices play a pivotal role in safeguarding a family's heritage and unity while preserving and growing generational wealth. As the world around us evolves, so too must family offices adapt to meet the changing needs of their families. The Family Office Navigator is your essential guide for establishing and managing a family office, equipping you with practical frameworks and actionable insights for every step of your journey.

  • av Etienne Eichenberger

    La philanthropie est une excellente mani¿¿re, pour des individus et des familles, d'avoir unimpact positif dans un monde en ¿¿volution rapide. Le secteur philanthropique et les pratiquesde g¿¿n¿¿rosit¿¿ se transforment et se professionnalisent. Les familles veulent d¿¿sormaiss'assurer que leurs dons sont efficaces et atteignent leurs objectifs. Qu'elles soient novices oud¿¿j¿¿ exp¿¿riment¿¿es, le Navigateur de philanthropie familiale leur offre un guide pratique, unoutil inspirant et facile ¿¿ utiliser, qui les accompagnera pas ¿¿ pas pour d¿¿buter ou revisiter etapprofondir leur aventure philanthropique.En parcourant les ¿¿tapes du Navigateur de philanthropie familiale, vous aurez: ¿¿¿ Compris l'importance de la philanthropie comme partie int¿¿grante de votre¿¿cosyst¿¿me d'entreprise familiale¿¿¿ Explor¿¿ les motivations, la focale et les ambitions de votre g¿¿n¿¿rosit¿¿¿¿¿ S¿¿lectionn¿¿ les personnes et les organisations avec lesquelles vous voulez b¿¿tirdes partenariats¿¿¿ D¿¿cid¿¿ quelles ressources, structures et proc¿¿dures mettre en place pouratteindre les r¿¿sultats et impacts escompt¿¿s¿¿¿ Appris des histoires v¿¿cues et partages d'exp¿¿riences d'autres philanthropes actifs¿¿¿ Pr¿¿par¿¿ m¿¿ticuleusement votre propre voyage philanthropiqueou sa r¿¿orientation strat¿¿gique

  • av Peter Lorange

  • av Bruno Lanvin

    Amid this fast and disorienting pace of change, many are instinctively looking to political leaders and world-renowned experts for answers. As a result, important conversations that should be going on have been conspicuous by their absence. In particular, these are conversations that should involve young people. If new paradigms are emerging that will one day govern how we live, work, learn and communicate, it is the youth that needs to be in the driver's seat of shaping them. The new generation needs to ensure that these paradigms reflect its values and priorities, as well as its outlook on the world and how it perceives its own place in the world. Young people have boundless energy, but they often lack inspiration and hope. This book is about supporting young minds' probing efforts with creative vision, energy and ambition.


    IMD 75 years, Challenging what is, inspiring what could be is for anyone looking to develop their personal leadership as well as the success of their organization. The book highlights the insights and ground-breaking accomplishments achieved during IMD's rise to prominence as one of the world's leading providers of executive education. Written to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Institute for Management Development, IMD 75 years is an engaging guide to the events that shaped the institute and, in turn, enabled it to develop and transform the success of thousands of leaders and organizations worldwide.The pioneering vision of the first-class international executives who founded the school in the aftermath of World War II was to provide insightful learning experiences that, crucially, would have real impact and lasting benefit. A practical focus, born from industry, combined with an international perspective and an innovative approach to learning, enables IMD faculty and staff to design and develop innovative and integrated programs addressing carefully identified needs and objectives. IMD's activity has recently expanded into a quasi-advisory direction, building on the strong belief that its role is to help leaders find their own solutions, embedded in their own organizations. This is all the more relevant in today's time of opportunity but also profound challenge and change.

  • - The inspirational guide for philanthropic families on their giving journey
    av Peter Vogel, Etienne Eichenberger & Malgorzata Kurak

    Philanthropy is an important and highly rewarding way for individuals and families to make a difference in a rapidly changing world. Like the world around us, philanthropy is changing and transforming, and philanthropic families are seeking out new ways to ensure that their giving is meaningful and impactful. The Family Philanthropy Navigator offers an easy-to-use, step-by-step inspirational guide for new and existing philanthropic families to initiate or enhance their journey in giving. On completion of the Family Philanthropy Navigator, you will have:understood the importance of philanthropy as an integral part of your family enterprise or ecosystem.explored the motivation, focus and ambitions of your giving.selected the people and organizations you wish to partner with.decided on resources, structures and processes you need to achieve impact.learned from the stories of active philanthropists to inspire and inform your giving.prepared thoroughly to begin your own philanthropic journey or to change the direction of your giving.

  • av Susan Goldsworthy

    What did we do once we knew?This book is written for both children and adults to entertain and educate.Join storytime as Grandma recounts her adventures with an alphabet of wild animals to her granddaughter, Little Dove. But with species loss accelerating at an alarming rate, will there be any creatures left for Little Dove to play with?We have solutions that can make a difference. Working together, we can step up to our responsibility to protect what we still can in this magical, more-than-human world. Then we can have hope that instead of talking about where the wild things were we can speak to our children and grandchildren about where the wild things are.

  • - The Art of Piloting Initiatives
    av Bettina Büchel & Rhoda Davidson

    Strategy execution is all about the speed of learning and making the right resource allocation decisions across a portfolio of business efficiency and growth initiatives. To learn quickly, piloting is critical before scaling initiatives to deliver value. Piloting de-risks strategy implementation and the learning that takes place during the first implementations is key for gaining strategic agility as it enables the quick and effective shifting of resources - including cash, talent and managerial attention.

  • - How Cities Can Shape Their Own Future

    Smart cities are a fast-growing species, and a fascinating field for new experiments in a number of critical areas, ranging from urban planning, sustainable energy, and transport strategies to social integration and talent attraction, to name a few. As leaders and citizens around the world continue to assess, design, implement and improve on ways to create better cities, they often find themselves confronted with a multitude of decisions and a wide range of partial solutions to specific problems such as traffic congestion, waste management and crime. Unfortunately, they have precious few tools to enable them to define the strategies required and take advantage of the experience of other smart cities around the world. In such a context, metrics can play a significant and constructive role: by quantifying efforts and results, they increase the ability of decision-makers to identify where their priorities should lie as well as the relative merits of various approaches.

  • - A Responsible Leader's Guide to Sustainability
    av Allen (Thunderbird School of Global Management USA) Morrison & Heidi Strebel

  • - Seven Future Challenges Facing Top Executives

    Value chains today have a huge impact on multinational corporations' right to exist and the way they compete. The future challenges associated with value chains are also huge and include new demands from society, emerging-market strategies, resource scarcity, risk proliferation and other issues. Anticipating and addressing these future challenges are crucial if companies are to compete effectively. IMD and several multinational companies created the IMD Global Value Chain Center (VC2020) in June 2011 to develop research about the future of value chains. This book summarizes some of the key findings from this two-year project.

  • - Leading Global Transformations
    av N Anand
    259 - 453,-

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