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  • av Tom A Jones

    Tom A. Jones and Steve Brown, are both teachers, have collaborated to give us a fresh, biblical look at relationships a topic of utmost importance in churches focused on making disciples and fostering continual spiritual growth. The authors show that God 's plan is for us to be instruments in each other's lives to bring about the transformation he desires. Many of us realize we are not having the kind of relationships that God intended. We have drifted away from opening our hearts and giving our lives to each other. This Book is a call back to healthy biblical relationships that will help us grow into the image of Christ.Chapter titles include:Relationships at the Center of the TargetRelationships According to God's GraceLoving One AnotherAccepting One AnotherBelonging to One AnotherTeaching and Admonishing One AnotherConfessing Sins to One AnotherBearing One Another's BurdensEncouraging One AnotherSpurring One Another OnReconciling With One AnotherForgiving One Another"One Another" in GroupsThe Logical Conclusion

  • av Tom A Jones

    Practical Advice for Those Who Have Decided to Follow JesusA number of years ago, Tom Jones was asked to speak to a group of new disciples. The material that he shared with this group proved to be inspiring, grounding and encouraging. It is that material that grew into these 24 personal letters to young disciples, now revised to reflect the changing and maturing of our ministries. As churches are being planted and getting healthier, we are having more new disciples. This book is a great resource to put in their hands. Letters to New Disciples is a book directly from the heart of Tom Jones to the heart of the new disciple. Its effectiveness is seen in the following ways: gives new disciples access to a "father in the faith"writing them short letters about issues they will face helps in the follow-up with new disciples prepares them for temptations they will face lets them know their struggles or concerns are shared by others speaks to them day or night as only the written word can encourages new disciples to stay

  • av Douglas Jacoby

    Presence & Power, Sense & Nonsense"There is good news," writes Douglas Jacoby in introducing this updated version of his book. "Your longings will not be left unfulfilled! You can know the truth about the Spirit, and you can know the power of God in your life. And you can experience significant spiritual growth, provided you are willing to pay the price. This will require patience on your part and a willingness to dig deep and often into God's treasure-house of knowledge."The Spirit is really two books in one. In Part One Douglas shows in practical ways how to walk in the Spirit and live in the Spirit's power. In Part Two the reader will find a more technical discussion of many issues connected with the Charismatic and Neo-pentecostal Movements of the twentieth century, as well as biblical answers to a host of other questions. For all of those who want a sound understanding of the living water that Jesus promised (John 7:38), this book will meet many ne

  • av Jeff Chacon

    Short and simple: life hurts and it is hard to keep on going. If you feel this way sometimes, then Dare to Dream Again is for you. You will hear God encouraging you and calling your name throughout the pages of this Book. Whether you've lost a loved one, lost your health or lost your faith; whether you've been in and out of church leadership, in and out of a job, or in and out of love; whether you've seen a leader fall, seen your child fall or seen yourself fall, this Book will be healing balm to your soul. Woven throughout its pages are scriptures, songs, poems and stories that will help you to recover the quest that God has placed in your heart.Author Jeff Chacon says, "There is something deep inside all of us that longs to do something great with our lives. We know that we are flawed; we know that we are weak, and we know that we have made more mistakes than we would ever like to admit. But still, we also know that something great resides in our hearts, just waiting for the right moment to burst onto the stage of life and make a real difference in this world." May this Book give wings to your hope and healing to your heart. May it give you new vision and new courage to dare to dream again.About the Author: Jeff Chacon has served in the ministry for more than twenty years in the state of Illinois, Colorado, Florida, Nevada and California. He and his wife, Lisa, have three adult sons, Tyler, Kyle and Ryan. Jeff currently works with a congregation in Tampa Bay, Florida. Known for his zeal, energy and faith. Jeff is an inspiring speaker and a deeply spiritual man.

  • av Joel Nagel

    What if God called you to move and become a missionary in some faraway place that had never heard the truth about Jesus Christ? Can you imagine! Preaching to the lost, learning their language and customs, spending day in and day out on the mission. Maybe you've always dreamed of planting a church or preaching the gospel. Maybe you've wondered why you weren't called to such a noble task. After being freed of demons, a man wanted to go with Jesus into the mission field but:"He did not permit him but said to him, 'Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.'" -Mark 5:19Jesus has called every one of his disciples to "Go and make disciples of all nations." That means that whatever nation, state, county, city, town or village you live in is a mission field. Should we wait for some foreign missionary to come evangelize for us? No! We should realize that we have been called to move (hearts not our homes) and become missionaries right where we are; telling friends, family and even total strangers about how much Jesus has done for us!This is more than a book. These twelve weeks of lessons and interactive challenges may very well change your life, your family, your church, and most importantly the eternal destiny of the those that live in the mission field where you wake up every single day.This is your mission field, should you choose to accept it!

  • av Linda Brumley

    This book acknowledges that there is not one simple formula for forgiving. It offers no checklist to pursue freedom from bitterness or resentment. Nor does it rely on an ultimatum that God will not forgive you unless you forgive others. Instead, it encourages you to understand your own heart and the obstacles that make forgiveness difficult. Through exposition of Scripture and compelling real-life examples this Book extends God's invitation for you to come to him. Bring him your burdened heart and take his powerful and loving hand. He will compassionately journey with you on a path that you find or construct with his help. It is a Book about forgiveness, but it is also a Book about trust and grace and hope for a closer walk with God. Some of the things that this Book will teach you are how to:See what forgiveness is and is notAnalyze an offenseDiscern pettinessMake amendsRespond to persistent offensesForgive the most profound hurtsGain perspectiveConfront your offenderForgive yourself and Godand much more...

  • av Sam And Geri Laing

    Sam and Geri Laing are best friends who love each other deeply. They offer a biblical, warm and practical guide to building a truly great marriage. Writing with refreshing candor and spiritual insight, they help couples learn to respect and communicate with each other in useful and healing ways.The three chapters on the sexual relationship are worth the price of the Book as the Laings offer seven positive steps any couple can take to build a great love life:AttitudeAttentionAffectionAtmosphereAttractivenessAttire/Aroma/AllureArticulationOther topics addressed: communication, respect, romance, money, peace and harmony and much more.Also included is an 18-page study guide and a section on dating and engagement.*Note: That although the section on dating and engagement is in this book about marriage, it is for singles who are trying to make a decision about the person or the type of person they want to marry (soon or someday).

  • av Kit Cummings

    Has your relationship with God gotten boring, discouraging, or legalistic? Has the Bible become rote and monotonous? Has the church lost its ability to inspire you? There is hope. Your failures are not final, your mistakes do not define you, and your best days lie ahead. God is not through with you yet, and oftentimes he does his best work when you're broken, flat on your back, and out of options. Kit is a living, breathing example that God loves knuckleheads and specializes in hopeless cases. In this dynamic spiritual breakthrough project you will learn to pray bold prayers and search for his answers on a daily basis. You will begin to see God in the details of your life and stretch your faith into uncharted territories. You will learn to listen to the Spirit as he guides you to find the miracles that you seek. Individuals, small groups and churches are experiencing life-changing breakthroughs as they follow these seven simple but very powerful steps. This book will help you develop the habit of seeing your Father as he works all around you, in you, and through you. You'll be amazed before you're halfway through.

  • av John M Oakes

    Applying the Golden Rule turns out to be a useful concept for all our relationships within the church, not just the relationship between the members and leaders. In this book, we will be exploring many aspects of applying the Golden Rule to Christian church membership.

  • av Douglas Jacoby

    What happens after we die? There are few questions more universal than this. We all want to know what happens when we die. No matter our religion, culture, or social status, no one is indifferent about death.But exactly what happens the instant we die? Is there a second chance for those who did not turn to the Lord during their earthly lives? Do we become angels, floating up in the clouds, or ghosts, restlessly roaming the earth? Do we go down a tunnel of light? Are people even conscious of what happens between death and Judgment Day, or does our soul simply go to sleep? Do we go straight to heaven, and keep an eye on our friends and family still on earth?In this book you'll find surprising insights in to what the Bible teaches about the afterlife. You'll learn...commonly held beliefs about the afterlifewhat the early Christians believed about life after deathwhy most Christians think heaven is now, even before Christ has returnedwho ends up in Hadeswhat the Bibles teaches about eternal punishment

  • av Toney C. Mulhollan

    The Gospels present different snapshots of Jesus that in composite give us the full image of what God wants for our lives and what we must do to walk in the footsteps of Jesus.Because we find such a richness in his life, one can seek a greater understanding of him in the many ways he interacted with people. In this book a number of people or groups of people whom Jesus taught and loved were selected, and then contemporary leaders, both men and women, probed the Gospel accounts of these encounters to see what Jesus is teaching us about relationships. Every interaction of Jesus with people is a powerful insight, a window into the world of Jesus and how we should respond to him. The reader will gain a wealth of knowledge about the nature of God and about the way we need to relate to the people around us. By looking at how Jesus was with people, we will see in memorable ways what our purpose in this life is and how we can fulfill it.

  • av Sam Laing

    Writing from the fresh perspective of an avowed "guilty soul," Sam shares from his life experiences and from the Scriptures what grace does and does not mean in the Christian's life.He writes, "For many Guilty Souls, grace is the unclaimed prize. It has been given, but never truly received. Oh, we believe in grace in the sense that we know we need it to be saved and that we could never make it to heaven without it. But in another sense, grace remains dormant. It is the unopened gift, the blessing not enjoyed. It is accepted only in theory, but not in practice. It is absent in our emotional life, in the real world in which we live and move and have our being."Not wanting us to stay in our bondage, he helps us understand, accept and apply grace in practical ways to our everyday life. Once we grasp even the hem of the garment of God's grace, it softens our hearts. It reasons with our minds. It empowers our will. It heals our emotions. It leaves us not merely forgiven, but triumphant. Not merely free, but empowered to love, to live, to be happy.What are you waiting for? Take off the chains that Jesus died to free you from. Realize that it is for freedom that Christ set you free!Chapters are grouped into three sections:UNDERSTANDING GRACEACCEPTING GRACELIVING IN GRACE

  • av Timothy Sumerlin

    Grief Journey: Finding Peace in All of Life's Losses is a book that can be used both in a group setting and individually. Grief and mourning are best worked on with others in a safe, confidential, and loving environment. We encourage your church to provide Grief Journey groups at least twice a year (see Appendices B and E). These 8-week groups provide the needed support for church members and visitors to walk this journey together, most effectively.

  • av Pat Gempel

    Challenges for Today's Christian WomanJesus' direct and uncomplicated call to his disciples is "Come follow me." Yet we realize that this challenge is the highest calling any one of us could attain-to live, think and move in this world as Jesus himself exemplified. It is a lifetime, daily commitment.This book is about following Jesus and the eighteen lessons in it were written by women who have exhibited victory and wisdom in the areas discussed. Hopefully, the reader will be able to personally identify with the goals, and the struggle to attain these goals, that the authors relate. Most importantly, it is our prayer that practical, solution-oriented ideas will be set into the heart of the reader, and these plans will result in specific actions that will help in the transformation of character to become more like our Lord.Philippians 3:13b-14 reads: "One thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."That is our prayer for each one who reads God's word and this book. May God bless you richly.Learn from sisters such as: ¿ Irene Gifford ¿ Lynne Green ¿ Sue Anderson ¿ Pat Gempel ¿ Elena McKean ¿ Joyce Arthur ¿ Tanya Lloyd ¿ Gloria Baird ¿ Carmen Bentley ¿ Donna Western ¿ Adrienne Scanlon ¿ Ellen Faller ¿ Chris Fuqua ¿ Marcia Lamb ¿ Kim Evans ¿ Betty Morehead ¿ Ann Lucas ¿ Connie Mancini ¿ Irene Gurganus

  • av Tom A. Jones

    Jesus' main message was "the Kingdom of God." This should get our attention.We use the phrase, but we use it like he did? Is it at the center of what we preach and teach? More importantly, is it at the center of the way we live? Is it an idea we feel sure we understand, or is it a vision that keeps stretching our faith?If you are interested in comfortable faith that blends in with culture, this book will likely mess up your nice life. If you want to keep your Christian reflexes-shaped more by history and tradition than by Jesus-this book will give you a headache. But if you want to study an amazing and transforming overlap of the coming age and our present age, and see what new wave of the Kingdom could arrive today, this should be your next read.

  • av Curt Simmons

    He was shrouded in controversy from the moment of his conception to the day he said farewell to some of his closest friends who watched him disappear into a cloud on his return to heaven. During his brief time on Earth, many misunderstood him, even some in his inner circle and members of his own family. Most of the religious leaders in his day ridiculed him and mocked his message. Some said he was simply being glamorized by those who chose to follow him, making him out to be way more incredible than he actually was. Yet men and women from all ages and backgrounds who watched his life, witnessed his miracles and welcomed the embrace of his love marveled at him, looked to imitate him and made the revealing of his true identity their all-consuming passion, even at the risk of death. In this revised version, Curt Simmons takes us on a trip back to the first century to discover the one who claimed that he alone was the Word made flesh, the way to the Father and the whole nine yards in flawless living-Jesus: The Man, the Majesty, the Model.

  • av Timothy Sumerlin

    Many of us have spent too much time in our lives burned out and tired of the Christian walk. We don't leave our faith, because we love God and others, but we find it difficult to remain zealous and energized to serve him as we did before. Some of this may be due to simply growing older and physically not being able to maintain our previous schedules, but I think much of it is spiritual in nature. The answers often lie within.Without balance and a proper orientation in trusting God to work, we can experience a fatigue that is faith damaging. We tire physically and spiritually, and our love for God may grow cold (Matthew 24:12). But, God is an expert at healing hearts and bringing life to the dead (Ezekiel 11:19, 36:26), and this ministry of healing continues to this day with his Son, Jesus. The topics covered will help you find rest in God. The men and women (therapists, ministers, counselors, teachers, and scholars) who authored these essays are often at the forefront of change in our churches.Our hope and prayer are that your time in this book will allow you space, knowledge, and encouragement to find approaches that help you to connect with God, follow Jesus, and listen to the Holy Spirit in refreshing and life-giving ways.

  • av Jeanie Shaw

    Collected Wisdom on Aging Faithfully.With honesty, humility, and humor, the writers tell of their own mistakes, failures, trials and shortcomings, and how God has brought them to a better place through them all. They share experiences that have been unjust or unfair, and how God the righteous Judge has worked to bring justice in his own time and in his own way. But they don't just share trials-they also share stories of victory and inspiration. Some offer us practical wisdom in dealing with the specific issues (financial, marital, physical) that aging brings. Each writer strives to inspire us tokeep fighting, keep loving, and keep laughing, no matter what "old age"throws our way. - From the foreword by Sam Laing

  • av Michael Burns

    In this book, I will seek to first lay out, in Section 1, a comprehen-sive examination of the scriptural worldview of the kingdom and how that calls us to approach our discipleship and our place in the world. In Section 2, I will consider the role of nations and the politics of the nations and where the kingdom of God stands in those domains. Fi-nally, in Section 3, I will look at the more practical elements of how a Christian community should navigate through the murky waters of worldly politics and specific issues. We will work hard to ensure that Jesus is our guide throughout the journey.The third section will take the identity that I have attempted to describe and show it lived out in the real world. The first section is like running on a paved trail. The footing is secure and stable. As we move into the second section, we move to a dirt trail cut through a for-est. The route is a bit more winding and less sure than the pavement, but still quite secure and straightforward. By Section 3 we are running through a swamp. The path is not set and the ground is often unsure, but we move forward trying to find our way as best we can. Because the third section is an attempt to apply principles in concrete situa-tions, there is more room to disagree. Each topic broached in Section 3 could be its own book. I have attempted to introduce an approach to each subject without being so brief that it is unhelpful or counterpro-ductive. My goal in that section is not to provide the absolute answer but to show how we might work our way through difficult and thorny topics with a kingdom-minded approach.

  • av Sam And Geri Laing

    Take heart, and begin where you are. The good news is that the principles of parenting and raising kids will help in any situation. We don't have to feelas if we are doomed to a lesser life or a lesser family just because our situation may be different or fraught with difficulties.While there is no absolute guarantee in Scripture that even in the best family situations our kids will turn out to be faithful Christians, the Bible doespromise that if we put God first, he blesses our lives and is working for our good in all we do (Matthew 6:33; Psalm 127, 128; Romans 8:28). It is far, farbetter to live faithfully and build our family around spiritual principles than to go the way of the world. Everything we do in a godly direction matters; every effort we make, makes a difference.So what can we do right now? Let's take on whatever family situation we are in with faith, hope and love. Let's do all we can to be the best parentsor grandparents we can be. Whatever time we have to give, let's give it with prayer on our lips, God's word in our hearts and God's priorities in our lives.Let's build a family as best we can with the tools God makes available to us.

  • av Douglas Jacoby

    El Espíritu Santo es el miembro de la divinidad más misterioso y menoscomprendido. Los cristianos estamos tan intrigados por la obra el Espíritucomo por la de Dios, pues ambos son uno. La manera como el Espíritu obraen nuestra vida diaria ha sido el tema de miles de libros, cada uno con unavariada combinación de acierto y error. Entonces, ¿por qué uno más?Primero, el tema es inagotable. No podemos leer o escribir demasiadoacerca del Espíritu. En este tiempo, hay una fascinación por el Espíritu, unased que no se sacia fácilmente. Su curiosidad al comprar este libro es unaevidencia de ello. Todos queremos una experiencia espiritual genuina. Noqueremos desilusionarnos ni ser las víctimas de una manipulación religiosao de una proyección psicológica. Existe una gran demanda por el "productooriginal" a medida que proliferan las falsificaciones.Hay buenas noticias: ¡ya no se quedará con las ganas!

  • av Rolan Monje

    Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you...I call with all my heart; answer me, O LORD... My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?These few excerpts from the Book of Psalms touch upon the essential fact that it is a book about relationship-having a real and meaningful connection with God. Far from dry and dreary religion, worship and prayer in the psalms is spirited and sincere. The psalms proclaim that all are invited to encounter God and to dialogue with him. That invitation comes down to us... and also led to this book being written.This book is for anyone who wants to get into the psalms. There are three parts: Into their World, Into their Message, Into our Lives.

  • av Icoc Teachers Service Team

    Originally, this project was entitled "A Paper on the Woman's Role." As the project evolved, it became evident that the product from this projectwas not going to be one paper, but several papers (nine in total). Also, it became evident to the members of the task force that the discussion was notabout the woman's role in marriage and the church, but it was a discussion of women and men in the image of God, marriage, ministry, culture, and biblical interpretation.The task force was a global team of twelve teachers who volunteered their time for this project. The task force was diverse in gender and ethnicity.The task force sought to provide scholarly, exegetical articles that target an audience who desire the "meat" of the Word. Therefore, the papers were based on the Hebrew or Greek text of the passage being considered, as reflected in the papers.It was not the goal of the task force to comment on how the concepts discussed in the papers were to be implemented on a practical level in localministries. Neither was it the goal of the task force to provide guidelines for local ministries concerning this topic. The goal was to provide research papers that could be used to facilitate discussions within local ministries concerning the Bible and gender. All but one of the articles include reflections that can be used to help facilitate discussions within churches.

  • av Randall Alexander

    Preparation for your marriage is vitally important. Ability to develop needed skills is essential for ongoing success. This book is set up to facilitate understanding and communication between you and your spouse-to-be. It will help you to deal with the challenges that marriage brings to all couples:Resolving conflictForgiving each otherMaking mutually satisfying decisionsBlending your financesUnderstanding each other's needsBeing aware of background influencesLearning to have a satisfying sexual relationshipApproaching all with a humble and giving spiritMeeting these challenges effectively requires learning, training and getting help from others. This workbook includes exercises and "homework" that will help you consider and discuss many areas in your relationship, giving you a strong foundation for building an enduring marriage. Working through it with your spouse-to-be and with a mentoring couple you trust will help you to:Gain an understanding of possible challengesSee the areas that will be the most difficult for youCreate a comfortable setting for you to grow your communication skillsLearn strategies for coming to oneness in numerous areasEven though this pre-wedding time is busy, make the wise decision to invest in this learning process now so you can build a solid foundation for your marriage. God designed it to bring you a lifetime of joy and satisfaction.

  • av Fernando Alejandro

    "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talkbut of power."-1 Corinthians 4:20Fernando Alejandro expounds on the scriptural call for singles to live a life of undivided devotion to the Lord. For some it might be a transitory station in life, for others its a conscious decision for life. But whether short or long, we must capture God's vision for the opportunities and advantages of the single life. Fernando calls us to have:¿ Singles in our churches who are not undervalued or overlooked¿ Singles who are given spiritual worth, trust and investment¿ Singles who see their role not as a liability but an opportunity to lead and serve¿ Singles who desire to have ministries of power, purpose, and passion He says churches should be a place where marriage is not idolized, or elevated above singlehood, but where the two are honored in their proper respects and given the dignity God allots to them both.More than one-third of people on the planet are single. In light of this, he calls singles to rise to the challenge of reaching a world full of singles.

  • av Guy Hammond

    Pro-gay theology is a relatively new phenomenon in the debate of sexual ethics. Its advocates have propagated the notion that an individual can participate in homosexuality while being a disciple of Christ at the same time. These Bible revisionists have sought to legitimize homoeroticism by claiming that the scriptures on homosexuality that Christians have relied on for thousands of years have been mistranslated, misunderstood, or misinterpreted. Are they right? Are they wrong? Why? Like the dangers of a locomotive traveling at full speed with no whistle to warn of its imminent arrival, the pro-gay train is traveling at an alarming rate. Many Christians are either unaware of its approaching doom, are too intimidated to try to stop it, or, worse, are welcoming its arrival. As stewards of Biblical truth, Christians must have a response.

  • av Daren Overstreet

    The church in North America is at a crucial moment. Christian ministers and church members have noticed a tangible shift in the way many people within the church are addressing the hot topics of our day. Solid biblical concepts are being replaced by secular ideas, and scriptural words are being replaced by a more current societal vocabulary. Some are feeling more empowered to speak up, while others are shrinking back into silence, afraid to engage. What is the issue? Progressive Theology - a powerful combination of the prevailing worldly wisdom of our day and a low view of scripture. It is real, dangerous, and is spreading through churches today at an alarming rate.This book describes the elements involved in an unexamined progressive approach to scripture, and offers some sound advice to Christians who are concerned about how to lovingly engage our culture without compromising biblical truth.Daren Overstreet discusses the makeup of progressive theology, paying special attention to how it is influencing body life and doctrine within the church, using recent data and essays from people close to the different hot topics that are impacting today's church. It will be a good resource for leaders and members alike as they navigate out complex world.Daren currently serves as an evangelist in the Anchor Point Church in Tampa, Florida.

  • av Cresenda Jones

    One of the most challenging journeys that many who follow Christ experience is that of singleness. If there is a book to address the specific emotional-spiritual needs singles have, this book is the one. It should be a principal read. As a mental health professional who integrates spirituality, Cresenda Jones addresses emotional-spiritual challenges with clarity. Although the book is informative, it also provides space for a process to take place. Cresenda helps the reader all the way from assessment to action steps. In addition to a process-oriented approach, she addresses the deeply complicated aspects that are unique to singleness. Furthermore, her own transparency with regard to her own losses is as piercing a testimonial as I've come across in some time. One of the most exciting aspects of Cresenda's approach is her understanding of trauma. Cresenda displays an advanced understanding. I endorse Cresenda's approach, as her material addresses the crux of trauma, our subconscious selves. Romans 8:28 is an apt scripture that sums up what Cresenda communicates in this book. Her book is a survival guide for those who want to go from surviving to thriving. -Kyle Spears LIMHP, LMFT, Truth, Trauma, Theology

  • av Gordon Ferguson

    This willingness is at the heart of following Jesus. None of us can become what God intends us to be on our own-we need to let others disciple us to Christ. The Power of Discipling is a new edition of Gordon's most popular book. This release contains additional material on the importance of discipleship groups and family discipling.Here are just a few of the things you can expect to learn:Why Jesus must stay at the center of all disciplingHow true friendships are crucial in God's planAttitudes that are essential when being discipledPrinciples to apply when you disciple othersHow discipleship groups can be life-changingHow families can change and grow together

  • av Marvin K Lucas

    1st Century vs 21st CenturyDoes mental health care contradict the Bible? Would Jesus approve of mental health therapy? Am I violating my faith by participating in counseling? And the ultimate question is, can Jesus and mental health services coexist? These questions are more prevalent in the church today as we see our first-century beliefs clashing with twenty-first-century science. This book attempts to answer these questions from a biblical and psychosocial scientific perspective. A psychiatrist, Dr. Neil Anderson, tries to bridge the gap: "We must realize that we are not only physical but also spiritual beings."Therefore, some conditions (mental illness) are psychological, and some are spiritual." If this is true, our spirituality and our emotional and mental health are essential for life's balance. Unfortunately, many of us will go and go, to the detriment of our mental and physical health. This book looks at ways to help people with anxiety, grief, and depression from a spiritual perspective. We look at Jesus' interactions and therapeutic approaches to help individuals get spiritual and emotional healing. It also includes mindfulness exercises and self-care tips to help our overall mental health.About the Author: Marvin Lucas contributes his unique perspective, experiences, and education to this book. Marvin has two master's degrees, one in general counseling and one in pastoral counseling. He has had his own counseling practice for several years specializing in couples counseling and anxiety, stress, and anger management. For the last four years, Marvin has been a professor of counseling at the University of Arkansas in Little Rock. He grew up as an atheist in the UK and became a Christian in his mid-twenties. Marvin has done missions and ministry in the USA, Europe, and Asia. He has been married for over thirty years and has two adult children. His other works are Baguette Moments and Capes and Tiaras, which can be purchased at A 6-Part "Mental Health" Webinar is available for your church or your business at Marvin's website is

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