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Bøker utgitt av Halo Publishing International

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  • av Emmie R Werner
    240 - 345,-

  • av Dinah E. Corona
    226 - 345,-

  • av V. Christopher

    This book is the perfect guide to help kids unlock their potential and manifest the life of their dreams. In "Blessed Baby" kids will learn to use affirmations to create the life they desire and gain the confidence they need to succeed. Through writing and speaking affirmations out loud, readers will learn to focus on their goals and bring them to life with feeling. With this book, kids can learn to create anything they desire and set the foundation for a successful and fulfilled life.

  • av Monique N. Peterkin

    This empowering book will help children develop a strong sense of self-worth and safety. Children will learn to recognize their rights, foster a sense of respect for themselves and others, and gain valuable skills for setting healthy boundaries. Reading This Is My Body, and I Am in Charge will give children the confidence to speak up for themselves, allowing them to become more secure in their identity and understand the importance of personal safety.

  • av Hattie Annette Galloway

    This book will open your eyes to the special bond of love and joy that exists between grandmas and their grandchildren. "What's a Grandma?" is an enriching story that will bring you into the heartwarming world of grandmas and their grandchildren. This heart-touching story will leave you feeling inspired, uplifted, and full of joy.Be inspired to create a special connection with your grandchildren.

  • av Marco Antonio Gamboa

    This gripping collection of stories tells the story of Marco, a young man diagnosed with multiple sclerosis who must confront the harsh reality of his prognosis. Set against the backdrop of a life being slowly taken away from him, the reader is taken on a journey of strength, courage, and resilience as Marco learns to appreciate the beauty of life. With his relationships pushed to the limit, Marco must find the courage to face his illness and discover the weight of hope.

  • av Stephanie R. Parham

    Discover the journey of an imperfect woman who was asked to serve her perfect God through obedience. In this thirty-day journal of prayer, preparation, and planning, Stephanie gives an honest account of her reflections, thoughts, feelings, and innermost struggles. As she attempts to listen and obey God's command, readers will gain insight into how to do the same in their own lives.

  • av Dave Grunenwald

    El libro The Grandparent Merit Badges¿ Para amantes de los perros reconoce a los abuelos y sus nietos que aman pasar tiempo juntos y se divierten con sus familiares de 4 patas. ¡El libro The Grandparent Merit Badges¿ Para amantes de los perros proporciona 10 actividades que alientan la conexión entre abuelos y nietos con ideas sencillas, económicas y accesibles que pueden hacer juntos y que incluyan a su miembro peludo de la familia favorito!

  • av Emmie R Werner

    God wants you to believe you CAN do everything with Him at your side. This 21 day devotional for young children will help them believe they CAN do all things. By memorizing simple scripture verses, stories, drawing and coloring, this devotional is perfect for instilling an I CAN attitude at a young age.

  • av Emmie R Werner
    226 - 345,-

  • av Dave Grunenwald

    The Grandparent Merit Badges¿ for Dog Lovers kit recognizes and celebrates grandparents and grandkids who love spending time together and having fun with their 4-legged family members. The Grandparents Merit Badges¿ for Dog Lovers kit provides 10 activity ideas encouraging a connection between grandparents and grandchildren with simple, budget-friendly, and accessible ideas of things to do together that include their favorite furry family member!

  • av Debbie Capiccioni Heidinger

    The magical pot on the store shelf twinkled with a mysterious light, inviting Grandma Huff and her grandson Sam to take it home. Little did they know that this pot was no ordinary kitchen staple - it could make delicious dishes with a mere wave of its lid! With the help of the pot, Grandma Huff was able to make the best-tasting chili the guests had ever tasted. Join Grandma Huff and Sam on their magical culinary adventure to discover the magical pot's true potential!

  • av Clemmie-Li Clyde

    Walks on Whitecap Beach along the Texas coast offer a glimpse into the healing journey of Clemmie-Li Clyde, a young woman who has faced life-shattering events. As she strolls along the shore, Clemmie-Li Clyde finds peace and healing in the beauty of her Creator's creativity. From morning sunrises to evening sunsets, she captures the stunning colors of the backdropped sky, highlighting jetties, dunes, and the open ocean waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Through her journey, Clemmie-Li Clyde discovers the power of her own creative, poetic fun, and invites readers to join her in a search for peace.

  • av Dave Grunenwald

    El libro de The Grandparent Merit Badges¿ Para amantes de la naturaleza reconoce a los abuelos y sus nietos que aman pasar tiempo juntos al aire libre. Este kit celebra los milagros de la naturaleza y la alegría que pueden traer tanto para los abuelos como para los nietos. El libro de The Grandparent Merit Badges¿ Para amantes de la naturaleza proporciona 10 actividades que alientan la conexión entre abuelos y nietos con ideas sencillas, económicas y accesibles que pueden hacer juntos y que ayudan a fomentar la sensación de asombro ante el poder de la naturaleza.

  • av Robert Garabedian

    Bam! Bam! Bam! is not just an homage to one man's family history. It is a testament to the indomitable human spirit. Your heart will ache for the children who are forced to escape without their families in order to survive the Armenian Genocide, and you will cheer for the heroes who helped them along the way. Author Robert L. Garabedian, with this tome, has left a love note for his family's future generations, while looking back and honoring those who came before him.

  • av Rose D. Bentley

    Penelope's life is full of darkness and heartache, but when she meets Myles, her world is filled with hope. With a spark of friendship, she finds herself growing closer and closer to him, until their bond is disrupted when Myles has an opportunity he can't turn down. With nothing left to lose, Penelope runs away to a new city and starts again. In her new life, she finds stability, but is thrown into a whirlwind of emotions when she and Myles reunite. Torn between chasing love or staying in her stable environment, Penelope learns the truth of her mother's disappearance and tragedy strikes yet again. As she is thrown into emotional chaos, she must make a decision that will change her life forever.

  • av Peggy Palmer

    Uncover the profound impact of embracing acceptance and inclusivity through this heartwarming narrative. In a world yearning for more love and understanding, this story embarks on a journey to bring about meaningful change. Within its pages, children uncover the exquisite tapestry of their shared humanity and gather the strength to propagate a message of hope and acceptance. Join them on a quest to understand the art of kindness and inclusion.

  • av Dave Grunenwald

    The Grandparent Merit Badges¿ for Nature Lovers kit recognizes grandparents and their grandchildren who love to spend time together outdoors. This kit celebrates the miracles of nature and the joy they can bring to both grandparents and grandchildren. The Grandparent Merit Badges¿ for Nature Lovers kit provides 10 activity ideas encouraging a connection between grandparents and grandchildren with simple, budget-friendly, and accesible ideas of things to do together that help to foster a sense of wonder at the power of nature.

  • av Nilesh V. Patel

    In this inspiring book, Nilesh V. Patel shares his personal journey and the valuable lessons he learned along the way. Through his stories of overcoming challenges and making tough choices, he offers a unique perspective on risk-taking, resilience, and the importance of staying true to oneself. With insights gained from his extensive cross-cultural experiences, Nilesh provides a powerful and thought-provoking look at the decision-making process and the sacrifices it sometimes requires. Through his uplifting and engaging writing style, readers will be inspired to take action and make positive changes in their own lives.

  • av Dave Grunenwald

    El libro de las Insignias de Mérito para amigos y familiä es, simplemente, una celebración y reconocimiento de las miles de cosas que millones de personas hacen juntas todos los días y de la importancia de enfocarnos en las actividades que nos permiten reconectar con las personas que más importan en nuestras vidas, los amigos y todos los miembros de la familia. Dar un paseo, leer un libro, andar en bicicleta, cocinar una comida... Los placeres más simples de la vida son cada día más importantes para nuestro bienestar. Este tipo de actividades simples son una oportunidad para que amigos y miembros de la familia hablen, descubran, jueguen y crezcan juntos. El kit de Insignias de Mérito para amigos y familiä proporciona 20 ideas de actividades que alientan la conexión entre seres queridos con ideas sencillas, económicas y accesibles para todos para desconectarse de lo digital y reconectar con aquellos que más importan.

  • av Thomas B. Davis
    240 - 359,-

  • av Dave Grunenwald
    226 - 345,-

  • av Dave Grunenwald

  • av Dave Grunenwald

    El libro de The Grandparent Merit Badges¿ Para entusiastas de la cocina reconoce a los abuelos y a sus nietos que aman cocinar y pasar tempo juntos en la cocina. Este kit celebra una de las actividades diarias más básicas y la alegría que brinda tanto para los abuelos como para lo nietos. El libro de The Grandparent Merit Badges¿ Para entusiastas de la cocina proporciona 10 actividades que alientan la conexión entre abuelos y nietos con ideas sencillas, económicas y accesibles de cosas que hacer juntos en la cocina.

  • av Rob Sorensen
    359 - 470,-

  • av Dave Grunenwald

    The Grandparent Merit Badges¿ for Cooking Enthusiasts kit recognizes grandparents and their grandchildren who love to cook and spend time in the kitchen together. This kit celebrates one of the most basic activities of every day life and the joy it brings to both grandparents and grandchildren alike. The Grandparent Merit Badges¿ for Cooking Enthusiasts kit provides 10 activity ideas encouraging a connection between grandparents and grandchildren with simple, budget-friendly, and accessible ideas of things to do together in the kitchen.

  • av Maya Lotus

    Beautiful Disaster is a young woman's recollection of some of the most powerful experiences ever known to be documented in writing, with the addition of a mesmerizing writing style that is entirely unique to this individual. Maya Lotus has captured in poetry her experience of various hardships including substance use and falling in love. Additionally, she shares her views on and ideas about many other topics. In contrast to detailing the painful side of her experiences, she is also inclusive of a perspective of optimism and enjoyment regarding those same occurrences. A large amount of the book is written in a way that conveys inspiration and empowerment which will leave readers feeling uplifted and encouraged. Perhaps most importantly out of all, she offers readers a warning of danger she encountered herself when experimenting with substance use. She hopes that by sharing her story she can stop others from making the same mistakes she did and ultimately save lives. Beautiful Disaster is a collection of seventy-eight poems. Maya Lotus's definition of achieving your life's purpose is to create a full circle expression of the essence of your soul, an intricate explanation of every part of who you are through an artform. This is what she believes she has achieved through the making of this book. She hopes you enjoy exploring her life's work, the museum of her entire life experience.

  • av Dave Grunenwald

    El libro The Grandparent Merit Badges¿ Para entusiastas de la jardinería reconoce a los abuelos y sus nietos que aman escarbar en la tierra mientras pasan tiempo juntos. Este libro celebra el milagro del crecimiento en la naturaleza y en la relación entre abuelo y nieto. El kit the The Grandparent Merit Badges¿ Para entusiastas de la jardinería proporciona 10 actividades que alientan la conexión entre abuelos y nietos con ideas sencillas, económicas y accesibles de cosas que hacer juntos que ayudan a fomentar una sensación de asombro ante el milagro del crecimiento.

  • av Brittany Fasulo Gianfagna

    Vinny Goes to Therapy is both an educational and a fun interactive book based on emotion regulation and behavior modification. My goal is to provide children the opportunity to become aware of and to manage their feelings and emotions in a healthy and nurturing way that works for them. Children feel emotions in the same ways adults do, which can feel too big to handle for little ones. This book provides a relatable resource for children; the skills they learn reading it can be applied in their everyday experiences and in handling their emotions and feelings moving forward.

  • av Amber Hawthorne-Spratlen
    226 - 345,-

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