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    Gullybaba IGNOU 1st Year B.Ed. (Latest Edition) BES-145 ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ (Hindi Shikshan Pravidhi) IGNOU Help Book with Solved Previous Year's Question Papers and Important Exam Notes

  • av GPH Panel of Experts

    ES-344 Teaching Of English CONTENTS COVERED Block-1 Instructional Planning In Teaching of English Unit-1 Nature, Need and Objectives Unit-2 Who are the Learners of Language? Unit-3 Approaches, Methods and Techniques in English Language Teaching (ELT) Unit-4 Daily Lesson Plans : Strategies for Classroom Transaction Block-2 Listening Comprehension and Speaking Unit-5 Teaching Listening-I Unit-6 Teaching Listening-II Unit-7 Developing Speaking/Oral Skills Unit-8 Speaking Activities Unit-9 Testing Listening Ability and Listening Comprehension Unit-10 Testing Speaking Skills Block-3 Reading Comprehension Unit-11 The Reading Process Unit-12 Developing Reading Skills Unit-13 Reading Comprehension-I Unit-14 Reading Comprehension-II Unit-15 Teaching Vocabulary Block-4 Teaching Writing and Grammar Unit-16 The Writing Process Unit-17 Different Types of Writing Unit-18 Teaching Study Skills Unit-19 Teaching Grammar: New Type Activities and Games Unit-20 Improving and Assessing Writing Ability Unit-21 Testing Grammar and Usage QUESTION PAPERS 1. Question Paper - June 2002 2. Question Paper - Dec 2002 3. Question Paper - June 2003 4. Question Paper - Dec 2003 5. Solution Paper - June 2006 6. Solution Paper - Dec 2006 7. Solution Paper - June 2007 8. Solution Paper - Dec 2007 9. Solution Paper - June 2008 10. Question Paper - June 2009 11. Question Paper - Dec 2009 12. Question Paper - June 2010 13. Question Paper - Dec 2010 14. Question Paper - June 2011 15. Question Paper - Dec 2011 16. Solution Paper - June 2012 17. Question Paper - Dec 2012 18. Question Paper - June 2013 19. Question Paper - Dec 2013 20. Question Paper - June 2014 21. Question Paper - Dec 2014 22. Question Paper - June 2015

  • av Gullybaba. Com Panel


  • av Peyush Bhatia


  • av GPH Panel of Experts

    ES-361 Educational Technology CONTENTS COVERED Block- 1 Educational Technology: Multifaceted Problem Solving Approach Unit-1 Educational Technology for Learning Society Unit-2 Case Study of an Open School Unit-3 Case Study of a Participative Learning Block- 2 Educational Technology: State of the Art Unit-4 Evolution of Educational Technology: Technology of Education and Technology in Education Unit-5 Instructional Media and Materials-I Unit-6 Instructional Media and Materials-II Unit-7 Emerging Technologies Block- 3 Software Development Unit-8 Principles of Organising Learning Experiences Unit-9 Principles of Designing Software Unit-10 Application to Audio/Video Programme Unit-11 Application to Computer Programmes Block- 4 Optimising Learning Unit-12 Media Selection and Integration Unit-13 Developing Learning Skills Unit-14 Experiential Learning Unit-15 Evaluation of Educational Technology Unit-16 Managing Educational Technology QUESTION PAPERS 1. Question Paper - June 2002 2. Question Paper - Dec 2002 3. Question Paper - June 2003 4. Question Paper - Dec 2003 5. Solution Paper - Dec 2005 6. Solution Paper - June 2006 7. Solution Paper - June 2007 8. Solution Paper - Dec 2007 9. Solution Paper - June 2008 10. Question Paper - Dec 2008 11. Question Paper - June 2009 12. Solution Paper - Dec 2009 13. Question Paper - June 2010 14. Solution Paper - Dec 2010 15. Solution Paper - June 2011 16. Question Paper - Dec 2011 17. Solution Paper - June 2012 18. Question Paper - Dec 2012 19. Question Paper - June 2013 20. Question Paper - Dec 2013 21. Question Paper ? June 2014 22. Question Paper ? Dec 2014 23. Question Paper ? June 2015 24. Question Paper ? Dec 2015 25. Solution Paper ? June 2016

  • av GPH Panel of Experts

    ES-364 Distance Education CONTENTS COVERED Block- 1 Development of Distance Education Unit-1 Distance Education : Concept and Scope Unit-2 Distance Education : Need and Features Unit-3 Growth of Distance Education Unit-4 Organisation of Distance Education System Block- 2 Teaching at a Distance Unit-5 Media and Technology in Distance Education Unit-6 Selection of Methods and Media Unit-7 Design and Preparation of Self-Instructional Material Unit-8 Editing in Distance Education Unit-9 Distance Educators Block- 3 Learning at a Distance Unit-10 Distance Learners Unit-11 Self-Learning Unit-12 Student Support Services Unit-13 Continuous Assessment in Distance Learning Block- 4 Programme Evaluation in Distance Education Unit-14 Management of Distance Education System Unit-15 Programme Evaluation : Concept and Need Unit-16 Process of Programme Evaluation Unit-17 Economic Perspective QUESTION PAPERS 1. Question Paper - June 2002 2. Question Paper - Dec 2002 3. Question Paper - June 2003 4. Solution Paper - Dec 2003 5. Solution Paper - Dec 2005 6. Solution Paper - June 2006 7. Solution Paper - Dec 2007 8. Solution Paper - June 2008 9. Question Paper - Dec 2008 10. Question Paper - June 2009 11. Question Paper - Dec 2009 12. Question Paper - June 2010 13. Solution Paper - Dec 2010 14. Solution Paper - June 2011 15. Solution Paper - Dec 2011 16. Question Paper ? June 2012 17. Question Paper ? Dec 2012 18. Question Paper ? June 2013 19. Question Paper ? Dec 2013 20. Question Paper ? June 2014 21. Question Paper ? Dec 2014 22. Question Paper ? June 2015 23. Question Paper ? Dec 2015 24. Solution Paper ? June 2016

  • av Mitul Jain


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  • av Manorama Pawar


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    MPCE-12 PsychodiagnosticsBlock 1 - Introduction to PsychodiagnosticsUnit 1 - Introduction to Psychodiagnostics, Definition, Concept and DescriptionUnit 2 - Methods of Behavioural AssessmentUnit 3 - Assessment in Clinical PsychologyUnit 4 - Ethical Issues in AssessmentBlock 2 - Psychodiagnostics in PsychologyUnit 1 - Objectives of PsychodiagnosticsUnit 2 - Different Stages in PsychodiagnosticsUnit 3 - Batteries of Test and Assessment InterviewUnit 4 - Report Writing and Recipient of ReportBlock 3 - Tests of Cognitive FunctionsUnit 1 - Measures of Intelligence and Conceptual ThinkingUnit 2 - The Measurement of Conceptual Thinking (The Binet and Wechsler's Scales)Unit 3 - Measurement of Memory and CreativityUnit 4 - Utility of Data from the Test of Cognitive FunctionsBlock 4 - Projective Techniques in PsychodiagnosticsUnit 1 - Introduction to Projective Techniques and Neuropsychological TestUnit 2 - Principles of Measurement and Projective Techniques, Current Status with Special Reference to the Rorschach TestUnit 3 - The Thematic Apperception Test and Children's Apperception TestUnit 4 - Personality InventoriesPrevious Year Solved Question Papers Total-8, Solved-5, Unsolved-3June (2019-2023)December (2019-2022)

  • av Gullybaba. Com Panel


  • av Gullybaba. Com Panel


  • av Gullybaba. Com Panel

    MPA-013 Public Systems ManagementTopics CoveredBlock 1 - All Units¿ Unit 1 - Public Systems Management: Concept, Nature, Scope and Characteristics¿ Unit 2 - Distinctiveness of Public Systems Management¿ Unit 3 - Public Systems Management: Constitutional Context¿ Unit 4 - Public Systems Management: Political Context¿ Unit 5 - Public Systems Management: Socio-Economic Context¿ Unit 6 - New Technologies and Public Systems Management¿ Unit 7 - Concept of Governance: An Introduction¿ Unit 8 - Governance: Role of Bureaucracy and Political Executive¿ Unit 9 - Governance: Role of the Legislature and the Judiciary¿ Unit 10 - Inter-Governmental Relations in the Process of Governance¿ Unit 11 - Financial Management¿ Unit 12 - Materials/Logistics Management¿ Unit 13 - Strategic Management¿ Unit 14 - Key Management Tools¿ Unit 15 - Management Information System¿ Unit 16 - Work Measurement¿ Unit 17 - Selective Marketing Techniques¿ Unit 18 - Future Designing Techniques¿ Unit 19 - Accountability¿ Unit 20 - Responsiveness in Public Systems Management¿ Unit 21 - Transparency and Right to Information¿ Unit 22 - Networking and Inter-institutional Coordination in Governance¿ Unit 23 - Reforms and Change Management¿ Unit 24 - Empowerment¿ Unit 25 - Continuity and Change in Public Systems ManagementTotal Question Papers (Total-26, Solved-13, Unsolved-13)(1) June (2008-2020)(2) December (2008-2019)(3) February (2021)

  • av Gullybaba. Com Panel

    PCO-01 Preparatory Course in CommerceTopics CoveredBlock- 1 Basic Concepts of AccountingUnit-1 Nature of BusinessUnit-2 Nature and Scope of AccountingUnit-3 Basic Accounting Terms and ConceptsBlock- 2 Books of Account-IUnit-4 Accounting Process and RulesUnit-5 JournalUnit-6 LedgerBlock- 3 Books of Account-IIUnit-7 Subsidiary Books : Cash BookUnit-8 Banking Transactions and Three Column Cash BookUnit-9 Bank Reconciliation StatementUnit-10 Other Subsidiary BooksUnit-11 Trial BalanceBlock- 4 Final Accounts-IUnit-12 Basic Concepts Relating to Final AccountsUnit-13 Capital and RevenueUnit-14 Trading AccountUnit-15 Manufacturing AccountUnit-16 Profit and Loss AccountBlock- 5 Final Accounts-IIUnit-17 Balance SheetUnit-18 Adjustments in Final AccountsUnit-19 Final Accounts with AdjustmentsUnit-20 Rectification of ErrorsQUESTION PAPERS1. Solution Paper - Dec 20072. Solution Paper - June 20083. Solution Paper - Dec 20084. Solution Paper - June 20095. Solution Paper - Dec 20096. Solution Paper - June 20107. Solution Paper - Dec 20108. Solution Paper - June 20119. Solution Paper - Dec 201110. Solution Paper - June 201211. Solution Paper - Dec 201213. Question Paper - June 201314. Question Paper - Dec 201315. Question Paper - June 201416. Question Paper - Dec 201417. Question Paper - June 201518. Question Paper - Dec 201519. Solution Paper - June 201620. Question Paper - Dec 201621. Solution Paper - June 201721. Question Paper - Dec 201722. Solution Paper - June 201823.Question Paper-Dec 201824.Question Paper-June 201925.Question Paper-Dec 201926. Question Paper-June 202027. Question Paper-Feb 2021

  • av Gullybaba. Com Panel


  • av Kumar Vimal Sharma

    ES-342 Teaching Of Mathematics TOPIC COVERED Block- 1 Nature, Objectives and Approaches to Teaching of Mathematics Unit-1Nature, Need and Place of Mathematics in School Curriculum Unit-2 Approaches and Techniques of Teaching Mathematics Unit-3 Planning for Effectives Instruction of Mathematics Unit-4 Evaluation in Mathematics Block- 2 Teaching Arithmetic and Commercial Mathematics Unit-5 Number System, Exponents and Logarithms Unit-6 Elementary Number Theory Unit-7 Percent (I) Application to Everyday Activities Unit-8 Percent (II) Commercial Mathematics Unit-9 Statistics : Averages, Graphic Representation and Classification of Data Block- 3 Teaching Algebra and Computing Unit-10 Polynomials : Basic Concepts and Factoring Unit-11 Linear Equations and Inequalities : Graphs and Quadratic Equations Unit-12 Sets, Relations, Functions and Graphs Unit-13 Sequencing, Flow Charting and Computing Block- 4 Teaching Geometry and Trigonometry Unit-14 Basic Concepts, Parallel Lines and Parallelogram Unit-15 Congruence and Construction of Triangles Unit-16 Mensuration : Area and Volume Unit-17 Triangles and its Applications to Trigonometry QUESTION PAPERS 1. Solution Paper - Dec 2002 2. Solution Paper - June 2003 3. Solution Paper - Dec 2003 4. Solution Paper - June 2006 5. Solution Paper - June 2007 6. Solution Paper - Dec 2007 7. Question Paper - June 2008 8. Question Paper - Dec 2008 9. Question Paper - June 2009 10. Question Paper - Dec 2009 11. Question Paper - June 2010 12. Question Paper - Dec 2010 13. Question Paper - June 2011 14. Question Paper ? Dec 2011 15. Question Paper ? June 2012 16. Question Paper ? Dec 2012 17. Question Paper ? June 2013 18. Question Paper ? Dec 2013 19. Question Paper ? June 2014 20. Question Paper ? Dec 2014 21. Question Paper ? June 2015 22. Question Paper ? Dec 2015

  • av Gullybaba. Com Panel

    MED-02 Sustainable Development: Issues and ChallengesTopics CoveredBlock 1 - Introduction to Sustainable DevelopmentUnit 1 - What is Sustainable DevelopmentUnit 2 - Parameters of Sustainable DevelopmentUnit 3 - Approaches to the Study of Sustainable DevelopmentUnit 4 - Issues and ChallengesBlock 2 - Developmental IssuesUnit 1 - Natural Resource ExploitationUnit 2 - Patterns of IndustrialisationUnit 3 - Inequitable GrowthUnit 4 - Global and Regional DimensionsBlock 3 - Initiatives towards Sustainable DevelopmentUnit 1 - State InitiativesUnit 2 - Regional InitiativesUnit 3 - Global InitiativesUnit 4 - Civil Societies and Community InitiativesBlock 4 - Strategy for Sustainable DevelopmentUnit 1 - Community KnowledgeUnit 2 - Harness TechnologyUnit 3 - Innovative PracticesUnit 4 - Co-operation and PartnershipTotal Question Papers (Total-26, Solved-15, Unsolved-11)June (2008-2019)December (2008-2019)February (2021)

  • av Kanchan Verma


  • av Vimal Kumar Sharma


  • av Vimal Kumar Sharma


  • av Vimal Kumar Sharma


  • av Pratibha Thakur

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  • av Sudhir Kochhar

  • av Sethi Punit

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