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Bøker utgitt av Gruyter, Walter de GmbH

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  • av Martin Reeves

    Organizations often declare that their biggest asset is their people. As such, business leaders make constant efforts to hire the best talent - and to get the best out of their workers. But a confluence of forces is reshaping all aspects of talent management. A war for talent rages and will be exacerbated in the long-term by demographic aging; the half-life of skills is decreasing as AI powers more parts of business workflows; flexible and hybrid work models are becoming commonplace; and management methods focused on measurement and efficiency are not sufficient for engaging a purpose-seeking generation. In these turbulent times, CEOs and their entire teams - not just HR - need to rethink how they can create a people advantage, going beyond traditional approaches to organization, performance management, and compensation. This book - a collection of recent essays written by researchers at the BCG Henderson Institute, Boston Consulting Group's think tank - aims to help leaders to reinvent work by providing a forward-looking perspective on all aspects of talent management. Across five chapters, the book discusses How to attract the talent of the future How to shape the workforce in an evolving context How to embrace new models of work How to build the workplace of the future How to establish new models of leadership and culture By providing a combination of new ideas, real-world examples, and concrete recommendations, Reinventing Work serves as a guide for leaders to effectively navigate the changing nature of work.

  • av Klara von Lindern
    1 044,-

    Im Jahr 2024 wird der 250. Geburtstag Caspar David Friedrichs gefeiert. Für seinen internationalen Ruhm waren vor allem drei große Retrospektiven in den 1970er Jahren in London, Hamburg und Dresden ausschlaggebend. Dieser Band untersucht erstmals vertiefend ihre Rolle für die Rezeption des Künstlers ebenso wie für die Betrachtung des Phänomens ,Romantik'. Er setzt sie in Bezug zu (kultur-)politischen Kontexten der Zeit und erschließt bislang wenig beachtetes Quellenmaterial für weiterführende Forschung. Die Autorin untersucht außerdem, warum gerade Ausstellungen als von vielfältigen Aushandlungsprozessen bestimmtes Format entscheidende Impulse für die Rezeption von Künstler/-innen zu geben vermögen, und weshalb sie stärker in eine kritische Wissens- und Wissenschaftsforschung einbezogen werden sollten.

  • av Stefan Märk
    1 124,-

    Family businesses play a pivotal role in the global economy, and their successful development is of utmost importance. This first volume of the Contemporary Issues in Family Business Entrepreneurship series, focuses on the topic of family business transformation, which is causing drastic changes in companies' strategies and business models. Decisions to adapt or change family business strategy and/or the business model are always associated with risk. Family Business Transformation integrates work on the broad topics of transformation, strategy development, business model development, with the study of family businesses to provide family business owners, managers and entrepreneurs much-needed recommendations from best practice examples and/or empirical findings that can support decision-making in regard to the future direction of their companies. This book calls for a specialized examination of the social interactions among stakeholders, substantially expanding classical management theory. Scholars of family business, entrepreneurship and strategic management, institutional libraries and postgraduate students will find it an essential read and benefit from its insights.

  • av Rubee Singh
    1 028,-

    Companies in developing countries are adopting Artificial Intelligence applications to increase efficiency and open new markets for their products. This book explores the multifarious capabilities and applications of AI in the context of these emerging economies and its role as a driver for decision making in current management practices. Artificial Intelligence Enabled Management argues that the economic problems facing academics, professionals, managers, governments, businesses and those at the bottom of the economic pyramid have a technical solution that relates to AI. Businesses in developing countries are using cutting-edge AI-based solutions to improve autonomous delivery of goods and services, implement automation of production and develop mobile apps for services and access to credit. By integrating data from websites, social media and conventional channels, companies are developing data management platforms, good business plans and creative business models. By increasing productivity, automating business processes, financial solutions and government services, AI can drive economic growth in these emerging economies. Public and private sectors can work together to find innovative solutions that simultaneously alleviate poverty and inequality and increase economic mobility and prosperity. The thought-provoking contributions in this book also bring attention to new barriers that have emerged in the acceptance, use, integration and deployment of AI by businesses in developing countries and explore the often-overlooked drawbacks of AI adoption that can hinder or even cause value loss. The book is a must-read for policymakers, researchers, and anyone interested in understanding the critical role of AI in the emerging economy perspective.

  • av Cecil P. Courtney
    3 119,-

    The fourteenth volume of the Correspondance générale contains over 400 letters dating from 1825 and 1826. As the reign of Charles X begins, Constant continues to work on De la religion, while engaging in the political struggles against the reactionary turn of domestic politics, thinking afresh about societal issues and supporting the Greeks in their fight for independence.

  • av Irene Bavuso
    1 789,-

    Research on late antique and early medieval migrations has long acknowledged the importance of interdisciplinarity. The field is constantly nourished by new archaeological discoveries that allow for increasingly refined pictures of socio-economic development. Yet the perspectives adopted by historians and archaeologists are frequently different, and so are their conclusions. Diverging views exist in respect to varying geographical areas and scholarly traditions too. This volume brings together history and archaeology to address the impact of the inflow and outflow of migrations on the rural landscape, the creation of new settlement patterns, and the role of migrations and mobility in transforming society and economy. Such themes are often investigated under a regional or macro-regional viewpoint, resulting in too fragmented an understanding of a widespread phenomenon. Spanning Eastern and Western Europe, the book takes steps toward an integrated picture of territories normally investigated as separate entities, and critically establishes grounds for new comparisons and models on late antique and early medieval transformations.

  • av Rita Franceschini
    1 582,-

    Die Erscheinungsformen und linguistischen Effekte von Mehrsprachigkeit sind nicht nur regional oft äußerst unterschiedlich, sondern auch historisch divers und veränderlich. Die Beiträge dieses Sammelbandes haben Mehrsprachigkeitsszenarien in der Geschichte Europas im Fokus und vermitteln einen Eindruck davon, wie der Alltag von Europäerinnen und Europäern in unterschiedlichen Epochen, Gebieten oder auch Institutionen von Mehrsprachigkeit geprägt war. Der Band präsentiert verschiedene Perspektiven auf die Erforschung historischer Mehrsprachigkeit an der Schnittstelle von Sprachkontaktforschung und historischer Soziolinguistik. Er richtet sich damit an ein breites Publikum mit Interesse an historischer Sprachwissenschaft und Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung.

  • av Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra & Ludwig Tieck
    1 582,-

  • av Joh. Carl Ludw. Gieseler & C. R. Redepenning
    1 582,-

  • av Georges Louis Le Clerc de Buffon, Philipp Loos & Bernard Germain Etienne de La Ville sur Illon de La Cépède
    1 582,-

  • av D. Fabri, D. Kamphausen, D. Krafft & m.fl.
    1 582,-

  • av C. J. B. Karsten & H. Dechen
    1 582 - 1 651,-

  • av Gottlob August Baumgarten-Crusius
    1 582,-

  • av Saladdin Ahmed Bahozde
    1 043,-

    Digital technology has revolutionized connectivity, but it has also overcome spatial obstacles that used to shield people from subjugating gazes and unlimited exercise of power. The home as an auratic space is dead, and this alienation has hindered our democratic capacities and created complex crises. The Death of Home aims to intellectually engage readers via enhancing spatial literacy to critically confront today's crises.

  • av Ekkehard Felder
    1 445,-

    Die Suche nach einem angemessenen Umgang mit Moral und ihrem rhetorisch-strategischen Einsatz in Diskursen führt unweigerlich zu der Frage, welche Perspektiven verschiedene Wissenschaftsdisziplinen aufmachen, wenn sie sich mit Moral und Moralisierung beschäftigen. Mit der Erörterung verschiedener Disziplinenzugänge ist auch das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen einem deskriptiven Erörterungsansatz und Aspekten der Bewertung inklusive der ihr zugrundeliegenden Werte angesprochen. Die Beiträge des Bandes geben auf diese Fragen keine abschließenden Antworten. Sie beginnen allerdings damit, ein multi- und interdisziplinäres Bild von Moralisierung zu zeichnen, das geschichts- und politikwissenschaftliche, linguistische, philosophische und theologische Sichtweisen einbezieht und miteinander ins Gespräch bringt. Das komplementäre Bild ist einerseits gekennzeichnet durch die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Moralisierung als einer rhetorischen Strategie, der ein nicht unbeträchtliches diskursprägendes und sogar -schädigendes Potenzial innewohnt. Andererseits sperrt es sich gegen eine grundsätzliche Moralisierungsskepsis und weist stattdessen darauf hin, dass gesellschaftliche Debatten sich notwendigerweise zwischen Moralisierung und Entmoralisierung bewegen.

  • av Athenaeus Naucratites
    1 162,-

    Athenaeus' Deipnosophists (The Learned Banqueters) is a major Imperial period Greek text in and of itself, but also a source of thousands of fragments by hundreds of authors, many of whom would otherwise be entirely unknown to us. This is the first full new critical edition of the text since that of Georg Kaibel well over a hundred years ago. Kaibel's text is outdated in many ways, including the fact that he undervalued the Epitome manuscripts, which he thought had no independent significance for the constitution of the text. The new edition is based on a full collation of the manuscripts, including not just Venetus Marcianus 447 (A, the sole surviving witness to the complete text) and the various Epitome manuscripts, but also a number of 15th-century hybrid versions of Athenaeus already known in Kaibel's time but ignored by him. Systematic review of the latter set of manuscripts, as well as of early editions also ignored by Kaibel, has allowed numerous conjectures to be reassigned, radically altering our sense of the Early Modern history of the text. A separate, parallel edition of the Epitome is also included. This now becomes the standard text of the Deipnosophistae and a basic reference work.

  • av Stephen Wyatt

    Leadership is in crisis. Scandals are commonplace, only 20% of employees claim they trust their leaders, two in three think politicians are only motivated by self-interest, three-quarters of firms say they don't have the leadership bench that they need today, and major societal problems are not being resolved. In the context of this scenario, this book answers two important questions: What skills do you need to be successful as a leader today that are different from those required previously? How can you develop these differentiating skills and mindsets? The antidote to the crisis of leadership lies in four attributes: Aspire: Make clear personal choices of what purpose to pursue, what values to resolutely promote and which stakeholder interests to represent. Ally: Form mutually respectful, supportive relationships with others within and beyond the organisation. Adapt: Navigate through turbulence, flexing the enterprise and flowing resources to the priority issues. Accelerate: Continually learn to remain relevant and heighten impact. Antidote to the Crisis of Leadership is replete with quotes, vignettes and encouragement contributed by over 50 leaders from a broad variety of backgrounds, sectors, and countries. Each chapter includes commentary, draws on the most relevant theory and reference texts and concludes with suggested exercises to increase your impact.

  • av Christopher L. Schilling
    436 - 1 032,-

  • av Tamara Bodden
    1 582,-

    "Leiter setzte Geld in den Sand" titelte die Kasseler Lokalzeitung HNA im August 2017 und brachte geleakte Informationen aus dem Aufsichtsrat der documenta 14, einer weltweit renommierten Kunstausstellung, an die Öffentlichkeit: Die documenta gGmbH stehe kurz vor der Zahlungsunfähigkeit, ein Defizit von ca. 7 Millionen Euro wird erwartet. Dieses soll durch die teils öffentliche Finanzierung voraussichtlich mit Steuermitteln aufgefangen werden. Es beginnt eine breite Debatte in der sich Personen aus Politik, Kulturbetrieb und Öffentlichkeit in Interviews, Petitionen oder Leserkommentaren beteiligen und in der es um den Einsatz von Steuern, die Verantwortung von Kulturinstitutionen und die künstlerische Freiheit geht. Die Untersuchung nimmt digitale multimodalen Texte, die darin verwendeten Metaphern, intertextuellen Geflechte und die beteiligten Akteure in den Blick und rekonstruiert nicht nur die Debatte der documenta 14, sondern widmet sich darüber hinaus dem strittigen Verhältnis von Kunst und Ökonomie und wie dieses unser aktuelles Kulturfördersystem beeinflusst. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die verborgenen Mechanismen aufzuzeigen, die mediale Diskurse strukturieren, die Grenzen von Sagbarkeitsräumen zu erforschen und zu einer Sensibilisierung bei öffentlichen Prozessen der Meinungsbildung beizutragen.

  • av Maurice Fürstenberg
    1 582,-

    Die empirische Studie (N = 657) geht den Fragen nach, wie das Integrieren von Kommas beim Schreiben eigener Texte mit dem Einsetzen in vorgegebene Texte zusammenhängt und welche Faktoren die Schwierigkeit eines Kommas beeinflussen. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass das Integrieren von Kommas in eigene Texte nur lose mit dem Einsetzen in fremde Texte zusammenhängt. Zudem weisen Regressionsmodelle nach, dass die Schwierigkeit eines Kommas von oberflächennahen Strukturen (z. B. Signalwörter: dass, da ...), aber auch von strukturell tiefer verankerten Merkmalen (z. B. Nebensatzfunktion) beeinflusst wird. Auch bisher unentdeckte Variablen zeigen einen großen Einfluss auf die Kommasetzung von Schreiber:innen: Mit der Motivation eines Kommas wird erstmals beschrieben, dass ein Komma durch mehrere syntaktische Strukturen gefordert sein kann. Die forschungsmethodisch innovative Arbeit bringt auf empirischer und theoretischer Ebene neue Erkenntnisse zum Gebrauch des deutschen Kommas. Sie trägt damit zum besseren Verständnis dieses Phänomens bei und leistet eine Vorlage, wie authentische Texte quantitativ empirisch und statistisch zeitgemäß untersucht werden können, ohne vor lauter Operationalisierungskompromissen inhaltlich in die Knie zu gehen.

  • av Mohamed Elzagheid

    Water chemistry, water sources, water pollutants, and microbiological contaminants are all covered in the book. The basic concepts of water chemistry are well taught. Along with stormwater management and green infrastructure, the book also examines the theoretical underpinnings of a number of water treatment and analysis procedures. Graduate and advanced undergraduate students, environmental researchers, chemists, and lab technicians who work in water and environmental laboratories could all benefi t from this book. Chemical engineers and operators are the primary target audience for the majority of books on the market, thus both technicians and chemists can gain a lot from this book.

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