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  • av K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. The United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalization era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Arabic for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing community events. The need for a book on Leaflets has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the communication studies preparing flyers, brochures and leaflets from Arabic into English and vice versa, by providing worked out exercises. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English leaflets for various community events.

  • av K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. The United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalization era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Arabic for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing various brochures including educational, religious, cultural events and festivals. The need for a book on Brochures has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the communication studies preparing Brochures from Arabic into English and vice versa, by providing worked out exercises. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English brochures including educational, religious, cultural events and festivals.

  • av K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair

    As for the pamphlet, it is a small-folded document that contains information about a product or service in a concise and brief manner. As for the brochure, it is a printed document that carries information and images about a product or service, usually eye-catching and well-organized. The flyer is a single sheet that carries an advertisement or a short message, usually used to promote a specific event or occasion. Regarding the poster, it is a large sheet that carries images and text used to promote a film, event, or product prominently and attractively. The pamphlet: A small folded document used to provide detailed information about a specific product or service. Often used in promotional or educational campaigns. The brochure: A printed document containing detailed information about a product or service, usually displayed in an attractive and colorful design. Brochures contain illustrations and images to make the information more appealing. The flyer: A single sheet carrying an advertisement or brief information about an event or product. Flyers are usually small, easy to read, and distributed in public places to attract attention.

  • av Gy¿re Ildikó

    A szakmai kutatásom megválasztásakor azért döntöttem a digitális eszközök, és azok által történ¿ készségfejleszt¿oktatás kutatása mellett, mert ezt a területet olyan potenciálisan kiaknázatlan területnek tartom, mely méltatlanul nem kap elegend¿ teret még napjaunkban sem, annak ellenére, hogy az oktatás, a számonkérés és számos egyéb területe is a pedagógiának ezt igényelné. A kutatásom célja azt volt, hogy bebizonyítsam, hogy a digitális oktató eszközök széleskör¿ felhasználási lehet¿ségei az oktató-nevel¿ munka során lényegesen megkönnyítik a tanulókkal való együttm¿ködést és segítik a tanaanyag tartós bevés¿dését. A kutatási munka során felmértem az általam tanított általános iskolai alsó tagozatos gyerekek esetén a digitális eszközök készségszint¿ használatát. Összehasonlítottam a digitális tábla oktató mechanikáját és hatékonyságát a hagyományos tárgyi eszközökkel történ¿ oktatással.A kutatásom eredményéb¿l egyértelm¿en látszik, hogy a digitális technikák alkalmazása az oktatás során a diákok szempontjából szinte csak el¿nnyel, méghozzá jelent¿s teljesítményemelkedéssel jár.

  • av K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. The United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalization era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Arabic for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing Brochures, Posters and Pamphlets for cultural events. The need for a book on Brochures, Posters and Pamphlets has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the communication studies preparing Brochures, Posters and Pamphlets from Arabic into English and vice versa, by providing worked out exercises. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English Brochures, Posters and Pamphlets for various cultural events. Brochures, posters, flyers, pamphlets, and leaflets are all types of printed materials used for advertising, informing, or promoting various products.

  • av K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair

    Classical Arabic poet Jarir ibn 'Atiyah al-Khatfi (¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿) was a renowned pre-Islamic and early Islamic poet who lived during the 6th and 7th centuries CE. He was a prominent figure in the Arabic literary tradition, known for his eloquent and virtuosic poetry.His verses are noted for their eloquent style and adept use of poetic imagery and themes. Jareer had a profound impact on Arabic literature and continued to influence poets in later generations. His literary legacy remains vibrant, and his poems are still studied and appreciated as classical literary works to this day.This poem provides a rich and vivid portrayal of a historical or legendary event, filled with themes of honor, pride, conflict, and the passage of time. It serves as a window into the culture and values of the society it depicts, offering both a narrative and a reflection on the events it describes.

  • av K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. The United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalization era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Arabic for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing educational and cultural events. The need for a book on Flyers has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the communication studies preparing flyers from Arabic into English and vice versa, by providing worked out exercises. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English flyers for various educational and cultural events.

  • av Paál Zsuzsanna Dla

    A tananyag átadását segít¿ vizuális önértékel¿ eszköz. Az új értékelési módszer alkalmas:- a tanulói hatékonyság növelésére vizuális feladatok megoldásában- a tanulói önértékelés fejlesztésére, amely más tárgyakban, illetve élethelyzetekben is jól alkalmazható- a tanár értékel¿ munkájának pontosabbá és hatékonyabbá tételére- a tanár képességfejleszt¿ munkájának hatékonyságának a növeléséreAz önértékel¿ lapok bevezetésének els¿dleges célja a vizuális képzésben tanulók számára az alkotó folyamatok megértése, az új ismeretek feldolgozása, reflektivitás el¿segítése, és az összefüggések alapján saját m¿vészeti gyakorlatuk javítása. Az értékel¿ lapok esetében a fókusz nem a min¿sítésen van, hanem az alkotó folyamat feltárásán, megértésén.A vizuális m¿vészeti képzésben alkalmazható vizuális önértékel¿ eszköz fejlesztése a reflektivitás, önértékelés, kreativitás hatékonyságának növelésének érdekében, valamint a feladat folyamatának átfogóbb megértésében történik.A diák által végzett önértékelés el¿nye, hogy az értékel¿ eszköz egyben az oktatás eszközévé is válik, mert fejleszti az önszabályozó tanulás és a metakogníció képességeit.

  • av Kincs Éva

    A tanulmány célja, bemutatni Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Vármegyében m¿köd¿ három olyan egyesület tevékenységét, mely a hátrányos, halmozottan hátrányos helyzet¿ emberek megsegítését t¿zte ki célul. A segítség, egyben hatalmas munkát is magába foglal, hiszen nem csak az adományok kiosztása, hanem a szegregátumokban, - sokszor egy átlagos ember számára elképzelhetetlen körülmények között ¿ él¿ emberek életének ¿helyreállításä, életkörülményeinek javítása a cél úgy, hogy a ¿helyreállító¿ munkálatok közben a segítségre szorulók ne veszítsék el identitásukat, kultúrájukat.

  • av Nev¿De AKPINAR DELLAL (Ed.
    1 292,-

    This scientific research book consists of chapters from scientists on the topic of ¿science, education, culture and art in the digital age¿. Knowledge must be practically applied, improving the human condition above all without destroying the nature and thus contributing to the development of civil society. The ideal contemporary trend is to refrain from violating or restricting human rights and freedoms, as well as from engaging in behaviors and actions that impede equality of opportunity. The digital age has brought about innovations in education, art, philosophy, literature, and many fields of science. However, the mechanization and technicalization of the daily work can easily lead to a move away from human values. In the digital age, it is important to be alert and to be able to audit the results of digital transformation. Deep reading habits should be developed for the new age, and the efforts of those who have tried to establish basic moral human laws in the world from the past to the present should be taken into account.

  • av Ovidiu Morar
    1 139,-

    Volumul de fä¿ reprezint¿ cea de a doua edi¿ie rev¿zut¿ ¿i ad¿ugit¿ a c¿r¿ii publicate în 2003 la Editura Univers, Bucure¿ti. Cuprinde o am¿nun¿it¿ analiz¿ a fenomenului literar-artistic suprarealist, începând cu definirea doctrinei estetice suprarealiste, continuând cu identificarea modelelor lui în literatura român¿ ¿i cu surprinderea principalelor lui avataruri - suprarealismul intuitiv din perioada interbelic¿, suprarealismul doctrinar din epoca imediat urm¿toare r¿zboiului ¿i, în fine, onirismul "structural" sau "estetic" din deceniul al ¿aptelea. Capitole întregi au fost dedicate analizei în diacronie a creäiei principalilor promotori ai suprarealismului în literatura român¿.

  • av Ilhom Maribovich Kosimov
    1 062,-

    Darslikda zamonaviy arxitektura buyumlari va jihozlarining turlari, xossalari, ishlab chiqarish texnologiyalari to'g'risida ma'lumotlar bo'lib, arxitektura va qurilish yo'nalishidagi oliy ta'lim muassasalarida ta'lim olayotgan bakalavr va magistrantlar, kasb-hunar maktablari, kollejlar va texnikumlarning o'quvchilari uchun mo'ljallangan. Mamlakatimizda qurilish mahsulotlarini ishlab chiqarishni yanada rivojlantirish, sohaga ishlab chiqarish investorlarini keng jalb qilish, sifatli, jahon darajasida to'la javob beruvchi, arzon qurilish materiallari ishlab chiqarish bo'yicha amalga oshirilayotgan respublikada tizimli ishlar oshirib kelinmoqda. quvvat yangi quvvatlar ishga tushirilmoqda, ishlab chiqarish hajmi oshmoqda.Tarmoqni jadal rivojlantirish va diversifikatsiya qilish uchun qulay shartlar, mineral xom ashyo resurslarini qayta ishlashga investitsiyalarni jalb qilish va qurilish materiallarini eksport qilish hajmlarini talab: O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Shavkat Mirziyoyev 2019 yil 23 maydagi PQ-435-son qarori qabul.

  • av Ali Akbari

    Depression is one of the most common mood disorders, and episodes of untreated major depression usually last 6 months or more. Mood disorders, of which depression is one of the classes, can best be described with the term "Syndrome" (and not as separate diseases), because these disorders are composed of a group of signs and symptoms that last for weeks to months. They last long and are usually recurrent and manifest with a periodic or cyclical pattern. Major depressive disorder (MDD) is considered as a challenging mental health problem that sadness is the most prominent and frequent symptom in this disorder, apathy usually in the beginning in only a few activities, there is something like work, but when the intensity of depression increases, 0.92 depressed patients feel uncomfortable with their attachments in life, and 0.64 depressed patients lose their feelings towards others. The basic premise of cognitive theories is that dysfunctional thoughts are involved in the way ford interprets and evaluates reality, which affects core beliefs in the face of spiritual stimuli are activated.

  • av Tolibnazar Xujamshukurov

    Ushbu uslubiy qo`llanma zo`ravonlik qurbonlari bo`lgan bolalar uchun ijtimoiy-psixologik ko`mak berish haqida bo`lib, zo'ravonlikning turlari oldini olish va ularni belgilari zo'rovonlik holatini aniqlash, bolalar uchun ijtimoiy-psixologik ko`mak berish, haqida bo`lib va ota-onalari bilan psixologik ishlash psixologik texnologiyasi, zo`ravonlik holatlari bo'yicha bolalar bilan o`tkaziladigan ko'rsatmalar va metodikalar haqida ma`lumotlar berib o`tilgan.

  • av K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair

    Syed Mohammad Al-Imam Al-Aroos, born in 1816 and passing away in 1898, emerged as a prominent figure in the realm of Islamic scholarship, spiritual leadership, and cultural influence. His life, teachings, and contributions encapsulate a significant era in Islamic history, marked by transitions, reforms, and intellectual revival. Al-Imam Al-Aroos was renowned for his multifaceted expertise, combining proficiency in Islamic jurisprudence, spirituality, Sufism, and literature. His early years were steeped in religious education and scholarly pursuits, where he delved into various disciplines of Islamic knowledge, imbibing wisdom from esteemed teachers and mastering the complexities of Islamic jurisprudence. What set Al-Imam Al-Aroos apart was not merely his scholarly prowess, but also his emphasis on reconciling tradition with the evolving needs of society. He navigated the intricate balance between adhering to orthodox Islamic principles and addressing contemporary challenges. Al-Aroos was known for his progressive views, advocating for education, societal reforms, and ethical conduct while rooted in Islamic teachings. His influence extended beyond scholarly circles.

  • av K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair

    In the rich tapestry of human expression, poetry stands as a testament to the depth and beauty of the human experience. This anthology, "Melodies of the Heart," is a journey through the intricate and profound world of Arabic poetry, unveiling the essence of five distinct voices that echo through time. Within these pages, we embark on a voyage that transcends borders and spans centuries, delving into the lyrical verses that encapsulate the myriad emotions, philosophies, and cultures of the Arabic-speaking world. Each poem is a gem, crafted by the hands and hearts of poets who dared to capture the ineffable. From the prideful verses of Aisha Al-Taymuriyya to the heartfelt prayers of Fadwa Tuqan, from the reflections on character by Amr ibn Ma'di Karb al-Zubaydi to the soulful musings of Yusuf al-Qaradawi and the poignant themes of return by Shafiq Al Maalouf, these poets beckon us to glimpse into their souls. As we immerse ourselves in the cadence of their words, we traverse landscapes of love, longing, faith, and resilience. Through their verses, we encounter a symphony of emotions that resonate across time and space, transcending barriers and fostering an understanding of humanity.

  • av K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair

    This book examines the socio-religious and cultural customs of Muslim Tamils in India's Tamil Nadu state and Sri Lanka, focusing on their similarities and shared characteristics. It explores customs related to marriage, naming ceremonies, social rituals, house-warming, and religious festivals, highlighting the enduring nature of these practices despite political and social changes. The article emphasizes the cultural exchanges between Muslim Tamils in Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu, which have contributed to the enrichment of the Islamic Tamil culture. By providing a vivid portrayal of their socio-religious customs, this article offers insights into the cultural identity of Muslim Tamils. This work focuses on the common customs and practices that unite these two communities, such as marriage rituals, naming ceremonies, social rituals, house-warming traditions, and religious festivals. Despite political changes and social developments, these shared cultural patterns have persisted over time. The cultural exchanges between Muslim Tamils in Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu have played a significant role in enriching the Islamic Tamil culture., by exploring the common customs of Muslims.

  • av Jan Polák

    T¿etí díl z cyklu lexikálních pr¿vodc¿ k novozákonním knihám je v¿nován Luká¿ovu evangeliu. Byl vytvöen primárn¿ jako pom¿cka pro studenty Cyrilometod¿jské teologické fakulty v Olomouci. Stejn¿ tak ale poslou¿í v¿em, kdo mají rádi ¿e¿tinu a cht¿jí se hloub¿ji seznámit s textem Nového zákona. Autor by si p¿ál, aby toto dílko umönilo snadn¿j¿í ¿etbu Písma svatého v originálním jazyce a pomohlo prohloubit víru jeho ¿tená¿¿m.

  • av Muqaddas Ra¿manova
    1 062,-

    Yoshlarni insonparvarlik ruhida tarbiyalamay turib, ularni mänaviy kamolotga yetkazish, jamiyatni ijtimoiy rivojlantirishni täminlash mumkin emas.Talaba yoshlarni oilaviy hayotga tayyorlash, mänaviy yuksak e¿tiqodga ega bo¿lgan umuminsoniy fazilatlar ruhida shakllantirish, yuqori malakali mutaxassis qilib yetishtirish bugungi kunning dolzarb muammosi sanaladi.Mazkur monografiya muammolarni bartaraf etishning pedagogik jihatlarini har tomonlama tahlil etishga bag¿ishlangan. Shu bois monografiyadan ilmiy izlanuvchilar, oliy o¿quv yurtlari talabalari, magistrlar, doktorant va professor-o¿qituvchilar, o¿qituvchilar malakasini oshirish va qayta tayyorlash instituti tinglovchilari hamda ushbu mavzuga qiziquvchi keng kitobxonlar ommasi foydalanishlari mumkin.

  • av Iwona K¿cka-Stanik
    1 062,-

    Intencj¿ niniejszej ksi¿¿ki by¿a diagnoza efektywno¿ci metody eklektycznej w¿ród sze¿ciolatków i siedmiolatków na lekcjach j¿zyka obcego. W obr¿bie ankietowanej grupy znale¿li si¿ nauczyciele j¿zyka angielskiego, którzy ¿¿cz¿ edukacj¿ na I i II etapie ksztäcenia, jak i tacy, którzy ucz¿ wy¿¿cznie w klasach I¿III oraz nauczyciele edukacji wczesnoszkolnej, b¿d¿cy jednocze¿nie anglistami. Celem badania by¿o wy¿onienie grupy uczniów odnosz¿cej lepsze wyniki w nauce podczas pierwszego roku nauki j¿zyka obcego oraz sprawdzenie, jaki wp¿yw ma metoda eklektyczna na ogólny proces nauczania i uczenia si¿ dzieci, motywacj¿, zainteresowanie lekcj¿ i j¿zykiem obcym oraz dyscyplin¿ podczas zaj¿¿. W ksi¿¿ce mo¿emy znale¿¿ odpowied¿ na pytanie, jakie techniki oraz ¿wiczenia najcz¿¿ciej stosowane przez nauczycieli s¿ najbardziej atrakcyjne dla uczniów i najkorzystniej wp¿ywaj¿ na przyswajanie j¿zyka.

  • av Forgó Alexandra

    Ebben a dolgozatban a környezetvédelmi adók kérdésével foglalkozom. A téma aktualitásához nem férhet kétség, hiszen a fenntarthatóság felé történ¿ elmozdulások mára már a mindennapjaink részévé váltak. Kutatásom általános célja, hogy jobban elmélyedjek a környezeti adók témakörével kapcsolatban és feltárjam ezek összefüggésrendszerét. Dolgozatomat szekunder és primer kutatás is megalapozta. Különböz¿ szakirodalmak, valamint adatbázisok segítségével gy¿jtöttem információkat és adatokat a témával kapcsolatban, amiket feldolgoztam. Primer kutatásomban a környezettudatosságot szándékoztam felmérni a fogyasztók körében és a környezeti adókhoz való hozzáállásukat. Arra kerestem a választ, hogy milyen esetekben lennének hajlandóak a válaszadók környezeti adót fizetni a környezet megóvása érdekében. A kutatással kapcsolatban négy hipotézist állítottam fel. A hipotézisek vizsgálatához különböz¿ statisztikai módszereket használtam. A négy hipotézb¿l három részben, vagy teljesen beigazolódott a vizsgálat során. A vizsgálatom részletes levezetése a a dolgozatban kerül kifejtésre és itt olvasható.

  • av Khojaakhmed Tolibaev

    The study of toponyms in Karakalpak epics was based on theoretical ideas and methods of scientific analysis of modern Karakalpak onomastics. Due to the nature of the studied materials, the methods of descriptive, comparative-historical, historical-etymological, stylistic analysis were used. The area of toponymy of Karakalpak epics is wide. Therefore, the comparative study of toponyms in Karakalpak epics with other languages with these materials may give the results that are important to produce significant conclusions.

  • av Péchy Zoltán Péter

    Könyvemet ismeretterjesztésnek és vitaindítónak szánom. A 36. OTDK-n el¿adott, Matematikatanítás-, és tanulás módszertana. Kutatási területem: Venn-diagramok egyre nagyobb n értékekhez köthet¿ szerkesztéseik. Újszer¿ látásmód: a koncentrikus körök, a szabályos sokszögek és ezek vegyes rendszere. Különbség, én forgásszimmetrikus alakzatokon belül keresem meg a részhalmazokat, nem alakzatokat választva. Újdonság az Excel felhasználása a szerkesztéshez és az adatok kezeléséhez, továbbá esztétikai élményt nyújt. Felhasználhatósági tartománya az alapfokú iskolától egészen a tudományos publikációkig. Az 5-8 halmazok kölcsönös metszetképzése alkalmazható a logisztikában, genetikában (orvostudományban), oktatásban. Fontos a forgás-, és tengelyes szimmetria, a piramisalak. A klasszikusok mellett vizsgálom a térbeli, a deformált gy¿r¿t tartalmazókat és a Carroll diagramokat. 1992-ben kezdtem a kutatásomat, a Szendrei János: Algebra és számelmélettel. Lényeges kérdés volt, miért nincs nagyobb halmazszámú? Erre adtam válaszokat. Az els¿k papírra készültek. Az Internet megjelenése megsokszorozta az eredményeimet. Cél a mind több geometriai transzformáció alkalmazása az ábrák elkészítésekor.

  • av Xudayberganov Shavkat O'G'Li
    1 062,-

    Mazkur darslik 70110201-Tälim va tarbiya nazariyasi va met¿dikasi (maktabgacha tälim) mutaxassisligi magistrlari uchun ¿Maktabgacha tälimda tälim va tarbiya texnologiyalari¿ fani mavzularini ¿¿rganishlari uchun m¿¿ljallangan. Darslikda shaxsning mänaviyatini shakllantirish, duny¿qarashini tarkib t¿pdirish, turli xalqlarning mintaliteti, mu¿mala ¿d¿bi, kasbiy etikani nazariy as¿slari, ijtim¿iy fäliyat jaray¿nida s¿dir b¿¿ladigan ¿¿zgarishlarda shaxsga sub¿ektning tarbiyaviy fäl täsir etish y¿¿llari, ¿ilada farzandlarni tarbiyalashning met¿dlari haqida nazariy va amaliy mälum¿tlar y¿ritilgan. Shu bilan birga ushbu darslikni tayyorlashda Sh.Sh.Xudayberganovning ¿Bo¿lajak pedagog kadrlar ongida akademik erkinlik g¿oyasini shakllantirishning ijtimoiy-tarbiyaviy asoslari¿ mavzudagi ilmiy tadqiqot ishining amaliy natijalaridan keng foydalanilgan.70110201-Tälim va tarbiya nazariyasi va met¿dikasi (maktabgacha tälim) mutaxassisligi magistrlari, b¿¿lg¿usi tarbiyachilar va maktabgacha tälim tashkil¿tida pedag¿gik fäliyat yurituvchi kadrlar samarad¿rlikka erishish uchun darslikdagi mälum¿tlardan ij¿diy f¿ydalanishlarini tavsiya qilamiz.

  • av K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair

    Nestled within the golden sands and ancient landscapes of the Arabian Peninsula lie treasures that transcend time¿stories etched in stone, culture woven into the fabric of existence, and legacies standing as testament to humanity's enduring journey. In "Pillars of History and Echoes of Antiquity: UNESCO's Legacy in the Arabian Peninsula," we embark on a captivating expedition through the revered UNESCO World Heritage Sites of this storied region. The book is a celebration of resilience, preservation, and the profound significance of these sites. From the majestic archaeological wonders to the natural marvels, each chapter unravels the tapestry of history, offering glimpses into civilizations long past, traditions upheld through generations, and the natural beauty that continues to awe and inspire. It's an invitation to wander through time, to explore the echoes of ancient footsteps, and to marvel at the architectural marvels that stand as testaments to human ingenuity. Join us on this immersive journey as we traverse the landscapes of the Arabian Peninsula and unearth the rich tapestry of its UNESCO-listed World Heritage Sites. The book is a humble ode to the guardians of Heritage.

  • av K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair

    Egyptian literature, spanning across centuries, has been an evocative testament to the complexities of human existence, culture, and societal evolution. This book seeks to delve into the rich tapestry of Egypt's literary heritage, exploring the diverse voices, themes, and profound narratives that have shaped the country's literary landscape. Through the lenses of remarkable literary figures such as Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfaluti, Dr. Ahmed Amin, Abbas Mahmoud Al-Aqqad, Ibrahim Abdul Qader Al-Mazni, Ahmed Hassan Al-Zayat, and Dr. Sohair Qalamaawi, this collection journeys through an array of literary expressions that range from introspective reflections on life's lessons to poignant critiques of societal norms. Each chapter illuminates a different facet of Egyptian literature, uncovering the nuanced interplay between humanism, religion, art, and personal philosophies. We traverse the realms of human experience, witnessing the echoes of past civilizations and the contemporary dilemmas through the eyes of these literary luminaries. This book aims to be an exploration, an invitation to explore the realms where Egyptian literary masterpieces breathe life into narratives and philosophies.

  • av Qodirov Jumanazar

    Mazkur monografiyada elektrlashgan temir yo¿llar elektr täminoti sohasida elektr tortish tarmog¿ining o¿tkazish qobiliyatini yaxshilash usullari, ushbu sohada energiya tejamkor texnologiyalarni qo¿llashda jahon tajribalaridan foydalanish ko¿zda tutilgan. Bu esa tog¿li hududlarda elektrovozlarning sifatli va uzluksiz elektr energiya bilan tänimlash va shu bilan birgalida iqtisodiy samaradorlikka erishishdir.

  • av Farrux Madiyev

    Monografiyada Samarqand shahrida transport infratuzilmasini yanada yaxshilash, shahar va tumanlardagi avtomobil yöllarini magistral yöllariga bog¿lash, ichki va tashqi transport oqimini tartibga solish, Samarqand shahridagi ichki va tashqi transport oqimining zichligi, yölning ötkazish qobiliyati va yuklanganlik darajasi körsatkichlarini baholash, Samarqand shahridagi ichki va tashqi transport ko`cha-yo`llarida transport statistik va ziddiyatli vaziyatlar va avtomobil yo`llarini tekshirishni tashkil etish, Pendjikent nomli köchasini M-39 avtomabil yöli 1081-kmga chiqish yöli chorrahasida yöl ötkazgichi ob¿yekti hisoblanadi, shaharlararo va shahar ahamiyatidagi tor yöllarni kengaytirishdagi optimal injenerlik yechimlari, tirbandiliklar oldini olish ahamiyat kasb etadi.

  • av Sukhrob Ruziyev

    Ushbu monagrafiya ishida Favqulodda vaziyat uning kelib chiqish sabablari va keltirib chiqargan avariyalarning tarqalish kölami uni oldini olish, bartaraf qilish yöllari kuch va vositalari aholini favqulodda vaziyatga tayyorlash yöllari va chora tadbirlarini ishlab chiqilgan. Favqulodda vaziyatlarni oldini olish choralarini takomillashtirish orqali xavfsiz texnologiyalarni amalga joriy etish, aholini himoyasi borasida amaliy tavsiyalar ishlab chiqish va uni amalda tadbiq qilish. Favqulodda vaziyatlar oqibatida körilgan zararni aniqlash tartibi mavzusining modulli ishlanmasi ishlab chiqilgan. Favqulodda vaziyatlarning oldini olishning samaradorligini oshirish böyicha xulosa va takliflar berilgan.

  • av Gyenes Lídia

    Automatizálható-e az újságírók munkája, pontosabban a hírírás? Képes lehet-e a kereskedelmi forgalomban már megjelent mesterséges intelligencia, az OpenAI mesterséges intelligencia kutatólaboratórium, felületér¿l elérhet¿ GPT-3 informatív, olvasmányos, emberszer¿ cikkek generálására anélkül, hogy ez az olvasónak felt¿nne, vagy zavarná ¿t? A szövegekre specializált GPT mellett, a Dall-E képalkotó intelligenciát is használom a tesztekhez, amivel realisztikus illusztrációkat készítek a GPT írásaihoz.Ezzel párhuzamosan különböz¿ újságírók is készítenek rövidhíreket a kísérlethez ugyanazon kulcsszavak alapján, mint amiket a GPT számára is megadok. Az így generált fiktív rövidhíreket, az újságírók rövidhíreivel egyenl¿ arányban töltöm fel egy HTML kódon alapuló weboldalra.A beavatatlan olvasók fele nem képes megkülönböztetni a GPT-3 szövegeit újságírók szövegeit¿l. Ezzel szemben a mesterséges intelligenciával (Dall-E) generált képeket jobban tudják azonosítani. A megkérdezettek 70%-a nem szívesen látogatna mesterséges intelligencia által szerkesztett hírportálokat. Így tehát az MI jelenlegi állapotában, ha a képessége meg is lenne rá, nem tudná felváltani az emberi újságírást.

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