Norges billigste bøker

Bøker utgitt av Fidelis Publishing

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  • av Bill Myers

    Finally equipped for battle, our reluctant hero begins the fight . . . while learning where the real battlefield lies . . . who his real enemies are . . . when to strike with God's truth or reach out with His grace . . . and when to quietly pray or boldly take a stand regardless the cost. Now that Will has received the tools of spiritual warfare, he must learn how to use them. Through trial and sometimes comical error-- along with patient instruction from Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Host of Heaven he learns: What to fight When to fight And, most importantly-- Who to fight As he becomes the warrior God has always called him to be.

  • av David Goetsch

    The world we live in is a broken, fallen place. As a result, life can be painful at times. Everyone you know, including yourself is suffering with burdens. Have you ever struggled with emotional or mental health problems? Have you ever suffered from relational issues? Have you ever had to cope with temptation, envy, or jealousy? Are pornography, alcohol, or drugs controlling your life or the lives of loved ones? Have you ever lost a loved one? If you answered " yes" to any of these questions do not despair. This book has the answers you seek to break free from suffering controlling your life.

  • av Calvin James

    As the holidays approach, a grandmother recalls her youth and all that she loves about the holidays. Hoping that it will snow for a White Christmas, the excitement she feels on Christmas Eve, and her favorite part, having her family and loved ones with her on Christmas Day.

  • av Hal Barwood

    The Moon uses his mysterious influence to help human beings become smart, inventive ... and unpredictable.

  • av Kim Terashita

    Richly colorful and detailed illustrations will draw you into the world of a story-telling donkey. Earl's grand-donkey is on a quest to tell fellow donkeys the stories he has heard his whole life about the choices of a Redeemer. With harassment, fortitude, and sheer donkey-ness, this storyteller finds himself in the middle of making history.

  • av Dani Ruth Romero

    Borrowing and adapting fifty-plus illustrations from the picture book, The Wonderful Birthday, Dani Romero's delightfully creative and whimsical art delivers hours of fun to all ages while nourishing souls with God's precious Word.

  • av E W Jackson Sr

    In a nation as diverse as America, unity will always be a challenge. However, by uniting around the biblical principles and values on which our country was founded, unity can be achieved in spite of those who do not want it.

  • av Dani Ruth Romero

    It's the day Ruthie has been waiting for all year-- her birthday! Little does she know God has planned a birthday that's out of this world! The Creator of the stars and skies takes Ruthie on an outer space adventure, displaying his magnificent love for her. Ruthie meets friends from different planets who tell her about the goodness of God that comes with being in relationship with Him. Through Ruthie's cosmic birthday adventure, young readers will be filled with awe and wonder of a God who loves them beyond the galaxies!

  • av Bill Myers

    After his death, including a tour of heaven, Will realizes Earth's great need and agrees to return to help. With Jesus' instruction and their occasional visits to Old Testament times and prophets, our hero learns through failure and mishaps (always with a touch of Myers's humor), how to prepare for the battles God has called him to fight.

  • av John Perry

    For fifty years " Detroit" has been shorthand for all that's wrong with urban America: crime, corruption, decay, racial tension, struggling businesses, failing schools, a declining tax base, and more. Between 2000 and 2017, its population fell 28 percent, a steeper drop than any other major American city. A third of its land now lies vacant or dotted with empty, derelict houses. The good news is there are unmistakable signs of renewal in Detroit. Given a fresh start, Detroit has slowed its rate of population decline, stabilized its finances, and set out to prove to the world that it's once again open for business.

  • av David Goetsch

    In the past, one of the most cherished American values was the truth. When people dealt with dilemmas, issues, opinions, and decisions, their first question was " What is the truth in this situation?" Now people are concerned only with what they think, feel, and want. We have lost touch with the importance of truth in our lives. This reality has resulted in a society in abject turmoil and confusion. Perhaps the greatest failure of the American school system is in turning out generations without the ability to carefully think through what they see, read, and hear. This book is the path for our return to truth.

  • av Toni Cabell

  • av Sandy Rios

    From a quiet street in a small town to the avenues of power in Washington, D.C, from the comfort of obscurity to the spotlight of radio and television, from a broken heart to a position of strength and responsibility, God wove the chords of my life in such twists and turns, it took a book to explain it all. If I knew why He called ME, I would tell you. My parents could have walked out of the pages of "Grapes of Wrath." My beginnings were unremarkable, yet God gave me a remarkable life. God's Velvet Hammer is my story.

  • av Naomi Semeniuk

  • av Maria Ashworth

    The hungry villagers haven't seen sun or rain for many moons. This has made food scarce for all. Jacob had been saving his seed for the right moment to grow it. The villagers tell him that he is wasting his precious seed. He is determined to prove to the villagers that even though the conditions are not right, with faith, hope, and love his apple seed will grow on the hill. Moral of the story: With hope, faith, and love miracles do happen.

  • av Michael Phillips

    "Beginning with the emergence of the New Left out of the tumultuous 1960s, the first two installments of Tribulation Cult stretch over three generations, climaxing with the election of 2048. Center stage are four college friends who follow divergent life paths two Christians who become ministers, their liberal counterparts who rise to the summit of world politics.The journeys of the four focus many interconnected themes in the lives of men and women who must decide where they stand as the nation increasingly splits along liberal and conservative lines, and what role the church is meant to play in that divide. Will true Christians be viewed as a cult, ostracized from mainstream society, culture, and politics?"--

  • av Charise Marie

    In this book, Our four-year-old daughter becomes very excited about all of the things she can be when she grows up. Her mommy lets her know if she can put her mind to it then she can do it. She can be anything she wants to be.

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