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  • av Joshua Omar G Pimentel

    Soldiers have historically played a crucial role in shaping world development and influencing modern institutions. This study explores the intricacies of teamwork within the 15th Strike Wing (15SW), commonly known as the "Trojans," with a specific emphasis on interactions between male and female members. It underscores the critical role of collaboration and coordination in the challenging tasks undertaken by this military unit, highlighting the significant impact of teamwork factors such as collective efficacy, learning orientation, planning, monitoring, supportive behavior, and effective communication. Moreover, the research illuminates the profound influence of gender dynamics on leadership, communication styles, conflict resolution, support, morale, career progression, and gender parity within the Trojans, underscoring the importance of fostering an inclusive and gender-aware military environment. The study offers recommendations to enhance teamwork and inclusivity while contributing to a broader understanding of collaborative dynamics in military settings and their applicability in various organizational endeavors, emphasizing the pivotal significance of teamwork and gender-aware policies for the overall betterment of the organization.

  • av Sunil Maria Benedict

    I am intoxicated with love: why should I be conscious of forms?I crave freedom from this world, what attachment have I to the world?They who are separated from their Beloved wander aimlessly from door to door:My friend dwells within me, there is no waiting for me anymore !The entire creation doth crackle much of its head for Fame.For me, the Name of my Lord is True: what attachment have I to the world?Not for a moment the Beloved forsakes me: nor I can leave the Dear one.I am in love with Him: There is no restlessness for me. Intoxicated with love, dispel thou the duality from thy heart.Delicate is the path thou hast to tread; why carry a heavy burden on the head?So says Kabir Das.

  • av Milton Daniel Calle Tapia

    Históricamente el manejo de adolescentes infractores ha sido un desafío. Por esta razón este artículo académico pretende exponer como la Justicia Juvenil Restaurativa se ha convertido en una alternativa valiosa para abordar esta problemática. Para lograrlo, se llevó a cabo un análisis de conceptos y prácticas internacionales relacionadas con este enfoque. Se destaca la importancia de esta perspectiva para fomentar la responsabilidad personal y empoderamiento de los adolescentes infractores, así como en reducir la reincidencia y mejorar la reintegración y reparación del daño a las víctimas. Finalmente, se enfatiza la efectividad de la Justicia Juvenil Restaurativa como una opción más comprensiva para abordar los desafíos en el sistema de justicia penal.

  • av Diber Alexander Otálvaro Gómez

    Sabemos que la pandemia de COVID-19 ha representado un desafío sin precedentes en nuestras vidas y en nuestro trabajo. Sin embargo, es importante recordar que esta no es la primera pandemia a la que nos enfrentamos, ni será la última.A lo largo de la historia, hemos visto cómo las pandemias han afectado a la humanidad. Desde la gripe española hasta el ébola, hemos enfrentado diversas enfermedades que han impactado nuestras vidas de formas inimaginables. Y aunque hoy nos enfrentamos al COVID-19, es crucial entender que esta no será la última pandemia que enfrentaremos.Es fundamental aprender de las lecciones que nos deja esta experiencia para estar mejor preparados para el futuro. Necesitamos desarrollar estrategias sólidas de prevención, preparación y respuesta para enfrentar las pandemias venideras de manera efectiva.Por eso, te invitamos a unirte a nosotros en este viaje de aprendizaje y reflexión. Descubramos juntos cómo podemos prepararnos para el futuro y cuidar de nuestra salud y bienestar en tiempos de crisis.¡Juntos podemos estar preparados para lo que el futuro nos depare!

  • av Petra Michel Goico Castillo

    En la "Identificación del Riesgo Sistémico en la Banca Múltiple: Un Enfoque de Redes Bipartitas", la autora presenta un exhaustivo análisis del riesgo sistémico en el Sistema Financiero de República Dominicana, revelando un modelo innovador basado en un enfoque de redes bancarias bipartitas y pruebas de estrés. Enfocado en la prevención de crisis financieras, el estudio utiliza la cartera de crédito de los bancos múltiples (o comerciales) como variable clave, debido a que, representa la principal fuente de ingresos y ganancias de la mayoría de los bancos, lo que puede proporcionar información valiosa sobre la interconexión de los bancos y su riesgo sistémico, lo que puede ser útil para predecir futuras crisis financieras y diseñar políticas regulatorias adecuadas. Este modelo emerge como una herramienta esencial para las autoridades reguladoras y supervisoras en cuanto a la identificación de entidades con alto riesgo de interconexión mediante la construcción de una red bancaria bipartita compuesta por dos tipos de nodos, (i) los bancos múltiples y (ii) la cartera de crédito -segmentada por sector económico- , para medir la causalidad entre los nodos de la red usando la matriz de incidencia. La simulación de choques a los distintos sectores económicos a los que va dirigido el crédito ofrecen a los responsables de tomas de decisiones una visión clara de cómo los eventos climáticos, fenómenos atmosféricos, entre otros., afectan el turismo, el sector agropecuario, entre otros sectores de la económia dominicana transfiriendose al sistema financiero.Este libro proporciona una guía valiosa para la planificación estratégica, la formulación de políticas y la toma de medidas informadas. Descubre como la combinación de análisis de redes bipartitas y pruebas de estrés de impacto directo al capital de los bancos ofrece una comprensión completa del riesgo sistémico. Esta herramienta es útil para la evaluación y monitoreo de la estabilidad financiera.

  • av Isyaku Hassan

    In a world where effective communication is essential, mastering the art of reading, writing, and responding to questions becomes crucial. This book presents a comprehensive guide to empower readers for communicative reading, writing, and question response. The book serves as a roadmap that equips individuals with a range of practical strategies to enhance their reading comprehension, writing proficiency, and question response skills. Drawing from extensive research and personal experiences, the authors offer a step-by-step approach that helps readers develop a deep understanding of various texts, express their thoughts eloquently in reading, writing, as well as deliver well-crafted responses to questions with clarity and confidence. This book provides invaluable insights for professionals seeking to refine their communication skills, students preparing for exams, or individuals eager wishing to enhance their overall effectiveness in conveying ideas. In particular, this book is designed to help readers discover effective note-taking techniques, learn how to analyze and interpret texts critically and explore strategies for crafting persuasive and engaging written responses. Through a series of practical exercises and thought-provoking examples, readers can achieve active participation and develop essential communication skills that can be applied in various real-life scenarios. Additionally, readers can gain the competence and confidence necessary to excel academically, professionally, and personally. Take control of your communication journey today and embark on a path to success with this indispensable resource.

  • av Pao Srean

    This guide is designed to assist Cambodian agricultural advisers to accurately identify weeds in cropping situations so that recommendations for weed control can be made based on the principles of Integrated Weed Management (IWM). Weed species differ in their responses to management practices because they have different life cycles and nutrient requirements and different modes of reproduction. They also vary in their responses to cultivation and susceptibility to herbicides. It is therefore important for the adviser and farmer to be able to accurately identify different weed species and to understand their individual weaknesses. This Guide for identification of weeds in Cambodia has been produced for that purpose. Species are arranged in alphabetical order in the Guide according to family, genus and species. A plant family (e.g. Euphorbiaceae) contains a number of related plants, all of which have one or more features in common. Families are split into a number of genera (e.g. Euphorbia, Jatropha, Ricinus), with the plants in these generic groups having further common characteristics. Each of the genera (genus) comprise one or more species, each with its own distinguishing or specific name (e.g. Euphorbia heterophylla L., Jatropha gossypiifolia L., Ricinus communis (Moq.) Gomez). These names are distinct from each other and from those of every other plant species. The Guide also includes the Khmer name for the weed, if known. A brief description, using taxonomic terminology, based primarily on the Flora of China, is given for each species. The descriptions in this Guide focus on plant habit, inflorescence, seeds and habitats that the weeds are found in.

  • av Sumudu Embogama

    In this book, the author critically evaluates the (re)presentation of gender and sexuality in Zora Huston's Their Eyes and Alice Walker's The Color Purple. It considers the ways in which perspectives of gender, subjectivity and sexuality structure the discourse of these two writers and how they manage to (re)read and (re)write the conventional and canonical stories of African American women. In order to engage in this task, suitable concepts and tools from both feminist literary theory and critical discourse analysis are used. The feminist perspective on the novels reflects new ways of understanding how these texts make sense of Black American women's experiences of conflict, contradiction and oppression. The discourse analysis highlights the multiplicity of discourses used and demonstrates the complex and subtle ways in which taken-for-granted social assumptions about gender, subjectivity and sexuality are discursively (re)produced, negotiated and contested. In the process, it becomes clear that new perspectives of the novels can be reached due to their complexity in terms of novelistic vision and innovative use of discourse.

  • av Yenenesh Yerukneh

    The integration of reading and writing has received significant attention in the realm of language studies and is a topic of international research. Scholars emphasized its inevitable contribution to the creation of citizens with sharp minds. Reading provides the writer with an understanding of the appearance and feel of reader-based prose. The teaching of one can, therefore, encourage language practices and semantic strategies helpful in the teaching of the other. Students' capacity to produce knowledge grows along with their knowledge and critical thinking skills as a result of reading, so what they learn about written language rules eventually serves as a writing resource (Marhaeni, 2016). The practice of writing is governed by a social constructionist framework in which people (writers) acquire knowledge and skills through extensive practice, high-level thinking, and the sharing of opinions through interactions with friends, family, instructors, and other writers through their written materials in both formal and informal ways. Students are inspired by reading, which helps them learn about important concepts and develop their critical and analytical thinking skills. Writing and reading together give students the chance to expand on their knowledge of language and life while also developing the forms of synthesis and selective attention needed to create fresh frameworks for the meaning of life. To this end, the Extensive Reading Strategy Training (ERST) program had to be feasible in regular practice be practical for teachers to use, and be recognized as a program that matches teachers' curriculum expectations.

  • av Jorge Alberto Bonilla-Cedeno

    Sumérgete en el fascinante mundo de la gestión de bienes con nuestro libro, donde exploramos a fondo estrategias para administrar de manera eficiente los activos de una industria o empresa de servicios. Desde el mantenimiento y manejo de inventarios hasta las decisiones financieras y de producción, ofrecemos una perspectiva combinada que desentraña la complejidad de este ámbito.En estas páginas, descubrirás la interconexión entre la gestión de mantenimiento, la planificación de inversión y la velocidad de reemplazo, factores clave para adaptarse al cambio constante de la industria. Proporcionamos herramientas concretas para evaluar la criticidad de los equipos y utilizar estos indicadores para fortalecer tus planes de mantenimiento. Además, abordamos temas modernos como mantenimientos predictivos y proactivos, realidad extendida, ciencia de datos y KPI, guiándote para integrar estas prácticas en la gestión estratégica de bienes.Exploramos cómo las metodologías como 5S, AI, DL, y EAM se entrelazan para crear un enfoque completo y eficaz. Desglosamos conceptos financieros como CAPEX, TIR, y VAN, brindándote una guía paso a paso para mejorar la gestión de bienes en línea con las teorías modernas. Desde la implementación de herramientas como GMAO/CMMS hasta estrategias como JIT y VSM, te proporcionamos un panorama completo para lograr una gestión eficiente y sostenible.Los resultados obtenidos en nuestra investigación confirman que es posible implementar con éxito esta estrategia integral. Utilizamos diversas herramientas, desde la metodología 5S hasta tecnologías avanzadas como AI y DL. Además, te introducimos en conceptos clave como CAUE, COV, y RAM, proporcionándote una guía práctica para mejorar la gestión de bienes de acuerdo con las últimas tendencias.Este libro se convierte en una lectura esencial para aquellos que buscan no solo comprender, sino también aplicar las mejores prácticas en la gestión de bienes. Transforma tu enfoque, optimiza tus recursos y lleva tu empresa a la vanguardia con las estrategias y herramientas que presentamos. ¡Descubre el potencial de una gestión de bienes eficiente y sostenible en el competitivo mundo empresarial actual!

  • av Carmy Erika Caspillan Bumanlag

    Delays in court proceedings that result in delayed justice delivery are inevitable realities that are influenced by various factors, including jurisdiction size, docket management, case classification, calendaring, and court practices. Despite the laws and policies that safeguard the rights of Children in Conflict with the Law (CICL) against unjust incrimination and unlawful detention, numerous concerns regarding the lengthy confinement of CICL still persist. The COVID-19 pandemic crisis further compounds the impact of delays on court processes, leading to increased dockets and hearing resets. Therefore, the study aims to assess the effects of delayed court proceedings on the psychosocial development of CICL. A qualitative design and phenomenological approach are employed to explore the experiences and perspectives of the primary participants and key informants to shed light on the outcome of delays. The study focused on the three domains of psychosocial development which are the responsibility domain, temperance domain, and perspective domain. The results show that delays have no direct influence on the resistance or susceptibility of the CICL to peer influence, but it is found to be a contributing factor to establish CICL's identity in their present social context in Bahay Pag-asa. Delays also affect their behavior, potentially leading to impulsivity, aggression, and negative responses to the family court or justice system. It triggers and develops psychological distress and depression. Furthermore, delays can trigger psychological distress and depression, challenging CICL's perception of their rehabilitation and shaping their coping mechanisms.Furthermore, the research presents a comprehensive definition of delay derived from the perspectives of the participants. According to this composite definition 'A delay refers to the postponement, cancellation, and resetting of court proceedings, which is inadvertent in manner and is deemed unjustifiable by the CICL. Delays are granted from either meritorious grounds or unwarranted factors associated with both old and conventional court practices, as well as unprecedented social phenomenon.'

  • av Ioannis S Vourdoubas

    Climate change with its inflictive effects on developed, developing and poor countries is a topic of increasing concern to the international community, especially following the global climate summit in Paris in 2015. The commitments made by almost all countries to limit greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere in order to limit the increase of the average temperature of the planet to manageable levels, require the gradual implementation of radical measures in many sectors, and especially in the energy sector. The role of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in climate change mitigation is crucial, while the replacement of fossil fuels with RES requires major changes in the way we produce and use energy and fuels. The green energy transformation of modern societies requires the understanding of the role of fossil fuels in the aggravation of climate change and the advantages of the use of RES towards its mitigation. This transformation cannot be achieved without understanding the necessity for changing the energy model of the industrial era - the period after the mid-18th century until today - which has led to current environmental deadlocks. This understanding is particularly useful and necessary for young people who shall bear the burden and cost of this complex transition. This book addresses this very topic, that is young people's awareness over environmentally friendly energy technologies, understanding their environmental, social and economic benefits and their role in coping with climate change. The text could be useful to everyone who is interesting to be aware about the causes of the most important global environmental problem in the current era of Anthropocene.

  • av Fenghua Wen

    The rural revitalization strategy is a major historical task in China'a Xijinping era, and an important measure to solve the issues on agricultural, rural and farmers (so called "three rural issues"), and on the coordinate development of urban and rural areas. Doing a good job in village planning is the foundation and prerequisite for promoting rural revitalization strategy. This book is written to adapt to the new situation, new tasks, and new requirements of rural development in China. The whole book adheres to the principle of combining theory with practice. Firstly, it systematically sorts out and summarizes the relevant theories of village planning. Chinese village planning is divided into five levels: village development strategic planning, village layout planning, village construction planning, practical village planning with multiple regulations, and village special planning. The planning content, requirements, and technical routes of each plan are summarized, and finally implemented in Guangdong, Henan, and other provinces. The case studies in Hebei and other provinces may make it easy for readers to understand the logic and stories behind the Chinese village plannings. On the one hand, it aims to tell the story of Chinese village planning to the world, while enriching the theoretical system of Chinese village planning and enhancing the operational theoretical guidance of planning, construction, and management; On the other hand, theoretical summary of case studies will be conducted to further enhance the requirements and level of village planning in China.

  • av Melvin Hilvano Salazar

    This study determined the conditions and opportunities offered within the school system along with the performance indicators of the junior high school students of Catbalogan City Division, Province of Samar, Philippines; the level of implementation of the key elements of a sound outcome-based transformational approaches; the dimensions of opportunity and high expectations; the key characteristics of classroom reform approach and transformative tools; and strategic transformative organization leadership transformative tools; and strategic transformative leadership and management. This study utilized the descriptive research method wherein the quantitative data were gathered using a survey questionnaire. Results showed that there was a high incidence of drop-out rate and failure rate; and that the implementation of the results-based transformational tools and approaches on average were satisfactory which led to the development of the strategic management model for junior high schools in Catbalogan City Division, results-oriented transformative leadership. School leaders and teaching force should maximize the use of the developed strategic management model for junior high school students in Catbalogan City Division, results-oriented transformative leadership.

  • av Mirjana Radovic-Markovic

    Principles of Management and Leadership in a Global World is the second edition of the book that aims at elaborating the concept of management and leadership, and insights concerning different aspects of them. As we go through the chapters, we will consider a variety of key learnings to be conveyed to the readers. In the first chapter, the history of management is discussed and application of management principles. Then, management theories are systematically elaborated, and types of and their choice in terms of globalization are argued. Chapter two considers organizational structure and change management. In chapter three is investigated relationship between organizational culture, behavior, and job satisfaction in modern business conditions. Types of leadership models and theories are the most important axis of chapter four. In this chapter, the types of leadership theories and their common attributes and their requirements are discussed. Chapter five is dedicated to different modalities of work and the changing role of leadership which is a critical topic in gig economy. Personalized learning and job success in the digital economy is investigated in chapter six both theoretically and practically. In this chapter is concluded that has been a lag between the introduction of new ways of doing jobs and labor displacement from the old economy into the digital one. In chapter seven is discussed time and stress management. Namely, on an organizational level, stress can affect performance and attitudes and can cause burnout.The book is recommended to businesspersons, lecturers, and students in order to consolidate their understanding of the nature of management and leadership

  • - A Radiologist Experience from Pakistan
    av Mahnoor Hafeez

    Clinical Radiology is the mainstay of providing quality care to the patients. Medical Imaging is complex and conducting Research in it is more complex! It is scientific advancement. It is the need of the hour, indeed! Academic writing and Publishing requires diligence. This Academic book includes Research Abstracts, Letters to the Editors, Original Articles, system-wise unique Case Reports encountered in clinical practice. It focuses on CT, MRI, Audits, Physics, Artificial Intelligence and Radiomics. It addresses Technical issues faced by the working Radiologists in the Asian Countries.This book aims to disseminate the World Class- Scholarly Articles among the Global Radiologists, Scientists and Medical Professionals in all disciplines. It set as a leading example for the Radiology Residents and Fellows, "How to design Methodology for Original Articles". It would be a compact Research resource and would serve as a guide for the Clinical Radiology trainees and Fellows pursuing Research career. It contains Glossary of Research terminology for basic understanding of the readers. It displays study types hierarchy and flowchart demonstrating the entire Research publication process. This book presents the scientific work of an enthusiastic Young Radiologist from Pakistan. It tells the story of a young doctor fighting against Centro-nuclear Myopathy. It highlights the Importance of teaching and emphasizes the Radiologist role in COVID crises. It would be an asset for the ones passionate for Research. It will surely motivate and encourage the Radiologists; how to carry on with Research Journey in a busy clinical setting. A 'MUST READ' for All Radiology Research Beginners!

  • av LV Wei

    As two core elements of traffic system, pedestrian and vehicle have always been the focus of research on traffic flow dynamics, and modelling research of them is also one of the important means to explore basic traffic flow, which is helpful to provide scientific guiding principles for the formulation of traffic and crowd evacuation programs under the disaster environment.The theme of the book is to present the basic method of modelling vehicle and pedestrian dynamics on the basis of classical traffic theory and model. The contents mainly include four parts: In the part of vehicle traffic flow modelling, models based on basic car-following and lane-changing behaviour are introduced. In the part of pedestrian traffic flow modelling, pedestrian models that can realistically and accurately reflect characteristics or rules of pedestrian flow are developed. In the part of vehicle-pedestrian mixed traffic flow modelling, an improved KKW model and a pedestrian motion model considering TTC is proposed, in which the spatial motion of a vehicle and a pedestrian is uniformly updated horizontally and longitudinally. In the part of related application, some evacuation models and methods are involved. It is hoped that this book could provide a reference for scholars in the relevant research field.Modelling vehicle and pedestrian movement is of great scientific significance for analyzing and optimizing the evacuation strategies for people in the disaster environment, which also can provide rich and reliable core model library support for the development of traffic software. It is hoped that this book could provide a reference for relevant scholars.

  • av Sumi T

    A ring is an abstract structure with a commutative addition, and a multiplication which may or may not be commutative. This distinction yields two quite different theories: the theory of respectively commutative or non-commutative rings. These notes are mainly concerned about commutative rings. Non-commutative rings have been an object of systematic study only quite recently, during the 20th century. Graph is a mathematical representation of a network and it describes the relationship between lines and points. A graph consists of some points and lines between them. The length of the lines and position of the points does not matter. Each object in a graph is called a node. The subject of graph theory had its beginnings in recreational math problems (see number game), but it has grown into a significant area of mathematical research, with applications in chemistry, operations research, social sciences, and computer science. The study of algebraic structures using the properties of graphs becomes an exciting research topic in the past twenty years, leading to many fascinating results and questions. There are many papers on assigning a graph to a group or a ring. Also, investigation of algebraic properties of groups or rings using the associated graph becomes an exciting topic. In 1999, the zero-divisor graph of a commutative ring Γ(R) was defined by David F. Anderson and Paul S. Livingston as the undirected graph with vertex set Z(R)∗, in which there is an arc from x to y if and only if xy = 0. Through this book, we illustrate some results about the Graphs associated with Rings.

  • av Francisco J G Silva

    Designing of a novel automatic laser welding equipment for "T"-profiles is done in four parts. The four are a loading system, a vertical centering system, a welding system and an unloading system. The loading system is designed to ease the loading of the profile plates. A lift can open for the loading and close to keep the plate upright. The system also contains a centering ball screw to center the horizontal plate. The vertical centering system is introduced to place the vertical plate in the perfect position. Just before entering the third system, the welding system, the profile plates are welded manually to each other for some centimetersto ensure that nothing moves from its correct place. The welding system welds the two plates automatically with a laser beam. The welding system also has a centering ball screw for the horizontal plate. The vertical and horizontal plate are pressed on to each other to eliminate a possible gap. This pressing is done by a pressing system on the welding spot. When the whole profile is welded and rolled on the unloading system, it can be taken off by the roller bridge. Two more important things are the alignment and the levelling of all the systems. The first is done by an extra profile to put all the systems in line and the second one is done by a foot with metric thread that, with the use of bolts, can lift up the frame to the right level.

  • av Yuanshan Liu

    In this comprehensive study on distributed optimization in multiagent systems, the authors present a pioneering approach to managing external disturbances in complex network scenarios. This book addresses the challenges in systems with both fixed and switching topologies, introducing an innovative controller equipped with dynamic triggered mechanisms. These mechanisms are expertly designed to reduce communication resource waste and lower agent energy consumption significantly. Alongside, a novel distributed disturbance observer is developed to accurately estimate external disturbances in the input channels. The authors skillfully derive sufficient conditions for achieving consensus in multiagent systems under diverse network conditions. A key highlight is the successful avoidance of Zeno behaviors by the designed mechanisms, marking a significant advancement in the field. The effectiveness of these groundbreaking algorithms is further underscored through rigorous numerical simulations. This book is a critical resource for anyone interested in the forefront of research in dynamic systems and control theory, offering both theoretical depth and practical insights.

  • av Saïf ed-Dîn Fertahi

    Explore the exciting frontiers of renewable energy through this innovative work. Following the trajectory laid out by each chapter of "Currents of Progress," university students specializing in fluid mechanics, as well as engineers, will have the opportunity to master specific CFD modeling techniques for the H-Darrieus turbine. These studies offer a deep dive into the theoretical foundation underpinning this modeling, opening a gateway to comprehensive understanding for enthusiasts in the field.As you traverse the text, uncover the performance indicators characterizing the intricate operation of the Darrieus turbine, providing unprecedented insights into essential criteria evaluated in the context of wind energy. Moreover, grasp the various techniques and numerical tools deployed to enhance the aerodynamic contours derived from CFD calculations. This meticulous exploration facilitates a thorough comparison between the diverse modeling techniques of H-Darrieus, whether in 2D, 2.5D, or 3D. "Currents of Progress" becomes more than just reading; it transforms into a comprehensive educational journey for those seeking to grasp the nuances and exciting challenges of the ever-evolving world of sustainable energy technology.

  • av Kriti Yadav

    Renewable energy is in transition stage in India. India believes in transition from fossil fuel to renewable energy. The energy sectors in which the researchers are working relates to Solar energy, Wind energy, Biomass, Pumped Hydro, Geothermal energy and Hybridized Energy. This book is a collection of research work carried out by the authors in the recent past with focus on geothermal energy. The authors has published several papers which are related to renewable energy sector over the years which are indexed in Scopus web portal. The authors experimented on renewable energy and has generated electricity for the first time in India using geothermal energy. The authors demonstrated space heating and cooling, Milk pasteurization, Green house, Honey processing and many other direct applications using geothermal energy. In the wind sector, the authors experimented on the turbines used in harvesting wind energy and converting the same into electrical energy. Authors demonstrated 10 KW wind turbine in Gujarat continuously running and generating electricity. They also ventured in hybridization of Solar energy with geothermal energy and the hybridized energy was feeded to an ORC for generation of electricity. At present authors are also working on Biomass conversion to Biofuel and conducting experiments on pumped hydro. Demonstration on renewable energy using the power of AI and ML is the need of the hour. Authors are writing algorithms for resource estimation of identified renewable energy prospects and categorizing the same according to PRMS nomenclature. Gravity, Magnetic, MT, Seismic methods were used to decipher the sub-surface prospects and allocate resource for the same

  • av Mirjana Radovic Markovic

    The connection between globalization and digitalization is intricate and multi-dimensional. Digitalization has facilitated and accelerated globalization, enabling businesses and individuals to connect and operate on a global scale.Digitalization has provided the technological infrastructure and tools that enable the seamless exchange of goods, services, information, and ideas across borders, while globalization has created the demand and opportunities for digitalization to thrive. At the same time, globalization has influenced the development and adoption of digital technologies. While this relationship has brought numerous benefits, it also poses challenges that require careful consideration and policy responses to ensure that the benefits of globalization and digitalization are shared inclusively and sustainably. In today's rapidly evolving world, technological advancements, globalization, and demographic shifts have significantly impacted the nature of work, requiring workers to acquire new skills and knowledge throughout their careers. In line with this, workforce transformation and education play crucial roles in the global economy as they enable individuals and societies to adapt to the changing demands of the labor market and drive economic growth. By enabling individuals to acquire new skills, fostering lifelong learning, and adapting education systems to meet the demands of the labor market, societies can effectively navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by the changing nature of work. Embracing these transformations can lead to a more skilled, adaptable, and inclusive workforce that drives economic prosperity.

  • av Wiseman Ubochioma

    Competition law has become an important area of law due to the adoption of economic policies of privatization and liberalization by most countries from early 1980s to date. The core aim of the law is to ensure efficient operation of markets through prevention of practices by undertakings that would lead to monopolization of markets and affect the welfare of consumers. Competition Law and Regulation in Nigeria discusses the legal and institutional frameworks for regulation of competition law in Nigerian markets. The book builds on the rich jurisprudence and regulatory frameworks of countries and regional economic blocs such as the United States, Canada, Australia and the European Union to explain the core principles and concepts of competition law. With the above contents, the book provides a basic and in-depth knowledge of competition law to a broad spectrum of readers such as students, scholars and officers of firms involved in commercial transactions. Finally, the book provides a practical guide to attorneys, competition law agencies, and courts in litigation, investigation and determination of competition law disputes.

  • av B Deekshitha

    Climate change is a serious threat to socioeconomic development all around the world. There is enough evidence that the earth's climate is changing with global warming of 1.5°C rises in temperature according to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report which also describes vulnerability as "The degree to which a system is susceptible to, or unable to cope with the adverse effects of climate change". Thus climate change is adversely affecting both social aspects and the livelihood of all communities. As this risk may increase it is necessary to develop innovative approaches to effectively cope with climate-related risks. Assessing vulnerability is important as it provides information on the measures tobe taken to adapt to climate change. Hence, a vulnerability assessment is the first step in adaptation planning. The main objective of this study is to carry out a current climate Districtlevel vulnerability assessment for the State of Andhra Pradesh based on a set of common indicators. These indicators mainly comprise of Socio-economic& livelihood, Biophysical, Institutional & Infrastructure. Using a Vulnerability Index, derived for each District in Andhra Pradesh, the study identifies and categorises the most vulnerable District in the State and the major drivers of their vulnerability. Thus this vulnerability assessment with a common methodological framework helps in prioritising investment for climate adaptation.

  • av Amr M El-Zawawy

    The present book is a series of investigations into issues that Arabic-English-Arabic translation has been bedeviled by for a long time. The issues addressed are a host out of a legion. The book is not an attempt at overturning the current trends in theory or underscoring some at the expense of others, though: rather it aims at providing a quick, albeit profound, approach to the translator's difficult mission, bearing in mind the demands of our age of super-technology and MT.

  • - Challenges and Opportunities
    av Janardhana Anjanappa

    This study aims to assess the potential role of insurance in alleviating climate change risks in India. It does this by exploring the unique challenges and opportunities that the Indian insurance industry faces in integrating climate risk insurance into its risk management strategies. The study also examines the comprehensive research on the Indian insurance industry's response to climate change and try to combines insights from fields such as economics, finance, environmental science, and policy. The study finds that the Indian insurance industry is facing a number of challenges in addressing climate change risks. These include affordability and availability of coverage, the growing financial burden on insurance companies, limited historical data, uncertainty in risk assessment, long-term liabilities, and the potential for moral hazard. However, the study also finds that there are a number of opportunities for the insurance industry to address these challenges and contribute to climate change resilience. These include collaboration and knowledge sharing between insurers, policymakers, scientists, and other stakeholders, the development of innovative insurance and risk management products, education and awareness initiatives, and investments in renewable energy and low-carbon technologies. Overall, the study finds that the challenges posed by climate change in the insurance industry require proactive and collaborative approaches. By embracing these opportunities and developing innovative solutions, insurers can contribute to building resilience, reducing risks, and promoting a sustainable response to climate change.

  • av Aixin Zhang

    The chasm between the mind and the world is but a thought away, a fleeting mental image, eternally wavering between reality and nature, belonging neither to the tangible realm nor to natural apparitions. Our "mental images" endeavor to unveil the truth of reality, approximating the likeness of nature, yet perpetually oscillating between the two. This undulation has shaped our boundless universe of imagery, becoming our guide in the pursuit of truth. Within this guide, art manifests in its unique form, concealing its origins.The book "Totem! The Art of Faith" is a collaborative effort between myself and my doctoral students, Aixin Zhang and Zhiheng Su. Utilizing both visual and textual dimensions, we analyze early human totem civilizations and reflect on the origin of non-technical wizard imagery. This investigation seeks to uncover the mysterious circumstances and new potentialities for willful freedom in contemporary art. Through historical study, we juxtapose today's civilization and human psyche with the primitive, ignorant tribal eras, or the early formation of communities. This exploration offers intriguing insights into the spiritual evolution and aesthetic inheritance of humans, their relationship with nature, others, and their own selves, thereby tracing the primal longing for divine tension in art. Moreover, we connect this with our current perceptions and the will of our civilization, pursuing the mystical aspects of art in its past, present, and future incarnations.These are the initial intentions of the book and the research topic of "Contemporary Speculation on Totem Art".

  • av Gustavo Adolfo González Cáceres

    Dentro del ámbito universitario cada día está cobrando especial interés el estudio del recurso humano disponible que da sentido a la razón de ser de este tipo de organizaciones: los docentes. En este estudio se busca analizar el impacto de los factores motivacionales del capital humano en el desempeño laboral de los docentes de relevo generacional de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán (UPNFM) durante el año 2021. Se lleva a cabo un estudio de tipo cuantitativo en el que se analizan dos variables: motivación y desempeño laboral, en la que cada una contará con seis dimensiones bien identificadas. Para ello se aplicará un cuestionario en línea dirigido a los docentes de relevo generacional, posteriormente se realizará el análisis estadístico utilizando SPSS, tomando como base del estudio las pruebas no paramétricas y el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. Los resultados muestran que existe una relación positiva entre la motivación y el desempeño laboral, pero esta es baja. Se ha comprobado que la estabilidad laboral y la remuneración económica no siempre son predictores determinantes de un buen desempeño laboral. Este trabajo es una base para el análisis administrativo del llamado "cuadro de relevo generacional" en la UPNFM.

  • av Changwoo Park

    The government body, NAACC (National Agency of Administrative City Construction), is promoting national strategies development based on a new balanced development paradigm for national integration and national economic leaps. In order to effectively construct a complex city where various entities participate and a number of facilities are built, program management is applied from start of construction. In this study, it is introduced the techniques of program management that systematically and effectively controlled the administrative city construction as a control tower. The Saemangeum Development and Investment Agency (SDIA) is in charge of the entire project for successful completion. SDIA needs advanced Saemangeum program management to address complex issues such as lack of clear scope and timing of termination, high dependence on private investment, frequent policy changes, and confrontation among many stakeholders. In this study, it is to introduce the establishment of procedures, time and cost management, efforts for megaproject developing a program management information system, and the direction of K-SPM development. This paper illustrates the importance for performance assessment by applying the AHP technique which can obtain objective and systematic results for identifying common points and derived factors. The results of this study are expected to improve the efficient use of budget resources and increase public convenience when applied to megaprojects in Korea, such as the New Airports, Saemangeum reclamation which is currently in its early stages. Change orders are commonly used in public projects to address unexpected field conditions or inadequate initial planning and lack of preliminary investigation, etc. The five factors contributing to the change orders were: a change in scope of work, a reflection of site conditions, a change in plans, interference with other construction, and construction suspensions. This study offers valuable insights into the key factors contributing to design changes in public works. It can be used to proactively manage future projects, reducing the frequency of design changes and associated costs.

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