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Bøker utgitt av Edra Publishing US LLC

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  • av Salvador Cervantes Sala
    1 022,-

    Pets, particularly cats and dogs, are living longer than ever before. Almost half of their lifespan makes app the senior/geriatric life stage. This book is a practical manual that comprehensively covers geriatric medicine of dogs and cats, and provides readers, whether veterinary surgeons working in routine clinical practice or students approaching the end of their veterinary medicine degree, with a different approach to clinically useful information on this topic. In this second edition all chapters have been rigorously reviewed and updated, with a particular emphasis on pharmacological protocols and dosages and new therapies. An entire new chapter on endocrine problems in senior pets has been added.

  • av Elisa Faretta

    Among the anxiety disorders, Panic Disorder (PD) is one of the most common forms of psychological distress in contemporary societies, often present in comorbidities with depressive disorders or addictions. It is extremely debilitating, and frequently associated with high levels of social, occupational, and physical disability. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is the first choice to treat traumatic or stress related disorders, and for several years has also been demonstrably effective in PD. This book is a complete guide to the use of EMDR psychotherapy in PD treatment. In this book, Elisa Faretta explores the etiology of PD, in light of the most recent neuropsychological theories - including Porges' Polyvagal Theory, Panksepp's Affective Neuroscience and Bowlby's Theory of Attachment - and brings together the results of the latest research on the treatment of this disorder with EMDR. The practical application of the protocol in eight steps is accompanied by the assessment tools and the scripts of the management and stabilization techniques with the description of a clinical case included for added clarity. For psychologists and psychotherapists interested in the specificity of this innovative and in-depth treatment the book also contains a variation of the individual EMDR standard protocol, adapted for a group psychotherapy context.

  • av Daniele Cardaropoli
    1 949,-

    La parodontologia è il centro di tutta l¿odontoiatra. Mantenere e ripristinare la salute dei tessuti di sostegno degli elementi dentari è il modo migliore per garantire l¿integrità della dentatura, lavorando sia sul lato funzionale che sul versante estetico. Il presente testo raccoglie in maniera organica le conoscenze disponibili in tema di chirurgia parodontale. Esso si sviluppa creando un percorso logico, partendo dalla valutazione delle caratteristiche cliniche e microbiologiche della malattia parodontale per passare alle tecniche di strumentazione per il controllo dell¿infezione, descrivendo le procedure di correzione dei difetti ossei (resettiva, conservative e rigenerative) e la chirurgia mucogengivale per la gestione dei difetti dei tessuti molli. Cuore pulsante di tutta l¿opera è rappresentato dai capitoli sulla chirurgia rigenerativa dei difetti infraossei e sulla chirurgia correttiva delle recessioni gengivali. Il lettore si troverà guidato in un percorso molto lineare, basato sull¿evidenza, dove le tecniche chirurgiche vengono descritte in maniera chiara e precisa, con numerosi casi clinici esemplificativi e disegni di alta qualità creati per descrivere le procedure step-by-step. Un testo molto clinico, per consentire di modificare i propri approcci terapeutici nell¿immediato. Un testo dove la gestione dei tessuti molli e l¿attenzione estetica guidano costantemente le scelte terapeutiche.

  • av Elaine Halley
    2 410,-

    Help your patients to smile with confidence. This non-formulaic focus on Smile Design offers a ¿how-tö approach to patient communication surrounding the art of smile analysis, the treatment planning process, and case presentation. Read it again and again as you master each step of smile creation at your own pace. This tried and tested method will transition your dental practice from a singletooth method toward full-mouth care. Honed over 30 years in her award-winning dental practice, Dr. Halley brings you her system for Smile Analysis, complemented by an array of case studies that allow you to test your skills before trying them in the clinic. Packed with ¿how-tö checklists, red flags, and decision points, this book will guide you through a step-by-step process, including how to incorporate technology, in the most understandable guide to better smiles available today.

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