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  • av Sophie McKenzie

    ¿Y si todo lo que pensabas que sabías sobre tu vida fuera una mentira? Chica desaparecida es el superventas juvenil de misterio de la escritora Sophie McKenzie, que ha vendido más de 1.000.000 de copias. Lauren es adoptada y está impaciente por conocer más sobre su misterioso pasado. Pero cuando descubre que tal vez la secuestraron de su familia cuando era un bebé, de repente su vida parece una falsedad. ¿Es posible que sus padres adoptivos sean los responsables de secuestrarla? Huyendo de su familia para buscar la verdad, el viaje de Lauren la llevará cada vez más cerca del peligro, ya que se da cuenta de que alguien quiere impedir que descubra qué pasó realmente cuando era un bebé Chica desaparecida es el primer libro que lanzó la reina de los thrillers juveniles, Sophie McKenzie, y es imprescindible para los lectores que todavía no han descubierto este clásico moderno. «No podrás dejar de leer.' --The Independent «Te mantendrá atrapado durante horas.' --Sunday Express «Por favor, lee este libro: ¡es brillante!' --The Guardian «Cuando escucho la frase "thriller juvenil", solo pienso en un nombre y este es Sophie McKenzie. ¿Por qué? Porque nadie lo hace mejor.' --Phil Earle, autor «Los thrillers de Sophie son brillantes... no puedes dejar de leer.' --Robert Muchamore, autor superventas «Brillantemente descrito, aterrador y emotivo.' --The Daily Mirror What if everything you thought you knew about your life was a lie? Chica desaparecida is the bestselling mystery young adult novel in Spanish by writer Sophie McKenzie, having sold over 1,000,000 copies.Lauren is adopted and eager to learn more about her mysterious past. But when she discovers that she might have been kidnapped from her family as a baby, suddenly her life seems like a lie. Could her adoptive parents be responsible for her abduction?Fleeing her family to uncover the truth, Lauren's journey leads her closer and closer to danger, realizing that someone wants to prevent her from discovering what really happened when she was a baby.Chica desaparecida is the first book released by the queen of young adult thrillers, Sophie McKenzie, and is a must-read for readers yet to discover this modern classic. "You won't be able to stop reading." --The Independent"It will keep you gripped for hours." --Sunday Express"Please read this book: it's brilliant!" --The Guardian"When I hear the phrase 'young adult thriller', I only think of one name and that's Sophie McKenzie. Why? Because nobody does it better." --Phil Earle, author"Sophie's thrillers are brilliant... you just can't stop reading." --Robert Muchamore, bestselling author"Brilliantly described, terrifying, and emotional." --The Daily Mirror,

  • av Sarah Dass

    Inspired by Jane Austen's Persuasion, "Adonde te lleve el ritmo" is a captivating young adult romantic novel in Spanish about first love and second chances. Seventeen-year-old Reyna has spent most of her life at the Plumeria, the magnificent hotel her family owns on the coast of Tobago. But what once seemed like paradise now feels like purgatory. It has been two years since Reyna's mother passed away, and also two years since Aiden, her childhood best friend, her first kiss, her first love, and her first everything, left the island to pursue his musical dreams. Reyna's friends are planning their futures and moving abroad. Even her father seems ready to move on, leaving her alone to try to keep the Plumeria running. And it's at this moment that Aiden re-enters her life as a VIP guest at the hotel. Aiden is now one-third of DJ Bacchanal, the hottest musical group around. While Reyna has stayed exactly where he left her, Aiden has returned to Tobago with his Grammy-nominated group and two beautiful girls from high society in Los Angeles. And maybe he is (or maybe he isn' t) dating one of them...

  • av Jordi Ortiz

    SUMMARY IN SPANISH: ¿Qué harías si te dijeran que es posible viajar por el tiempo? Las legiones de Roma es el primer libro de la colección Los Exploradores del Tiempo en español, ilustrada a todo color y que combina diálogos de cómic con novela histórica para niños de entre 9 y 12 años. Cada libro nos permite disfrutar de un fascinante viaje por el tiempo de Víctor, Cristina, Celoni e Ibis, los protagonistas. Los lectores encontrarán algunas preguntas que permiten descubrir curiosidades históricas sobre antiguas civilizaciones. Para hacerlo, tendrán que usar el Reloj del Tiempo, incluido en el libro, para descifrar el número de página que se oculta tras un fondo de color rojo y así poder viajar por el tiempo para descubrir curiosidades históricas increíbles. Al final de cada libro encontrarás tres secciones: -¡Que se sepa!: curiosidades explicadas por los personajes de la colección, sobre sí mismos o la época histórica a la que viajan. -¡Manos a la obra!: disfrutaremos de una receta de cocina para hacer en casa y de un juego ambientado en la época histórica. -¡Bibliocronohistorias!: personajes muy relevantes de la humanidad nos explicarán quiénes son y qué hicieron para lograr que aún los recordemos . En Las legiones de Roma, los exploradores del tiempo visitarán la antigua Roma para tratar de conseguir un águila romana, ¡el emblema más protegido de las legiones romanas! Pero se toparán con algunos imprevistos... ¿Serán capaces de completar su primera misión? Y tú, ¿quieres ser un Explorador del Tiempo? Una vez terminado el libro, supera el test de los exploradores y conseguirás el objeto que se ha recuperado en cada libro de la saga. ¡Pégalo en el póster de la colección! ¿Podrás obtener todos los objetos perdidos en el tiempo? Si superas el test, también podrás descargarte un fragmento digital de uno de los libros de la colección Historia para Niños. ¡Aprende más sobre cada civilización y conviértete en un crac de la historia! >LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAÑOL. _________________________________________ SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: What would you do if somebody told you it was possible to time travel? Las legiones de Roma is the first book in Los Exploradores del Tiempo collection which mixes comic book dialogues with a historical novel for children in Spanish, and it's full of colorful illustrations. Each book will take you on a fascinating journey through time with the main characters Victor, Christina, Seldon and Ibis. Throughout the novel, readers will come across some questions which will allow them to discover incredible fun facts about ancient civilizations. For this, they will have to use the time-traveling clock (included in the book) to decipher the page number hidden behind the red background. At the end of each novel in the collection, you will find three different sections: -Let it be known! Fun facts told by the book characters, about themselves or about the historic era they have travelled to. -Let's get to work! You will learn a new cooking recipe to follow at home and a game set in the historic era. -Bibliochronohistories! Some of the most significant figures in history will tell us who they are and what they did to become so relevant to our history. In The Legions of Rome, the Time Explorers will visit Ancient Rome to try to obtain a Roman eagle, the most well-protected emblem of the Roman legions! But they will come across some unexpected events... Will they be able to complete the first mission? ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH.

  • av Miguel Ángel Saura

    This is the first volume of the Historia para Niños collection, ideal for learning history in Spanish in a fun and entertaining way. In this book you'll learn who the Romans were: their religion, how their society was constituted, the role of women, and all the most notable historical facts. Meet the twins Romulus and Remus, Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Nero, and countless other historical figures who forged Roman civilization through many battles and conquests.

  • av Christine Battuz

    Buenas noches, todos a dormir is a board book bedtime story for little hands. The story includes a moon that lights up for 30 seconds when pressed. Thus, it generates a warm atmosphere, ideal for going to sleep. The illustrations allow the little ones to clearly recognize the different animals: bears, frogs, rabbits, foxes, squirrels, birds, mice, and an owl. Batteries are included.

  • av Clara Cunha

  • av Joan Rossell

    Once there was a man who only had three hairs, and he loved them so much he had even named them. One was called Joey, another Johnny and the shortest of all Tony. Despite his complex, George finds out that if he takes it with humor, having little hair can be even fun... Seventh story from the Learn to Read collection in UPPER CASE and lowercase letters, which is ordered according to reading difficulty with number 1 being the easiest and number 9 being the most challenging. > Collection titles: 1) Bernard, The Fireman 2) Brave 3) Small, A Happy Grain Of Sand 4) The Fireless Dragon 5) Simba The Lion 6) The Pirate's Treasure 7) The Man With Three Hairs 8) The Yellow Car > The collection is designed to learn to read and is ordered according to reading difficulty.

  • av Esther Burgueo

  • av Ursel Scheffler

    SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Cada capí tulo es un caso diferente del comisario Caramba, en españ ol. Al final de cada caso, una pregunta te hará hacer de detective. ¿ Será s capaz de contestarla correctamente y resolver el caso? La respuesta a la pregunta está cifrada, ¡ y solo podrá s leerla con la ayuda de la lupa de superdetective incluida en el libro! Recomendado para mejorar la comprensió n lectora. Los libros del comisario Caramba son distintos, los niñ os se lo pasan genial haciendo de detectives a la vez que leen con atenció n para ser capaces de entender la historia y resolver cada caso. ¡ Y despué s deberá n utilizar la lupa de superdetective para descifrar la solució n! Mientras el cajero de un banco se come un yogur, un supuesto cliente entra con una má scara naranja. Una visita al dentista permite atrapar a un ladró n. Un rufiá n roba por encargo unas figuritas de incalculable valor e incluso cuando el comisario Caramba va a un balneario para adelgazar acaba resolviendo una intriga criminal. ¡ Caramba siempre resuelve todos los casos! El comisario Caramba tiene los siguientes tí tulos: - El calcetí n rojo - La má scara naranja - La maleta amarilla - El loro verde - El manubrio lila - El caso Cobra > SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Each chapter is a different case for Inspector Caramba, in Spanish. At the end of each case, a question will make you do some detective work. Will you be able to answer it correctly and solve the case? The answer to the question is encoded, and you will only be able to read it with the help of the super detective's magnifying glass included in the book! Recommended to improve reading comprehension. The Comisario Caramba books are different, children have a fantastic time becoming detectives while they read carefully to be able to understand the story and solve each case. And afterwards they have to use the super detective magnifying glass to crack the solution! While a bank teller is eating a yoghurt, someone pretending to be a customer enters the bank wearing an orange mask. A visit to the dentist enables a thief to be caught. A ruffian steals some priceless figurines on demand and even when Inspector Caramba goes to a spa to slim down, he ends up solving a criminal plot. Caramba always resolves every case! El comisario Caramba has the following titles: - El calcetí n rojo - La má scara naranja - La maleta amarilla - El loro verde - El manubrio lila - El caso Cobra - El dragó n dorado

  • av Esther Burgueo

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