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Bøker utgitt av Diamond Media Press Co.

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  • av Marion Catterall

  • - Book 1 of the Cody Hunter Series
    av H Hallen Taylor

  • av Christina J Fox

  • av Allen McCray

  • av Farai Mutsambiwa

    DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT GOD IS SAYING TO YOU THROUGH DREAMS? If you are keen to ask God how to understand and interpret your dreams and receive supernatural guidance in making daily and important decisions, and if you are eager to know the latest things to happen, good or bad, then you are ready for GOD at work in our DREAMS. From God''s point of view, the Source of all wisdom, this book uniquely addresses the questions you have always wanted answered about your dreams. Be eager to learn from others. When approached by God in a dream, King Solomon asked for the right thing, wisdom. In addition, God gave him wealth, riches and fame such as no other king had before or will ever have in the future. However, it was not his idea to ask for wisdom but his father David''s admonition (1 Chronicles 22). A wonderfully encouraging personal account of how God can and will use dreams to guide the person who seeks Him with all their heart and mind and soul. - Vanessa Norman, Rugby, UK Dreams can be an inspiration, they can also be a challenge and a conundrum. Theories abound as to the meaning and significance of dreams. I was very excited when Farai asked me to read through this book, and it did not disappoint. Farai has sought to hear God''s voice for many years and to be obedient to God''s leading. In this book, he draws important lessons from seeking to learn how God has spoken to people in the Bible, and from his own experience of applying these principles - principles which others will find helpful. - Tim Norman, UK.

  • av Trevor Stewart

    This book has come about by the dedication and hard work and guts of the small team that was put together to achieve what at times was believed to be the unachievable, in line with an acute decrease in resources of the army through financial shortages and Gambian government inefficiencies. Despite this overall gloomy situation, the team worked tirelessly in an attempt to keep things working in logistical terms. Improvisation was the order of the day-"If it doesn''t work, then fix it!"Trevor has led a remarkably interesting life, a life that has virtually taken him around the world and back again. He was a long-term career soldier who joined the army as a boy at the age of fifteen. Throughout his thirty-year military career, he worked hard and played hard, which gained him credibility, earning him many promotions until he retired in 1992 as a major.He has always strived to help those less fortunate than himself and devoted much of his spare time in helping raise much-needed funds for many charities and organizations. His literary talents have in the past resulted in him writing articles for the for the Angling Times, the Sea Angler, and the Boat Angler magazines. In 1994, he also wrote Fishing Marks for the Sea Angler: Selsey Bill to Anvil Point. Following his retirement from the army, he has written this book, How We Built the Gambia Army. The title does not fully depict what the book is about as he also writes about the many in-country, charitable events that he led whilst serving in West Africa.This fabulous book and its content are the real-life stories of actual events and is believed to be one of the best Positive Mental Attitude books in publication today.

  • av Edward Monjay

    This book is about the narrow path to salvation. Most modern day churches get this partially wrong. Few will find the true narrow path. Wide is the gate that leads to destruction. Seek life and truth. Most don''t understand repentance or use the true name of the savior (Yahshua) or Yahweh (God). It also covers true salvation, the Sabbath, proof we are in the end times and that the USA is the end time Babylon. Yahweh says the End time Babylon worships BAAL in the churches. Many other topics are included. I started out in the modern church but Yahweh began to show me the truth while examining the scriptures. I was show that most of the churches today are in error. He showed me these truths in this book.

  • av Jeri Johnson

    A teacher in the desegregated south must deal with her feelings of racism in light or her Christian testimony. Elizabeth Nolan loses her husband and daughter in an automobile accident. She never really recovers from the loss. In addition, she must deal with the added stress of teaching black students, which is something that she does not want to do.Soon a black girl that looks like her daughter enters her classroom. When Mrs. Nolan develops an emotional attachment to this girl (she actually believes that the girl is her daughter), she must not only deal with her mental issues, but she must also deal with her feelings of racism in light of her Christian testimony.

  • av Megan Bell

    This book "Our Educational Experience In The big Ten Acre Park." It shows how four children spent some days in a big park doing their homework and researched on the wildlife in the park. They had a great time and communicated very well. This book describes how they were watched over by their guardian angels when danger came near. But it shows nature is a very important part of a young persons life and they could achieve such a good time.

  • av DIL R BANU

    The history of the Semitic Religion tells us people belonging to world''s three great monotheistic religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam have inherited their faith from Abraham. Their holy scriptures-both Bible and Quran also mentioned Abraham as the father of many nations. He was also called the friend of God because he overcame many difficult trials as it is believed by the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims equally, is to sacrifice his only son of his old age by the command of God. They also believe equally God commanded Abraham to stop when he was ready with a knife to kill his tied-up son inside a thick bush. They also believe equally he was provided with a ram and commanded to sacrifice it in place of his son. But one thing they have differed completely is about the intended son of his sacrifice. Both the Jews and the Christian claim the intended son of Abraham''s sacrifice is Isaac- his younger son through his wife Sarah while the Muslims claim he is Ishmael-his firstborn through his second wife Hagar- Sarah''s Egyptian handmaid. This book describes in detail how or why this difference or discrepancy in their claim occurred based on the statements of the Bible, the Quran and the narration of the Judeo-Christian and Islamic Tradition.

  • av M D Roedema

  • av Alan Shular

  • av Dr Re David Henion

  • av Christina J Fox

  • av Fabio Dusetti

  • av Michael I Edem CM

  • av Marion Catterall

  • av Marion Catterall

  • av John David Brandenberger

    What distinguishes humans from animals is their ability to internalize an awareness of a physical reality. We don''t just react, we sense a reality, interpret it and then choose our next steps. This book "The Next Step," is a religious adventure taken by Martin January into consciousness. Martin''s life slowly unravels the reason for being. His life altering, real life experience, with another form of consciousness forces him onto a wild path. The story is a work of fiction, but it is a prescription for understanding our physical form and our eternal future. Just as Martin found that a belief in a future, beyond the physical boundaries of this life is essential for the well being of his soul, you will have the opportunity to share it. This adventure will give you a sense that you didn''t know you possessed. Enjoy the story but remember, you must take your time, if you slowly absorb each chapter you will be different. Please relax and give-in to our eternal conscious existence.         

  • - Mere Duchesne, RSCJ
    av Theresa Riley Shaw

    When Rose Philippine Duchesne was born in Grenoble, the beautiful gateway to the French Alps, in 1769, no one knew she''d eventually be canonized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church. When she went to the Sisters of the Visitation convent, Ste. Marie d''en Haut, to study for her First Holy Communion at age twelve, she consecrated herself to God. That was the happiest day of her life. At age eighteen, she asked to join the sisters, and while her father did not approve at first, he eventually began to realize how happy Philippine was. During the French Revolution, the government outlawed any and all religious congregations, so all convents, monasteries, and Catholic schools were closed. Philippine kept busy teaching her cousins, visiting the sick, and teaching catechism to the poor children she met in the streets. Finally, after twelve years of praying and hoping to go to the New World, in 1817, Bishop William Valentine DuBourg, bishop of Louisiana, came to visit the convent to ask for help for his American missions. Philippine threw herself at his feet and begged to be invited, and against all odds, she established religious communities in the United States to spread the word of the Lord.

  • av Michele Voss

    Molly, an adorable meerkat who loves to dance, learns a valuable lesson about responsibility.Meerkats are small burrowing mammals that live in the desert areas of Africa. They are socialand live in groups of about 25 individuals. Young meerkats learn by observing and mimickingadult behavior. While others are looking for food or playing outside the burrow, a "sentry" meerkat stands guard, watching for predators. When a predator is spotted, the sentry gives a warning bark,and members of the group scatter or run into one of the many connecting holes leading into the burrow. Michelle Voss is a retired elementary teacher and a parent of three children. As a teacher and parent, sheunderstand the impact books have on children. She wanted to write a book with a whimsical character that teaches an important lesson.She lives in San Diego, California with her husband, three cats, and spoiled dog.

  • av Dorian Grey

    The ethereal mansion looms under the dusky sky Thunder crashes, lightning flashes Through the dull colors of the enlightened Entering the mansionYour Senses roamLike vultures in the desert heat Closed eyes Opened mind Receiving hands Grounded feet Come on in, pace about, stand in one place, kneel on the carpet or sit in a chair However you wish to posture yourself, just remember, to be silent, listen and be open to all that haunts this mansion  Do not be afraid for all that lurks in these halls and walls, for they are not here to harm but to help Come, move with the shadows Come, move through the visions Open the doors of perception Embrace the Ethereal Mansion.

  • av Ida Dean

    This book contains an abundant of practical and valuable information for the person interested in maintaining a healthy body, mind, and soul. All of this can be made possible under the directions of the Great Physician. Readers will emerge with a deeper understanding of the value of theology. They will also emerge with a greater understanding of the holistic body, the works of the Great Physician, and His love for us are major Prescriptions. Topics for exploring: ? Power of Forgiveness ? Peace of Mind ? Climbing the Stairway to Heaven? 

  • av Kristina Orliczky

  • - A Strategic Guide for Employment
    av Dona Woodley

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