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  • - Essence and Sanskrit Grammar
    av Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal

    Aitareya is one of the earliest Upanishads and is attributed to sage Mahidasa Aitareya. It consists of five sections, viz. sections 21 to 25. These sections form the 4th, 5th, and 6th chapters of the 2nd part of the Rigveda Aranyaka. For the young student the ¿¿¿¿¿¿ Samhita verses. the householder the ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ Brahmana verses. the retired the ¿¿¿¿¿¿ Aranyaka verses. the sannyasi the ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ Upanishad verses.Young Student = one who is yet being cared for by parents.Householder = one who is in the thick of earning, raising a family, or actively engaged in society.Retired = one who is out of the grind and living on savings.Sannyasi = one who is free in mind and light at heart.These four phases are not separated in time or by age. These may occur in any order in a man's life, sometimes concurrent, sometimes distinct. One may have the Sannyasa experience earlier and get thrown into the Householder struggle later. It happens. The key point to understand is that these are states of the mind, heart, intellect and emotion, and one's relationships in society.Using simple yet elegant words, the Rishi narrates the story of creation from the Big Bang onward. The complete paraphernalia for its functioning is described, also the biology of man's birth. An incisive statement is made that points to the undeniable fact "Opposite Values are Complementary in Nature".Its mahavakya is prajñ¿nä brahma, i.e. Consciousness = the Divine = the Supreme.¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿ ¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿ ¿.¿.¿so'sy¿yam¿tm¿ püyebhyä karmabhyä pratidh¿yate ¿ ath¿sy¿yamitara ¿tm¿ k¿tak¿tyo vayogatä praiti ¿ sa itä prayanneva punarj¿yate tadasya t¿t¿yä janma ¿ 2.1.4The soul travels through bodies. It also travels through traits and virtues. Since a Soul gets known and remembered in diverse ways Through physical lineage. Through propagation of ideals. Through celebration of festivals and anniversaries.Hence that is known as the Undying Birth.Giving the example of sage Vamadeva who attained enlightenment, a devotee is inspired and empowered to embark on an inward journey…For the Sanskrit Enthusiast, each verse is given in Devanagari, with a Latin transliteration, and Padacheda. Many verses have vibhakti-cases and word meaning.

  • - Essence and Sanskrit Grammar
    av Ashwini Kumar JN Aggarwal

  • - Essence and Sanskrit Grammar
    av Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal

    Mundaka Upanishad is from the Gopatha-Brahmana of the Atharva Veda. Whereas its Samhita portion survives in two recensions, after sages Paippalada and Shaunaka, the Brahmana portion available today is only of sage Gopatha.Mundaka Upanishad gets its name from "a head shaved of all heavy botheration". By the sincere study of this Upanishad, one's mind resolves all troubles, difficulties seem trifles. It quenches the thirst of the sincere seeker and in beautiful verse satiates the heart of the ardent aspirant.Mundaka is especially written for the man who is willing to rise above the crowd, whose performance in daily life is extraordinary, who is willing to work harder than his colleagues. It is for the soul who uses his talents to be creative and productive, and is at the same time thirsting for the tatra s¿ryo bh¿ti na candrat¿rakä nem¿ vidyuto bh¿nti kuto'yamagni¿ ¿ tameva bh¿ntamanubh¿ti sarvä tasya bh¿s¿ sarvamidä vibh¿ti ¿ There no sensory light reaches, that is fathomless, silent and still. There is no distinction there, no features of any sort even when examined under the blazing sun or the cool moonlight or even the farthest star. Purity is a seamless whole, that the light of intellect does not grasp, nor does lightening illumine. Then how could our small candle flames or fancy torches or puny ego reach there? By Brahman is the functioning of men and machines, By it is governed the tempest and the breeze. All is made brilliant by its kindly light, all of us touch glory under its shade. Any victory or fame is due to its grace. Any win is its will. All powerhouses are powered by it, Man becomes a king or saint due to its kindness.For the Sanskrit grammar enthusiast, each verse is given in original Devanagari with a Latin transliteration and Padacheda. Anvaya and Cases are listed for many verses.

  • av Atman In Ravi

  • - Relevant Ashtadhyayi Sutras, Vartikas, Karikas, GanaSutras, Tags & Indexes
    av Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal

    The key to proper grasp of Sanskrit Grammar, especially the formation of Verbs from Roots, lies in a sound understanding of1. Maheshwar Sutras2. Pratyahara3. Place and Effort of Enunciation4. Homogeneous Letters5. Sandhi Rules6. Tag Letters of Dhatus and last but not the least7. Knowing the FINAL Letter of each Dhatu and8. Knowing the PENULTIMATE Letter of each Dhatu.All of this has been lucidly explained and properly delved into, with a note on the Ashtadhyayi Sutras needed in deriving and conjugating Verbs. Dhatus have been listed in correct Panini order.Moreover,9. The Identical Roots across Conjugations have been properly Indexed.10. Roots have been Indexed based on each Tag Letter - Anubandha.11. Internal Grouping of Roots has been given with Dhatu markers From - To.12. KandvAdi Gana Roots have also been listed.This makes the book unique and a useful text for students of Vyakarana at the College and University Level. It also serves the purpose of the Vedanta Learners, especially those wishing to become intimate with the Language.

  • av Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal

    The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali are a fundamental text on the practice of Integrated Living, Attaining Fitness and Joy, and preparing oneself for Liberation. Even today, such practices are alive in Ashrams, Gurukuls and Villages. Many enlightened Masters have taught and are teaching such values across the globe. It is hoped that this book, re-interpreted in the context of modern thinking and lifestyle will encourage Educational Institutions, the Medical Fraternity and Administrators worldwide to see how well the practice of Yoga, especially Pranayama and Meditation can be approached and deployed with success. Mankind's prayer and Gurudev Sri Sri's vision of "a disease-free body, quiver-free breath, stress-free mind, inhibition-free intellect, obsession-free memory, ego that includes all, and soul which is free from sorrow" can then be easily realized. This book is also written with a view to its adaptation in Sanskrit Grammar colleges, as the words in each Sutra have been identified with meaning. The original Sanskrit text is given with a Latin transliteration and an English commentary.atha yog¿nü¿sanam. 1 1.1 Now the Directive for a Yogic Life

  • - Conjugation Tables for 9 Parasmaipada 9 Atmanepada Lat LRt Lot Lang VLing RUPAS for All 1943 Dhatus. Includes Lat Karmani & Nishtha Forms
    av Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal

    This book is a seminal work on the Dhatupatha of Panini, Roots of the Sanskrit Language. It contains Sanskrit text and English commentary. It includes Accents and Meanings for each Root.Verbs are the backbone of any sentence. How may one write or understand a Sanskrit sentence without knowing the exact spelling of Verbs? This was our motive when we began writing this book.1. Verb Conjugation Tables are given for the 5 Lakaras that are prominent in literature and are in daily use in the Modern context. Lat Present Tense, LRt Future Tense, Lot Imperative Mood, Lang Past Tense, VidhiLing Potential Mood.Relevant Ashtadhyayi Sutra is indicated whenever a Dhatu is complex to conjugate. For Ubhayepadi Dhatus, both Parasmaipada and Atmanepada forms are listed.2. Additionally the Reader is introduced to the Lat Passive Voice forms for each Root.3. Nishtha Participles for each Root are also given - a kRt affix, to make the book useful and complete.4. All the Roots are listed in correct Panini order as in a standard Dhatupatha. This makes it really easy to locate any Root.5. Two Alphabetical Indexes are given, one of Dhatus-with-Tag letters, and another of Dhatus-ready-for-Conjugation. A great help for looking up hard to find Roots.6. Verb Forms for all Roots have been printed without asking the reader to refer to a previous Root. The work is in three Volumes.Vol1 Contains Roots of gana 1c to 5c, Dhatu Serial Number 1 to 1280.Vol2 Contains Roots of gana 6c to 10c, Dhatu Serial Number 1281 to 1943.Vol3 Contains Dhatupatha, KandvAdi Gana, Relevant Ashtadhyayi Sutras, Vartikas, Karikas, Sautra Dhatus, GanaSutras, Tag Letters and Indexes.The person (third person HE, second person YOU, etc.) and number (singular ONE APPLE, plural THREE APPLES, etc.) that are commonly used in English Grammar for sentence syntax, structure and meaning are Conjugated in Sanskrit within the Verb itself. This means that the person (SHE, IT, etc.) and number (BOTH ITEMS, MANY ITEMS, etc.) are not separate words in a Sanskrit sentence. The Verb in a Sanskrit sentence contains such information intrinsically. This is done by taking a Verb Stem and applying suffixes to it in a matrix of 3x3.The correct spelling of each Verb in 3 persons and numbers makes it a highly useful Edition for Grammar Schools and Vedanta Gurukuls. A must have guide for graduate and post-graduate students of Vyakarana and Sanskrit Grammar.

  • - Conjugation Tables for 9 Parasmaipada 9 Atmanepada Lat LRt Lot Lang VLing RUPAS for All 1943 Dhatus. Includes Lat Karmani & Nishtha Forms
    av Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal

    This book is a seminal work on the Dhatupatha of Panini, Roots of the Sanskrit Language. It contains Sanskrit text and English commentary. It includes Accents and Meanings for each Root.Verbs are the backbone of any sentence. How may one write or understand a Sanskrit sentence without knowing the exact spelling of Verbs? This was our motive when we began writing this book.1. Verb Conjugation Tables are given for the 5 Lakaras that are prominent in literature and are in daily use in the Modern context. Lat Present Tense, LRt Future Tense, Lot Imperative Mood, Lang Past Tense, VidhiLing Potential Mood. Relevant Ashtadhyayi Sutra is indicated whenever a Dhatu is complex to conjugate. For Ubhayepadi Dhatus, both Parasmaipada and Atmanepada forms are listed. 2. Additionally the Reader is introduced to the Lat Passive Voice forms for each Root.3. Nishtha Participles for each Root are also given - a kRt affix, to make the book useful and complete.The work is in three Volumes, with Roots listed in the correct Panini order.Vol1 Contains Roots of gana 1c to 5c, Dhatu Serial Number 1 to 1280.Vol2 Contains Roots of gana 6c to 10c, Dhatu Serial Number 1281 to 1943.Vol3 Contains Dhatupatha, KandvAdi Gana, Relevant Ashtadhyayi Sutras, Vartikas, Karikas, Sautra Dhatus, GanaSutras, Tag Letters and Indexes.The person (third person HE, second person YOU, etc.) and number (singular ONE APPLE, plural THREE APPLES, etc.) that are commonly used in English Grammar for sentence syntax, structure and meaning are Conjugated in Sanskrit within the Verb itself. This means that the person (SHE, IT, etc.) and number (BOTH ITEMS, MANY ITEMS, etc.) are not separate words in a Sanskrit sentence. The Verb in a Sanskrit sentence contains such information intrinsically. This is done by taking a Verb Stem and applying suffixes to it in a matrix of 3x3. The correct spelling of each Verb in 3 persons and numbers makes it a highly useful Edition for Grammar Schools and Vedanta Gurukuls. A must have guide for graduate and post-graduate students of Vyakarana and Sanskrit Grammar.

  • - Accented Roots with English Meanings and Verbs iii/1 forms in Present Tense
    av Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal

    The Dhatupatha of Panini gives 1943 dhatus. These are the building blocks of Sanskrit, known as the Roots of the Language. This book gives all the 1943 roots with Accents. Alternate listing of some dhatus makes the total count as 2056. However the Dhatu Serial Number is preserved so that looking up a dhatu in another book becomes easy.The Anudata, Udata and Svarita accent on a dhatu is usually not available in printed dhatupathas, so this book is a welcome addition for the Sanskrit enthusiast. In some cases the relevant Ashtadhyayi sutra is mentioned when a dhatu is difficult to conjugate.Each Root is given the classifications of - Parasmaipada / Atmanepada / Ubhayepada P/A/U - Set / Anit / Vet - Transitive / Intransitive - the iii/1 Verb rupa(s) for Present Tense Active Voice is listed for each RootIn addition, there are the following sections to make the book useful - A short Dhatu Identity to quickly look up the relevant details of any Root - A possible English Meaning for each Root - Dhatupatha as used for Chanting/MemorizationThere are two indexes that do a complete job of locating any Root - Alphabetical Index on original dhatus as in Dhatupatha of Panini with tag letters - Standard Alphabetical Index on dhatus ready to be conjugated to Verbs stripped of tag lettersWell written Appendices containing the Maheshwar Sutras, the Devanagari Alphabet, and about Panini; make this book a sought for edition by the Academician or the Scholar.Immensely useful for graduate and post graduate students of Vyakarana or Vedanta.

  • av Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal

    This book gives all the 1943 Roots in correct Panini order with Accents (Anudata, Udata and Svarita), preserving the Dhatu Serial Number so that looking up a dhatu in another dhatupatha becomes easy.English meaning for each Root is given.Each Root is given the classifications of - Parasmaipada / Atmanepada / Ubhayepada - Set / Anit / Vet - Transitive / Intransitive / Dvikarmaka - iii/1 Verb rupa for Present Tense Active Voice is listed for each RootInternal Grouping of Roots is clearly mentioned.Relevant Ashtadhyayi Sutra is listed for Roots that are difficult to conjugate.To make the book useful there are two indexes that do a complete job of locating any Root - Alphabetical Index on original dhatus as in Dhatupatha of Panini with tag letters - Standard Alphabetical Index on dhatus ready to be conjugated to Verbs stripped of tag lettersThis book is a standard size edition. Immensely useful for graduate and post graduate students of Vyakarana or Vedanta.

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