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Bøker utgitt av Crosslink Publishing

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  • av John Zavicar

    The Gospel author stories of Matthew, Mark, and Luke are tall tales spun very early in church history to support a takeover of the Church of Jesus Christ. These three authors are widely accepted as the truth even though there is no evidence to confirm them. Read and study the evidence of the fraud presented here and find out the truth for yourself. The real authors bring confidence to the story of Jesus.

  • av Trish Dukes

    "COMFORT ONE ANOTHER with the same comfort by which you were comforted." This mandate from 2 Corinthians to all believers was revealed to the writer in a vision many years ago, and is portrayed in this book cover. Life has shown her that no matter how weak or strong we are, whether we are walking with the Lord or not, there will be times we all fall down and yearn for someone to reach out, help us stand again, and point us to the Cross, our only hope. The writer shares her faith journey while challenging and encouraging others to run the race with endurance and joy by holding fast to God's Word and the Savior's hand.

  • av Reina Davison

    Do you know someone who is involved in an abusive relationship?Is that person trapped in an abusive relationship but doesn't know where or how to begin to get help?Do you want to help but don't know how to best help?Does that person want to heal from an abusive relationship?Do you want to help to stop the abuse and help that person learn how to live an abuse-free life?Overcoming Abuse: Embracing Peace Volume III is an encyclopedic guidebook for helpers of victims of abuse that answers these poignant questions (and others) while bringing to light the gravity and dynamics of the problem-abuse. The veiled abuser, victim, and society's characteristics that contribute to the prevalence of unresolved family violence are exposed. Through Clinical Faith-based skills the helper is able to provide hope and prevention for victims whose safety is threatened and who are experiencing the trauma of abuse. The victim is encouraged to take possession of her life! Treatment modalities are provided with interventions for the victim and those interested in helping the victim in civilian and military jurisdiction. The helper is guided to facilitate healing and offer the choice to end the abuse. The result: As an overcomer of her abuse-she is assisted to permanently remove herself, children, and others from abusive relationships. The victim becomes-an Overcomer of her and her future generations' abuse!

  • av Reina Davison

    Are you wondering if you are involved inan abusive relationship? Are you trapped in an abusive relationship but don't know where or how to begin to get help? Do you know someone who is involved in an abusive relationship but don't know how to best help? Do you want to heal from an abusive relationship? Do you want to stop your abuse and learn how to live an abuse-free life? Overcoming Abuse: Embracing Peace Volume I is an encyclopedic guidebook that answers these poignant questions (and others) while bringing to light the gravity of the problem-abuse. The path is enlightened for the victim. She is enheartened to take possession of her life! Self-told stories of triumphant victims that have overcome their abuse are revealed; as the victim is guided to an abuse-free life. Detailed treatment strategies are provided through Clinical and Faith-based approaches for the victim and those interested in helping the victim. The result: As an overcomer of her abuse-she becomes-the woman God intended her to be!

  • av Anne Morse

    If you had a chance to see what the world would be like had you never been born, would you conclude you had lived a wonderful life?This advent devotional, based on the classic film, It's a Wonderful Life, will help you discern the answer. Day by day, readers will discover, not only what a well-lived life looks like, but also how they can help their own communities become less like Pottersville and more like Bedford Falls.

  • av T. F. Igler

    The subject of the book is more than numbers and dates. The author hopes, beyond facts and figures, that the reader will perceive the book exalts God's plan, "which is the mother of us all." Galatians 4:26, even his "Word." John 1:1. Prophesied predeterminations of God, ingrained in chronology, speak of God's Omniscience and Omnipotence. The nearing end-season of man's rule moves this subject to the rank of "present truth." How blessed to read and understand; knowing you are a principal in unity with the Creator's will and intent.

  • av Giorgi Manuel Giorgi

  • av Funk Shelly Funk & Fleming Stephanie Fleming

  • av Braun Curtis Braun

    The Apostle Paul tells us to defend and not be ashamed of the Gospel. Jude tells us to contend for the faith. Jesus tells us to give our life for the sake of Him and the Gospel. Baptismal regeneration in the Lutheran church is a false gospel which stands in opposition to the doctrine of regeneration and Christ's call to saving faith. This book will exegetically expound why baptismal regeneration is a false gospel and conclude with Christ's evangelistic call to follow Him in saving faith. Martin Luther did not properly distinguish and separate water baptism and baptism with the Holy Spirit. This error has led to a misunderstanding of the baptism with the Holy Spirit which has led to a misunderstanding of regeneration which has ultimately led to an errant understanding of water baptism in salvation in the Lutheran Church. This book will highlight this fatal misunderstanding as Martin Luther erroneously replaced regeneration with baptismal regeneration by not properly separating water baptism and baptism with the Holy Spirit."This book is a Bible saturated response within the broad Reformed tradition to the notion that regeneration may be assumed in someone having undergone the right sacramental ritual, though giving no Biblically sanctioned evidence of said regeneration. Curtis writes with the intensity and passion of someone who understands himself to have been rescued from precisely this error. In my opinion, he makes a strong Biblical case for his broadly stated position."-Randal S. AndersonPastor of First Evangelical Free Church of Sioux Falls

  • av Reyes David Reyes

  • av Milton Cyrus Milton

  • av Timothy Hankinson

    This children's soccer book takes lessons from the game, practices, attitude, motivation and areas of player development that makes a 6-12 year old a better soccer player, person and teammate. This first theme is "No one gets left behind" which includes balls and cones, etc.Experience the excitement of youth soccer through the eyes of a cone named Plato and his timeless adventures.

  • - Cultivating Life's Journey for Harvest
    av Essienubong Midohoabasi Essienubong

    The principle of sowing and reaping begins at conception and remains a continuous part of our lives. Our daily encounters are the harvest of our previous plantings. The enjoyment or endurance of today's harvest is based on yesterday's seeds. Likewise, the seed s that we plant today will be reflected in tomorrow's harvest.

  • av Hixson Matt Hixson

    The tension between God's sovereignty and our choice is illustrated by Peter's steps on the water. Peter realizes Jesus provides the power, but he must contribute his faith. He must walk out to Jesus courageously. Jesus' verdict on Peter's action is that he has a degree of faith but needs to work on doubt. For us to walk on the water and overcome evil, we must make a free-will decision to put our faith in the master. Like a stepping stone in the sea, he will then guide our path.

  • av Mary Olufunmilayo Adekson

  • av Christiana Walker

    My story is fairly well-known online. I am far from being alone in being angry at psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry and the chaos and confusion and problems caused. I am living in Canada, still alive, even though they nearly killed me by taking my sanity, my looks, my skills and abilities, my reputation and my personality. And yet, despite all of that, I know I am meant to live. The strength and resilience of the spirit can always triumph over the frailty and disappointments of this world.

  • av Wanda Harris Newman
    138 - 246,-

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