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  • av Gary Dunker

    (11 sessions) Behind the historical details and the epic battles recorded in the Book of Joshua lies a covenant of grace, God's promise that He made with Abraham and his descendents forever. Although covering a time span of only about thirty years, the Book of Joshua points forward in time to another Joshua-Jesus of Nazareth-who's coming is significant forever. In both rite and event, Joshua both anticipates the fulfillment of Abraham's promise in Christ. In this study you will learn:¿the importance of the land promised to Abraham and its connection to and fulfillment in the coming Messiah;¿the seriousness of sin as exemplified by the destruction of the great city of Jericho and of the inhabitants of Canaan;¿the sweetness of God's grace as shown to those finding sanctuary in the cities of refuge and especially to Rahab and her family.

  • av Stephen D. Hower

    Dare to Be Different in the New Life Bible study series offers encouragement and practical suggestions for those who desire to be more faithful in their life of confessing Christ. This six-session study includes: No-Threat ChristiansOnly a ChristianNo Contest-Wielding the SwordKnow Your EnemyAn Attitude of GratitudeThe World Has ChangedMission, Values, and Vision

  • av Becky Schuricht Peters

    A down-to-earth resource to help teachers build strategies for their student's faith development. Offers suggestions for preparing age-appropriate lessons and activities.

  • av Concordia Publishing House

  • av H Armin Moellering

    A commentary on 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon by Victor A. Bartling.

  • - Devotions for Every Day of the Year
    av N J Laache

    A classic Lutheran work of personal devotion and spirituality, this volume is translation from the original Norwegian of N.J. Laache's collection of readings from the Scripture with meditations for every day, based on the historic one-year lectionary, through the Church Year, beginning with the first Sunday in Advent. There are prayers for evening and morning at the end of the book to assist families and individuals in their daily devotions. N. J. Laache was a widely read and beloved Norwegian Lutheran pastor.

  • av Hermann Sasse

    Despite studying under Harnack, Holl and old Liberalism, Hermann Sasse became a prominent figure in confessional Lutheranism by the time of World War I. He was a prominent figure in the German ecumenical movement for years and untiringly advocated that real unity could only be the result of real doctrinal agreement. He had the respect of Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans and the Reformed alike. In his later years, Sasse believed that the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod was the last hope for world confessional Lutheranism and dedicated his efforts to raising the Synod's consciousness of its worldwide significance. This collection of the writings of Hermann Sasse is comprised, with several exceptions, of materials never before published in English. This volume compiles material from 1941 through 1976, including articles, papers, essays, theses, lectures, and pastoral letters.

  • av Arthur C Repp

    This volume remains the most definitive study and discussion of the rite of confirmation in the Lutheran Church. In recent years there has been a renewed interest in offering Holy Communion to children at an earlier age, as was the practice in the Lutheran Church up to the time when Pietism and then Rationalism elevated the rite of Confirmation to a near-sacramental nature. This volume was commissioned by The Missouri Synod's Board of Parish Education and addressed the concerns then that remain today: how best to offer formal instruction in the faith to the church's young people in such a manner that it helps them grow in the grace of their Lord Jesus Christ and into Christian maturity.

  • av Carl S Mundinger

    This work remains the classic and formative study of the development of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod's system of church organization and governance. The analysis in this volume has proven over the years to be of ongoing interest and the cause even of controversy and disagreement, as The Missouri Synod continues the task of understanding how best to organize itself for work in a country where there are no regulations and forms imposed on it by a central governing or ecclesiastical authority. It is as timely, if not more so, than ever before.

  • av Theodore Laetsch

    This classic Lutheran commentary on the Old Testament, Minor Prophets, by Dr. Theodore Laetsch, opens the work of Jeremiah, with a focus on the fact that he wrote by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ testifying through him (1 Peter 1:11).

  • av Theodore Laetsch

    This classic Lutheran commentary on the Prophet Jeremiah's writings, by Dr. Theodore Laetsch, opens the work of Jeremiah, with a focus on the fact that he wrote by the inspiraton of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ testifying through him (1 Peter 1:11).

  • av William F Arndt

    The great Lutheran New Testament scholar, William F. Arndt, the editor of the great Bauer New Testament lexicon, offers in this commentary, commissioned by The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a commentary that underscores the Gospel of Christ, as the "blessed message that not only is true, but also is the cure for the ills afflicting society and individuals."

  • av George Stoeckhardt

    George Stoeckhardt was a brilliant young scholar from Germany who brought to The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod the riches of classic Lutheran biblical studies, in a way that made him an extremely popular parish preacher and seminary professor, widely known and respected for his skill with the original language of the New Testament and the ability to teach clearly the meaning of the text for the life of the Church and the Christian.

  • av Richard W. Bimler

    More than 60 humorous devotional essays quaranteed to put a joyful bounce in the reader's Christian walk through this life. Includes "Thought Reflections" to help readers practice happy, healthy faith life.

  • av Jeannine E Olson

    This book traces the history of deacons and deaconesses from the first century to the present creating an important resource for understanding the modern diaconate.Deacons and Deaconesses through the Centuries is comprehensive denominationally and geographically, drawing on sources from Europe, America, and the world that previously have not been brought together in one book. This ecumenical study covers the restoration of the permanent diaconate after World War II, the rise of international diaconal associations, and deacons as a topic of interchurch dialogues such as the Lutheran-Reformed and the Lutheran-Episcopal.Historical documentation is provided in accessible form and the most current developments in living Christian churches are described, including the Lutheran, Catholic, Episcopalian, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Mennonite, Orthodox, and Reformed church bodies. Discussion of the diaconate covers the activities of deacons and deaconesses in teaching, preaching, liturgy, and social welfare, as well as the offices that have evolved, such as subdeacons, readers, and acolytes.Deacons and Deaconesses also discusses the role deacons played in charitable endeavors, thus addressing the social welfare stance of the church in particular epochs. The book covers both deacons and diakonia or service. Thus the book looks at the service activities related to Christian churches or performed by Christians whether the title "deacon" was used. In addition, commentary is included that covers what is actually happening in churches today that may not yet be part of recorded history, thus providing a thoroughly contemporary study that enriches and informs the discussion of the modern diaconate.This is the revised edition of One Ministry, Many Roles.

  • av Norman C Habel

    A commentary on Jeremiah and Lamentations aimed at the advanced lay reader or pastor, with the goal of applying the meaning of the Biblical text to contemporary issues and concerns.

  • av Ralph David Gehrke

    A commentary on 1-2 Samuel aimed at the advanced lay reader or pastor, with the goal of applying the meaning of the Biblical text to contemporary issues and concerns.

  • av Frances Pieper

    A translation of Christliche Dogmatik with an index arranged by subject matter, author, and Bible reference. Volume 4 (Index) is arranged by subject matter, author, and Bible reference. Translated by T. Engelder, J. T. Mueller & W. W. F. Albrecht

  • av Juan T Mueller

    A helpful handbook of doctrinal theology based on Francis Pieper's Christliche Dogmatik. This single volume presents the voluminous material in Pieper's work in a clear, concise, complete, and practical manner for the use of theology students. Translation into Spanish by Doctor Andrés A. Meléndez. Sections include Nature and concept of theology Holy Scripture God Creation Divine providence Angels Man Sin Freedom of the will God's grace Christ Soteriology Saving faith Conversion Justification Sanctification Means of grace Law and Gospel Baptism Lord's Supper the Universal church the Visible church the Public ministry Eternal election Eschatology

  • av James W Voelz
    1 146,-

    Fundamental Greek Grammar: 4th Revised Edition provides the basis for solid instruction in New Testament Greek vocabulary, morphology, and syntax. It takes a fundamental approach, moving from the known to the unknown, from the easy to the more difficult. Dr. Voelz understands that learning a complex language is difficult, and he seeks to explain things in detail every step of the way. Fundamental Greek Grammar: 4th Edition includes vocabulary, paradigms, principal parts, exercises with answer key, pertinent Bible passages, and more.Updated edition features "English Review for Greek," a refresher of English grammar basics.


    A 26-lesson study guide on Luther's Small Catechism. Sections cover the Law and Gospel, Apostles's Creed, the Lord´s Prayer, the sacraments, Martin Luther, The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and more. Lessons provide hymns, prayers, proof texts and a review.

  • - Job/Compassion in Calamity
    av Dirk A Van Der Linde

    (8 sessions) Why do the just suffer? Where is God in the midst of loss, illness, ridicule and defeat? Those questions probe deeply into the heart of every person, and all too often demand ready answers in our uniquely human, and sometimes painful, experience. Job's true story of God's grace in the midst of his profound suffering will teach you: the purpose of adversity in the lives of the faithful;the role of Satan regarding our relationship with God;the hope and strength we have through the promise of our Redeemer.Each study in the God's Word for Today series provides an in-depth exploration of a book of the Bible. Each session includes: background information on the book of the Bible, its author, audience, occasion, and purpose;learning experiences that promote exciting and challenging discussions;notes for leaders that answer questions, suggest a learning process, and provide additional information;discussion starters that help participants apply God's Word to their daily lives.

  • av Kenneth T Kosche

    "They've asked me to direct the choir but I don't really know what I'm doing.""I'm the new pastor here and I'd like to help the choir. Nothing musical is happening right now. How can we get something going?""They heard I played clarinet and figured I knew something about music, so I should lead the choir. Can you help?""My husband took a call as pastor to this congregation, and now I'm expected to lead the choir. I've only sung in choirs and now I'm the director. What do I do?"Real solutions for real situations can be found in this helpful resource. Understanding your singers as ordinary people is critically important. Learn how to achieve a basic choral sound, and to effectively conduct your volunteer ensemble, and to utilize an accompanist. Countless resources are available for music literature and a list of professional and denominational organizations are listed to assist you in your ministry endeavors. Dr. Kenneth T. Kosche, Professor of Music emeritus of Concordia University Wisconsin, served as director of choral activities at the university and has been a lifelong parish musician.

  • av Alberto L Garcia

    Esta publicación es el primer volumen de los escritos de Lutero sobre el Antiguo Testamento traducido al español directamente del latín. Este primer volumen, de una serie de dos, juega un papel importante en la transmisión de las obras de Lutero en Latinoamérica en vísperas de la celebración de los 500 años de la Reforma.Las conferencias de Lutero sobre los Profetas Menores no son poca cosa. Ellas reflejan el crisol de tribulaciones en la vida de Lutero durante ese período. Así como estos comentarios clarifican la enseñanza de los Profetas Menores, así también revelan la vida de este profesor en un tiempo definido del movimiento de la Reforma. "Se reconoce a Martín Lutero como un valiente reformador de la iglesia cristiana. Sus escritos brotan con gran pasión para proclamar a Jesucristo como el centro de la fe cristiana. Lo que no se conoce tanto en el mundo latino es que Lutero fue mayormente profesor del Antiguo Testamento en su obra académica. Sus escritos en esa área no han sido en su mayoría traducidos al castellano. Se ofrece este volumen -traducido del latín- como un pequeño paso para remediar esta situación."Se muestra en esta obra la madurez de Lutero como traductor de las Escrituras, su profundo conocimiento del idioma hebreo, del arte de la retórica, del idioma de su pueblo, y de los más destacados comentaristas del Antiguo Testamento. Se observa, sobre todo, a un Lutero con una intensa vocación pastoral."En este escrito brilla su afirmación de la justificación por la fe. Es bajo el amor incondicional de Dios que todos los seres humanos son llamados a nueva vida. Bajo esta enseñanza se encuentra una antropología cristiana realista, donde Lutero destaca el pecado de todos los seres humanos que vive en tensión ante el amor y la gracia de Dios. Ese amor y gracia es mucho mayor que el pecado de toda la humanidad."Esperamos que el lector sea inspirado por esta pasión evangélica que brilla en estos comentarios y sobre todo que descubra en Lutero una profunda vocación pastoral."-Rev. Alberto L. García, PhD, Profesor de Teología Emérito, Concordia University Wisconsin"Martin Luther is recognized as a courageous reformer of the Christian church. His works are brimming with his great passion for proclaiming Jesus Christ to be the center of the Christian faith. Lesser known in Latino circles is that Luther was first and foremost an Old Testament scholar in the world of academia. His writings on the subject have, for the most part, not been translated into Spanish. This volume - translated from the Latin - is offered as one small step toward remedying this situation."Luther's maturity as a Bible translator and his deep familiarity with the Hebrew language, the art of rhetoric, the language of his people, and the most noteworthy Old Testament commentators are demonstrated in this work. Above all, Luther can be seen as having an intense pastoral vocation.

  • av Eugene Klug

    Dr. Klug has mined the voluminous writings of Luther to clarify Luther's understanding of church and ministry and has shown that, centuries later, Luther's views have shaped specific church bodies such as The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod and particularly its leading founder, C. F. W. Walther.Divided in three parts the book looks atthe churchthe ministryan understanding of church and ministryDr. Klug interviews more than three dozen people who lend great interest and further clarification to the discussions in part 3. Although the interviewees may differ with Luther, amazingly, they agree as to what Luther says about church and ministry.The same is true of the 'other interpreters' in the final chapter. A balanced analysis that recognizes the doctrine of the ministry, as well as the rights and role of the congregation.

  • av Tom Hardt

    The Lutheran doctrine of the real presence expounds how God interacts with us substantially today and how the salvation won by Christ on the cross is distributed to us in Word and Sacrament and received by faith. Explore the doctrine of the Sacrament through copious citations from the earliest church fathers, Aquinas, and the Scholastics; Luther and Melanchthon; and Brenz, Andreae, Chemnitz, and Laurentius Petri of Sweden.Hardt's detailed analysis reveals the rich nuances of Luther's sacramental theology, which is rooted in Scripture, and encourages renewed appreciation for The Venerable and Adorable Eucharist.

  • av Thomas Buck

    God's Old Testament people is designed for ninth grade students. It can be used for grades ten, eleven and twelve. The course provides a chronological overview of the Old Testament. It contains a strong emphasis on God's covenant people, and their responses to His convenant. 13 units. 90 sessions.

  • av David Widenhofer

    This quarter course in the High School Bible Curriculum series helps students develop trust in Christ as Lord and Savior through a detailed study of John's Gospel. Teaching plans for 45 sessions. Accompanying component - Student book - #22-2257. More about the Christian High School Bible Curriculum series: These fresh, compelling Bible studies offer a complete curriculum for high school religion class or high school youth Bible study. The curriculum covers four years and includes Bible history and life-related applications of basic Bible doctirnes. The curriculum includes one semester course and two quarter courses for each grade. The courses do not need to be complete in straight 45 or 90 sessions. The materials can be broken into smaller 5- or 10-session courses for church youth group or Bible study settings.

  • - Ecclesiastes
    av Kurt Brink

    God's Word for Today: Ecclesiastes Each study in the God's Word for Today series provides an in-depth exploration of a book of the Bible. Each session includes: background information on the book of the Bible, its author, audience, occasion, and purpose; learning experiences that promote exciting and challenging discussions; notes for leaders that answer questions, suggest a learning process, and provide additional information; discussion starters that help participants apply God's Word to their daily lives. (6 sessions) A wealth of divine wisdom for daily living is available in Ecclesiastes. In this Old Testament book we can discover how the truths of King Solomon can lead us into a deeper study of all the Bible. We can learn what God, though Solomon, teaches us about: viewing and living life in a sinful world; dealing with the good and the bad in life; worship and wisdom; God's abundant grace and mercy demonstrated iin the person and life of Jesus; enjoying our earthly life and using the gifts God has given in His glory.

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